light vs darkness

[author's note: please vote and support my novel xxx system. This novel has been republished with the same name XXX system!,]

Looking at the details of the quest, caused Kyle's eye to widen in shock staring in disbelief. This was the first time such a quest had ever popped up in his head.

[Warning! Angelic energy has been detected.]

[Quest received!]

[Light vs darkness: angelic energy has been detected around you! As a demon your primary enemy are the races of light known as angels. Find and destroy all the angelic energy around you!]

[Reward: ?? Penalty: death?]

'Does this mean he's an angel?' Kyle wondered staring ahead. He knew Troy had immense power that seemed too otherworldly, but he wasn't for sure yet he was an angel.

He hadn't seen an angel yet, but he knew they were celestial beings created by God with the power of the celestials. They usually wore shiny equipments and had wings protruding from their back, but Troy had none of these and he certainly didn't look like an angel.

Gritting his teeth, Kyle struggled up to his feet clenching his fists. He could see his katana some miles away from him, but he wasn't attempting to take it as he had a better plan in mind.

"Angel or not am going to rip your head out!" Kyle screamed, activating a certain skill as his body began growing.

[Demon transformation occuring..]

[All stats have been doubled by two]

"Argh!" Kyle screamed as his body started transforming. Small dark horns grew from his forehead, as his body got bigger to the size of a 7 feet tall giant. His flesh was replaced with a much harder dark skin, as his eyes got a more darker red.

Seeing Kyle scream made Troy stop in his track, as he could see Kyle's body was now changing into that of a beast. He could no longer tell it was Kyle, as a terrifying monstrosity had now been created.

'This insect.. just how many tricks does he have up his sleeves.' Troy grunted in frustration, seeing Kyle bring out his cards. He'd thought the latter could only use dual abilities like him, but never in his wildest thoughts did he expect to see him transform into that creature.

'Huh?' Troy could feel the powerful radiations emitting from his sword, as it shook vibrantly in it's sheath demanding to be released.

'The sword has been reacting to him since the moment we met.' Troy thought, as the main reason he picked up interest in Kyle was because of his strange sword. He didn't know why, but his sword had never reacted to anyone except this annoying bug.

'I can tell it's energy has gotten much stronger when he transformed.. just what is he?' Troy wondered, looking at the intense creature who also stared into his eye with it's bloodshot red eyes. A sadistic smile then formed on the creature's face staring at troy.

"Roar!!" The demon roared loudly, sending a shockwave ring blast causing the entire stadium to shake violently. Stomping it's feet, a crater formed as the demon shot itself to Troy with blindsiding speed.

"I never thought I'd have to use saint but you forced me to." Taking the sword out it shock violently in troy's hand, sending out a massive outburst of energy everywhere. It emitted dominating energy, pulsing with sheer raw power.

"I'd like to see you survive now." He grinned, propelling his body forward to Kyle not waiting a bit.

'Boom!!' A huge explosion larger than the previous ones occured, as the two powerhouses clashed at the center of the stadium. Shockwaves were sent off from that collision, destroying everything within a 30 meter radius. The remaining of the stadium couldn't handle the force giving in, as it finally collapsed with a huge boom.

Dust and derbies flew everywhere as the stadium collapsed, with huge gusts of winds. An object was sent flying backwards from the towering dust, crashing into a pile of rubbles.


[User has been hit with angelic energy! Regeneration process have been halved..]

Kyle in his demon state grunted a bit, seeing the system notification pop up. He wasn't sure earlier, but now he'd finally gotten clarity as to where the angelic energy was coming from.

"You may have turned into a monster, but it still isn't enough to beat me." A voice spoke, and soon another figure emerged from the cloud of dust. The latter had a light smirk on his face, in his hand was the golden sword pulsing with power.

Getting up, the demon had an evil smile on it's face staring at troy. An ominous dark aura excluding from it's body, as it's terrifying dark claws grew longer.

[Killing intent: 150]

"Roar!" It roared, charging for Troy who had a calm expression. Reaching, it swung it's dark claws at troy who evaded by swinging his sword. Each time the two forces collided two different aura's of light and dark colors would be emitted, giving off immense power contained in them.

Kyle was struggling, as he was being pushed back by Troy and his angelic sword. Even though he was in his demon state and had received twice the buff on all stats, he could feel his skin being ripped by that sword.

[Killing intent: 170]

Swinging his sword Troy aimed for Kyle's head but the latter caught him, lifting him up in the air and slamming him downward. Midway a surge of air prevented Troy from brutally being smashed by the demon, pushing him up as he delivered a kick and his second ability to Kyle's head.

