Walking out of the bar with my friends trailing behind me and Chase's arm around my shoulder, I shivered a bit when the cool air slapped my face quite literally.
Yup, should've kept a jacket.
"Cold?" Chase asked, looking down at me me, making me chuckle as I shook my head.
"I'm good." I replied, waiting for Zephyr and Zarina to come out and take me home.
My eyes scanned the area outside, lingering on one person in particular who stared daggers at the arm around my shoulder.
Smiling widely, I moved away from Chase and stumbled towards Roman who watched me carefully.
Just as I neared him, I stumbled a bit and nearly fell but before my body could make contact with the concrete, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me up against a hard chest.
Looking up into beautiful emerald green eyes, a small gasp left my lips before I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, drawing myself closer to him.
So pretty...
"Romy!" I exclaimed and watched as a small frown took over his features before a smile tugged at his luscious lips.
Can I kiss them again?
"Romy?" He repeated almost amused, making me giggle even more as his face formed one of utter fascination while he observed me.
"I missed you so much!" I exclaimed with a small pout, snuggling into his chest as his arms tightened around me.
"Did you now, angel?" I heard his deep voice in my ear, making me clench my thighs together at how sexy he sounded.
"Very much so." I said sighing into his warm chest and closing my eyes.
"Let's get you home, yes?" He spoke suddenly, making me frown as I looked up at him.
"But I don't wanna go home." I pouted at him and heard him chuckle deeply.
"Then where do you want to go, angel?" He asked raising his eyebrows as a big smile took over my face.
"I want to sleep with you." I answered, the smile never leaving my lips as I watched his eyes darken.
"You do huh?" He asked almost forcefully, making me frown.
"I do. Do you not want me?" I asked carefully, feeling my lower lip tremble and saw as his eyes widen when he assumed I was going to cry.
Wow, someone's feeling emotional.
"No baby, that's not what I meant. I'll always want you, amore." He said lowly, making my smile return as I giggled in his arms and without thinking, pressed my lips to his.
Slowly, he started to move his lips against mine since I was too drunk to do anything except moan slightly.
Pulling away after a good thirty seconds, I leaned my head on his chest as his fingers stroked my hair.
"Can we go now?" I mumbled into his chest and heard him hum in response as he opened his car door and buckled me in.
Closing my door, he said some thing to Jane who nodded and looked towards me, flashing me a small smile before waving.
I waved back sleepily and watched as Jane left a moment later and Roman came to the driver's side and got in, starting the car.
"What were you saying to Jane?" I asked him and watched as his muscles flexed when he turned the steering wheel.
"Told her to cover for you." He gave a short reply as I pulled my legs up to hug my chest, placing my cheek on my knees, I faced Roman.
"Are you hungry?" He asked me and I hummed in response.
"Can I tell you a secret?" I asked him after a few moments of silence, the faint sound of the radio in the background. He looked at me briefly and nodded.
"Promise me you won't tell anyone. Not even me. Or you." I said, to which he rolled his eyes with a slight chuckle.
"I promise." Came out his gruff reply as I snuggled into the seat further.
"I like you." I whispered quietly and heard his sharp intake of breath, his eyes lingering on me a moment before he looked back to the road.
"Yeah?" He asked almost hopefully, making me giggle slightly and nod.
"Yeah. I really like you. Like, a lot." I said again, a blush coating my cheeks as I smiled shyly.
I watched as Roman's lips tugged upwards into a full blown smile, making his dimples appear that made him look younger and more beautiful.
So cute.
"I like you a lot too." He confessed and if possible, my cheeks heated up even more as I bit my lip to stop the smile tugging at my lips but failed miserably.
Leaning forward, I placed a kiss on his dimple and giggled when he scrunched his face up in confusion.
"I like it when you smile. You should do it more." I said shyly and saw his smile return as he winked at me, making me blush a deep red.
Thank god it's dark.
"And I love it when you smile and laugh." He added after a moment and I flashed him my biggest smile, only yawning afterwards.
I heard his chuckle as I forced to keep my eyes open, but for some reason they refused to comply.
"Rest angel, I'll wake you up when we reach." He whispered, his hand taking a hold of mine while he stroked my knuckles gently, lulling me to sound sleep.
"Okay Romy." I mumbled, closing my eyes as exhaustion took over me.
* * *
"Angel?" I heard his deep voice and a soft stroke on my cheek, that made me stir in my sleep.
"Come on angel, we're here." He spoke again when I opened my eyes a bit, squinting to clear my vision.
"Where are we?" I asked looking around at the bright lights outside and stretching a bit.
