If you're a princess then that makes me a king

The soft breeze blew down on the little grasses in vaanderwood, as the trees gently waved with peace. Even though vaanderwood was dark and foggy giving off a creepy vibe, one would've still thought this place was peacefull as this place seemed at ease.

"Did you find anything?" A man wearing a gold armour, with a crown on his head and a golden runed sword spoke In an uneasy tone.

"No.. your majesty." A soldier bowed down with disappointment. The man wearing the gold armour sitting on a white horse, then casually waved his hands as the soldier left.

"It's been more than a week now since she left." King onlock meakly said his eyes getting all teary.

"Don't worry your majesty we'll find her soon." Sir knuc softly said consoling him. He could feel how heavy king onlock's breath was, as he placed his hand on his shoulder. He felt guilty seeing orvac like this, as it was his job to protect him and the royal household.

The sudden disappearance of a daughter could do so much to one, as the bitter thought of their well being was one's top priority. They had reached vaanderwood about two days ago as they marched through the forests, scouts were sent out to survey the area for any signs of Elise. But for the past two days, no matter how hard they tried they just couldn't find any traces of her whatsoever.

Onlock and his men were determined to find Elise and bring her back no matter the cost, as he just couldn't face his family if he failed to do so.

"Keep on searching look into every hole every cave everywhere! we'll continue forward." Onlock said with a determined look, as he wasn't going to rest until Elise was safely in his arms.

"Yes sir!" The men shouted, as the scouts then headed back to the forest extending their search throughout. As they continued their march, their striding feets suddenly came to a halt as up ahead were a group of about six foxmen.

King onlock seeing the foxmen was filled with disdain, and the evil grin on their faces just made his anger rise more. Within the blink of an eye, king onlock had left the horse he rode on and reached the foxmen position.

Onlock was too quick that the foxmen couldn't react even with their agility, as a fist was sent to a foxman's head.

'Bang!' A small bang went off as onlock's fist connected with the foxman's head, the latter was sent flying back crashing into a few tree branches.

"N-nemplar." The other foxmen muttered, seeing their associate killed like that from a single punch. They quickly regained their composure as they step back a few feets, revenging for their fallen comrade filled their eyes.

Onlock wasn't fazed in the slightest, calmly wiping his bloody hand against his golden breast amour plate.

"Disgusting." He muttered. He then saw two of the foxmen had moved from their position, coming at him from both sides. With an evil smile, he appeared besides the foxman coming at him from the left swinging a sword in his hand. With a swift move, he landed a kick to the foxman's gut cracking a lot of ribs, as the latter fell to the floor coughing up large chunks of blood.

The other foxman seeing this was annoyed to the core, at how such a human could easily beat them like this. But that didn't stop him in the slightest as he charged forward, slashing his blade down at orvac.

Onlock didn't dodge the attack as expected and instead punched forward at the sword, the moment his fist hit the sword it snapped into two. The other half flung to God knows where, the foxman was stunned by this but immediately regretted it, as he could see onlock's hands coming straight for his head.

'Clang!' Onlock clapped both his hands against the foxman head, creating a loud ringing bell noise in the process. The foxman's weak body didn't stand a chance as his head exploded to bits, fragments of blood and brain tissues falling to the floor.

The other tree foxman were scared to their bones, seeing this human casually kill two of their kind with his bare hands. One even vomited to the floor from the bare shock, as they knew in their hearts they were nothing to him.

Turning back they tried to make a run for it as they blazed to the forests, but onlock wasn't going to let them escape as he trailed after them. It wasn't long before he caught up with his next victim, the foxman could sense onlock behind him so he swung his spear back hoping to hit onlock.

But the king merely grabbed the hilt, snapping it in half and shoving it up the foxman's throat.

'Gagg..' the foxman gagged in his own pool of blood, as he struggled under onlock's grasp. staring into his eyes, the foxman saw no emotion as orvac pulled the spear out from his throat.

Onlock then shot the spear with great speed, that it made small noises as it cut through the air. it shot like a speeding bullet fast, as it pierced through the heart of the coward foxman.

Onlock then went into pursuit of the remaining foxman in sight, he could see the latter had now stopped facing him with a crazed look in his eyes. Onlock saw a short dagger in his hands as he looked into orvac's eyes, a sinister look slowly crept on orvacs face as he calmly walked forward.

"Ahhh!" With a battle cry, the foxman charged straight for orvac as the latter just casually walked. Reaching onlock, the foxman tried to slash at onlock's head while kneeing his guts, but orvac simply caught hold of the creature's arm allowing his knee to hit him.

"Argh!" The creature screamed in pain as his knee hit onlock's gut, it felt like he'd just kneed a fucking boulder that didn't budge in the slightest. Onlock then stomped both the creature's feet crushing it, as he broke the other free arm. then using his strength, he turned the dagger in the creatures arm to it's throat.

