Eyes for Eyes

"Where's the coffee I ordered?" Kelvin asked one of the servants nearby. The waiter was startled and quickly rushed to get the coffee for Kelvin.

It didn't take long until the waiter returned with a hot cup of coffee. He placed it in front of Kelvin and said in a trembling voice, "Here's your coffee, sir." Because the waiter was so afraid of Kelvin, he didn't wait for a response from Kelvin and immediately ran back to his other colleagues.

Fear radiated in Natali's eyes seeing the coffee glass placed in front of Kelvin. She was afraid that the man would do the same thing she did to Luliyah. The coffee she pored on Luliyah was cold because the room was air conditioned.

Meanwhile, the coffee served in front of Kelvin was still hot and steaming. Any skin could burn if that coffee was splashed on it.

Natali wasn't only the one who thought like that. Martins also thought of the same thing. He immediately pulled Natali's hand, admonishing her to apologize to Kelvin and Luliyah. Maybe if she apologized, Kelvin would forget what he was going to do.

"Natali, hurry and apologize to Kelvin and Luliyah."

"I'm ...." Natali was really reluctant, but she was not a fool. She knew what Kelvin was going to do when he ordered for the coffee. She knew what the man was going to do.

She immediately knelt in front of Luliyah and Kelvin and started begging them, "Forgive me" Luliyah screamed with tears in her eyes. "I admit my mistake. Please forgive me..." Actually, Natali was not sorry because she regretted her mistake. It was only because she is afraid of Kelvin.

Seeing Natali kneeling before her and apologizing, Luliyah felt her heart melt a little. But it was different with Kelvin. He did not care about her apologies at all.

Kelvin was not a foolish man simply because his sight is harmed. He was known as a cruel figure. He didn't care who he was dealing with. Man or woman, if that person wronged him, he would definitely retaliate even more cruelly.

Kelvin lifted the coffee cup and brought it to his lips, taking a slow sip. Seeing this, Natali breathed a sigh of relief. Her worries were unfounded. However, the words that came out of Kelvin's lips further, made her realize that she was too stupid. Kelvin wouldn't forgive her just because she begged for mercy.

"This coffee is too hot," He said casually. Then, he threw the contents of the coffee towards Natali. He poured it right on her face. Natali quickly used her hands to protect her face. She didn't want to have her face damaged by hot water. In the end, her hand was burning red from the hot coffee, causing her to scream out in pain. Her face also got a little splash, so she was red all over there too.

"It is hot....Father help me..." She shouted while crying for help. She fell to the ground while writhing because the pain she felt was unbearable. Her hands and face were flushed red, while her neck and body was already forming blisters and swollen sores. All she could think of was the pain she felt all over her body and the embarrassment.

Luliyah could only be stunned when she saw Natali screaming in pain. She also did not expect that Kelvin would act this cruel. But, she knew that Kelvin was doing it for her. She could have been in Natali's position if the coffee that Natali pored on her was still hot. Just seeing Natali's condition made her grimace in pain, even though she wasn't the one who felt the pain directly.

But still, this incident made Luliyah feel a little bit afraid of Kelvin.

Meanwhile, Mr Martins immediately picked a cold bottled water from the table next to him and hurriedly poured it on Natali's hands, face, neck and body parts that was affected by the hot coffee. The cold water made Natali feel less sore.

While helping Natali, Martins turned to Kelvin and said, "Kelvin, please forgive Natalui. She's still young and doesn't understand anything."

Kelvin just stared straight with a cold gaze, as if nothing had happened. He looked at Martins and asked, "When you saw Natali pouring a cup of coffee on Luliyah, did you also care like this?"

Luliyah was also his daughter. Did Martins do the same for Luliyah, like what he's doing for Natali? Kelvin's question left Martins speechless. He didn't do anything when Natali poured coffee on Luliyah. He did not defend Luliyah or even help her. What can he say to defend himself?

Martins knew there was no point begging Kelvin. The only thing he could do was to ask Luliyah for forgiveness. Whatever Luliyah says, Kelvin would definitely listen to her.

"Luliyah, please forgive Natali. Let dad take her to the hospital." Martins begged Luliyah in panic.

Seeing her father panic, there was bitterness rising in her heart. Her father did not do same for her. Her father was silent when Natali doused her with coffee. The man did not look panicked when her whole body was soaked. But when it happened to Natali, her father looked panicked. It was such an irony that both of them were sisters.

"Luliyah!" Martins said once again. "After all, Natali is your sister. No matter what she has done, Natali is your family."

Kelvin could see the uncertainty in Luliyah's eyes. The woman is too kind. Her heart was too soft that she even felt sorry for those who had hurt her.

"Don't be so merciful. Remember what they did to you. Remember what your father did to you and your mother." Kelvin said in a low voice.

"Hmm... I know..." Luliyah replied. Her voice was filled with sadness. She leaned her head on Kelvin's shoulder softly, because she felt tired.

When she got soaked because of Natali, nobody helped her, including her father. She stood there all alone, protecting herself from shame, hurt and anger. While everybody else in the cafe kept on attacking her.

"Can we go home now?2 She asked Kelvin in a weak voice.

"Hmm.. Let's go home." Kelvin said, holding Luliyah's hand, while helping her to get up from her seat.

He completely ignored the two people in front of him and turned around. Luliyah turned her head once, shooting a pitiful gaze at her father and Natali one last time.

Natali was still sitting on the floor holding her red burnt hand while Martins held her back for support.

Everyone around them felt unwilling to interfere after understanding the true story. They felt that Natali deserved it after what she did.

Even in the midst of enduring the pain she felt, Natali could still look at Luliyah with envy and hatred.