Establishing Clans

I'm eating some leftover pizza the day after everyone else arrived, watching as they bring in the things they want in their rooms. Or in the case of Yaoyorozu, the things her minions are bringing in.

I have serious doubts that they'll all fit, but it won't be my problem if they don't. 'Maybe we can convince her to give some stuff to Uraraka.' I think, side-eyeing the girl next to me. She hadn't brought anything new in today, making me think that she only has the stuff she brought yesterday.

Nothing wrong with that of course, but the way she's eyeing the pizza and staring at anyone who grabs a slice makes me think that there's more to it. I don't think she even realizes she's doing it. But as we chat, obviously Bakugou needs to yell at Midorinya whenever they pass by each other.

After the latest round of 'DEKU!' and 'KACHAN!' that nagging feeling from last night finally sparks a memory. "OH! NOW I REMEMBER!" I point at Bakugou, who's looking at me with anger. But that seems to be his default expression.

I point at him. "You were that douche with a litter-filled view of heroism!"

He drops the box he's carrying, spilling some clothes on the floor in the process while his hands spark explosions. "THE HELL YOU MEAN LITTER-FILLED, SHITTY CAT!?"

Of course his shout brings everyone else into the foyer. They look between us apprehensively, which is fair considering what happened the night before. And now that I'm irritated by the memory all over again, I can't say that they're wrong to worry.

I glare at him as my tail puffs out a bit, eliciting a small 'aww' from Ashido and Hagakure. "Exactly what I nya'd Yowler. You can't be nyamber one if you don't care about casualties, nya."

Kirishima steps in, trying to mediate again. "Come on now Catia, that's a bit harsh don't you think? What kind of hero wouldn't care about the people they're trying to protect?" Todoroki and I speak at the same time.

""Endeavor."" Exchanging glances, we give each other understanding nods. I would have said All Might, but his image is too damn pure. Even insinuating something like that would arouse suspicion, and I can't give the supposedly smartest being a reason to look too far into my background. Though I'm confident that he wouldn't try to go back nine years to find out why I think of him like that.

Which is why I named the oh-so-lauded number two hero. It's well known that he causes a lot of collateral damage while going after villains. But the HPSC tries to limit how much the public knows about all the lives included in that collateral. Which is why…

"He just ends up fighting really dangerous villains! It's not like he wants there to be so much damage, the villains cause it!"

People are so quick to stand up for the people society has put on a pedestal. So long as it doesn't impact their lives they can gloss over whatever happens. Nobody wants to admit to the fact that the heroes that protect them might be worse than the villains they fight. As for me…

"Try telling that to the people who lost a loved one in the fight, nya. A hero is someone who keeps the innyacent safe. If they let someone uninvolved die to fight a villain, they're a fake."

Done with the conversation, I get up and head to my room, ignoring Bakuhoe's screams for me to come back and fight him. I ignore the looks I get. I ignore Midorinya trying to talk to me. I close the door to my room and take a deep breath as my claws pop out.

Turning around, I start digging my claws into my scratching wall. I'm not a fan of the noise it causes when I do this, but the feeling I get is relaxing. Which is definitely something I need right now.


Classes start in three days, and it seems like clans have already been established. There's three quasi-formal ones, and then the people who haven't joined any of them.

First off is my illustrious clan, of which I am the head of. The ones in my clan are Mina, Toru, Todoroki, and Momo. They did give me odd looks when I said that if we're going to be a clan we need to call each other by our first names, but they went along with it when I told them that I was from America where it's normal. Except for Todoroki, but since we share a hate for his father I gave him a pass.

The second clan belongs to Midorinya. His clan consists of Uraraka, Ojiro, Tsu as she insists about half of the class call her, and Jirou. As far as I can tell they joined up with him due to their quirks not being 'strong', and admiring how he managed to get into UA quirkless. Then they stuck with him after getting to know how nice and helpful he is.

Finally we have the Bakuclan. The lowliest clan consists of Iida (of the apparently famous Iida clan), Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Mineta. Though I'm pretty sure Mineta is only a part of them because Kaminari convinced him and Bakugou threatened him. Something about his clan having more members than Midorinya's.

That only leaves those who wish to take no sides in our battle for supremacy. The future casualties are: Aoyama, Sato, Tokoyami, and Shouji. While the Bakuclan and Midorinyas are semi-hostile, the Cats get along well with the Midorinyas.

"Such is the anyalysis of the territory dynyamics so far." I salute the person across from me with a grin as my tail sways in amusement.

They only sigh while pinching the bridge of their nose with one hand as they let my wonderfurlly written report fall to their desk. Instead, they use that hand to stroke the blue cat sleeping next to them.

"...So to sum things up: Midoriya, Bakugou, and you are going to be the biggest problem children in the class."

My grin doesn't fade. "If I'm nya problem, I can always dispel my cat…"

"...Your request for an ounce of catnip being supplied with your costume is still rejected. Nezu doesn't want another incident occurring."

I raise a finger. "Counterpoint. If I ever need to become feral, it's a nyacessity. As such, the school should ensure I have what I need to become more pawerful."

"No." With that he picks up the cat and vanishes under his desk. Rolling my eyes. I peer over it and see him zipping himself into a yellow sleeping bag.

"... I'll show you anyather way my quirk can be nya'd."

With a sigh, he sits up, not leaving the sleeping bag. My cat's head pokes out under his chin, also looking at me curiously.

Not making him wait, I summon a defense cat. Not the one with the shield, but my more covert version. A fluffy chunky cat appears on his desk and he stares at it. His expression doesn't change from his usual 'it's too early for this' look, but I do see a gleam in his eyes.

"Covert defense cat. Nyas for two hours, then dispels. I'll allow two snuggle nyas a week for one ounce in my tail-band."

"...I'll see what I can do. Leave this one for a trial run. You'll find out what the decision is when you get your costume."

I smile. "Pawsure doing business with mew~." I leave him with the cat and head back to the dorms. I want to make sure my room is clean since everyone decided to look at each other's rooms tomorrow.

Aizawa watches his soon-to-be student leave his classroom with dead eyes. At least that's what it would look like to anyone who's not familiar with the man. To those who do, they would see the curiosity, apprehension, and appreciation in his gaze. (Minds out of the gutters you degenerates)

"She is definitely going to be the biggest problem child I have to deal with this year." The defense cat walks up to him and lets out a cute meow, causing him to smile gently at it. "But she's probably going to be my favorite as well. Problem cat."

So saying, he pulls the oversized cat into the sleeping bag with its brother and lays down to go back to sleep, unaware of just how true his first statement will prove to be.