Time at home

It is a rainy Sunday morning, while their sons are taking a nap, Kari and Viktor are cleaning the house, " can't believe you trying to give her help and to make her a better wife and mother, and the boys can't help it if her food grosses her cooking sucks if she not good in the kitchen, she not reaching the heart. Said, Viktor. " our sons don't lie, they know that she is a terrible cook, our niece and nephew are suffering, Parker is suffering, look how boney he is. Said, Kari. " babe, called, Viktor. They finished cleaning the kitchen, " yeah. He pulled her to him, and they kissed each other. " let's send them a carrier package what you say, she starving them, all because her mother didn't take her to the kitchen and taught her how to cook, they shouldn't pay for that. Said, Viktor. " that is a great idea, how about we invite him and the kids down during the summer, set up two of the boy's rooms, and show them what the school is the business district, take them house shopping, tell him if he decided to relocate here that we can help him up to start and run two restaurants, we send meals to him, said. Kari, " that way they can be rid of her for good, he doesn't have to drink that poison anymore, and he can be free to put the kids and himself first. Said, Viktor, "let's do it, babe, god I love you. They kissed again, she called him up on the hotline, and Parker answered. " (hello,) answered, Parker. " ( what'swrong P, we are still in your life. ) said, Viktor. " (there was only one woman I loved, how I didn't see the errors in her?) asked, Parker. " it sounds like you need to get away with the kids, so won't you bring them here, we set up a room for you here, they can see and play with their cousins, and we can talk about it, ) said. Kari, " (if you want to get out of Detroit and relocate here we can take you house hunting, and show you the business selection, that is up to you. ) said, Viktor. " ( we are divorced, I looking for a house to stay, I don't want to be in Detroit anymore, I think putting my assistance as manager, and opening new one somewhere else, and just act like an owner, the kids is out of school, ) said. Parker, " (good, time for you to let the high school flame burn out, we can talk about this if you decide to come here, and we are going to send you and the kids meals, all is needed is to tell me what you want,) said. Kari, " (being in Seattle for a few days might be good for us, plus to see what my options are.)-(" let her have everything, I come down and help you pack what is your,) said. Viktor, " (the clothes I already got us in storage and we are in a hotel, we see you in the morning guys,) said. Parker, they hang up the phones, " let's finished cleaning up, said. Kari grabs her by the arm, " the boy is asleep. said, Viktor. " really how long are they going to be the way, he picks her up. " shh let's not wake them, Mr. Nevada, they kissed each other as he lay her on the couch and start to make love to her, at their parent's house, " don't sound like it a bad offer Parker, she offering to make your food all you have to do is tell her what you want for dinner, breakfast, and tell me what you want for lunch, said, Suzanne, " why can she just be more like you three wife and mother, it would be nice, you, grandma, Kari try I thought she listens to her, " really Parker they never got along remember Jasmine thought you were cheating on her with her, and when she hurt you Kari attack and got descended from school, asked, Suzanne, " I told her that she is my sister, Kari can help that hotter then shewas, and told her to don't, she raised her eyebrow at him, " yeah, she not going to let a girl or women hurt or mess over you. Just like Blake's blade broke her heart mess with Beth, did you not go after him and kick his tail, that who we raise you to be watch over each other, Jasmine was never the wife and mother type, she doesn't have a mother instinct, that feeling when you holding your baby in your arms, I knowledge that how they always cried for you and not for her, how when Sheg o to take care of them they cried, me and your grandmother been sending you food, we continue to, now we got Kari aboard, we can come up with a way to feed you three, even send you recipes, but first you need to break free of Jasmine claws, you not able to do that here, " your mother is right, we got the kids, go to see what Seattle has for you, first call them and tell them you going to move down there and if they not busy could they take you around, said. Henry, pulled out his phone and called them, they were out of breath, and she answered the phone, " wait, wait, " why he needs to hear his sister making out. said, Viktor. " no we don't, (Nevada talks to me,) go clean the bathe Reno, and she told him, " I think I did I not done yet mommy. said, Viktor, " (I hope this is not a bad time?) asked, Parker, " (no, we are cleaning the house why they are asleep,) said, Kari. "(what is your answered,) " (thank you, Kari, if I send him to lunch, and your grandmother sends him dinner, could you send him breakfast?)Viktor is kissing her, " wait, I am not the bathroom baby, (yes mom, all he had to do is tell me what they want for breakfast, has he taken my offer to move down here, we take him around him, Reno has off the week, and we are busy but not too busy, ) said. Kari, " she wants to know what you decide son, plus she said that they take you around, (we got the kids, and he needs a new look and body, ) " no, I don't dad!" (yes you do, that i don't care if I live or dieParker, I still love her Parker, the body I help with, but the hair, clothes, and shave his brother can help with, I got you P nowget your tail down here,)said, Viktor. "(can I least think about it! you just offer the idea to me,) said. Parker, " (really, no you had that notion a long time ago, I just making it clear,) baby we are going to end up with more, wait please. he looked at her, " even number lets go for twelve six boys six girls, you know you want girls, (we will come in get you we already told you we give you three of our sons rooms P,) said. Viktor, " parker you hear them, they said they will come up and get you, ( with my boys right?) asked, Henry. " (yes dad, what kind of parents be to leave them behind, tell talk about with his kids first, take the time to think, then call us, this is a once in a lifetime offer to be near us away from poison ivory, ) said. Kari, " (tell you what P we come up tomorrow we know that you are hurting and want to talk,) said, Viktor. " ( you do that for me?)" (that's why we cleaning, packing, and getting the studio work done, to come up. you go through the waves Parker, you end it but you want to go bad to her, we see you tomorrow evening then you can tell us what you want and we can help you with the move down, ) said. Kari, " (we got papers like school listing, the plot for your business in the business zone, and some houses that are for sale, and rent,) said. Viktor, " they not taking a no from you, and you be a fool to not take that from them, you moving to Seattle, said, Suzanne, " okay mom chill, (you two plan this way a long time ago,) said. Parker, " (if you don't like them we look for land and get my friends to build you a house along with your new restaurant too, you family bro, we got your back.) the boys are up and they start to cry, "darn I not done cleaning the bathroom, said. Viktor, " I attempt with our sons, I meet you up, he kissed her, and put his clothes on and walked up the steps, " oh my, tell her you to see her tomorrow and thank you, Parker, " ( thank you Kari and Viktor see you tomorrow,) said. Parker, " ( you welcome parker, we see you tomorrow,) they hang up. she put on her clothes and walked up the steps into the room,