too strong for this world

in the world, life was full of ups and downs. people had a 50% chance, of starting a day bad, and another 50 starting it good.

but life still wasn't balanced, no matter how a person tried to make it. except that person, was the predecessor of the demon of lust! "woah." kyle couldn't keep his jaw closed, as he stared at the countless of notifications before him.

"t-this is just great." kyle grinned enthusiastically.

to be honest, when he first got the system along with lilith, he didn't really think much about it. but along the way, he found more reasons why the system was more than helpful.

"gangbangs huh? i didn't think the system would consider this a a gangbang."

"what a pervert system." kyle chuckled, rubbing his hands together. while laying on the soft beauties bossoms.

"ehhm!" a certain someone coughed, sending chilly waves across kyle's spine.

"ha-ha~ no offense snow." kyle quickly spoke. sometimes, he just forgot there was a cold voice in his head.

"i really did hit the jackpot this time."

[name: kyle conner]

[lv: 26]

[race: f-rank demon]

[title: successor of demon of lust(increases all lust activities by 15%)]

[strength: 42, agility: 31, stamina: 27, will: 15, intelligence: 20, hp: 100/100, xxx points: 1760/1760, killing intent: 05, resistance: 10, demon energy: 50/50]

[exp req: 200/1000]

[permanent XXX's: Lilith Conner, yua nua]

[temporary XXX's: akemi niru, Susan flora]

lust skills passive:

[charm: the skill is passive and increases user charm by 25% when starred into user's eyes females will feel extreme lustfull. note: 6% chance to work on men.]

[eyes of sin: enables the user to look into the state of a female horniness. xxx gauge: (3%)]

[demon rod (evolved): user's rod grows 1cm with every evolution and increases the level of lust when having sex. making the level of orgasm higher. note: penis will stop growing at the final stage of evolution.]

[sinful demon seed: the user's cum can heal and regenerate any illness once swallowed or cummed in a woman. making them look more younger. note: doesn't work on men.]

[lust touch: increases user's touch on females by 17% heightening their sex organs.]

[sex beast: when the system detects user has reached a certain amount of lust the user automatically becomes a sex beast. (XXX lust value:0%)]

[bond marking: enables the user to place a marking on his woman to be able to locate them wherever they'll be.]

lust skills non-passive:

[lust: once activated this skill releases a feminine aura and has a 25% chance of enrousing females within 15meter radius to be extremely horny. consumes 15 XXX point's per activation]

[cum spurt: increases the load of cum the user shoots out. consumes 10xxx points]

demon skills passive:

[demon eyes: this is a basic skill possessed by demon's which will grant them the ability to command or put someone or something in trance depending on the will. will not work on people whose will are higher than 15]

[lesser regeneration: as the weakest of demons the user possess lesser regeneration that regenerates any minor loss or damaged tissue.]

[demon skin: the user's skin has resistance to physical, magical and spiritual attacks by 5%]

demon skill non passive:

[dark flames: the user is able to summon the dark flames of the first great demon into his palms.

this flames are at the lowest stage and will evolve with each number of persons killed with it.( number of people killed: 13/500). consumes 5 demon energy for each palm.]

[transformation: for consumption of 20 demon energy. the user will transform into his demon appearance for a duration of 5 minutes. making all stats multiplied by two in this form.]

[death's call: fires dark balls of energy from both palm draining bits of the affected's life force. consumes: 30 demon energy per hand.]


[stamina regeneration: restores user's stamina full. costs 20 XXX point's.]

[Aphrodisiacs pill: once taken has a 20% chance of making females fall asleep. costs 10 XXX point's.]

[kirlin eyes: this skill can be bought, learnt, and used with 40 demon energy. it will grant the user futuristic eyesight by 3%.]

[omniguilbism ability: enables the user to understand all form of languages. requires: 20 demon energy to be bought.]

[reach LV 50 to evolve and unlock more skills]

"huh? w-what the hell! why didn't my stats grow." looking at the screen, kyle was angry.

the System clearly stated, he had levelled up to 26. but why was the screen saying different?

"shit! don't tell me this stupid system had a malfunction now of all times." kyle's heart skipped beats, more and more. as the thought of the system, malfunctioning coursed his head.

he had read a lot of novels, where the system would suddenly malfunction, when the MC was supposed to receive a huge reward. and in his case, it seems like he was one of the unlucky one's.

"the System didn't malfunction."

"but then why is the screen still displaying my old stat records?"

"it seems you didn't read everything carefully." the cold snow spoke, as a screen popped up in kyle's front.

[reach LV 50 to evolve and unlock more skills]

"b-but that didn't happen before when I levelled up."

"things have changed you're now a demon and the system has currently made some changes."

