Return to the Dorms

"Normally I'd send you straight to Hound Dog to see if you're ok after your kidnapping, but given how you were just interrogated by the police I think you deserve some rest. Just promise that you'll visit him if you start having strange thoughts or feelings."

I raise an eyebrow at my teacher, a bit amused at the casual disregard of my mental wellbeing. 'I wonder if they have this attitude with the others as well…'

Seeing that I don't plan on replying, Mr. Aizawa sighs and opens the door to the dorms. Walking in, we see everyone gathered in some kind of meeting.

"I'm telling you, Catia went toe-to-toe with All Might and that big bird guy!"

Sero's words just get eyerolls from those assembled while the class robot openly scoffs. "I find that horribly implausible. Not only would there be no reason for her to fight All Might, but as the number one hero he is far above our current combative abilities. Additionally, if she theoretically did attack him, would it not have been her cats that matched him? Given her quirk summons them?"

Uraraka shakes her head. "No, it's true! It looked like she wrapped one of her, um, brawler cats around herself. Before All Might showed up she was literally tearing the bird guy apart!" She shivers thinking of all the blood that coated the center of the USJ.

Momo nods. "I can vouch for them. Though when she fought, she seemed to be more… savage, than she usually is."

Midnorinya frowns at this new piece of information. "I have theorized about how she could overlay objects with her cats, so using them on herself to boost her own combat abilities isn't too hard to imagine. As for her being more savage and attacking All Might, they might have given her some catnip so she would go berserk. I've only ever seen her having eaten an ounce of it before, so I'm not sure what kind of effects eating it in larger quantities would have on her."

"I don't knyow either, but my quirk would probably get a purrty big boost out of it." At the sound of my voice, they all turn towards me with surprised expressions.


The combined shouts of the entire class has me wincing as my ears fold back. It only gets worse as they crowd around me, their voices fighting for dominance as they let loose with a flurry of questions that I can't understand. Eventually though, one question rings out and silences the others.

"What was it like being kidnapped by the villains?" While all the attention turns to Todoroki, I can't help but deadpan at him.

"It was purrty nice. They set me up in a giant cat house where I lounged around and smelled smoked catnip." My straightforward reply gets a few snorts of laughter from a few of them while jaws drop from others.

"Wait, you got kidnapped!?!"

I shoot a confused look at Mina. "Yeah? Right after All Might hit me in the face, nya." I point at the three who were talking about my fight with All Might and the Nomu, which Shigaraki told me was actually a bioengineered weapon. Freaky.

"They should have seen it happen if they saw the fight, nya." While the attention shifts yet again, the ones who saw the fight getting berated for not telling them all about me getting kidnapped, I duck down and weave my way between the crowd, safely escaping their encirclement.

Once I'm free, I head over to the kitchen while summoning a couple cats and ordering them to make me some food. A sandwich with lots of meat sounds good. By the time the rest of the class finish lecturing the others for their lack of information reporting skills I've sat down and started eating. As they approach me once again, thankfully more calmly than the previous mobbing, I finally notice that there's a few things off about them, and a couple are missing.

Obviously I'm not surprised that Mineta isn't around, but I am surprised that Kaminari is here. Then again, he overloaded himself before any of the Cult could fight him so his actual injuries were basically nonexistent. Ojiro isn't here though, which is odd considering that he's one of the few who have any kind of combat training in the class. A quick question gets Mina, who's covered in bandages, to reply. Though I notice her slightly puffy eyes shift away when I ask.

"He got wailed on by a bunch of villains while we were at the Fire Zone. He woke up a while ago, but Recovery Girl wanted him to stay longer for monitoring or something." She waves it away with the carefree attitude the class knows her for, seemingly unaware of the slight flinch she has when she mentions the Fire Zone.

"What about mew? Is that how you got hurt too, nya?" If she's still walking around with bandages, I'd hate to see what state that guy is in…

As I expected, she tenses and a shiver rolls down her body, but she laughs it off. "Nah, this is my own fault. After Ojiro went down I kind of went overboard with my quirk, so my acid mel-burned me a bit. Recovery Girl said that she could heal them herself, but if she didn't then my skin would become more resistant, so here I am. As Mummy Mina!"

She stretches her arms out in front of herself and makes groaning noises as she approaches, making me giggle. I do find her antics fun, but I can tell she wants this more than me. While we have our bit of fun, I take note of the uneasy looks directed toward her. I think I'm getting a bit of an idea as to what happened, but for now I'll leave it to her to bring up on her own. Speaking of asking someone about things…

"Toru, mew know I can see you. Where are your clothes, nya?" A few people jump, unaware that she's present. And for good reason.

Indeed, the invisible member of the class is standing right next to me. And she is in fact naked, though she's at least using her hands and arms to cover herself. Still though, it's taking all my effort to focus on my second sandwich and not the cute naked girl next to me.

Blushing heavily, she stammers out a reply. "U-um, w-well… you weren't h-here, and I'm not used to people s-s-seeing me. S-s-so…"

I sigh, rubbing the back of my hand against my cheeks to try and stop my blush from building as she runs back to her room to get dressed (I hope). Seeing her retreating form though, for a brief moment I lose my battle of wills and my gaze drops before she disappears up the stairs.

'As perky as her personality.' I nod while my eyes flick over to Mina. 'Is there some correlation to the size of a person's butt and their personality?'

"I feel like you just had a thought Mineta would have said." Mina accuses me. Suddenly the mood in the room is reminiscent of a funeral home.

"Yeah… Mineta would have been over the moon knowing that he was in the room with a naked girl. Poor guy."

Silence envelops them, taking me by surprise. I mean, I knew having a death in the class would hurt them, but given that it was Mineta, and they'd only known him for a couple weeks, I also expected them to kind of brush it off. 'I guess I've just become desensitized to death, huh…' There's a slight pang in my heart at the thought, but I brush it aside. For what I want, that kind of naive thinking is a liability.

Seeing that the mood for questions has dropped, I pop the last bite of my sandwich in my mouth and head to the couch while I chew. Following my example, the others disperse as well, some heading to their rooms, others outside, A few stick around in the living room, and Mina sits next to me with our shoulders touching. Looking at her, my ears and tail twitch inquisitively. She just smiles back.

Shrugging it off, I turn on the tv only for another surprise to occur.

"Still no news on the strange feline-like being that appeared here in Musutafu several nights ago. To those who don't know, a blue cat-like creature was found walking down the street holding a round object. Concerned citizens alerted the heroes, and they attempted to stop it to figure out both what it was, and what it was carrying. However, these attempts all ended in failure as it simply continued to walk forward. When they attempted to use force, it attempted to escape, but was hit by a car and vanished. The object it was carrying was launched somewhere and became lost. If you have any information, please call-"

I turn the tv off, fully aware of the stares directed at me. I cough. "Guess my brawler cat got pretty fur during the assessment test, nya?"

Feeling the judgemental stares intensify, I flee to the safe haven of my room, unaware of the sadness-tinged gaze that follows.