Monday Mews

I trod into the empty classroom with heavy steps, slouched shoulders, and essentially just an overall tired appearance. What Himiko said at the raid has been bothering me. So much so that this is the first time I've left my room. I didn't answer the door for Aizawa, Minya, Tormew, or Midorinya and just stayed curled in a ball while hugging my plushie.

But I can't really afford to miss class. Especially given how suspicious the staff are likely to be. 'Nya-it Himiko. Why'd you have to say so much! And since when are you ever serious!? How the nya did you manage to pull off that 'wise and mysterious' litter!?'

Regardless of what I think about what happened, I'm still a student. For now~.

I studiously ignore that little voice in my head. If I don't give it any attention, it'll eventually go away. I've done it before and I'll do it again. Nya, it'll be even easier now that I'm not a kid!

Slowly, the rest of the class walks through the door, most of them heading to their own seats with nothing more than nods directed my way, if that. Iida, of course, studiously ignores me. The stick in his butt always seems to get just a little bit bigger whenever he's not the first one in class. 'I wonder if I can get him angry enough to flip me off~?'

The idle thought manages to bring my mood back up a bit, and I let a small smile tug at the corners of my lips. One that manages to reach its full potential when Minya and Tormew walk in together and immediately beeline towards me.

"What happened at the raid?" Tormew asks.

"We were worried but you wouldn't open your door!" Minya continues.

"I had to stop her from climbing in through your balcony." Tormew rats her out, getting a gasp from the pink-skinned girl.

"Hey! You were all in on going in through the outside, but Tsu stopped both of us!"

"I have no memory of that happening." Tormew looks away and puts a finger to her chin in a thinking pose.

I can't help but chuckle at their antics, the sense of normalcy helping me push away Himiko's words. For now, they don't matter. At the moment I'm at UA, so there's nothing to be done except be a student.

Though I do miss the freedom of being able to go out as a vigilante or work out my frustrations at the Masquerade. Stupid dorm system. But as I watch my friends argue about whose idea it was to try climbing through my balcony, I can't say it's a bad trade.

I spring from my seat and wrap my arms around the two of them as my tail waves happily behind me. They look surprised for only a second before they return the hug, and I simply enjoy the warm feeling I get from the action.

Unfurtunately though, I hear the telltale sound of our homeroom teacher, his steps barely making any noise as he quickly approaches the classroom. With him are two- no, three others. So I reluctantly pull away from them, letting my hands linger on their arms for a few seconds longer before I sigh and give them a smile.

"Thanks fur that."

My heartfelt gratitude gets small chuckles in reply. "Of course. Anytime you need a hug, I'm always available!" Minya says with a happy grin and a thumbs up.

"Yeah! No matter what you need, just ask!" Tormew clenches her fists close to her chest as her eyes shine even more than usual. "I'm more than happy to help you with anything!"

I pat them both on the head, shaking away the idle comparison of Tormew's hair being softer while Minya's is fluffier. "Then how about mew both sit down, Aizawa is nearly here. And we have guests, nya."

Taking my advice, they go to their seats while the rest of the class perks up in curiosity, the same question clear on each of their faces. 'Who are the guests?'

Aizawa opens the door with his mouth already open, probably to tell us to quiet down and judge us for how long it takes. Hah! I already got that handled! Fear the power of the class president! Being ready when he comes in doesn't get more than a grunt of satisfaction, but it's still a win!

"Since you're all prepared, we can get right down to business. Unfortunately, due to the development of certain recent events, I'll be getting a room at the dorms with all of you."

There's stunned silence before a barrage of pleas, begging, and cries of doom fill the room, and I pull out the pair of earmuffs the support department made me to deal with situations like this. After the noise level reaches a certain threshold, they'll automatically start dampening any incoming sound. They're incredibly useful around loud noises, but I don't want to become dependent on them as a crutch since they aren't part of my hero costume.

Plus they're irritating to wear since my ears are on top of my head instead of the sides.

"QUIET!" Aizawa's shout and activation of his quirk immediately silences the room and my earmuffs come off just as fast as they came on. Another reason I don't like wearing them. Really, despite being so effective, they're really only truly useful if I decided I would be going to a concert or something. "Cementoss is adding an addition to the building that's being designated as my space. So no, I won't be in the room next to any of you. If I was, I'd finally hand Nezu my resignation letter."

