Friend Goals?

I let her continue for a few minutes before speaking up. "That's enough Himiko, we still have to get your stuff." My eyes drift back down to the body. "... It's a good thing I got you extra vials."

"Yay!" She drops me to rapidly clap her hands together. I land on my paws and start walking away without looking back. Once she notices she stops clapping and rushes after me. "Wait for me!"

We walk down the alleyway for about ten minutes before coming to a gray metal door. The only thing of note about the door is the graffiti on it with the word 'fuck'. Pulling a key from between her breasts, Himiko unlocks the door and puts her weight into pushing it open before jumping back with a cute yelp. "Ai! That's cold!"

I'd facepalm if I had hands. As it is I sigh. "Of course it is, you're still naked."

She taps her fist onto her palm. "Oh yeah! I guess I forgot to drink some of that guy's blood." She glares at me. "It's your fault for distracting me with your adorable body, Catia."

I say nothing and she pouts before pushing the door the rest of the way open. We step inside and the room lights up. Inside we see a bedroom. Two large beds on wooden frames take up the far right corner, while the left has a couple of large leather chairs facing a giant flat screen tv. Directly to our left is a home gym; containing weights, a treadmill, and one of those bike machines. There's also a horizontal bar hanging from the ceiling for people to do pull ups and stuff on. Then to the right is the kitchen, complete with a bar and stools so people have a place to eat. The floor is made up of cerulean ceramic tiles. Between each section of living space is a door leading somewhere else.

Now. This looks like a standard studio apartment, but if you look closely you would notice a few differences. The first would be the shelf of vials hanging in the kitchen, though you could argue that those are for spices and seasonings. Even if they are rather large. The other would obviously be the various bloodstains covering the floor. Seeing the mess, I can't help but sigh again.

"Care to explain, Himiko?"

"Hmm~?" She tilts her head at me before glancing at the bloodstains. "Oh! Well, some guy was following me, so I cut him up! Then I shoved his blood in some vials and put them in the refrigerator." She taps a finger to her chin while looking up in thought. " I think I got enough for about three days from him."

"That's not what I'm talking about." I can practically see the question mark popping out of her head as she gives me a blank look. I gesture to the door between the bedroom and the kitchen. "We have mops, rags, etc. So why didn't you clean it up? I'm not getting the flooring replaced if it stains again."

Her face pales as she gestures wildly at me. "N-n-now hold on a minute! Surely there's no reason to go that far! I'll clean it up right now!" She disappears into the closet for a moment before coming back out with a bucket and mop. Around her head is tied a cloth to keep her hair out of the way while she cleans. Though she still hasn't put on any clothes.

"Since it's a pain to get bloodstains out of clothes, you can clean as you are. Just make sure to put something on afterwards." I make my way towards the door between the living room and the gym before she replies.

"I'm not sure why I should bother. It's just the two of us here, and you're a cat! Wait a minute." Her eyes narrow at me as I push down on a pedal attached to the door and it swings open. "Why do I have to clean it up? I'm the one who gets us all our money, and you almost never do anything around here!"

"One: I'm a cat. Can't really clean up that well when I'm like this. Two: If I didn't help you plan out those kills you never would have managed to snag such rich victims. And three:" I turn around and lay on my back while lifting my legs and paws up. "I'm too adorable for work Nya~."

She rolls her eyes but can't help the smile from growing on her face. "I'll accept the first and third reasons, but not the second. Quantity is a quality all its own after all. Just try not to disappear again without saying bye this time, ok?" Her eyes take on a slightly pleading look when she speaks.

I get back to my feet and meet her eyes. "You know how my quirk works, I'll get called back if I wake up." Seeing her saddened eyes, I can't help but feel sorry for her. Her parents suppressed her to such a degree that she had to partition off an entire section of her personality. And then when she couldn't deal with it anymore it came out in the worst possible way. Now all she has left is me. Society couldn't accept her, but I could. Now she relies on my presence to keep what little sanity she has left. Or maybe she has none at all and she's simply lonely.

Either way… "I should have enough time to come say goodbye though, so don't worry about it. And summer break is right around the corner as well, so we'll have opportunities to spend more time together."

Her face lights up as I turn back to the door. "Yeah! Ooh, we can go to the fair, cut some people up, go to the movies, do karaoke, cut some people up, shop, go to the beach, and cut some people up!"

I can't help the amused snort at her long list, and how many times she said 'cut some people up'. She's absolutely insane. Cute. But still insane. But so am I, so we get along great together.

My voice drifts out as I enter the room. "After you get dressed, don't forget to take some vials back to that guy to get some blood. And check his wallet for cash and identification. To the victor goes the spoils after all." I don't hear a reply, but that's fine since I know that she'll do it. Unless she forgets. Or gets distracted. Honestly I just hope she remembers to put on some clothes.

Through the door, I see a large table taking up the center of the room, with a file cabinet sitting at each of the two far corners. I hop onto the table and look down at the map marked with different colored pins. I glance around at the paper covered boards placed on the surrounding walls, detailing sightings and details of the person I've focused upon for the past seven years. I guess you could even call it an obsession if you wanted to be rude about it.

The number one hero.

The Symbol of Peace.

The one who killed my mother.

All Might.