The Bifrost Famine

Since then, there has been a variety of different activities that have kept the others occupied in the harsh winter months to come. Fishermen could not catch for the day since the Vänern Lake was frozen over solid.

Which brought about a winter famine that was expected of the Valley's way of life. Cloette, though, was affected by it the most.

 As a dhampir, Cloette was plagued with insatiable hunger during the last couple of harsh frostful months. Annette brought buckets of blood from slain animals for her spells and transfigured them into long sausages stuffed with oats and spices.

Hopefully, the oats would act as a binder for the blood and satiate Cloette's hunger. Hana became nervous when she found many people in the village seeking the inn, huddling for warmth, and to get food.