the hunger games (part 7)

Kyle staring at the creature had a blank expression, his body was dyed with some part of his blood and the creature's. Picking up the bat's amputated head, he raised it up to the drones displaying him.

"Yeah! fuck yeah!"

"Blood! sweet.. sweet! blood!"

"Holy fuck! he just killed that high level bat!"

The crowd erupted in massive chants and exclaims, as Kyle held the bat's head swaying gently in the wind like his prized trophy.

"Interesting.."Troy muttered under his breath watching Kyle, Lumia also had a shocked expression as she didn't believe he could suddenly get so stronger?

Standing up king troy slowly walked to the edge of the cliff, where he and his daughter sat clapping his hands together with a light smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen of all races, this marks the end of the first round of the hunger games!" Troy yelled garning huge praises and screams, from his loyal subordinate and crowd at large. Raising his hands he gestured for the crowd to be silent, to which they momentarily held in their excitement.

"As always, the hunger games had always been a special tradition." He paused for a moment as he addressed the crowd. "But I knew this year's 54th annual hunger games would be to die for." He sarcastically said chuckling a bit.

"From the beginning of today's round to the end have been undeniably breathtaking, but it's a shame it has come to an end." He sadly shook his head making the crowd respond.

"Boo! We need the hunger games."

"We need more!"

"Hunger games! Hunger games!"

"Calm down! calm down.. I understand all your pains but not to worry, more exciting matches will take place in the second round of the 54th annual hunger games tournament!" He shouted enthusiastically jolting the crowd to scream more.

"Now we have lost some peasants, but that's the whole point of this. To separate the weak from the strong, and crown us a new champion!" The crowd roared more their enthusiasm peaked, their voices booming and echoing throughout the whole stadium.

"Now let's see who our top rankers are." the huge holographic screen then changed, displaying their pictures and their rankings accordingly.

Kyle could see he was surprisingly number one, while falcon second and the archer third. He didn't know why, but he'd guessed him killing the shadow bat was the main reason he ranked first, and then falcon second because she helped mostly while the archer third.

"Every day we see new faces and everyday some die, but every annual hunger games we only crown one champion." He softly spoke, pointing his hand down across all the remaining surviving contestants. Troy's eye then stopped at Kyle staring at him, his interest in the young teenager piqued the more.

"Alright everyone that's all for today. We should prepare for tomorrow's round." Troy then turned walking away from cliff, stopping just besides his daughter.

"Seems your prediction was right somehow." He uttered then walking away from her and the stadium, to go handle some other important affairs of the kingdom.

'I-i can't believe they did it.' She inwardly thought looking at the ranking. Before when the shadow bat had suddenly appeared, she didn't know what to think for the group as that was a very tricky creature.

She wasn't that confident in their strengths, since the weapons they used were of the lowest tiers especially Kyle's. She didn't know why he picked that rusted katana, but now she was glad he did.

'That weapon is strange.' She knew nothing about weapons crafted with beast cores or other things, as all the equipments here were made by technology and fused with mana crystals. It was only about a few weeks back when the discovery team brought it back, along with some other strange sets of equipments.


Like always the maze then descended downwards into the ground, disappearing without a trace like it was never there. He could see multiple dead bodies of beasts and prisoners, laid wasted on the ground.

Shaking his head he threw the head of the bat to the floor amidst it's many chunks of flesh, about turning to meet falcon his eyes fell upon an item. Crouching down he shoved the pieces of the bat's flesh, revealing the dark spherical ball swirling with dark energy.

'Is this it's core?' Kyle sensed it was the shadow bat's core as all beasts had one, he didn't know what shadow bat's core looked like cause he'd never seen one. But he could sense this was this one's own.

'Shit! I forgot to collect the other beast cores.' He cursed. he'd been so focused in only killing the beasts and gaining exps, that he'd forgot to also pay attention to the loot they dropped behind.

Picking it up, it was as light as how normal beast cores were. immediately he touched it, the system screen flashed before his eyes.

[Shadow ball detected!]

[Would user like to absorb shadow ball now?]

'No.' Kyle telepathically said, he wasn't going to be stupid and absorb the core here.

'Where should I put it?' The clothes he wore were tight fitting, so there was no place he could possibly fit the small orb in without notice. Looking round his eyes be fell upon the archer wearing a jacket, smartly walking over he made sure the guards didn't notice anything suspicious.

