One Year Later

I smile at the ten cats filling my room, pleased at my progress the past year. Not only have I managed to increase the amount of cats I'm able to summon, but I've also built a decent amount of muscle. I'm not overly muscled, but I do enjoy the feel of my toned stomach.

As a direct result of both of these, I now eat far more than I did before. Summoning my cats takes energy, which results in me eating more. Plus working out more often than before results in a lot of burnt calories.

Pearl has complained a bit, but it's half-hearted at best. Paul makes enough that the increase in grocery cost doesn't really make a dent in savings. Not to mention that he whole-heartedly approves of what my workouts are doing to my body. Fucking perv.

Anyways, things have been going well. The gym me and Midoriya go to also holds martial arts classes, which we've been taking. Though our approaches have been wildly different.

Midoriya will stick with each class until he's the top student, then once he has the master's approval he'll switch to another one. Once he's mastered that class, he'll ask both teachers to evaluate him to make sure he hasn't gotten any of the forms or techniques mixed up. He keeps each style separate, but is able to switch between them at a moment's notice.

For me, I master the basics, the movement techniques. I don't wait for the master to tell me I've achieved the highest rank. Instead, I switch classes any time they teach something that doesn't enhance your movement and flexibility. While not a master of any established style, my own allows me the freedom to listen to my natural instincts. And I have to say, my instincts are strong.

It's hard for any of the other students to get a hit on me, I simply sway out of the way. They also find it difficult to tell where I might attack from since I'll jump over them, roll under them, and sometimes use my tail to distract them for a crucial moment.

That place Himiko introduced me to certainly helped in refining my technique. Plus one of the people I met there had an interesting idea about how I could use my quirk, though it takes half of my cats to use.

Not even half of what I have available, but half of my total. The technique I developed takes an entire five cats to use. But the effects are certainly worth it.

Anyways, thanks to that, I'm now a decently skilled fighter, and so is Midoriya. We spar sometimes, and even though I don't use my quirk he still puts up a good fight.

He's really come far from the nervous wreck he was when we first met. I even met his mom once. Though at the time tears were pouring from her eyes in such quantities that I legitimately thought that they were related to her quirk. But nope, her quirk lets her levitate small objects. She was simply happy that he'd brought a friend home. And a female friend at that.

Himiko and I haven't been hanging out as much, though we do still make it a point to have a girls day at least once a month. Sometimes karaoke, others slaughtering criminals. Both are fun, so I don't really care which she decides to do.

There was one incident, though, that we fought about. We were clearing out a gang that had started to kidnap kids with unusual quirks. It was going well, they weren't used to killing like we were. But apparently they weren't that smart.

Really, who orders a pizza to your kidnapping hideout!? Anyways, human nature being what it is, they heard the screams for mercy and decided that it would be a good idea to open the door and see what was going on.

And what did he see but Himiko licking the blood off of her knife while standing above a dead body. He, of course, turned to run. Too bad for him that she wasn't so lost in her thrill of the kill to not notice his entrance.

She threw her knife at him, lodging it into the back of his knee. He fell with a cry, looking back at the blood splattered grin approaching him in horror. But before she could bring her knife down on him, I came out of the back room.

"The kids are safe. All that's left is to call-the hell?" I stared at the scene in front of me, Himiko frozen above a guy in a pizza delivery outfit. "Care to explain, Bloodlust?"

Hearing her vigilante (or depending on who you ask villain) name, she shrugs. "We can't have witnesses, can we? So I was just going to take care of it." So she says, but I see that she has that certain gleam in her eyes.

Still, I'll play along for the moment. "That doesn't really matter though, what with our costumes. Neither of our quirks are visible, so all he'd be able to tell the heroes or police is that two girls killed a group of kidnappers."

I was dressed in an oversized hoodie and loose sweatpants. Under them, nobody could tell my body type, and with my tail wrapped around my waist and my ears tucked into the hood, my only visible cat features were my eyes and my claws when I attacked. The lower half of my face is covered by a plain black mask, the type used by sick people.

Himiko went a completely different direction though. She put on a different school uniform than her usual and transformed into some random girl. At the moment she looked like a tall girl with straight shoulder length brown hair. She wore a sleeveless blouse, and a thin blue cloak over that. To cover her face she wore a simple butterfly mask.

I hope the girl she got the blood from had a good alibi.

She tilted her head, knife still poised above the pizza boy. "But isn't it better to be safe than sorry? Besides, look at his blood! It's purple!"

Despite myself I looked down, surprised at the sight. Instead of normal red blood, it was a viscous purple. It oozed from around the knife instead of dripping. It really is interesting. But still…

"You can't kill him just because you want to see him bleed. He doesn't have anything to do with the kidnappers." I pause before looking at his face. "You don't, right?"

At his panicked nodding I looked at Himiko. She groaned, but got up. "Fiiiine. You know Clause, you're not as fun since you started hanging out with broccoli top." Then her foot shot forward and sank into the pizza boy's face, knocking him out. I rolled my eyes but let it go.

After calling the police, we left the hideout, dinner and funds secured. Apparently the group got an advance on their payment, luckily for us.

Anyways, Himiko sulked for a month after that and I didn't see much of her. She kept going out, looking for things to take her frustration out on. Luckily she found something that improved her mood. She kept it secret until about a month ago, and I was mad that she didn't tell me sooner! Still though, I let her have her petty vengeance.

Oh yeah, and Meruem told me that she wanted to become a therapist. Her quirk lets her delve into the mind of someone sleeping, so as long as she gets special permission, she could help her patients directly instead of leading them to heal on their own.

I'm pulled from my thoughts on the past year by my phone ringing. I answer, hearing a certain broccoli headed boy panicking on the other side.

"I just shouted at All Might! What am I going to do!?"