"To eat. Come on." He said and opened his door, stepping out and I followed him.
He took a hold of my hand when I was standing beside him and locked his car, tugging me along with him towards what I assumed was a diner.
Walking inside, I was greeted by the aroma of delicious foods and bright lights. The booths were a light blue colour with white tables in between, and I was led to one of them.
Sitting down, I expected Roman to sit opposite me but instead he sat right next to me and swung one of his arms around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.
Sighing in contentment, I placed my head on his shoulder while a waitress approached us.
"Hi, what can I get you today?" She asked us rather happily as I scanned the menu quickly in Roman's hands.
Roman looked down at me and raised one eyebrow at me as if asking what I wanted.
"Um... can I have the spicy chicken burger and... a coke?" I told her and she nodded, writing down my order and looked at Roman expectantly.
"What do you want?" I asked Roman who shrugged so I told the waitress to get him the same.
After she left, a group of guys entered the diner, laughing and talking among each other animatedly when one of the guys caught my eye and his grin grew wider as his eyes scanned my body.
He nudged another guy and gestured towards me and soon, all the guys had their eyes on me, scanning my outfit which wasn't very appropriate at the moment.
Feeling uncomfortable under their collective gazes and whispering, I unconsciously moved closer towards Roman who tightened his hold around me, a growl leaving his lips as he eyed the guys staring at me shamelessly.
"It's okay." I whispered quietly, taking a hold of his hand and gently stroking it, I felt him visibly relax under my touch, making me feel proud of the effect I had on him.
The waitress soon came with our food and to say I was hungry would be an understatement as I dug into my burger, all etiquette and grace flying out the window as I devoured my food.
A small chuckle left Roman's lips and I glanced at him in the middle of chewing when I saw his eyes already on me.
He's probably regretting bringing me here in the first place.
I felt the heat rise to my face as I swallowed, watching as he reached for a tissue and gently wiped the corner of my lips, probably cleaning some sauce left there.
Talk about embarrassing.
"Sorry." I said smiling sheepishly and attempted to eat more gracefully at least.
"This is good. Thank you for bringing me here." I told him as I wiped my mouth with a napkin, watching as he sipped on his coke, nodding to me once.
Just then my eyes drifted back to the group of guys who were still eyeing me and I immediately averted my gaze when two of them started walking our way.
"Hey there beautiful, mind if we sit here?" The guy with the blonde hair asked as I clutched on to Roman's blazer, feeling conscious of the revealing dress I had on.
"Yes, I do actually." I managed to speak out and saw the guy's grin grow wider, sending a wave of displeasure through me.
"Oh come on now, we just want to chat with you, I'm sure your brother won't mind." He said gesturing to Roman and I nearly choked on my own spit.
"He's my boyfriend, and you can leave, thank you very much." I replied more firmly this time and saw their smiles falter momentarily as they looked at Roman. Bringing my gaze to him, I nearly gasped at the glare he sent their way.
They must have wet their pants by now.
"Come on no-.." The other guy with the red hair started but was cut off by Roman himself.
"Leave." Roman hissed at them, making them gulp visibly when he stood up to his full height, glaring daggers at the two men.
"Roman." I tugged at his sleeve, getting up from my own seat when I saw him reaching for something behind him and knew what it was immediately.
But me standing up only made matters worse because now my whole body was on display for everyone to see, and heard one of the boys behind whistle.
"Damn you got a banging body girl." A guy spoke from behind and in the next second, Roman had whipped out his gun, pointing it towards the blonde guy who was now as pale as a sheet, silence falling over the diner as people watched us with alarm.
"I said leave." He warned when I grabbed his arm and immediately the boys ran back towards the group who was now hastily making their escape.
"Rome, look at me." I grabbed his face and turned it towards me swiftly in hopes of calming him down.
"Look at me, keep your eyes on me." I spoke softly as his gaze snapped to mine, his clenched jaw slackening as I stroked his cheek softly when he closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, opening them again.
"You're okay, you're fine. Let's go, yeah?" I said and grabbed his hand, pushing him out of the booth. He put his gun back in the waistband of his pants and left some money on the table, dragging me out of the diner.
Once we were outside, my eyes scanned the empty area and I shuddered from the cold. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Roman taking off his blazer and he put it on my shoulders, instantly making me feel warmer.
"Thank you." I whispered into the dead night with a small smile as he nodded once before unlocking the car. I felt myself relax as his cologne enveloped me, calming me down and making my heart rate come back to normal from the previous encounter in the diner.
