Big Nephew

Luliyah spent the rest of the week resting at home. Luliyah's condition had improved, but she still followed the doctor's advice not to stress herself until she was fully recovered.

Kelvin worked from home through out the week. Of course, he didn't tell Luliyah that he was working from home because he wanted to watch her condition. He said that his company was not that busy, so he didn't have to go to the office in person.

It was afternoon already, Luliyah felt she was better and was very bored, resting in the room all day. Finally, she decided to go down and help Mrs Binta in the kitchen. She and Mrs Binta baked cookies together while they chatted.

"Luliyah, would you like to take some of these cookies to Mr Kelvin?" Mrs Binta asked.

'Well, it seems like a good idea.' Luliyah thought.

Kelvin was in the study with Harris working. It won't hurt if she took some cookies to them.

"Okay, I'll also make tea for Kelvin." She added.

They put some pastries on the plate. Then, she used a tray to carry the plate and two cups of tea to the study.

Before she could knock on Kelvin's door, Luliyah heard a voice from inside, "Uncle, come to the office. I'm so busy without you. It feels like I'm almost dead." Someone said from inside the study.

It looks like Kelvin has a visitor. Luliyah cancelled her intention to knock on the door and decided to wait for Kelvin to finish his business first. She would send the cookies and tea later. Before she could turn around to leave, Harris suddenly walked out of the room.

"Madame, Are you looking for sir?" Harris asked when he saw Luliyah standing in the door way.

"I just wanted to drop cookies and tea, but it looks like Kelvin is busy. I can come back later." Luliyah replied.

From inside the room, Kelvin could hear Luliyah's voice, "Come in, I'm not busy." He said.

Harris opened the door wider so that Luliyah will enter easily. After that, he left the room to give them privacy.

When entering the room, Luliyah saw a handsome young man was seated there. His stature and face looked similar to Kelvin's. With just one look, anyone could tell that the two of them were related.

However, in contrast to Kelvin who cold and serious, the young man looked cheerful and very expressive when he spoke. He wore a casual fit. The ripped shirt and jeans he was wearing made him look younger.

His appearance contrasted Kelvin who always wore formal outfits wherever he went.

If Kelvin was the moonlight hanging alone, then this young man was the warm daylight sun.

When he saw Luliyah enter the room, the young man approached Kelvin. He shook Kelvin's arm and shouted without hesitation as if Luliyah wasn't there. "Ah, I just remembered uncle has a lover. No wonder uncle doesn't want to come to the office and keeps shutting himself at home!" His eyes went back and forth at Kelvin and Luliyah with teasing looks.

Apparently, the young man had heard the news about Luliyah and Kelvin from the rumors, so he quickly recognized her even though they just met for the first time. It seems the young man had seen her face from the video that was circulating on the internet.

Hearing the young man's words, Kelvin flicked his forehead a little hard, that the man frowned. "You are rude. Give greetings to your aunt." Kelvin said.

'Aunt? AUNT!'

Luliyah was confused. She saw the young man thinking, like he was trying to digest what Kelvin said. His eyes widened when he finally understood what Kelvin said and immediately turned his head to face his uncle. "Uncle, When did you get married? Why didn't you invite me? Don't you love me anymore?"

The young man was shaking Kelvin arms. But Kelvin was patient at the man's behavior.

Before Kelvin could answer, the young man stopped shaking his arm and used his hand to cover his mouth, "Did you elope because you didn't get your blessing from father?

A punch landed on the young man's head. Kelvin paid no heed to his question and looked at Luliyah, "Come here" He said softly.

Luliyah walked to Kelvin's desk and put the tray on the table, "I brought snacks and tea for you."

"Hmm..." Kelvin nodded.

"This is Nico Williams. He is the son of my eldest brother." Kelvin introduced his nephew to Luliyah.

Nico's mouth opened when he heard Kelvin's gentle tone when talking to Luliyah. He never heard his uncle speak like that. It made him feel disgusted.

After that, he walked to Luliyah and shook her hand, "Greetings, Auntie. My name is Nico."

Luliyah accepted the handshake awkwardly. Luliyah didn't think that she had a nephew-in-law this big. It seems her age and that of her in-law was not so different that it felt very strange when she heard someone her age called her aunt.

"Don't call me aunt. Just call me Luliyah." She replied awkwardly.

However, Nico did not let go of Luliyah's hand after he finished shaking her hand. Instead, he brought Luliyah's tiny hand to his lips and kissed it.

For a moment, Luliyah was surprised when she saw Nico's attitude. But from the way the young man carried his himself, she could tell that Nico was used to flirting with women.

Kelvin immediately threw one of the books on the table and it hit Nico's body, making him groan in pain. "Uncle, What are you doing?" Supposedly, his uncle couldn't see what he was doing. Why did his uncle suddenly throw a book at him? Did he?

"I had a feeling you did something bad." Kelvin replied indifferently.

Nico just grinned when he heard his uncle's words. His uncle knew him very well. He was used to flirting with women, regardless of age. He was a playboy to the core.

Luliyah chuckled when she saw the two men's behavior. It was the first time she saw this side of Kelvin. Kelvin and Nico had a good relationship and it made them look like real siblings.

The scent of freshly baked cookies wafted from the table, making Nico's stomach churn with hunger. He quickly picked the cookie on the table and was about to put it into his mouth when Kelvin hit his hand.

"Ouch, uncle. I'm hungry and I want to eat the cookie. You don't like sweet foods, it's better for me to take it than wasting it." Nico looked sullen as he stroked his hands.

"From now on, I like sweet food..." Kelvin's answer made Nico to shake his head in shock. His uncle was totally in love.

Luliyah just laughed seeing the small argument between the two men, "There are still lots of cookies downstairs. I'll bring again from the kitchen..."

"No need, he's going home already." Kelvin cut her.

Nico turned his head to look at his uncle. When did he say he wanted to go home? He didn't want to go home yet, but his uncle purposely kicked him out.

"Eh? Don't you want to have dinner with us?" Luliyah invited him.

Kelvin glared at Nico, indicating that he should get out. But Nico ignored his uncle's gaze. He stuck his tongue out at Kelvin, thinking his uncle can't see him. "Yes auntie, I want to have dinner with you both."

'This kid!' Kelvin grumbled inwardly, rolling his eyes at his nephew's behavior.