Shugrith the Crimson One Chapter1.1

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Outro===== In The Pines

the cosmic void and parallel black void of a black water marsh of the planes of reality. now of course in this void there's only blackness of the cosmic nothingness there's also.... sheer stupidity.

this is where the story begins with our characters we shall call him (Redacted) for simplicity's sake.

during a business trip the plane carrying the Protag was Unavoidably lost at sea with no survivors.

or that's what we thought:

(Redacted POV)========================

I awake in a cold void, unsure where I am. the only thing I remember was arriving at the airport in Canada going on vacation in Germany to visit some relatives. that and my fear of flying has always been a nightmare for me. I shout out for help or any assistance... the world does not hear me, nor can I;

"Wait hang on. how can I not hear my own voice this has to be a nightmare maybe a dream. I probably passed out. I'll probably be awakened by a flight stewardess and should be back in reality. everything is f-"

my conversation with myself was interrupted by this shady fellow which I remember, hang on... why is he looking at me

"Hey!" I shout but the shout sounds like a sharp granulated noise like someone with their fingers on a chalk board while trying to speak underwater.

"OI you Cunt!" the fingers turn towards me, he waves his hand and we're not in the void but in a restaurant it looks 60s but there's something oddly wrong with it. Everyone faces are... they hurt to look, wait how did I get into these seats. why are they Comfy?!

"what would you like to eat today?" a waitress comes to our table, I look at her but I only see a spiral for a face. my words are lost of shock and horror and I can't seem to understand this strange sheerness.

the Man in Crimson put his hand up to calm me he responds to the waitress in his voice which sounds human but I catch an Accent... is he German wait I know who this is?!

"Hi grandson. I know all of this looks shockingly."

*No shit old man of course this is shocking*

he gives me a hurt look, like I said something that offended him... wait can h-

"yes I can read your mind (Redacted). and no we aren't going there... yes. you're dead. permanently. you died on flight 1920 with its crew of 1000. currently the world is blaming it on weather and incompetency of the flight crew. but that's not what happened. when the turbulence occurred the plane was rip into deadly shredding pieces that vaporized most of the passengers. you included, it was quick and painless. but this isn't why you are here."

I am confused about what my grandfather is trying to tell me. The waitresses come to the table with our food and holy shit this is one of the dishes that my grandparents cooked when I was little.

I eat the meal and my family member begins explain how and why it happened and to my shock and horror it sort makes sense of things.

"Remember the Old ones grandson? seems one of them has taken a liking to you and wishes to adopt you as one of them. which a small rule: become an Old one, and cause disasters and chaos the world over, and the universe of your choosing."

(author notes I'm going to end the first chapter here but I will be back)

(sooner than later. My job has me busy right now.)

(just a little update on the first chapter)