
Part 1

After we defeated the first floor's Floor Boss for the second time, we headed

straight to the Adventurer's Guild to sell the Crude Drugs what we made

from its Drop Items. Technically we could go to the second floor, but we

decided to postpone it until we get our hands on more medicinal items.

Roxanne told me that we won't have to worry about being poisoned on the

first and second floors, but it's better to be safe than sorry. That way, if we do

end up getting attacked by something that can use poison, we will be ready to

counter it at any given time.

First off, we're selling the branches and Poison Antidote Pills I have made at

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the Guild's counter. I know that a viable option here was to leave some of the

pills for ourselves, but let's be honest here, if all it takes to make them is

killing the Floor Boss on the first floor for the leaves it drops over and over

again, then that won't be a problem for us. And since the both of us acquired

the Herbalist Job, then we can cheat the system a little by having some of it

on us at all times.

「Here you go.」

The very nice (and well endowed) lady behind the counter returned to us with

the money for everything we have sold her plus the additional 30% from my


「So, do you sell any medicine besides Poison Antidotes?」

「Of course, sir. Besides Poison Antidotes, we also sell Potions and Remedies,

the cheapest ones for only 60 Nar each. We also have Anti-paralysis Potions,

Softeners and Cure-All's, 100 Nar each.」

My guess is that Potions recover HP while Remedies do the same for MP? As

for the rest, they probably heal various abnormal status changes, but I have

no idea which of them are going to be an absolute necessity for now, so…

「Give me two Softeners and two Anti-Paralysis Pills.」

For the time being that seems like the most practical thing to do. Since I don't

know how many of them we are actually going to use, it is better not to buy

anything in needlessly large quantities.


The woman left her seat and returned with the items shortly after, placing two

white and two yellow pills before me.

「And those are?」

「Allow me to explain: the white ones are the Softening Medicine, while the

yellow ones are the Anti-Paralysis Medicine.」

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Oh, so the effects are color coded? Neat.

Just to be absolutely sure I appraised them myself, and it was just like the

lady said: white ones where Softeners, yellow ones were Anti-Paralysis, there

could be no mistake about that. The name of the Anti-Paralysis Medicine was

pretty self explanatory: it is the medicine that cures the Paralysis status effect.

But then, what does the Softeners do? Going by the name, it should have

something to do with fixing the stiffness of the body, so maybe it is used to

cure Petrification, or however this effect is called here? Anyway, no further

explanations were given to me, so I just placed four silver coins on the


The lady counts each coin carefully and pushes the pills towards me one by

one. But even though I bought more than one item, my 30% discount didn't

activate, and it is starting to piss me off. When I was buying hot water and

lanterns at the Veil Pavilion it always seemed to work as long as I was buying

at least two of them, so I wonder why it didn't work this time?

「What about something for the recovery of both mind and body? What are

the prices of those medicines?」

「The cheapest healing medicine are the Nourishment Pills, costing 60 Nar,

and the cheapest exhaustion Remedies are the red Strengthening Pills, also

costing 60 Nar.」

「Then give me two of those as well.」

I decided to buy them as well. I am sure that having HP and MP recovering

medicines will benefit me, if not in the future then in the long run. The lady

left her seat again and returned with another set of Pills: blue ones and red

ones. According to the appraisal, the blue ones were the Nourishing Pills and

red ones were the Strengthening Pills. In the end, I guess it's good that they

all have different colors, since without it distinguishing between them would

be pretty much impossible.

「Thank you for your purchase. That will be 240 Nar.」

「All right.」

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So the discount didn't work this time either.

「Ah, I am terribly sorry to ask this of you, sir, but could you make your

payment in bronze coins?」

「Sure, no problem.」

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I said, handing two silver coins and fourty bronze coins to her. Is is

customary to pay for those Pills with bronze coins? Because if so then I

didn't know that and no one bothered to inform me about that. And besides,

she should be able to tell that I gave her the exact amount of money she

requested, 240 Nar, simply by checking the amount of silver and bronze


「I am truly sorry for the inconvenience, sir.」

Well, if she honestly feels bad about it, then I guess there's no reason dwell

on the matter any further. She then collected each coin separately, giving me

one Pill every sixty coins. It took a while, but when she finished, I was

absolutely certain that the total amount of money required for that transaction

was 240 Nar indeed.

「Thank you very much for your patience, sir. I have confirmed that the right

price has been paid for your items.」

Well duh, of course it was. It should be obvious to anyone who could

perform basic calculations in their head. Unless… could it be that she is

unbale to calculate the equation of 60 x 4 = 240 in a flash?