Bending down he pretended like someone checking up on her, with the right time he slipped the orb inside the side pocket of her jacket. Carrying her over to falcon he softly laid her down next to the fox woman, checking falcon she'd lost a lot of blood but her heart was still beating weakly.

"Thank you.." he softly muttered. Looking at her body he could see multiple deep wounds from the bat claws, but thankfully it wasn't any critical injury.

"It's time to go." Kyle heard a voice from behind, as ona and a group of three guards stood behind him.

"I have a request." Kyle suddenly said facing ona with an indifferent expression. She was surprised he'd suddenly asked for a request, but she was more intrigued to hear what it was.


"The archer stays with us." Kyle got straight to the point, he didn't have time to beat around the bush as he needed to get more tougher. Ona had a hint of surprise on her face when Kyle said this, she didn't know why but his confidence had suddenly built overnight.

"She has her own cell, and besides it would be against her wishes." Ona softly said staring into Kyle's eye.

"Please, just this once. Then she can decide for herself." Kyle pleaded, doing the unthinkable as he slightly bowed his head a bit.

'This alien..' ona was bewildered and impressed, by the things Kyle could suddenly perform as it was a showstopper.

"Alright! she'll stay in your cell just this night, then she decides." Nodding Kyle then dropped his katana to the floor, the two guards also retrieved the Archer's weapon. while falcon green ooze had turned into liquid, before she became unconscious.

Placing the blue power cuffs on their hands ona then instructed the guards to carry the archer, while Kyle singlehandedly carried falcon on his shoulders. Exiting the arena, Kyle could see what looked like a group of people wearing white jumpsuit and a glass helment, holding a briefcase had appeared.

He could see they were examining the dead bodies and also collecting samples, before the blindfold was placed and he finally exited the stadium heading back to the dungeon.

The naustegic smell of the dungeon hit his nostrils indicating their arrival, he heard various cells opening and closing as he passed heading to theirs. Reaching, they then entered in as the blindfold was removed, the bars slammed shut.

"Leave us." Ona commanded the three guards, to which they obiediently obeyed.

"Yes team leader." Bowing slightly, their foots receded to the exit of the dungeon leaving ona with Kyle.

"Here.. give this to her." She threw a small item to Kyle which he caught, looking at it he could see it was a small weird pill.

"What's this?" He didn't know what the strange pill was for, and he wasn't going to give it to falcon without knowing it's contents.

"It's a blood pill." Ona softly said, she could see Kyle had a hint of confusion on his face staring at the small red pill.

"Don't you have one of these on your planet?" She asked to which Kyle nodded his head horizontally. He'd never seen a blood pill before, as they didn't have those on earth or on vaanderwood.

"It's safe. It's made from different special herbs, that helps someone suffering from blood loss regain a particular amount of his or her blood." She explained to which Kyle nodded, he was still going to inspect it for himself as he didn't trust ona.

"Why are you helping us?" Kyle suddenly asked as ona was about to leave. Stopping, her eyes stared at Kyle before moving down to falcon, gleaming with curiosity and excitement.

"I don't know... but, this crazy alien believes in me, and I can't just let my disciple die now can I?" She softly said chuckling a bit.

"Take care of her." We're the last words she spoke, before she walked away from Kyle's cell exiting the dreaded dungeon.

'Blood pill?' Holding the pill Kyle was inspecting it physically. He didn't quite see any thing special about it, as it looked just like any other regular red pill.

'Why didn't Lilith give me one of these when I was injured?' He thought. Lilith being a higher being had traveled to countless planets, and have way more knowledge and experience than him. He knew she must've come across this blood pill, but what he didn't know was why she never showed it to him.


[Blood pill: A blood pill is small sized pill, that can restore a certain amount of user's HP when consumed. It is made from the combination of different herbal plants, and a special vine called red heart.]

'It's really a blood pill.' He inwardly thought staring at it, seeing it wasn't a threat he brought it close to falcon's lips. He sat her up carefully opening her mouth, he slipped the small pill inside making sure she swallowed everything.

'it's already working.' He could feel the pill effect kicking in her, as her heartbeat had improved a lot than before. Laying her to the ground, he saw her breathing was now steady as she slept peacefully.

Glancing at the archer, Kyle also saw she was sound asleep. Looking at her, he was trying to put up some pieces together about her as he couldn't grasp her. He didn't know why she helped them or her intentions afterwards, but he was soon going to find out.

