UA Gates

I leave the house, ignoring Paul's goodbye. It's been irritating, dealing with him the past month. Pearl found out that his "overtime" the past half a year really meant "fucking my boss' secretary".

Suffice to say that she left, along with the only thing I had to look forward to in this household. My poor meals…

Anyways, with Pearl gone, Paul's been drinking. He hasn't gotten violent with me or anything, even if he did, it wouldn't end well for him. But he has been getting bold.

He's been trying to hug me a lot more often lately, as well as being weirdly enthusiastic about having me eat home cooked meals. Obviously I'm not going to eat anything the dipshit makes when he's acting like this.

Instead I'll take it to my room and "eat" it. I.e, have one of my mage cats destroy it. He always looks disappointed when I bring down the empty plate and then return to my room. I also got a second lock for my room, one of those chain hook things.

A good thing too. The night before the exam, I'd been woken up by the sound of the chain rattling and quiet cursing. I don't know how he got a key for the doorknob lock, but he was too worried about waking me to try and do anything to the chain.

Instead he closed the door, and I listened as he re-locked it. I came to a decision in the darkness of the night.

'He won't be here when I come back from the exam.'

I even have the perfect person to use for it. I only found them due to pure chance, but I know that they'll get the job done. After all, revenge is one of the strongest motivations. Though I won't be able to contact them again, since they'll wise up to the trick.

But that's all already been set in motion. For now, I'm approaching the gates to UA, and they are massive. Which makes sense when you consider that some students might have mutant quirks that increase their size to a massive degree.

I look around at all the prospective students, taking in their appearances. A lot of them look like regular people, but even more have some kind of minor mutation due to their quirk. People with full mutation quirks seem to be in the minority.

But as I look around, my eyes catch on a girl who's a bit… stranger than the others. Her skin is kind of… ephemeral, but it's also sort of sparkling. It's really eye-catching and I can't help but focus on her. Then someone bumps into her and they start apologizing to each other.

He says he didn't see her, but that's nonsense. How could you NOT see her! She has literally one of the most unique appearances I've ever seen.

But then my attention is grabbed by something behind me, along with my tail. I jump, turning around in the air as I hiss at the tail-grabber.

The culprit is a brown haired girl with a round face and soft looking cheeks. I really want to see how they feel, but she grabbed my tail! She looks shocked at my reaction though. Was it an accident?

"Oh! Um, sorry. Your swaying tail was super cute and I couldn't resist seeing how it felt. Sorry again." She claps her hands and bows her head with a sheepish look on her face. I say nothing, instead just staring at her.

Her face starts to turn red in embarrassment. 'Why isn't she saying anything? Is she really mad that I grabbed her tail? I knew I shouldn't have just grabbed it!'

The girl is pulled from her thoughts by a similar action being done to her cheeks. She stares at me blankly as I play with them. "Soft and squishy, Nya~."

She blushes heavily at my words and quickly pulls away. "Wh-wh-why would you do that!?"

I tilt my head while a smirk crosses my face. "What do you mean, Nya? Your cheeks looked really squeezable, and I couldn't resist seeing how they felt. They did not disappoint."

Her blush deepens and she turns, stammering. "I-I, um, h-have to go. T-t-the exam! Right, I have to go to the exam. Nice to- oof!"

Unfortunately for her, she was so busy being embarrassed that she didn't realize there was a walking vegetable behind her. He's falling backwards, but knowing him, he'll turn it into a roll and spring up like nothing happened.

But the girl has other ideas. After letting out a yelp of surprise, she presses her hand against his chest. I blink at her, surprised that she's the type of person to hit someone while they're down. But her touch is gentle, and then Midoriya starts floating!

"Phew." She lets out a relieved breath. "Sorry about that, I wasn't watching where I was going." She puts him right side up while he looks at her with a light in his eyes. Uh oh, I know that look…

He opens his mouth, but before he can speak I throw my arm around his shoulders. "Heya nerd-nya! Haven't seen you since you started on that pet project of yours. Did you finish it? Both parts?"

He blushes at how close I am, as well as the feeling of my C-cups on his arm. "O-o-oh! Catia! Y-yeah! I finished both of them." His eyes take on a different gleam than before as he reaches towards his backpack.

Before he can though, the girl with the squishy cheeks speaks up. "Um, do the two of you know each other?" I look over, noting with disappointment that her blush has almost vanished, but dismiss it a moment later. If she gets in, then I'll have plenty of time to tease her~.

"Yep. This little brainiac is my workout buddy, as well as one nya of a nya-nalyst. It's also fun whenever I can get him on his back, though that doesn't happen all that often. Don't want him to get too hurt after all."

Oh look, her blush is back! Midoriya shakes me off, and when he turns to glare at me I see that he's blushing too!

He looks me in the eyes with the patented 'I know what you did' look, and I feel my ears twitch in curiosity.

"Catia," he says firmly, "did you eat more catnip?"

My tail stiffens and I look towards the sky. "No… Wow, the sky sure is pretty, Nya~. People should look up more often, Nya~."

He sighs at my reaction before running his hands down his face. Then he looks to squishy cheeks. "Um, sorry about her. She's part cat, so sometimes she gets like… this." He gestures vaguely at me."

Still blushing, squishy cheeks waves her hands in front of herself. "Oh, it's no problem at all! I don't want to intrude on your personal time with your girlfriend." With that she hurries to the building. She's blushing so hard that I feel like I can see steam coming off the top of her head!

He stares after her with a blank look on his face. Then he blushes as he's hit with the full impact of her words. Then he goes back over our conversation and his blush deepens even more as he rushes after her! "Wait! That's not what she meant! She was talking about sparring! SPARRING!"

Looking at their figures as they vanish through the doors, I can't help but chuckle. They'd make a cute couple together. Of course, I reserve full rights to squish her cheeks whenever I desire. So long as she says it's ok. I'm sure I can find some way to get her to agree though~.

As I make my own way to the doors leading into the exam hall, I note a familiar looking blonde with wild hair scowling. Catching my eye, his scowl deepens as he stomps towards me.

"Watch yourself, shitty cat! I won't lose to you!" Having shouted his piece to the world, he stomps inside.

I, meanwhile, simply tilt my head at him in confusion "... Who in the nya was that?"