'Boom!' Kyle's body was sent flying to the side, crashing into the chunks of wall from the stadium. Gritting his teeth he stood up, but Troy was already waiting for him slashing at his chest.

"Roar!" He roared as the sword made a deep slash across his chest. The pride he had in his tough demon skin and resistance shattered, as troy's sword cut through his skin with minimal effort. Enraged, he chucked a huge piece of block to Troy who simply cut through it with his sword.

Four air bullets quickly formed, shooting straight for Kyle. dodging, he tried avoiding the bullets by running to the side but more followed in pursuit, coming from all directions this time enclosing him.

Leaping, he jumped a great distance as he reached almost where the entrance of the stadium was. The demon snarled seeing troy's hand stretched forth, as what soon followed was a series of large explosions.

'Boom! Boom! Boom!' Multiple boom sounds went off, as Kyle was blasted from his spot sent across the across the stadium. Sensing something approaching, Kyle crossed his arms together as a barrage of air slashes hit him.

Blood could be seen dripping from the part where the attack hit, as his dark skin had deep slash marks all over.

'Why isn't he using his abilities?' Troy noticed Kyle hadn't used any of his abilities in this form, only relying on physical stats.

'Is he holding back so I lose focus?' Troy thought, he didn't know why Kyle hadn't used any of his abilities in this form. But he was prepared for anything Kyle threw at him.

"What happened? Did you cut yourself? I thought you were meant to be a big scary menacing beast. but it looks like your all bark and no bite." Troy teased seizing the opportunity as he infused his legs with wind, making his movements more lighter and faster.

Reaching Kyle he slashed his sword at his head with speed, but to his surprise the latter caught his sword with his claws.

"W-what?" Troy stuttered a bit seeing Kyle suddenly get so fast. He tried pulling away but the demon held the sword in place, punching Troy's head

'Bang!' A canon sound erupted, as Troy was sent skidding backwards a few feets back. Raising his head, he could see an insidious smile on Kyle's face mocking him.

'H-how did he get so strong all of a sudden.' Troy wondered, as he could tell kyle was emitting a different aura now than before.

[Killing intent: 250]

"Roar!" Kyle roared stomping his feet, closing the distance between him and Troy between the blink of an eye. He then slashed his claw at Troy's head who dodged by shifting to the side, but Kyle followed up with a kick to the ribs.

'Crack!' The kick was powerful and Troy could feel a bone crack, but he gritted through the pain. An air drill quickly formed on his free hand, as he shoved it forward to Kyle's chest swinging the sword at his head.

"What.." Troy muttered in shock, seeing Kyle suddenly disappear from his side appearing behind him. He couldn't react or dodge as Kyle smashed him to the ground, creating a huge crater.

Not stopping, Kyle continued punching furiously at troy creating a cloud of dust. Snapping his finger, the boom sound was heard as an explosion occured. A tremendous force hit Kyle like a rampaging bulldozer, sending him in the air.

Getting up, troy's body was bruised all over but he didn't care. Gripping his sword he slashed vertically sending out lines of golden aura.

[Warning high angelic energy has been detected!]

Crossing his arms together Kyle braced for impact, as the lines of aura's connected with him. They pierced through his skin all over, drawing out dark red blood as he crashed to the floor.

Air quickly formed where the demon landed spiraling fiercely, forming a much bigger air drill pointing downwards at him.

"Die!" Troy screamed as the drill descended downwards, drilling Kyle's body pinning him to the floor. Not stopping, he stretched his hand forward as multiple explosions occured where Kyle was.

'Boom boom boom boom!'

The ground shook violently, threatening to cave in from the terrifying force as cracks could be seen running across the floor. The explosion and air drill lasted for about 2 minutes, before Troy canceled them.

"That should do it." A confident smile appeared on his face, as he knew Kyle couldn't survive those attacks. Walking over to where the huge crater had formed, he looked down with a smug look.

'He's alive?' Troy was shocked, seeing the horrifying beast still alive at the bottom of the crater. It's skin had been torn and mangled up in the most horrific way possible, with it's blood spilling to the floor.

'He's healing.' Troy could see parts of Kyle's flesh had started healing, as it produced new ones. Rage brimmed in his eyes, seeing Kyle survive two of his powerful combo skills.

"Why won't you die!" Troy angrily yelled, frustration evident in his eyes. The creature then pointed to him in response with a sadistic smile, imitating slitting troy's head off.