Shadow walk

[shadow walk (lv1): the user's body becomes a shadowy figure enabling him to slip past enemies sight who's will are below your's. This skill is at it's lowest rank and can be upgraded by collecting and absorbing shadow balls (0/50). (Costs 20 demon energy to activate and can only be used twice per day.)]

As Kyle read the skill's description his mind immediately went to vladimr. Kyle knew Vladimir had a skill that allowed him use shadows, as he helped save Kyle's life with it.

So it wasn't strange, that Kyle was now really starting to think the vampire was somehow connected to his system. Until snow's voice rang in his ears.

"I don't think he has anything to do with this." Snow said.

"Huh! Why?" Kyle asked with a contorted face.

"I don't know but even though Vladimir can use shadows he can't just basically overwrite the system logs and give you a skill." Snow replied which left Kyle more confused.

"T-then how do you explain the sudden blackout by the system I was with him and why were my skills locked?" Kyle spoke with disbelief in his eyes. He had a strong feeling, that Vladimir was messing with his system somehow.

"The simple answer as for why the system malfunctioned was because it had a glitch."

"A glitch?" Kyle said surprised. He did know some MC's system had glitches along the way, because of a particular reason. But he wasn't buying the idea, that his system had a glitch at those precise moments.

"Look." Snow then continued. "It's just a hunch but I think it was a skill used." Snow added.

"A skill." Kyle said with wide eyes. "Is that even possible?" He asked snow.

"Well yes.. such a skill would definitely be hard to acquire and not to mention the fact that the user has to hone the skill to the highest stage completing different requirements and such." She paused for a moment. "But it isn't impossible to gain "

"Woah." Kyle said in shock. Just the thought, that a skill like that existed made his heart flutter. Never would've imagined, that such a skill that could deactivate his system for a while really existed.

"T-then does that mean that Vladimir has it." Kyle softly said.

"Am not certain yet but we can't rule out that possibility." Snow's voice echoed in his head, and Kyle nodded. He could clearly imagine how much of a mess he would be in, if his system suddenly malfunctioned while he was facing a higher opponent.

Kyle was now outside the hut as he was looking for his women, he found it weird how none of them were around as it just felt unusual. He'd checked the three other rooms in the hut and didn't find them there, so he decided to look around outside, thinking they might be busy with some chores.

But to his greatest surprise they were nowhere to be found outside. And he couldn't feel the connection he felt with them before, since the system malfunctioned.

'Where are they.' He wondered, as he then went back to the hut to get changed to his clothes, cause he was only on his underwear.

"Don't worry Kyle am sure they aren't in any danger." Snow assured him, but Kyle was still going to clear his doubts. As he took his clothes from the wooden chair, there laying on the was a piece of paper with some words written on it.

"Be back soon don't wait up. xoxo Lilith and the gang." Kyle read aloud. "What do they mean by be back soon." Kyle angrily said staring at the paper. He couldn't help but roll his eyes at his mischievous succubus wife, as his mind was thinking of all the things he'd do to her when she returned.

Shrugging his shoulders hopped on the bed as he lazily ate the food left on the table, prepared by his women. He could still tell it would take a long time it got dark, and there was nothing to do. So he decided to learn the light combat skill, which he found still in his trousers.

[Congratulations user has successfully learnt light combat skill.]

Kyle could feel a wave of information flooding his head, as the skill synchronized with his brain. His experience of fighting and knowledge of weapons, had now increased as he grinned evily.

"Are you having a heart attack right now." Snow sarcastically said to which Kyle rolled his eyes, as they both burst into laughter. He then talked with her for over an hour, about unimportant things.

"Someone's at the door." Snow suddenly said and Kyle could feel it too. His senses were on high alert, as he slowly made his way to the door.

"Who are you?" He said in a deep voice.

"H-help me." The person at the door barely spoke as the body fell with a thud. Kyle then immediately opened the door, feeling it wasn't a trap which snow agreed. Laying on the floor was the passed out body of a young female, stained all over with blood.


It had been about ten minutes since Kyle found an unexpected guest half dead, laying on the floor at his door. He then peeked outside for any signs of a mysterious presence, but there wasn't any. His eyes then fell back to the young female, who was currently running out of time.

"Who's she?" Kyle muttered. He didn't know if he should help the mysterious female and get answers later or leave her to die since it really wasn't his business. But one thing was for sure, and that was Kyle had to choose fast or the female would die, in a short time.

"Ahh!" Kyle grunted as he picked her up in his arms. He could feel she was incredibly light in his arms, as he carefully laid her on the soft mattress.

Looking at her, Kyle's eyes gazed at her body which was badly damaged. He could see the tip, of what seemed to be a spear stuck in her guts. He wasn't sure how deep the tip of the spear was stuck in her, so he was kinda in a dilemma. Either to pull it out from her, and then use dark flames to close up the wound.

"Don't do that." Snow immediately stopped Kyle.

"T-then what am I supposed to do am not a medic you know." Kyle rolled his eyes.

