chapter x

at home

it was Wednesday at 6:00 am it was a day of the paper view match, there alerm off, Viktor reach other in cut the alarm off, they waking up to start the day, " babe how are you? asked. Viktor, " good, I start the food and set up the outside or it going to be inside, answered, Kari, the phone ringed it was his parents, he answered the phone. " (hey mom and dad, we try to call you yesterday to tell you the happy news, ) said. Viktor, he take his shirt off, he grabs her and sat her on his lap, " (what happy news?) asked. Carol " (you are going to be grandparents son mom and dad,) they holler out and cheered, " (what you have had?) asked, Carol. " (all boys mom, she carrying a litter of pounders,) he kissed her on her neck and rub her stomach, " (way to go my boy, what my grandboys names?) asked. Sam, he told them what they name them, " what good strong Nevada names.) said, Sam. " ( yeah, the seven powers of V, I so thrill to be a father,) said. Viktor. so they talk for a while, but Viktor had to take shower to get ready for today, so they got off the phone with his parents, he walked into the bathroom and she walked downstairs into the kitchen, she start to fix them breakfast, Hestart to sing in the shower, " boys that are your father up there singing, she told them, as the bacon is cooking she walked inside off the office and cut the light on and log into the studio, " ( hey boss how are you doing, ) asked, Laura, " (we are good, how is the broadcasting going, ) asked. Kari, " (good, John called said that we like what sees and want to tell the new,) said. Laura, Kari, got up to check on the bacon, Viktor got out of the shower and pack up his bag with his wrestling gear, costume, tapes, boots, and hair gel, he zip it up and got dressed, and pick it up and walked downstairs and into the kitchen, just in time breakfast was ready, he sat down at the table, she helps their plates, and they start to eat, " I love your cooking babe, what do you boys think? asked. Viktor, they finished eating breakfast, he picks up his bag she walked him to the door, " if you need anything call me, after the match, I head over to the studio after, said. Viktor, they kissed each other, " okay, good luck Reno, see you when you get home, they kissed again he got in his truck and turn around and open the gates and left, heading down to the stadium, she closed the door and went to clean up the kitchen, he pulls up at the stadium so did Hunter they got out of the cars, " hey dad, how to feel to be a dad? asked, Hunter, " man I am on cloud nine, she carrying my sons, six boys, said. Viktor, they walked inside of the stadium, " how Kari doing, he probably thinking what the heck you have just done to me? asked, Hunter. they walked up to their lockers and open their bags, "she good, oh yeah, but she said they take after me, they got into their costumes and all gear up, nack at the house after she got the kitchen clean up, she walked in her office with a glass of water and closed the door and sat down at her desk, " (okay I back I to get breakfast off the stove, keep my post, Reno will joining you after his match, hopefully, he come snd get bring me,) they went off the camera and she calledJohn their investor, " (congrats on getting married and the baby news Mike told me,) said. John, as they put their bags in their locker and closed it, their music played, they walked out of the locker room, Kari and John is talking about the studio and how well it is doing, as they walked down the ramp millions and millions of fans welcome them, " (babe this is for you and the boys, I love you guys,) said, Viktor. " (we love you too dad, Hunter you set up all next week in my schedule and Mike said he take you on, did you invite him to the cookout?) said. Kari, " thanks Kari, they got to the ring and slides into the ring, they throw up their hands and the crowd got louder, Kari drinks some of her water when something hit the gate, " (K stayed in the house do not go out,) He told her. " (something hit the gate Reno I just going to look out the window, focus on your match bring us another title home,) she walked out of the office and looked out the front window, there is nothing there, could be just a rock, they played the Latinos music, they take their shirts off. Hunter got on the outside of the ring, " (I am focused, I don't want you to go, what was it?) she looked at him, " (mother of six remember, stay inside, I check in out when I get home.) they slide in the ring the music stops, they circled each other, they locked up, she didn't see anyway so she went back in the office and sat down at the desk, and continued to speak with John on the studio. " let's keep the broadcasting going what do you think? asked, John, " I agree, it does great with it, even the reporters loved it, said. Kari, Viktor pushed him to the ropes, the referee breaks them up. Antonio toss him into the ropes, and swing at him, Viktor duck and clothesline him, taking him to the ground. " yeah, V stay on him, he flips up on his feet, again there something messing with their gate, " (who know that we have married there Reno, there is someone at the gate trying to get in,) asked. Kari, "(just hunter, stay in the freaking house Kari,) said. Viktor, she walked back out of the office, she moves the curtains back it was just rocking, he got to hid feet they wrestle again, Antonio put him in a sleeper hold, " come on V fight it tag me in, said. Hunter, " (come to Reno get out of it, do it for us,) she walked back in the office and sat down the communication with John is over. looks like he slipping away, as the referee raise his arm it stayed up he elbow him to get him off then he but him into a power slam and tagged in Hunter, he roll out of the ring as he jump over the ropes beat up Antonio, " (are you still in the house,) she looked at him, " (it was rocking, I going to take a nap before I get started,) said, Kari, " (sleep tight love you, my queen,) said. Viktor, " (love you to my king,) she walked out of the office and walk up the steps and their room lay on the bed.