Fire and Blood

North. Far, far... North. Soooo Far North that the rays of the Sun did not reach the land below. It was similar to a pit filled with darkness.

No light penetrated there at all. There were no stars or moonlight; only pitch-blackness.

The world is very wide, however in this endless night, it was as though it had shrunk down to a single point—the tip of a needle's eye... yet... a single hue of blue glowed, illuminating the land around, absorbed by the abyss.

A pair of icy blue eyes walked as the blizzard behind bellowed the lull in front causing the wind to rip apart in a rhythmic fury... however aside from that... the only other sound in the darkness was of the walker that walked barefoot on the cold white snow that led South.

There was a long way to go, very long, a little too long but it was not tired, no... not at all.



My head fucking throbbed as I glanced at the flames and smoke emanating from the ground below.

The air was heavily mixed with the scent of burnt flesh and the screams that followed through. Currently, I along with Neltharion, we... were burning a Bloodstone Island to ash.

It was a sight to behold, quite a bit gruesome though. Hmmm... although, "Perhaps, the work here is done."

I hopped off Neltharion midair and swooped through the ashes onto the ground.

Through a cloud of dust, a Triach soldier rushed towards me with bloodshot eyes, without wasting much time, I held him by his throat ripping his ear off using my now protruding fangs to sinking them in his neck.

Hmmm. "Low quality." With that, I threw his wrinkled body away similar to a rag doll.

Oh well.

With that said, I turned my attention back to where Neltharion stood amid the carnage. A claw extended towards me which I gladly took as he lifted me into the sky with it before dropping me to where the men were the most.

Hehe. It's feasting time.

"BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I rushed into the battlefield. As if everyone had noticed me, they all rushed toward me with their swords and axes.

However, sad for them. I could sense all of them, their every movement and every twitch of the muscle. If they were two steps ahead then I was a million steps further.

"AARGHHHHHNNN!!!!" A soldier screamed as he swung his sword towards me, I parried it with my pinky and reached for the heart of the one behind me, ripping through all the flesh.

I could hear the crunching of bones and the squishing of viscera as I tore apart the soldier.

"HAAAARRRGGHH!!" I heard someone scream as I used my claws to slice off the face of the soldier in front then I moved back slightly before kicking another rushing toward me.

In that slight moment, I grabbed his heart in my left hand, tight, before ripping a hole open in it and drank the substance inside as if wine.

Ahh... this is good stuff! Not as good as Targaryen blood and well-groomed women but definitely, the blood on the right side of the heart is highly delectable.

The man below shivered in pure horror as he looked at the spectacle in front of his eyes before shrieking loud, trying to escape.


I raised an eyebrow before smirking deeply. I wiped the blood smudged on my face with my thumb before grabbing the one below by his legs, upside down.

Before he could scream again, I ripped his heart out and... drank all the blood from the right side.

The left side tasted horrible. Extremely revolting. It made me note in memory that, in the coming time I should drink from the right rather than the left.

After that, I tossed the body aside and proceeded to feast on the ones who came after me. One by one... I devoured them all.

Sometimes the heart and the other times the neck. These two were the best spots for blood. Different for each person.

I wonder if I can brew blood like how grapes are brewed into wine.

Hmm. Perhaps, it is a job for a specialist.

As I continued to drink the blood, I noticed several of my soldiers on the other side glancing at me with reverence, many of them... praying? To... Me.

I tilted my head to the side where the enemy soldiers were. Most of them dead... either burnt or slain... or killed to become my replenishment.

A pity, truly.

All this loss of life was due to Prince Craghas Drahar's refusal to lower the toll price. Very, very pitiful.

I closed my eyes for a second before breathing in the air that still held a lot of the sweet fragrance of blood.

Ahhhhh I truly can not bring myself to feel sad. Heh. Heheheheheheehhehehehehehehe. I want some more blood.

I tiled around to my subjects and spoke aloud.


They did not speak.


They did not speak.

"In need of a good woman to relieve all stress?"

A few chuckles could be heard as one shouted.

"YES, MY PRINCE!!! The SEPTAS for me!!!"

I rolled my eyes. Whoever he was, he was getting killed... in this battle itself, by his own comrades.

"Well, it is good to hear that none of you has become a sword swallower living in the midst of men."

Another round of chuckles. I turned serious and so did the air around me. The rest gulped slightly as I opened my eyes, showing them the red hue in them.

"My men. Each and every one of you have fought bravely these past few years under the command of Lord Corlys Velaryon. However... today everything ends, as the moon sinks under the ocean at dawn, I promise all of you... Victory... even so before you rest, once and for all... and return back to your families that are awaiting a warm welcome for you... let us charge in battle and feed the crabs to my Dragon... with fire and... blood let us take revenge for all of our dead comrades... shall we?"

Several of them roared in agreement.

"Yes, my prince!"

"Let us take our revenge!"

"Let us do this!"

...that was the last straw as all of them screamed at the top of their voices, together with renewed vigor.





Before I knew it, I was surrounded by my men. All of them screamed and cheered as they charged at the enemy lines.

I smirked, it was a wonderful sight. Walking away from them, I knelt down removing nails from a certain man.

"Lord Velaryon. How have you been?"

Corlys Velaryon, father of my soon-to-be bride and husband of the Queen who never was. The Seasnake himself.

"Oh... Your Highness. You look lovely today. It seems as if the rumors of your illness being healed were not false." His voice sounded weak, extremely weak.

"Ah, well thank you, Corlys. You too look healthy and strong." He did not speak, rolling his eyes but rather looked into the distance, following his gaze I nodded in understanding.

"Cannibal." The dragon in question was burning and eating men.... some even under the Velaryon command.

Corlys glanced at me.

"I am finished, not just in the body... but in spirit as well."

I looked at him in silence and sighed.

"A pity, I was hoping for the Seasnake to be present at my wedding."

He raised an eyebrow, "Wedding? Who is the crown prince to marry?"

Oh my, I smirked... my smile deepened further seeing the confusion on his visage as I spoke softly.

"Your daughter, Lord Corlys."


"Lord Corlys-?"


I glanced at the blood leaking out of his body and then the eyes that were now empty.

He was... dead.

"Goodbye..." I whispered and dipped my finger in his blood before tasting it.


Forgive me Lord Corlys but it is your own shortcoming that you died this quick. Thinking that, I nodded deeply before looking at the now-dead man's blood with stars in my eyes.


I began to giggle as I heard a planetos-defying loud snort. Turning around, I saw Neltharion, which had bathed in blood turning it's once majestic black fur, dark red.

"I am sure Lord Corlys would not mind."


Power Stones?

Kof readers, good news for y'all. I will be updating that as well from tomorrow onwards. So be ready.