He shakes his head. "That does mean that if there are any actual problems, and let me repeat; actual problems, then you can address them to me immediately. If they aren't an actual problem," his eyes flash red as his hair starts to float. "Then you'll be experiencing hell."

An audible swallow rings out in the silent classroom before his hair falls and his eyes dim. "Any questions?"

Jirou raises one of her jacks while fiddling with a pencil and Aizawa calls on her. "So, like, does this have something to do with the people planning an entrance outside the door?" She points at the wall with her jacks, and the small amount of noise I could hear from them talking comes to a stop. 'Guess it makes sense that her hearing is better than mine.' I could hear that they were talking, but couldn't tell what they were actually saying.

Aizawa sighs. "Partially. Send her in." Hearing the cue, the door opens and a gloved hand gently nudges a little girl with long silver hair inside, a stray lock curled around the single horn protruding from the side of her forehead. I jerk in my seat from surprise while most of the class starts muttering in confusion. The exceptions of course being Minya and Tormew since they were there when we met her, though it's clear that they aren't sure why she's here now.

Eri looks around the room with a slightly fearful expression before her eyes land on me, instantly brightening as she quickly makes her way over. She's not really running, but the small smile on her face and the focus in her eyes prevents anyone from underestimating how happy she is to see me. She stops right in front of my desk, her arms twitching like they were when she first ran into me, and just like that time I make a cat for her to hold, a fluffy chonky defense cat that she has trouble wrapping her arms around.

"Thank mew Cat Lady!" She shuffles around the desk, hesitating a moment before tentatively reaching her hand out and pinching the edge of my skirt, causing me to smile.

"Meow there, Eri! It's a pleasure to see mew again. I hope you're doing better meow?" I slowly reach out my hand, ready to stop if she's uncomfortable. To my happy surprise she isn't, actually leaning into my hand as I rub her head.

"Much better! Big Sis helped me get away, and your friends brought me here so I could see you again!"

My smile stiffens just a bit at the 'big sis' comment, given that I can tell who it is by the context, but it softens again not even a second later. The Cult is good with helping kids with their issues, but it takes time. With the difference I'm seeing though? There's no doubt that's because of Himiko. 'She's a good person. And a good friend.'

Aside from being a murder happy vampire.

"This is Eri." Aizawa continues as the class stares at us. "She's going to be staying with me at the dorms so we can help her get control of her quirk. Be nice, and Bakugou, no cursing."

He scowls in response, muttering under his breath about how she'll learn how to curse eventually so it doesn't make a difference if it's now or later. I make a mental note to punish him later. Maybe I'll ask that underling I got a while back to do something? It'll be harder for him to retaliate against her since he doesn't know anybody from the gen ed course except for that Shinso guy.

Actually, now that I think of it neither do I. I haven't even checked in with said underling after I got her. 'Huh. Maybe that guy had a point. Maybe 1-A has become arrogant after the USJ?' Then again, I can back up my talk with skill. I did manage to injure All Might. So for me it would be more confidence in my abilities? Either way I should probably talk to Aizawa or someone about doing some joint class stuff so we at least all have a proper introduction with each other.

"Additionally, we have two new staff members. One of them will be hosting an extra curricular course for those interested, and the other will be assisting All Might during your heroics class. Though since neither of those apply until after the Festival, you might not be seeing much of them until then."

Sighing, Aizawa knocks twice on the podium, getting more than a few raised brows as the door opens and a tall man waltzes in, a small cane hanging from a well-dressed arm. My eyes widen and my jaw drops. My tail stills and I stop petting Eri, barely noticing the small pout she directs at me.

The well-dressed man bows, his carefully styled hair bouncing a bit as he straightens himself. "Greetings, young ones. I am the former villain known as Gentle Criminal! Though as I now find myself searching for a new moniker to claim, for now you may address me as my beloved does. Gentle."

The small girl next to him is wearing a complimentary outfit, her large twin-tails nearly matching her size. "And I'm his partner, La Brava! If any of you have an interest in computers and code, I'll make sure you're at least not terrible at it!"

Gentle Criminal and La Brava… are going to be teachers at UA.

'I should have paid more attention to what was going on after the raid.'