The Journey Continues! But First, Dessert!

Baheer was under a lot of stress as he tried to sleep for the rest of the night. The cock's crows woke his body to the point of jumping from the bed. 

Smoke was coming from the stalls, scents of animal fecal matter were strewn about from the cattle's wagging tails. The windows carried echoes of the stallmen's yells and hollers from the markets. 

The heat from the morning's bright spotlight was the pinnacle of a minor nuisance in the peaceful week that Baheer had experienced with Nofoto and her Grandmother. Nofoto was sleeping with him, unbothered in her deep slumber. 

The woman's head served as a cozy spot for Marshal to curl up into a small ball to nap. Purring like a small black kitten that could devour a whole blue whale, Baheer got out of bed. 

He did his morning prayers after finishing his basic hygienic routine. His brain pulsing from the visions of a bloody Cloette, fighting off weird creatures that looked as if they were starved animals.