Sekhmet’s Proud Project

The orange pin glowed faintly for a couple of moments, and Marshal hadn't noticed until Hathor was staring at it down. Like the hope for an end to come, but the light was brought back stronger and more consistent. 

The sudden discoveries that had occurred were almost inexcusably insane from the ox goddess' expression when the pin glowed. Then the pin spilled blood all over and left a train onto the floor that led to Hathor's bedside. 

The goddess took Marshal, tucked him between her bosom, and signaled him to be quiet. The coagulated blood then morphed into a lioness's head and yawned.

"I-Is this thing on? H-Hello?" the gelatinous cat head spoke.

There were sudden clanging and shuffling from the cat radio head that Hathor kept herself silent. Once the mess had settled, silence followed as a cough interrupted the pause and it was the same woman.