Tournament Preface

"Fucking dumbass! I told you that I should have fought her!" Bakugou yells at Kirishima, who is lying on his stomach in the infirmary, bandages wrapped all around his torso. The shark-toothed boy gives an awkward laugh while rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

"Yeah, I know. But she was super strong! I don't think I've ever been that pumped up before!" His brows furrow. "Actually, you started attacking before we could find out who would win. Think she'd be up for another round?"

Bakugou throws his hands in the air and stomps out of the room. "FUCKING DUMBASS!"


Injuries for the second event are relatively light, with the exceptions of Kirishima and Bakugou. Small cuts and deep bruises are the main problems. They wouldn't be, normally, but the sheer quantity of them has Recovery Girl cursing out Nezu in her mind, vowing to get her old hero cane to teach him a lesson if he comes up with anything else like it.

Apart from that though, there's one major issue, and that is the fact that the idiotic rat had given a student drugs!

Well, not drugs, but they might as well have been since that's what her quirk treats them as! Or perhaps they'd be more accurately classed as steroids, like Trigger? Either way, he shouldn't have done it! Especially since the only way they know of to calm her back down is even more catnip, but as a smoke! Honestly, sometimes Recovery Girl wonders whether or not the rat really thinks everything through or not.

She sighs as she puts down the test results, looking over at the sleeping student in question. She's sleeping oddly, at least from a human perception. She's lying half on her side and half on her stomach with her face buried in the crook of her arms, with her legs brought up to her waist. It looks incredibly uncomfortable, but only when applied to a person. When a cat does it, it simply looks cute. Recovery Girl isn't entirely sure whether or not it's a good idea to leave her like that, but she did choose to sleep like that after she calmed down…

She really needs to lecture Nezu about taking his 'entertainment' too far. At least Midoriya's notes about her quirk has helped her to understand that she shouldn't be overly worried. Other than the possibility for Catia not remembering the second event, there shouldn't be any adverse effects.

She'll still make sure to keep an eye on her though.


Midoriya blows softly on his takoyaki, idly wondering if he should make a device to help cool down too hot food. Unlike Hatsume though, who'd get to work on it as soon as possible the moment it entered her mind, he quickly dismisses the thought. It would take way too much work to get it calibrated to cool different food down to their ideal temperature. Not to mention that everyone has their own preference, so they'd need to be personalized for each person.

Plus, if someone doesn't want to just blow on their food to cool it down for some reason, they can just wait. It's ridiculous to make a dedicated device for that.

Still, as he eats his small lunch, he understands that he's really just trying to distract himself from the fact that he has a stalker. Well, that's a bit rude, but it still applies. It's especially creepy given the appearance All Might's civilian form has. If he was bald -and put on a suit that isn't garishly yellow- then he might be mistaken for Slenderman.

If the villain wasn't in a European prison.

As he throws his trash away, he sighs, knowing that the man will continue to follow him if he doesn't approach him first. He's rather childish like that. So, instead of trying to lead him somewhere isolated and trusting him to follow, Midoriya simply walks up to the man and meets his eyes.

"You want to talk, let's talk."


"Tch. I can't believe how many of 1-A managed to get to the final round. They have almost twice as many people as we do!"

"That's four people, Monoma." Kendo deadpans at the dramatic blonde, who groans in response.

"That's still four more people than we have! And what's worse is that they teamed up with those two students from Gen ed and Support just so that we would have less of our class make it through!"

"Come on man, even you aren't insecure enough to believe that." Setsuna scoffs with crossed arms.

He huffs, crossing his own arms. "I'm not insecure, I'm just pissed at how the entire event was arrayed against us!"

Bondo can't help but nod. "It is a bit unfair that one of their classmates was the one to attack everyone. We barely managed to get out!"

"Yeah, it's a good thing that Gen ed kid wasn't really interested in continuing." Setsuna says, thinking back to the strange student. They said they just wanted to prove that they have what it takes to be a hero to their classmates, but not actually get into the hero course. It made no sense to her, but whatever. It meant that they were perfectly fine acting as a distraction for the catgirl.

The two teammates didn't see what happened, but according to those she hunted down, that's a good thing.

"Whatever!" Monoma shouts, whirling to point at Kendo. "You better beat all those 1-A bastards! You aren't allowed to let my glorious sacrifice go to waste!"

The mom of class 1-B rolls her eyes, but can't help but silently admit that he is the reason she managed to get to the final event. Using Setsuna's quirk to find the exit, then Pony's horns to get her there while holding back Catia with Shishida's quirk. It was a strain for him to keep both quirks active at the same time, resulting in less overall use, but it was enough.

"But if you go up against that girl, it would be understandable to surrender." Rin shudders. "It was… a terrifying thing to experience."

Komori nods, the short girl's head on a swivel as she looks around. "Yeah, shroom. I thought she ate Manga!"

The person in question scratches the bubble that makes up his head. "Sorry about that. I probably should have mentioned that my head is intangible back when Vlad-sensei had us discuss our quirks."

His apologies are waved off, Shiozaki taking the time to voice her own encouragement to her classmates continuing on. "I shall pray for your victories, may the Lord's blessings be upon you."

"There is no God here to bless mew. Except fur me~."


I can't help but chuckle at the way the 1-B students jump, heads shooting upwards to look at me in surprise. Recovery Girl did explain the situation to me after I woke up -along with complaining that I should still be asleep- and while watching the recordings of how I acted on four ounces of catnip would definitely be interesting, I'm too restless to stay in a room and actually do so!

Which is why I've been running around the event and antagonizing people! Mainly I'll just drop down from wherever I am and surprise them, others I'll sneak away with their food while they're not paying attention. Sure, I could always buy my own food, but I'm hungry! Plus I didn't bring much money to school today and I already spent it on what food I could get. Either way, seeing people react to their food suddenly going missing is hilarious~.

And eventually I ended up in this tree, overlooking a meeting of most of our sister hero class. And with such a nice line Shiozaki set up, how could I not say something?

They stare at me for a few moments before a blank faced girl gives me a small wave. Todoroki's secret cousin? Maybe I read too many of his conspiracy theories…

Anyways, I wave back, my smile widening when I see a few of them flinch. It's satisfying to see, and I can tell that I'm going to really enjoy watching that recording later.

"How dare you!" Monoma yells with a pose as he points at me. "Climbing that tree solely to look down on us! Do you have no shame!"

"Nya-ope~," I pop the p, not even denying either of his accusations. While I've been taking the high road to make it easier to entertain myself, I do enjoy the sense of superiority I get from literally looking down on people.

I finally turn to look at Shiozaki, who I've been actively tuning out since she started a lecture about how I'm a blasphemer for basically being a cat and mrow, meow, blehgk. "If your God is above me," I interrupt, "then they can fight me, nya."

Seeing she's speechless, I smirk. "Meow~, what's wrong? Nothing to mrow now? Purrhaps you want to start worshiping meow? There's already a precedent fur that if you're interested."

Her face is turning a lovely shade of red, so I guess it's time to take my leave. "Good lick in the tournament~," I laugh as I leap to the top of a nearby stall. "Mew will need it~."


The trio of girls who playfully dub themselves as 'Catia's Litter (of cats)' are currently enjoying some snacks of their own before the tournament, all while grumbling about how Recovery Girl wouldn't let them hang out in the infirmary until Catia woke up. Just as they finish off a round of kabobs, someone approaches them.

"Hey, you're all friends with 1-A's catgirl."

They nod, wondering why he's asking.

Shinso smiles, determined to do what it takes to win the tournament and get transferred to the hero course. "I was hoping that you could tell me a bit about her."