
"Daughter am glad you're alive." King onward smiled, a bit of tears filling his eyes as he stared at his lost daughter. He couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, seeing his mission finally accomplished. but the important thing was Elise was safe, and that was the only thing that mattered to him.

"D-dad~" Elise softly uttered, tears streaming down her cheeks. On one hand she was happy seeing her dad, even though he was strict as the king he did all he could to protect her from harm. And on the other she was scared what would occur now, that her temperamental father was face to face with the man she loved.

"Come, let's go home. King onward stretched his hand to Elise, but she just softly shook her head.

"Am sorry dad, but I can't come with you." King onward frowned as she said this, a confused look plastered on his face.

"Why? You don't need to worry about them, their already dead." Onwood coldly said, making the army take a battle stance courageously advancing forward.

"Stop dad, you don't understand! am not a little girl anymore I can take care of myself!" Elise spoke in a tone containing a heartful of mixed emotions, her pitch was somewhat a bit high because of the level of feelings she was going through.

"I knew this would happen." Onwood shook his head to the side. "You've been brainwashed but I'll set you free now, the whole kingdoms worried." Onwood blinded by the words his daughter said, refused to believe any of what she said. He was going to bring his daughter back home, no matter what.

"Dad listen!" Elise shouted at him, causing the army to halt. "All my life I've been locked in the castle like a prisoner, preparing for a destiny I didn't choose. But now I've truly found my purpose, I've fallen in love met other people like me." She deeply said, as onward just stared at her with indifferent eyes.

"But you're the future ruler. y-you're my daughter."

"Am still you're daughter dad, but I can't go back. I've already found someone I love, which am happy with. Y-you need to go dad." "Please.." Elise begged hoping to resolve the tension harmlessly, looking at her father in front of her memories of her time in onwood flooded back to her.

"I understand." Onward said his head bent down. Kyle could see he had a calm expression, and he couldn't believe Elise had managed to get through to her dad.

"But. You're my daughter."

'Bam!' Kyle didn't even know when King onward moved from his spot, all he saw was onward standing there and the next moment a loud bang, and he was gone. He saw falcon swiftly bring her whip slashing it in his front, that's when he saw it.

"Dad!" Elise yelled again but onward wasn't paying attention. he'd tried to kill Kyle then falcon and the rest, but surprisingly this three tailed fox was stronger than he expected.

"You're still young and naive, in time you'll understand." Onwood said charging out again, this time for falcon.

"Stay out of the way Kyle, even though he may look old he's still very strong." Falcon said to which Kyle nodded. he didn't need her to tell him onward was strong, as he could feel the terrifying aura he excluded.

Falcon then headed out to face onward furiously swinging her whip about, with every swing she made she got ×3 the attack.

She was fast but onward was also fast on the same par of speed with her, the moment she hit onward golden armour she'd expected far more damage, but to her surprise it just bounced him back a bit.

'I have to be careful.' She thought staring at onward. She hadn't faced an opponent as tough as this man, as his level of power, speed, and tactic was on a different level.

She then swung her whip at his head, this time he didn't dodge like before instead punching his fist forward, colliding with the whip.

'Bam!' A small explosion went off as the two forces collided, both matching in power. A look of concern and surprise was planted on falcon's face, seeing him just casually punch her whip without getting hurt.

'He hasn't even activated any skills and he's this tough.' She thought sidestepping his attack, then punching him in the chest with her hands. She couldn't afford to sway back in her speed or strength in any little way possible, or it could cost her her life. Since onward was this strong, along with the strange golden armour protecting him she needed to find a weak spot.


As the battle between the two powerhouses continued, King onward army were ready to charge at Kyle as they'd received orders to kill him, and all other people that weren't from onwood.

"Sir knuc please, you have to understand!" Elise begged looking over at sir knuc, who just stood there with a sorrowful expression.

"Am sorry there's nothing I can do, your safety is all that matters." Knuc bitterly said with a sad look. The princess life mattered than any other, as she was destined for a bigger purpose.

"Attack and kill all the strangers." Knuc shouted, getting a thunderous roar back from the army behind himself, as they charged forward.

"No!" Elise screamed going down to her knees, tears flooding down her cheeks. her hair was ruffled, as her pupils had now went inside her eyes sockets a bit.

"I-it's finished." She sorrowfully said, crying her heart out. Kyle understood why Elise was emotional, it wasn't because of they were surrounded, no! she was afraid of what would happen, to the people she once called family.

"Don't worry, it's going to be ok." Kyle softly held her in his arms a soft smile planted on his lips. She wanted to believe it as she looked at him but alas her father was too stubborn.

Felix and the other of Kyle's fox slave had already headed out to battle, protecting Kyle with their lives.

'Swoosh! Argh!' Kyle could suddenly see about ten soldiers fall to the ground, their head decapitated from their bodies. He saw a glimpse of what killed them, thin lines of red thread. he had not seen anything like this before, but he sure damn well knew the person was strong.

'Wait.. it couldn't be.' Kyle had a thought but he confirmed it, as a figure made of dark shadows formed in front out of Kyle's own shadow. Knuc ordered the army to a halt as he observed the strange situation, he was experienced in battle and he knew this presence would be a threat.

"I don't get it boy, do you naturally attract death to you? I leave you for just a while, and there's an army trying to kill you." The shadowy figure chuckled, revealing it's true self.

"Vladimir." Kyle was surprised to see his teacher here, he didn't expect to see Vladimir this quite soon.

"H-how did you know I was in trouble?"

"Let's just call it a teacher's instinct." Vladimir chuckled pointing to Kyle's shadow, which had now formed back in his front.

"Rest now, I'll handle them." Vladimir uttered his eyes glowing red, a smirk on his face staring at the army a few feets away.

