Chapter 14

Got his information boss. Also the new person whose information you asked for is a little bit confidential as he is also the prince of a very dangerous mafia.

Alex's pov

It's been a week since Ava moved in. We have been with her wherever she has gone. Not even a second did we leave her alone. But today she tricked us into letting her leave the house alone without any protection. She's got one hell of a brain. How wouldn't she? She one of us. But I'm no fool to let her alone. I did ask one of my trustworthy minion, Benjamin to follow her and update me everything. He informed me that she met a boy and had a fight with him. At first I scolded the hell out of Benjamin because if he had interfered then she wouldn't have to fight. But he continued telling me how she put up an equal fight him which I was really proud of. And then they became friends and how her fucking boyfriend popped out of nowhere.

That idiot pops out of nowhere. I'm sure I'll kill him if he touch her. How the hell did he become her boyfriend out of all other boys. But I feel like something's wrong. Even her friends didn't know she had a boyfriend. I'll have to dig into that later.

But what I'm currently doing is thinking about how I'll introduce her to our girlfriends . We hadn't mentioned about them in the context because we didn't want her to feel that we are not giving her the attention and care which we failed to give her as her brothers.

Astraea has been messaging me constantly demanding that I introduce her to Ava. She's not one of those Barbie-bitch type girl who's behind me for my money and fame. She's a real gem. The only daughter of Liam Darnel, the Mexican mob's leader.

(Convo between Alex and Astraea)

My love 😍

Xander I'm so not gonna talk to you anymore . I hate you.

Astraea, we've talked about this darling. If this has anything to do with not introducing Ava to you , then you'll hate me for a few days more. She's warming up to us ,we don't want this to be too overwhelming for her.

My love 😍

But honey, you've been saying this forever.

But babe it's been only a week since she moved in.

My love 😍

Fine, but I should be the first one to be introduced to before rest of their girlfriends . Deal ?

Deal , I promise that you'll be the first one to be introduced to Ava.

My love 😍

Honey , I can't get any sleep.

Why is that baby ?

My love 😍

There's so much questions running around in my head .

Like what?

My love 😍

Is S or C silent in the word scent.

Does fishes ever get thirsty or get exhausted drinking too much water?

Why is it called 'beauty sleep' even though you wake up looking like a hot mess.

If you drop soap on the floor is it dirty or is the floor clean.

Now there's one question running in my head darling .

My love 😍

And what's that babe?

How the fuck did you become my girlfriend.

My love 😍

Xander !!

It's three in the morning sweetheart , go to bed. I'll ask your dear favourite brother , Luke , who likes to entertain these type of questions help you clear all your doubts.

My love 😍

Alright 😒😳

Good night honey , oopsie good morning xandie.

Good morning darling, and eww don't call me that .

My love 😍

Sending you virtual kisses 😘 😘


I decided to call it a day and hit the hay.


Third person's pov

Ava woke up early today because she decided to go for shopping today. She quickly did her routine and made her way to each of her brother's room. She wanted to buy new clothes, shoes and accessories now that she's going back to school. She knocked at Luke's door first.

She jumped on his bed and started bouncing up and down and sat on his tummy. Luke groaned in his sleep because of the constant bouncing.

"Stop moving Ava, your fat ass is killing me down here " he grumbled knowing this would make her stop.

"Hey, take that back." Ava whined not liking the fact that he just called her fat.

"Nope never ever."

"Fine , you asked for it. She bounced on him once more and got up. Before living the bed she hit him where the sun doesn't shine.

"Oopsie didn't see you there"she giggled running away from his room who was yelling at her demanding to get back there.

Next she went to Will's room only to find it empty. And the next , next , next and next room was also empty .

Where did Will, Jason and ace go ?

She opened the door to Aidan's room , gasping at what has he just witnessed. Aidan, Will , Jason and ace where all stacked upon one another. And the T.V was somewhat on and off . Maybe they were all watching something and later fell asleep.

She took her phone out and quickly shot a pic. Maybe be she can use this photo later. An evil smile made its way to her lips. She made her way to the bed and jumped on top of Ace , who was at the top. He let put a manly scream making her scream too.

"Ahhhhhh " both of them screamed simultaneously.

Hearing all this sound , Will and Jason fell off the bed in the speed of light, thinking someone one broke into the house. Aidan shot up and grabbed a gun from god knows where.

"This is your chance to reveal whoever dared to break in and remember I won't be lenient this time." Aidan commanded in a stern tone , loading the bullets , Ava never knew he had.

But seeing a sleepy Aidan recover quick and holding the gun wearing a pyjama was a sight to see. Ava quickly captured the moment by taking a pic. All four of them burst out seeing the scene unfold.

"There's no one trying to break in big bro " Ava spoke in between her laughter.

"This is your chance to reveal whoever dared to break in and remember I won't be lenient this time." Jason and Will mimicked Aidan only to be tackled down to the bed by him.

"I dare you to say that again."