Chapter XLviii

a suprise mothers day

A day off Kari is still asleep in the bed, so Viktor and their sons are in the kitchen fixing breakfast for the queen bee, he went to the store and got her gift, he is fixing goat meat with gravy, biscuits scrambled eggs, homemade juice, he already got the boys food boiling, the smell woke her up, she entered the kitchen, " what smells so good, they crawl over to her, * Gah! " morning my sons and husband, he walked up to her. They kissed each other, " happy first mother's days, breakfast with being ready soon, the mother's day schedule after your king feeds you breakfast, and our sons, we will spend the entire day in the city, where Mrs. Nevada gets her mother day present from her husband and sons, then it's back to the house to rest after ill will fix lunch, then we go out to a drive out movie, then home for a candlelight dinner for nine, nothing is going to stop the Nevada boys celebrating the most important women in our lives, sorry parker my wife comes first, not your get over it. He picked her up, " come on boys follow Daddy. He carried her out of the house onto the deck and sat her at the table, then he put them into their high chairs, and walked into the kitchen, to help their plates cut the hotline off, he turn the boiler off and put their food into the bowls, and walked on the deck, they started to eat and feed their sons, " oh wow Reno this is good, thank you, baby, Daddy make a great breakfast for us, they kissed each other, " you are welcome my family, I love you so much, Kari, you are an amazing person, wife, and mother we are the lucky ones to have you. I would do anything for you, just ask it, I am at your command. Just always stay with me and be my wife and the mother of my sons. Tears came down his face, " I can not live without you in my life, for the past mistakes I'm sorry for being weak, thank you for staying with me and not leaving me. She strokes his face, " Oh baby, thank you for being everything in a man, I thought a man like that doesn't exist. Those mistakes what mistakes, she the wrong man love stick, let her butt come near my husband or sons, she will in up broken in the hospital, he looked at him, " your mother got a wild side boy, they giggle, " it never left, they finished eating, they put their sons in the living room and locked the gate, went to clean up. " breakfast was a good baby thank you. They kissed each other, " you welcome, he pick her up they study kissing each other, and he made love to her on the kitchen floor. " what have you done to me, asked. Kari, " that was part of it, Mrs. Nevada, they got the kitchen clean up. Took their sons into the nursing to bath them, " let's get all clean we going to make mom's first mother's day a great one, they dried them off and put their diapers and clothes on them. " I watch the speed demons, go up and get wash babe. Said, Viktor. They kissed each other, " if parker shows give him the notebook and recipe card, tell to tell her to read my lesson, then below take notes. Then the recipe card down, over and over, it is your favorite meal, we will be the judge. Said, Kari, they kissed each other again, " she better not mess up my favorite meal, no one can make it like mommy. She looked at him, and walked into their bathroom, Viktor put their mom's number 1# shirts on them. " stay in here boys, here watch dah and uncle H tag team title match, he put it on the tv, as he walked into the room when they pull up at the gate, he opened the gate, and grab the notebook and recipe card, he walked out of the door as they pulled up. He tells him what, Kari said, "oh my god it's her first mother's Day, tell K I said, happy mother days, you got anything plan man? Asked. Parker, " yes, we going to spend the day out with the queen, this is my favorite meal Jasmine, this what she fix for dinner that first date when I asked her out when she invited me to dinner, we are the judge, I very hard to pass, the son is my sons continue to look over it do not call my house, it will not get you anywhere, you are not going to ruin her first mother days. Said, Viktor. " she is not the only mother, I am a mother too, " no you the baby momma, you got to be involved in their lives to be called a mother, you fail in both always. He wanted back in the house and then left, he walked into the bathroom and take his shirt off. " your brother is okay, I can't stand his wife, I hope he does leave her. P said happy mother's Day it didn't. Said, Viktor, " now you know why I kick her tail all through school baby, he goes running back to her, " why he can do much better than her. Let mouth go, begged. Viktor, as she got out of the shower. " high school love she is poison, once he tastes her nectar he hooked like an Attic, she rubs his chest, " please I had that and she was never my poison, he needs to know the difference between seeing the one as a wife and some poison in school, high love doesn't make a great wife and mother, the one like you make one heck of a wife and mother, he pulled her to him, they pulled up at the hotel, " they soo fit, she does not like me, he hates me, they only doing this for you. " Jasmine when my sister ever said that she likes you? Ever since we dated Kari never approved of you, yeah he can't stand you, they didn't want them to know that they are married or have kids, you told the whole freaking family all because he told you that they are busy with the boys, and don't call them, heck I told you my sister is not like you, she doesn't spend all day talking on the phone, she doesn't go shopping, like everyone everything goes in the one ear and out of the other, again he told you don't call them, why all because you got upset that they were going to Maine first, you act like a freaking kid ar times and I am tire of it and everything if you do start lessoning to what we say you not going to be in their lives at all. You are going to be left out, I ask her to teach you to be a wife. Wife+work+cook+clean the house+ do laundry= husband that stays around and is happy.

A Wife who doesn't+work+cook+clean the house+ do laundry -a husband kids and home, get where I am going Jasmine, you fail with my mother and grandmother, you fail with my sister we are getting a divorce, I relocated the restaurant and taking the kids, and you can not pay bills, cook clean do laundry and talk on the phone all you want, shopping you are going to be crap out of luck, she going to teach you how to be a mother

Mother+kids+ take of + be there for+ help out with,= family that loves you. A mother that not there lose all respect from Becky and Jimmy, do you want that, she is going to teach you how to look for a job, a J. O. B, go in the hotel read the notes and recipe. She got what he was saying, " where you going Parker? " to get my sister a mother's days present, you have to become a heck of a mother to get something, you not much of a wife or mother, that is a direct blow to her, she got out in walked into the hotel, he left. They drive around the city, taking her out for Mother's days