Getting in the car, I buckled my seat belt and sank in the comfortable leather seats, enjoying the light music playing on the radio and humming along with it.
We reached the building where his penthouse was, where I stayed last time with him. He gave his keys to the valet and led me towards an elevator, pressing a button on it.
Once the elevator stopped, he put in a code which opened the doors with a ding and I found myself in the familiar penthouse once again.
Grabbing my hand, he led me towards his bedroom wordlessly, tension evident in the air that made me nervous as hell with each step we took towards his room.
Closing his room's door, he went ahead and sat on the couch placed next to a glass table and beckoned me to come closer to him with his finger.
Without another thought, I walked towards him, my heels clicking on the floor with each step I took until I was in front of him, standing between his legs, I watched as his eyes traveled my body, taking me in.
And surprisingly, I didn't find his gaze uncomfortable at all. It only made me even more flustered, if possible. In one swift moment, he pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him, a small yelp leaving my lips as the blazer fell from my shoulders and onto the floor.
"I'm going to ask you some questions, and I want you to answer them honestly. Si?" He asked after a moment and I nodded my head at him automatically, but yelped when I felt his fingers digging into my thighs.
"Y-yes." I answered meekly and saw his satisfied smirk.
"Do you like to dance?" He asked me a moment later.
"I do." I answered immediately.
"Are you a professional dancer?" He asked again, to which I bit my lip and shrugged.
"I used to take dance classes till last year, and um... I took part in some competitions too." I told him.
"Why did you stop?" He asked me again.
"The competitions I took part in made me kind of... famous? I was started to get known by people and that was the last thing my family and I wanted, so I had to stop doing it altogether." I answered, remembering the conversation I had with dad when he told me I couldn't dance anymore.
"Why?" His question was expected but I forced a smile to my face and shrugged, trying to act like it wasn't important, but only I know how close he was to finding me that day.
"No specific reason. We have enemies. My dad wanted to protect me." I answered the same way I had practiced last year to answer anyone who asked this question; why?
He simply hummed in response, hopefully believing my half-lie.
"Who is Jason?" He asked after a few beats of silence, making me smile slyly.
"Why are you asking? Are you jealous?" I asked him with a grin to which he scoffed.
"Why would I be jealous of that boy?" He seethed.
Yup, definitely jealous.
"Alright, if you say so. Jason used to be my dancing partner and was a really good friend. His step dad is an old family friend of ours. That's how we met." I told him, watching him frown slightly.
"Just a friend?" He asked, seemingly wanting to confirm, and erupting a small chuckle from me.
"Well, we dated a year ago." I answered casually, feeling his fingers dig into my skin as he glared at me.
"Then you won't see him again." He gritted out, making me frown.
"Why not? I like him!" I pouted to which he scoffed.
"You like me too, remember angel?" He stated, making me blush as I averted my gaze from him.
"But I like him as a friend!" I defended myself to which Roman rolled his eyes.
"And do you like me as a friend too?" He narrowed his eyes at me.
"No. I like you like you. More than a friend." I spoke quietly, my fingers playing with the buttons of his dress shirt, refusing to meet his intense gaze.
"Yeah?" His voice came out like a hopeful whisper, making me smile shyly as I nodded my head.
"Good." He said raising my face with a finger under my chin, our eyes meeting once more as I drowned into his beautiful green ones.
"Because you are mine, angel. Get it? All mine." He rasped out, making me clench my thighs together at his possessiveness.
"You don't need to worry about Jason." I told him, to which he raised an eyebrow at me to elaborate.
"He's gay, and in a relationship with Xavier. Who's also gay, by the way. Just saying because I saw you glaring at the guy during training." I added, to which he scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"And even if he wasn't, you still wouldn't have to worry about him. I don't like him that way. Like I like you. I'd choose you without a thought." I assured Roman, watching his eyes soften considerably and a small smile grace his lips.
Feeling bold, I leaned forward and placed my lips on his, savoring the feeling of our lips together as they molded into one, and his tongue swiped my lower lip, asking for access to my mouth, which I gladly gave him.
Within moments, our kiss grew heated as our tongues clashed, dancing with each other as he stood up with me, my legs wrapping around his waist while he walked over to what I assumed was the bed.
He threw me onto his bed, making me bounce slightly as I kicked off my shoes while he got on top of me, kissing all the way from my leg towards the ends of my dress, his hands running up my thighs slowly, making me melt into his touch and shudder.
His face came back to mine as he pressed another lingering and bruising kiss to my lips, biting them and then sucking them to relieve the pain, but all I felt was pleasure while his hands explored me.