The foxman struggled to break free, as he could see the blade just inches from his throat. Onlock just watched silently as the foxman screamed in pain, while the dagger slowly pierced through his throat extending outwards back.

Onlock then slowly made his way back to his men, as he could see the foxman he kicked earlier was still barely alive. Crouching down, he stared at the dying foxman with anger but he didn't kill him just yet.

"Where is Elise?" Onlock asked in a cold cold voice, hoping to get something out from the foxman.

"I-i don't know who you're talking about." The foxman honestly replied, hoping to get out of this madman's bad side.

"Good." Onlock gently muttered. "Now I can finally end your misery." He said placing his hand on the foxman's head, as he slowly tightened his grip.

"N-no please!" The foxman screamed in pain, but onlock turned a deaf ear squeezing more firmly. The foxman could feel several bones in his head snap, as blood flowed through his eyes ears and mouth.

'Bang!' A light bang sound went off, as the foxman's head squashed into to a pulp under onlock's grip. The king stared with no emotions as he walked back to his horse, the men seeing how ruthless onlock was had many looks in their eyes.

On one hand they were lucky and grateful he was their king, and on the other they were terrified of how gruesome he could be, as this was merely a taste of his power.

They then proceeded to march on more meters in search of Elise. They had currently been searching for her the whole day, as they could feel the cold breeze brush over their shoulders.

"We camp here for the night." Onlock said as they made their way to a half destroyed abandoned inn, laying camp there. They could tell no one was staying there anymore, as everywhere was a complete mess.

Pieces of broken glass, shattered chairs and table, accompanied with the dreaded stench of blood layed in front of them. The men frowned a bit seeing this, but they didn't dare complain fearing what onlock might do to them.

"I'll survey the area your majesty." Sir knuc volunteered, grabbing a lit up torch from the several lit up torches. He then dashed through the entrance of the inn, into the forest as the men set up camp there for the night.

It didn't take up to ten minutes as knuc came back to the inn with ragged breath, seeing him onlock had a frown on his face.

"What's wrong?" Onlock softly asked.

"Your majesty s-someone managed to kill a crockdite." Sir knuc let out the news as orvac's eye lit up in excitement.

"Elise must surely be close." He muttered as such a person would definitely be strong, to manage to kill a crockdite. He knew how strong and fearsome they were, as he had faced quite a few.

"But-" knuc continued still not finished. "The crockdite was a level two." Knuc finished his words panting, onlock's eyes lit up more as his eyes changed to that of worry.

To defeat a crockdite on level one took a lot of power to accomplish, as it would take hundreds of soldiers to complete such a task. He was sure sir knuc could handle a couple of one level crockdite's, but level two was out of the book.

As such a person to achieve this feat could only mean, his and the unknown stranger power level were almost on par.


Inside the hut Kyle and his ladies were catching up as they did some chores around the house, also completing their night activities. The xxx points he got from his gangbang with his women were off the charts, as he checked his system logs.

[Xxx points: 50,000]

Kyle was definitely overwhelmed with happiness, as he saw the huge bonuses he'd received. he'd also unlocked a few titles, and managed to push his level up a bit. He was happy how he was progressing, as it won't be long until he finally reached level 50.

"Help! help!" Elise screamed on top of her lungs, squirming on the bed. She was held back by dark chains that fiercely clung to her hand, tightening with every movement she made.

"Shut up Elise!" Kyle yelled rolling his eyes. He had managed to know her name as he checked the systems log, a smile slowly crept on his face as he remembered the recent pleasure.

"Help! let me go at once!" Elise shouted, but Kyle didn't pay attention to her.

"Do you know who I am?" She screamed as pride filled her heart.

"I don't really care." Kyle coldly said, glancing at her still continuing with his food.

"A-am the princess of onwood and the next in line ruler."

"Yeah.. if you're a princess then that makes me a king." Kyle scowled at her. He was beginning to regret saving her, as this butch just proved stubborn.

"My dad will come rescue me and once he does I'll have off with your head." A crazed smile was plastered on her face, as her cyan hair was now ruffled due to her constant struggling.

"Really princess.." Kyle teased standing up, stopping just a few meters from her. "It seems like someone has some daddy issues." Kyle whispered, which caused her to flare up more.

"She's a feisty one." Lilith softly whispered, appearing behind Kyle and giving him a warm kiss on his neck. Kyle responded back by turning round and planting his lips on hers, slapping her as cheek as it jiggled to the side.

Lilith giggled softly as Kyle then fondled her breasts, under the long dark night gown she wore. He could feel Elise was now staring at them which made him grin, as he then placed Lilith back in the bed besides Elise.

"A-are you two even human?" She muttered, staring at their red glowing eyes.

"Maybe." Lilith smiled softly as Kyle stared at her voluptuous body, it was time for their night activities.