"then why the hell am i on level 26 if am still stuck on level 10?" kyle asked with a frown.

the System, always seemed to have a way to screw things up for him. it took a lot of work for him to gain those exp points, and xxx points. and now, the system cruelly made life miserable for him

"you're not stuck on lv 10."

"great that's really convincing." kyle muttered rolling his eyes to the side.

"look even if you don't realise it your body has evolved into a lv 26 demon so it has all the attributes of a lv 26 demon."

"why does it look like she's happy?" kyle could've sworn, there were hints of smiles, on snow's face as she talked.

"s-so you mean am way stronger than before?"


kyle was overjoyed, the feeling of power felt so sweet to him, that he craved more.

"much more." snow added.

"much more? what do you mean."

"well in plain you're too strong for this world." a soft familiar voice interrupted behind kyle. her two smooth hands, caressing his shoulders.

"I didn't think you'd be up by now."

"and why is that master." lilith asked in the most innocent voice, that would instantly melt the hearts of many.

"not many are strong enough to withstand that exercise we had." kyle toyed.

"hmm-hm." she giggled softly, causing her breasts to shake. "o-of course master."

she then pressed her ample breast against his back, a sinister smile planted on her seductive face.

"y-you're little brother is really a monster master it's gotten really b-ig." lilith praised kyle's member, her blood red lips planted on his neck.

"ha-ha~ I know I spent all of my energy last night."

"then let me take care of you master." kyle knew what she meant, and even though he loved sex, he still had to focus on things at hand.

"a-am sorry lilith but can't it wait?"

"what do you mean wait." her tone changed.

"you know there's a demon trying to kill me." kyle said sarcastically.

"bu-but you have me."

"ha~" kyle sighed. "I know but I also have to protect you and in order to stand a chance I have to evolve."

"but this will make you evolve." lilith furrowed her brows.

"lilith~ you know this will only slow me down i have to kill if I want to evolve."


kyle kissed her forehead, when he got up about to leave.

"hmph! you can't resist me." she instinctively moved, and placed her bubble butt on kyle's thighs, gently rocking her hips. her dark hollow eyes were so enchanting, that kyle couldn't resist, he could feel himself getting drowned.

'i'll take good care of master.' she pouted, her gigantic melons pressed against his chest. while her cherry tongue interlocked with kyle's.

"mhm." kyle groaned. they had slept for over a day, so it was morning time. the rays from the sun, illuminated the room making it warm.

'i-i can't stop.' kyle tried to stop lilith, but he couldn't do anything. he knew she was way powerful than him, so there wasn't much he could do.

"k-kyle ky-le snap out of it." a voice rang in his head his vision got hazy.

"h-huh w-where am I?" he noticed he was floating in a dark space.


"s-snow is that you? wh-where am I." kyle thought he was in lilith's illusion, as he didn't really know what illusions look like, but this felt real.

"you're in the system quick you have to get out of here I sense demon energy nearby."

"demon energy?" kyle couldn't react, as a small fist size ball of light flew into him.


'ahnn~ mhmm.' lilith moaned. rubbing the tip of kyle's cock on her clit, when she felt something odd.

'wait what~'

out from kyle's body, white light was being emitted, causing lilith to shift away.

"h-how did he do that?" lilith muttered confused.

"quick lilith we have to get out of here there's a demon nearby." kyle panicly said, but lilith just sat there staring at him weirdly.


"hu- wh-what happened."

"demon move quick!" kyle paced.

"demon how did they find us?" lilith pondered. she didn't leave her essence, or energy for the demon's to find, so how were they found.

stretching her hands, the dark fog covered all in the house. as they were transported, to a different location entirely.

inside a small sized wooden cottage. a dark fog suddenly enveloped the room, with 10 figures stepping through.

kyle looked round the room, and saw he didn't recognize it at all. it didn't look like any of the modern house in tokyo. instead it looked a cottage, in a remote village like area where he hadn't been too.

"w-what am I feeling?" he could feel an energy, he recognised in the air.

"demon energy~ I can feel it more here just where are we?" he turned to his demon wife for an answer, and her eyes were already fixed on him.

"lilith where are we?"

she didn't respond immediately, and still stared suspiciously, for about a minute. till she spoke in a rather uneasy tone.

"we-we're no longer on earth." she spoke in a heavy tone.

"n-no longer on earth? d-do you mean we're on another planet."

"yes! it's been twice now the demon found our whereabouts on earth."

"and even though I don't know how I guess it might be have sensed demon energy somewhere."

"but how? you didn't leak your energy did you."

"of course not!" lilith scoffed angrily.

"i don't know how but earth isn't safe for us anymore so I bought us here."

"and where exactly is here."