'I wonder what will happen.' Holding the shadow ball dropped by the bat, Kyle pondered if to absorb it now or later. He had a skill that allowed him to use shadows, and surprisingly he could also level it up by absorbing shadow balls.

He thought that would be a problem as he didn't know what they were or what they look like, but now he had one in his hands.

[Shadow ball detected!]

[Would user like to absorb shadow ball now?]

'Yes.' Kyle finally said, as his body started absorbing the shadow ball. The process was just like absorbing a beast core, except this one he didn't need to put in his energy the shadows inside began flowing into him with ease, the moment he said yes.

Dropping the empty ball to the ground Kyle could feel something in his body, as he then checked his status to see if it had any effects.

[name: kyle conner]

[lv: 40]

[race: f-rank demon]

[title: successor of demon of lust(increases all lust activities by 15%) (Noble heart: once equipped grants user +20 reputation points amongst each royal nobles.) (Hidden titles:?)]

[strength: 63, agility: 76, stamina: 57, will: 34, intelligence: 40, hp: 100/100, xxx points: 10,000/10,000, killing intent: 15, resistance: 28, demon energy: 50/50]

[Free points: 5]

[exp req: 6250/8000]

[permanent XXX's: Lilith Conner, yua nua akemi niru, kimi Conner, Elise wood]

[temporary XXX's: Susan flora]

lust skills passive:

[charm: the skill is passive and increases user charm by 41% when starred into user's eyes females will feel extreme lustfull. note: 19% chance to work on men.]

[eyes of sin: enables the user to look into the state of a female horniness. xxx gauge: (0%)]

[demon rod (evolved): user's rod grows 1cm with every evolution and increases the level of lust when having sex. making the level of orgasm higher. note: penis will stop growing at the final stage of evolution.]

[sinful demon seed: the user's cum can heal and regenerate any illness once swallowed or cummed in a woman. making them look more younger. note: doesn't work on men.]

[lust touch: increases user's touch on females by 34% heightening their sex organs.]

[sex beast: when the system detects user has reached a certain amount of lust the user automatically becomes a sex beast. (XXX lust value:0%)]

[bond marking: enables the user to place a marking on his woman to be able to locate them wherever they'll be.

(Bond marked: 5)]

lust skills non-passive:

[lust: once activated this skill releases a feminine aura and has a 45% chance of enrousing females within 30meter radius to be extremely horny. consumes 25 XXX point's per activation]

[cum spurt: increases the load of cum the user shoots out. consumes 20xxx points]

demon skills passive:

[demon eyes: this is a basic skill possessed by demon's which will grant them the ability to command or put someone or something in trance depending on the will. User can also use it to inspect items or people. will not work on people whose will are higher than 34]

[lesser regeneration: as the weakest of demons the user possess lesser regeneration that regenerates any minor loss or damaged tissue.]

[demon skin: the user's skin has resistance to physical, magical and spiritual attacks by 15%]

[omniguilbism ability: enables the user to understand all form of languages.]

[kirlin eyes: this skill is passive and it will grant the user futuristic eyesight by 3%.]

[Light combat skill(basic): bestowed as a gift from the fox people this skill enables the user to learn basic light combat skills and also increases the user agility by 12. (Note: user can perform flash kill a number of 2 times.)]

demon skill non passive:

[dark flames (lv2): the user is able to summon the dark flames, of the first great demon into his palms.

this flames are at the second stage, and will evolve with each number of persons killed with it.( number of people killed: 609/1500). consumes 10 demon energy for each palm.

(Note: user's control over dark flames has increased to the affected area!)]

[transformation: for consumption of 20 demon energy. the user will transform into his demon appearance for a duration of 5 minutes. making all stats multiplied by two in this form.]

[death's call: fires dark balls of energy from both palm draining bits of the affected's life force. consumes: 30 demon energy per hand.]

[shadow walk (lv1): the user's body becomes a shadowy figure enabling him to slip past enemies sight who's will are below your's. This skill is at it's lowest rank and can be upgraded by collecting and absorbing shadow balls (1/50). (Costs 20 demon energy to activate and can only be used twice per day.)]


[stamina regeneration: restores user's stamina full. costs 20 XXX point's.]

[Aphrodisiacs pill: once taken has a 20% chance of making females fall asleep. costs 10 XXX point's.]

[reach LV 50 to evolve and unlock more skills]