"The tip of the spear is the only thing keeping her alive right now as she has lost way too much blood. So if you pull that out now she'd surely die from blood loss."

"B-but the wound might be contaminated for all we know and doesn't that mean she could die from infection as well."

"Even though it's contaminated the infection wouldn't spread that fast through her whole system. So she's better off stuck with it still in her than you pulling it out. Snow vividly spoke. "The best thing you can do right now is to perform a blood transfusion." Snow added which made Kyle feel a bit awkward. First off, didn't know how to perform a blood transfusion and even if he did, he wasn't sure he'd any tools to do it. Secondly, and the main reason why he didn't want to transfuse his blood, to a complete stranger was because. he'd just seen her in the most messed up situation and he didn't know if theis was still a trap.

"If you're not okay with it then you shouldn't force yourself for a complete stranger." Snow coldly said and Kyle knew she was right. He'd been risking a lot lately for people he barely knew, which had ended up leaving him in one pain or another. But looking at this young female's face, laying on the bed almost dead his heart ached. And he couldn't help but think have stopped the death, of a person.

"We're all strangers in this world." Kyle gently muttered. "Snow do you know how I can transfuse my blood in her?" Kyle asked to which snow said yes, with a little giggle. She had decided to test Kyle earlier to see what he'd do, and how much he cared about other people's lives. And seeing him ready to help this female, made her let out a soft smile.

"First find something you can use as a tube then look for some needles." Kyle then nodded as he found a small plastic, which he then cut and folded into a tube of about 7inch long. He then took some nails he found, as he surprisingly used dark flames to create holes, at both ends of the nails. Turning it into a needle like syringe, as he stuck one of the nails at one end of the tube, doing the same to the other.

"Good now stick it at the joint of your elbow slowly then put the other end of the needle in her's. Your blood should immediately flow into her's." Snow said to which Kyle nodded, as he then stuck one end of the needle into his elbow slowly.

"Mhm." He grunted slightly as the needle pierced his arm. His blood didn't flow out immediately as he expected, but after a few seconds he could see it flowing down, to the other end of the tube. He then pierced the other end of the needle into the young female, as he could feel his blood going through to her.

"Good job Kyle." Snow happily cheered as Kyle sat next to the female, his arm extended a bit high to allow free passage of his blood. He then wiped some beads of sweat off his forehead, as he exhaled sharply. He couldn't help but feel proud of himself, for having completed such a breathtaking task.

"That should hold her for a few minutes." Snow softly said. Kyle could now hear the female's breath had improved a bit, after taking in his blood for about a minute now. He couldn't help but stare at the lady's face, while his mind raced through countless thoughts. He couldn't deny the fact that she was beautiful, and well endowed in her own ways. He could feel how soft and smooth her skin was as he touched her arms, it was like holding a marshmallow.

He wanted to stop looking at her, but there was just something so captivating about her that struck him. He could feel the heat slowly coming out from his body, as his mind drifted off to different thoughts.

"You know you're in a lot of trouble right?" Snow said with a bit of sarcasm, which made Kyle frown a bit as he was interrupted from his view.

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked in a confused tone, not knowing what she meant.

"Don't you dare lie to me you sneaky pervert. I can see your hormones were starting to rise." Snow childishly spoke in a seductive tone, as Kyle knew she'd caught him gawking at the lady's body.

"I-is was just checking to see if she had anymore unknown injury." Kyle lied scratching his head awkwardly.

"Yeah right! Your eyes just magically wondered off to her body." Snow slyly said, which made Kyle's heart skip a beat.

"I-it's the truth you must be mistaken." Kyle defended himself.

"I believe you." Snow then softly said, which caused Kyle's face to contort a bit.

"Y-you do?"

"Of course I do! You're an honest guy who wouldn't stop so low to stare at a stranger he never met when he has his own women." Snow said which Kyle obliged to. For a moment there he thought his image might be tarnished, just because he couldn't control his eyes. To be honest he didn't really do anything wrong, as he was just acknowledging the beauty beside him.

"But." Snow continued. "I wonder how Lilith and the others would react if they opened the door and saw you in bed with another woman." Snow spoke in a devilish voice, which hit Kyle like a running trailer. He wasn't at all expecting that from snow, as just a moment ago it looked as if she had his back. Until she ruthlessly stabbed him in the back. He didn't want to imagine how Lilith would react at all, cause the image didn't play well in his head.

"Y-you know you're really evil." Kyle muttered to which snow giggled.

"Am just saying.. you're s man and you have needs." She paused for a while. "And not to mention that little monster between your legs has been asleep for a while now." Kyle inhaled sharply as he heard those words. His heart immediately fluttered, as it felt too heavy for him to bear. He didn't know snow could be this mischievous and evil, as she only spoke in her usual monotone voice. Rarely adding a bit of emotions and sarcasm.

"You should see your face right now." Snow laughed so loudly in Kyle's head, as the latter bent his head in shame.

"I-i'll deal with you later." Kyle inwardly said.