Only when I needed to catch my breath did he move towards my neck, leaving open mouthed kisses wherever he could and sucking onto my sweet spot, making me moan slightly as I tugged onto his hair.
I heard him grunt when I pulled onto his hair, making me want to press my thighs together at the sexy sound that escaped his lips but he was in between my legs, making it impossible to do so.
A gasp left my lips when I felt one of his hands brush across my panties, already feeling wet from his kissing and touching only as his other one reached towards the back of my dress. His fingers tugged at my zipper and I let him unzip it easily.
Throwing the dress away, he stood up to his full height, his eyes scanning my body only in lacy black lingerie, I heard him suck in a sharp breath as he leaned down again to capture my lips in another long kiss as his hands fumbled with my bra.
Unclipping it, he threw it somewhere behind him, his hand cupping my breast and squeezing gently while he used the other to support himself on the bed with his elbow.
His lips detached from mine only to leaved a trail of kisses down my collarbone towards my breast, where he started to suck on my nipples, making me arch my back in pleasure as he left his mark on me.
To make me his.
His hand started to move down slowly to where I needed him most, his fingers hooking into the band of my panties before releasing them, I gasped when the cloth hit my skin suddenly.
"Roman, please." I begged, wanting him to touch me as his eyes connected with mine, a teasing smirk playing on his lips.
"Please what, angel? What do want me to do?" He asked huskily when I arched my back as his fingers brushed over the damp spot on my panties, my breasts touching his chest.
"Please... I want you to touch me..." I begged him, to which a victorious grin took over his lips, his hand sliding into my panties, making me gasp at the feel of his fingers stroking my clit.
"Your wish is my command." He whispered, when I felt my panties being pulled off of me suddenly and my eyes widened when I realized he had ripped them off.
That was my favorite pair.
"What the...?" I started but my protests were drowned in the air when his fingers teased my entrance, making me close my eyes when his thumb pressed onto my clit.
I hummed in pleasure, but nearly whined when his touch left me cold.
"Eyes on me, angel. I want you to keep your beautiful eyes open and on me." He commanded and I nodded automatically and rather impatiently and as soon as he had left me, his fingers returned to giving me pleasure.
I bit my lip to keep in the sounds escaping my mouth, but failed as a moan left my lips when I felt his finger entering me.
"That's right angel, eyes on me." He whispered, placing kisses on my neck, my chest, my face and anywhere else he could as another finger entered me, making me arch my back in complete pleasure.
"Roman..." I panted, feeling a knot form in my stomach and pressure building up inside me at the immeasurable pleasure of his fingers moving in and out of me at a steady pace, my fingers digging into his arm and shoulder as I kept my eyes trained on his, his intense gaze never once wavering from mine.
"So wet for me, così fottutamente stretto." (So fucking tight.) His voice rang in my ears as I felt myself coming closer, his thick accent driving me wilder if possible.
Just as the pleasure was about to envelop me, I whimpered when his fingers left me completely cold, my eyes narrowing at him in displeasure.
The hell?
But then he started placing kisses on my body, all the way down to my stomach, where he stopped and made eye contact with me before leaving a kiss on my most intimate area, making me bite my lip.
He started working his tongue on my clit, licking and sucking as his tongue teased my entrance and I felt the pleasure building up all over again as his fingers entered me once again, making me moan in pleasure.
"Roman, please... I'm about to.." I whimpered, my hands tugging at his hair as he continued to devour me completely, leaving me a complete mess.
"Hai un sapore così fottutamente buono, angelo." (You taste so fucking good angel.) I heard his raspy voice, driving me crazy as I squirmed under him, the pressure warning to burst at any moment.
"Come for me baby." His husky voice seemed to do the trick because I came the next second, all over him, screaming his name out in pure bliss while he continued his sweet torture on me till I rode out my orgasm.
Blinking a few times, I watched as Roman came up to my face, leaving a sloppy kiss on my lips before he pulled away. I tried my best to keep my eyes open and on him as he took off his shirt, and then his pants, lying beside me only in his boxers.
He pulled the covers over us as I turned to face him with a small smile playing on my lips, and one on his too.
"That was amazing." I whispered as his fingers brushed a few strands of hair behind my ear.
He smirked in response, drawing me closer to his body, he wrapped his large arms around me while I rested my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat while he ran his fingers though my hair, lulling me to sleep.
"Sleep my angel." He whispered, placing a kiss on my forehead as my eyes closed on their own, but not before I heard his voice.
And maybe it was the moment or maybe the fact I still wasn't completely sober, I felt the words escape my lips as I drifted off.