Other Men

After their call ended, Luliyah waited for Kelvin's return. Time passed quickly. Luliyah has been waiting for hours but Kelvin had not yet returned. Luliyah's head kept turning to stare at the clock on the wall, but the clank of the clock made her feel even more anxious.

Why has Kelvin not come home? Has he forgotten their date? Was Kelvin so mad at her that he cancelled their first date?

Luliyah sat on the living room sofa. The television in front of her was on, the book on her lap was opened as well but Luliyah paid no attention to it. Her mind was not stable.

Mrs Binta could only chuckle when she saw Luliyah's behavior. She thought that Luliyah was missing Kelvin, even though they had only parted ways for a while. 'Such a young love...' Mrs Binta thought.

A few moment later, the sound of Kelvin's car was heard from outside. Hearing this, Luliyah immediately jumped from her seat and ran towards the front door.

Kelvin had just stepped out of the car, but he could see Luliyah running towards him. The woman ran quickly like a little rabbit and jumped into his arms, burying her head into Kelvin's shoulders.

Kelvin was silent for a moment when he caught the woman's body. After that he became aware of the warmth of the woman in his arms, making his mood a little better.

"Looks like Mrs Williams really missed her husband today." Kelvin teased with a chuckle. His hands supported Luliyah's body as he buried his face in her hair, and inhaled her scent. He seemed to have forgotten his anger because the woman was now in his arms.

Luliyah said nothing and only remained where she was. She was very relieved to know that Kelvin has come home. The man teased her too. Maybe Kelvin wasn't mad at her anymore. Tears began to fall from her eyes again. It seems like the day's events had made her very sensitive. For some reason, her tears continued to flow like an endless river.

Harris, who was standing on the edge, could only frown. He felt a little worried because they were still outside the room. He didn't want excessive sunlight to interfere with Kelvin's vision. But seeing how happy Kelvin was right now, Harris decided to keep his mouth shut.

"Kelvin, have you forgotten our date? Luliyah said while raising her head, her body was still on Kelvin's. Her eyes looked slightly red and puffy. However, in Kelvin's eyes, Luliyah still looked very charming.

"Not. Harris has planned everything for us." Kelvin said, releasing his hug. Then, he grabbed Luliyah's hand, burying her slender hand in his big hand.

When walking into the house, Luliyah turned slightly towards Harris and thanked him. Kelvin's assistant is very reliable. He could do anything, even planning a date.

"Are you hungry?" Luliyah asked as they sat on the living room sofa.

"No." Kelvin answered.

"Do you want to drink?"

"I'm not thirsty." Kelvin replied briefly.

"Then what?..." Luliyah kept asking questions, unable to shut her mouth. She didn't know what made her like that, not sure if it was nervousness or fear.

"Luliyah" Kelvin cut her, "What are you trying to tell me exactly?"

Luliyah bit her lip and her voice grew lower, "I met Oscar earlier." She decided to tell Kelvin about her meeting with Oscar at Rose Scent. She didn't want Kelvin to find out about it from others and create misunderstandings between them. What's more, tomorrow Kelvin would be going to Germany. Luliyah didn't want their relationship to be awkward when Kelvin was leaving.

"So?" Kelvin asked, looking straight at her, "Are you willing to part with me and go back to him?" The man's gaze was sharp, as if he wanted to dig into Luliyah's heart.

Luliyah was flabbergasted when she heard the question. It never crossed her mind to leave Kelvin and return to Oscar's arms. Never for once did she think that. She only told him because she didn't want to hide anything from Kelvin. If she hid this, she was afraid that things would get worse.

"No!" She said, shaking her head. "That is now what I mean."

"Then? Why did you meet him?" Kelvin said coldly. It was not that Kelvin didn't know about the meeting between Oscar and Luliyah, but hearing that name again from Luliyah's mouth made him irritated. He also wanted to hear all that happened from Luliyah's point of view. He wanted to know what Luliyah was thinking and feeling.

"I did not see him. We bumped into each other. How could I meet him on purpose? Now, I have become your wife. But that doesn't mean he won't come looking for me again. I can't stop him." Luliyah said quietly. It was true that today's meeting wasn't her wish. She didn't want Kelvin to misunderstand her.

Kelvin remained cold as if he could not believe Luliyah's words.

"Kelvin, I will never do anything that will disappoint you. I swear" Luliyah said with fear when she saw the look on Kelvin's face.

Kelvin slightly sneered at the woman beside him, "If promises could solve everything, there would be no one who broke promises in this world."

"I will tell Oscar to let me be. Trust me." Luliyah said, trying to convince Kelvin.

Kelvin ignored Luliyah's words, "Harris, if Oscar Juyat tries to meet Luliyah again while I am away, you can report it to me. I'll have a cage made to his size. If he dares to come and see Luliyah, arrest him and put him in a cage. After that, drown him in the lake behind the house.

Harris who was standing behind them immediately replied, "Yes sir."

"Confinement?" Luliyah's face paled when she heard this. "No need. I'll handle him myself. I can ask him not to see me again."

Kelvin pulled Luliyah's hand to bring the woman's body closer to him, "Then why were you crying in the car?" He asked while looking at Luliyah.

Luliyah was shocked at the question. She couldn't say anything. Of course, Kelvin knew everything. There was nothing she could hide from him.

Luckily, Luliyah decided to tell him about her meeting with Oscar. If not, Kelvin would have been very angry with her for hiding it. But she didn't expect that Kelvin would ask her why she was crying.

The light in Luliyah's eyes dimmed, as if they were covered with dark clouds. She whispered in a low voice, "I no longer have any relationship with him."

These words didn't make Kelvin feel better, but instead he became even more gloomy. Everything Luliyah said today was not because she had completely forgotten about Oscar, but because she wanted to protect Oscar. That woman did not want Kelvin to approach Oscar and hurt him. That was why Luliyah said she would solve everything herself. That made Kelvin even more angry.

Seeing the anger on Kelvin's face, Luliyah immediately tried to explain, "Three years ago, I was the one who asked to part with him. We don't just get along. He was not strong enough to oppose his parents." Luliyah said with a bitter smile. "Not like you. You are always there for me."

Kelvin didn't say anything. He just stared at Luliyah who felt even more restless and kept trying to persuade him.

'For the sake of another man....' Kelvin thought angrily.

The atmosphere between them became even more gloomy. Harris and the other servants rushed off to let Kelvin and Luliyah chat together.

Luliyah felt very hopeless. Kelvin didn't want to forgive her, no matter what she said. Well, she was guilty. Why did she have to cry over another man even though she already has a husband? Moreover, the man she was crying over was her former lover.

She really was stupid.