"D-don't kill them!" Kyle shouted, causing Vladimir's face to contort.


"Please." Kyle begged, and this was the first time vladimr had seen him this compassionate.

"Fine! But just know you owe me one." He grunted to which Kyle nodded. Vladimir could see their minds, immediately being affected by his charm skill. the looks of rage and determination on the army, turned to that of horror terrified by him.

'Clang!' A soldier suddenly hit another with the hilt of his sword to the head, knocking him out. Another then landed two kicks to another's guts, following it up with a fist to the chest. One by one, the soldiers started knocking out each other with their own hands.

"You're a vampire." Knuc softly said.

"Hehe! am flattered human." Vladimir was impressed with the level of intelligence this human possessed, he knew this one was different as he had a very strong mind to resist his control.

"I understand you crave human blood, but what I don't get is why you're helping that human." Knuc calmly spoke.

"What does it matter to you?"

"It matters because am going to rip his head away, and take back what belongs to us. Vampire or not, you're not stopping me from killing him." Knuc said bringing out a silver spear from his back, the spear was adorned with strange symbols throughout even heading to it's tip.

"What? don't tell me you're scared." Knuc chuckled a bit, seeing Vladimir's shocked face.

"No. I was just thinking if it would fit my style, when I kill you." The vampire then ran forward the thin long thread lines forming at his finger tips, swinging them swiftly to knucs body. The strings were fast but knuc could still keep up with the attack, leaping to the side the attack stiked four soldiers where knuc once stood.

The red thread lines cleanly cut through their bodies like butter without any resistance, decapitating them into chunks of pieces of flesh. The threads moved fast again for knuc at both sides conering him, pressing his feet to the ground he shot his body like a jet his spear plunged forward for Vladimir's throat.

Seeing the threat, multiple small needles made out of condensed blood formed behind Vladimir, shooting forward at knuc. Not stopping knuc swiftly slashed at the many blood needles, his hands moving really fast. He was doing a good job defending, but some had managed to escape him hitting his silver armour.

'I'll definitely enjoy his blood.' Vladimir smiled, dispersing his red thread creating more blood needles. He noticed knuc's silver armour would shimmer brightly, each time his attack hit it leaving him unscathed.

Kyle saw how the atmosphere was more than tensed for everyone. He saw falcon was now struggling to keep up with onwood strikes, as he'd now brought out his strange golden sword radiating with power. Everytime onwood slashed at falcon her armour did well in protecting her, but she'd then be stunned for the moment. Leaving her open for onwood to inflict more damage to her, Kyle could see exhaustion looming over her as they were throwing everything they got at each other.

Vladimir was doing well fairing with knuc but he didn't underestimate the latter in the slightest, he knew knuc was strong to say the least and those strange armour and spear were a bother. As an advanced vampire of the third cycle he was immune to any silver cutleries, but the ones knuc held were of a much higher tier.

'Sorry.' Two red lines formed behind him digging deep into the skins of two conscious soldiers, sucking the blood out from them into him.


[Demon energy: 30/50]

Kyle's demon energy had passed half but it still wasn't enough, even though dark flames was more stronger it was also more expensive. And even if he decided to help out falcon he knew king onward could easily dodge, as he was just to fast for him. There wasn't a hundred percent chance, he would hit his target at all!

'Wait! where is she?' Kyle just realized something, he'd forgotten about his demon wife. He found it strange why she hadn't come out yet as it was so unlike her, thinking of which he couldn't even sense a presence in their cabin.

"Argh!" Falcon screamed dropping her whip falling to the ground, blood sliding down her lips. Onwaed had struck his golden sword into her chest, her armour was now cracked all over her body bloodied.

"You're next." Kicking her to the floor, onward pointed his sword to Kyle stunning the latter in his tracks.

"L-let's run away Kyle!" Elise tugged on him but onwood had already reached their location, before he could slash down at Kyle's throat a thin red line of thread blocked his attack.

"Quick run! I'll hold them off." Vladimir shouted, his thread hitting onward pushing him back. There was a lost look in Kyle's eye everything had changed so drastically within the blink of an eye, he wasn't sure if falcon was dead and there were no signs of any of his other women.

'I-i've lost everything.' He gave up, his knees crashing to the floor a derailed look in his eyes. He was completely useless, even when he'd thought he had made a breakthrough somehow. Everything he worked hard for all his struggles, were going down the drain within the blink of any eye.

"Come on!" Elise dragged him up by the shoulders, as they then headed into the woods. Kyle could only look back at everything, a bitter expression plastered on his face being dragged by Elise.

"I-I know a place we can go to for the meantime." Elise said but Kyle wasn't listening.

"We'll be alright.. yeah. I know it." They hadn't gone far when the ground suddenly started shaking beneath their feets, the sky painted red and black while the air became so dense that they fell to their knees.

"T-The planet can't poss-ibly be evolving now." Elise could barely speak, holding her throat gasping for air. Kyle knew something wasn't right, as this was just to strange for him to grasp.

Then in front what looked like a dark portal from hell formed in before their eyes, the air from this portal sent shivers down their spine, causing their blood rush more. They could only do so much but to stare at this portal, as two individuals stepped through.

"Lilith!" Kyle screamed seeing his demon wife bleeding from the head, her neck being held tightly by a figure. She had a bitter smile on her face seeing Kyle, as he gave her somewhat warmth through the cold.

Looking closer Kyle could see this male was strange. He had short grey hair reaching his shoulders, while one of his eye was red like the other pitch black. A demented smile was on his face as he looked at Kyle, immediately Kyle could feel his throat being squeezed by an unknown presence.

"So this is the one you chose over me." He frowned and that's when it hit Kyle. he was face to face with Lucifer, the demon lord himself.