Welcome to Class

(AN: {} denotes texts)

Today is the first official day of our start of UA High. Which means, of course, that I woke up early and went to wait in the classroom before anyone else. I'm curious as to who's going to underestimate how long it will take them to get to class.

To absolutely nobody's shock nor surprise, Mr. Stick in the Ass is the first one to get here after me. But I have to say, coming in an hour early seems to be a bit excessive. But watching his smug expression vanish when he sees that I beat him here is worth coming in an hour and a half before class.

Plus it let me and Mr. Aizawa come to a certain… arrangement. He's kind of a sadistic teacher, but if it helps me to prank the class I'm all for it!

Frowning at me, Iida takes his seat and pulls out some study cards. 'Considering this is the first day, I wonder what he's studying? Probably 'the proper way to study. After all, one can always improve their studying prowess'.' I snort at the thought, causing him to glance at me for a moment before going back to his cards.

Since I have time until anyone else shows up, I decide to check my phone. Himiko is always awake at weird hours, so there's no telling when she'll send a text. And lo and behold, that's what I see.

{Hiyah Catia! Got a big job soon! :) :) No clu what the pay is but it seems interesting! OH OH AND THEY PROMISED ENOUGH BLOOD TO COVER MEE!!! ;) ;) ;)}

{THYE DONT NO WHEN IT IS!!! Theyll call when know when. Blehg. Gunna hunt sum randos while I wait. Wanted big bloody payday… (¬、¬)}

I roll my eyes at the new information before sending something back.

{ 1) Check your spelling.

2) Make sure you go transformed.

3) Make sure you aren't killing random civilians!

4) If they try to leave you out to dry, I'll find a way to sneak out so we can go hunting.}



{Because we can't let it slide~}


{Except for bloodstains on the walls~}


{Their fates will be the same~}

Finishing the little ditty we came up with, I smile before checking the time. Thirty minutes left until class starts, and the first person to show up at a reasonable time is… Bakuhoe? That's a surprise.

Seeing two people already in their seats he scowls and takes his own, leaning back and putting his feet on the desk when he does. Glancing at Iida, I see that he's too focused on his cards to notice, but even if they are part of the same clan I know that he's going to go against Bakuhoe due to it. He's too stiff not to.

At the twenty minute mark, the others start trickling in until the five minute mark. The only ones left to show up are Mina and Sero. Everyone else has been talking to each other, and Iida is trying to lecture Bakuhoe about respect, which has me rolling my eyes over how disrespectful he's been towards Midorinya.

At the two minute mark, I look at the conspicuous yellow sleeping bag by the door. I have no idea how, but somehow nobody else has seen it yet. I can just bet how irritated it's made Mr. Aizawa. Which is why I know he's going to enjoy this little prank all the more.

With one minute until the bell rings in the start of class, Mina and Sero reach the door. Though they're shoving each other trying to get in, so with thirty seconds left neither of them are actually in class yet. And since you should always help your clanmates, I decide to cause a distraction.

"Hey, Sero! NYA MAMA!"

My seemingly nonsensical shout causes everyone to stop what they're doing and give me weird looks, including Sero who looks like he can't decide if he should be confused or offended. Luckily Mina doesn't let the opportunity go to waste.

WIth one last heave she pushes Sero out of the way and walks triumphantly into the room just as the bell rings. Sero quickly follows while looking around frantically, breathing a sigh of relief when he doesn't see the teacher.

The chatter continues until a deep meow reverberates through the classroom. Everyone is shocked into silence and turns to look at me, causing me to roll my eyes. "Do mew all really think my voice is that deep, nya?" Getting sheepish looks in return, I point at the front of the classroom where something long and yellow starts to slowly rise from the floor.

Following the direction my finger is pointing, everyone freezes in horror at what they see. It resembles a giant yellow caterpillar, but at the top part of it is a large furry head. The collective thoughts of the newly enrolled class 1-A can be summed up with one phrase.

'''''What the hell is that thing!?'''''

As they watch, it seems to take a deep breath. "Meow." It meows again, confusing the students. Then to their surprise the front of it unzips and it pulls out a gym uniform. "Meow." Tossing it to Sero, who's closest to him, he gives one last meow and falls to the floor before crawling out.

Everyone is confused by what just happened, and I have to work hard to keep from bursting out into laughter. With as straight an expression as I can manage, I open my desk and pull out the gym uniform inside. Getting up, I ignore the stares I get as I walk to the door. When I reach it, I turn around with a confused expression on my face.

"What are ny'all doing? We knead to get changed and head out." I'm already halfway down the hall by time everyone's confused shouts echo out of the classroom behind me, causing me to break out into a jog as I laugh.

Out on the field, everyone looks to the now fully human looking person in front of us in confusion. "Pardon, but who might you be?"

Momo is the one to ask the question on everyone else's minds, making me chuckle again. This of course elicits confused stares, though Midorinya gives me a suspicious one. Thinking back, he realizes that the caterpillar thing's furry face did resemble my defense cats. Glancing between me and Mr. Aizawa, his eyes narrow.

"My name is Shota Aizawa, and I'm your homeroom teacher." This elicits even more confusion, and I finally start laughing. The looks everyone gives me just causes me to laugh harder, and I end up slapping the ground.

When I finally calm down, I smile at them, causing them to flinch back. Why did they flinch? Because I decided to use Mr. Aizawa's sadist smile, which he showed me when I first suggested the prank.

"I wanted to see how you all would react if put into a strange situation while being given minimal clues. Safe to say that without Catia's prompting, you would all still be in the classroom."

He continues over the class' protests, his next words causing them to fall silent. "The reason we're out here is to do a quirk assessment test."
