A New Life

After half an hour's drive, their car entered an elite residential area. Although, they didn't stop at one of the houses in the area. Their car continued moving, entering the interior of the housing to a fairly remote area. The car kept going until they arrived at a large gate that was very beautiful. The gate was not tightly guarded, only a CCTV was on the side.

The gate suddenly opened automatically, letting the luxury car drive in.

They still had to go through a long road which took 15 minutes, until a very large and luxurious house was plastered in front of them. The house was built in modern style with a large flower garden in front of it.

"Iris ... Very beautiful..." Luliyah muttered, looking at the flower garden in front of her. Her gaze looked dreamy as if she was in the middle of a paradise filled with flowers.

Kelvin who had previously closed his eyes, immediately woke up. He looked at the woman beside him gently.

Luliyah seemed to feel Kelvin's gaze on her, so she quickly turned to look at him, "Why is this flower garden full of irises? Usually people prefer to plant roses."

Kelvin immediately turned around, turned his back on Luliyah, "Someone once said that she really likes Iris flowers..."

Luliyah only nodded when she heard his answer. She didn't know who Kelvin was referring to, but she knew that Kelvin filled the entire garden with Irises because of someone.

Her eyes returned to the flowers around her in amazement. Being too engrossed in gazing at flower gardens around her, she didn't realize how wonderful the house was.

When their car arrived at the door of the house, about 10 people were ready and lined up, facing the car.

"Welcome Sir!" They greeted Kelvin when he got out of his car. The greeting sounded strong and respectful.

Luliyah who saw the incident hesitated to get down from the car, as if her feet were stuck on the ground. She was not used to seeing things like that, so she didn't know what to do.

After a few minutes, Luliyah did not still get down from the car either. Kelvin who felt astonished immediately turned around and looked into the car. Seeing Luliyah looking nervous and scared, he stretched out his hand to her, helping the woman to get down.

Luliyah was stunned for a moment to see Kelvin's hand. Since the beginning of the meeting, Kelvin was so cold to her. She din't think that the man would show her a little soft spot.

She welcomed the man's helping hand, putting her hand over Kelvin's. Kelvin grabbed her hand; Even though his face looked cold , Luliyah could feel a little softness in his hand when she touched it.

"Welcome, Madame!" The servants immediately greeted her when she came down. Luliyah just replied with an awkward smile. Her whole face felt stiff.

Unlike the other servants who looked polite and respectful, a middle-aged woman stepped forward and hugged Luliyah without warning, "Welcome." She said warmly.

Luliyah was surprised when she was suddenly hugged by someone she didn't know, but the woman's warmth made her feel comfortable so she hugged her back, smiling a little. Kelvin stood still beside her and did not stop her.

"Mrs Binta, please show Luliyah around. I'll be in my room." He said as he walked away. The servants once again lowered their heads as Kelvin passes them. Meanwhile, Luliyah felt confused about being left alone.

She looked at Kelvin's back with a look of reluctance and a little panic. Kelvin was the only person she knew in this house and now the man left her with servants she didn't know.

Seeing the panic in Luliyah's eyes, the middle-aged woman immediately held her hand gently, trying to calm her down.

"Madame, I am Binta. I am the butler of this house." The middle-aged woman said.

"Don't call me madam, ma'am. Just call me Luliyah." Luliyah answered, smiling faintly.

Hearing Luliyah's answer, Binta immediately smiled broadly. She has been working in the house for a long time since Kelvin was a child. She also helped take care of Kelvin since childhood, to the point that she thought of Kelvin as her son. Because of her loyalty, Binta became one of Kelvin's confidants, just like her son, Harris.

Binta also watched Kelvin's development from childhood, adolescence to adulthood, but she never saw Kelvin with a woman. When Kelvin reached his 30s, Binta became increasingly worried about his future.

Could Kelvin find a match? Would he find a good and sincere woman, not a woman who just wanted to use him?

Her worries were now unfounded. In the end, Kelvin married a woman who was not only beautiful, but also humble. The woman was not arrogant towards the servants.

"Very well, Luliyah. Let's go around," She said as she walked, escorting Luliyah around the house that would be her residence. Luliyah followed Binta. The other servants immediately bowed their heads when Luliyah passed them, after which they left to do their respective jobs.

Binta escorted Luliyah around. The house consisted of only 2 floors, but the size was enormous. There were 5 bedrooms alone.

The family room had a large window overlooking the lake. The lake was also the property of the Williams family. The kitchen was equipped with various sophisticated equipment, resembling that of a chef's dream kitchen.

The garden at the front of the house was decorated with amazingly beautiful iris flowers, while a large swimming pool resided in the backyard, making the house look even more luxurious.

Flower garden, pool, lake....

How much does this property really cost? The Williams family was truly extraordinarily rich...

The longer she walked around the house, the more stunned Luliyah was. How could there be such a perfect person in the world? Handsome, rich, smart...

"Mr. Kelvin comes home very rarely. Usually he sleeps in the office because it will make his job easier." Binta complained.

'Ah! So that's why there is bedroom in Kelvin's office. Apparently, Kelvin spent more time in the office than his home.'

"But now that you are here, I'm sure Mr. Kelvin will often return home," Binta continued, smiling happily.

Luliyah couldn't respond to Binta's statement and could only reply with an awkward smile. She and Kelvin were not really husband and wife who loved each other. They were only involved in this marriage because of their individual needs. Luliyah needed Kelvin because of money, while Kelvin needed Luliyah to carry out a plan she didn't know about.

"Well, I would say I don't know the exact reason Kelvin asked me to marry him." Luliyah thought seriously.