I don't know what is the level of education in this world, but judging by the

fact that the percentage of literate people is so low that they had to create a

profession of Substitute Reader, it cannot be very high.

I know for a fact that Merchants have the Skill called Calculating, which

allows them to perform complicated calculations on the spot. But if this lady

right here cannot do that, then that would mean that ordinary citizens or

Villagers do not have access to it as long as they don't have the Job of a

Merchant. And if they cannot calculate properly then that means the would be

unbale to factor discounts into prices, because how can you know how to

calculate 30% of something when you cannot even do basic multiplication

and division. However, my 30% discount is supposed to be effective at all

times, so why is it that it works when I'm buying things from the Slave

Merchant or the Innkeeper, but from the clerk at the Adventurer's Guild?

「Who is responsible for calculating the prices for all the purchases?」

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I asked the lady.

「All the prices are set by the officials at the Guild's temple, but that is

something everybody who came there to have a Job Change should know


Damn it, another sticky subject that I had no idea about! I should just drop

this subject entirely if I don't want to get into unnecessary trouble.

So apparently this lady thinks I am an Adventurer. Well, I have my Warp

point set up on the back wall of the Adventurer's Guild's building and I've

been coming here quite often to sell my items, so I guess I cannot really

blame her for thinking that, and honestly, I much prefer it to stay that way.

「Is there anything else I should know about the medicines?」

「They should be kept in your Item Box at all times to avoid them getting

spoilt or damaged. If they do end up like that, the Guild won't buy them off

of you, so please bear that in mind.」

「Okay, got it.」

Thankfully, she just offered me an explanation without asking any further

questions. It might not have been much, but at least I have learned something

new again today. After I packed all the Pills into my backpack, we left the

Adventurer's Guild.

So the clerks in the Guild are not responsible for calculating the prices of

items themselves. This makes sense. She doesn't have the skills necessary for

the proper calculation of discounts, so my 30% discount won't activate. So

maybe that means that it will work with Merchants who do have the

Calculation Skill, and with them only?

Calculation. Looks like this Skill might be more important than I actually

gave it credit for.

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Part 2

So far, according to my personal knowledge the merchants that can use

Calculate include: Slave Merchants, Weapon Merchants, Armor Merchants,

Clothes Merchants and Innkeepers, although I don't know if the Innkeeper's

Job allows him to use it or perhaps he also has the Merchant Job. As far as I

know, if people don't have any of the aforementioned Jobs, they won't be

able to use Calculate, meaning that my 30% discount will become effectively

useless when doing business with them.

If the merchant possesses the Calculate Skill, my discounts will work without

any problems, and the Skill itself is a passive one that triggers whenever a

calculation has to be performed in one's mind, presenting you with the right

answer straight away, factoring in the percentages from any increases or

decreases the Skill in your possession might be giving you. Moreover, even

though it is always active it doesn't use any MP. There is no need to use

Calculate when you buy and sell things separately, because the numbers and

their value won't change. 1 Nar is still 1 Nar, 100 Nars is still 100 Nars. That

must be why my 30% discount didn't work, because when you buy and sell

multiple things and the clerk's Calculate activates, the Prize Discounts Skills

activate as well. Well, it is nothing more but a hypothesis, but knowing that

might actually come in handy in the future.

Once our buying business was completed, we were ready to go back to the

Labyrinth's second floor, this time for real.

「Stay vigilant, master. The enemy is really close by.」

We went forward with Roxanne's guidance, and soon we saw it, our first

monster encounter on the second floor. Appraisal!

Needlewood Lv.2

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Bah, what a killjoy. The first enemy we have run into on the new floor was

the same Needlewood that was prowling on the first floor, except this one

had a higher level. I wonder it is going to become a pattern where the

enemies stay the same but their levels will progressively go up with each

floor? But I must admit, a part of me was genuinely happy that the level of

that monster is only Lv.2. That means we should expect Lv.3 monsters on the

third floor and Lv.4 monsters on the fourth floor, right?

But the most important question for now is: how much stronger did it get

now that it is Lv.2? To test it out I attacked it with Durandal, and it died after

a single blow, just like its brethren the floor below. It might have became

stronger when its level went up, but in the end, when faced with the might of

my Durandal it was still not enough to save it from being one-shotted. Also, I

think the fact that I am much stronger and my levels are much higher in

comparison to when I first entered the Labyrinth's first floor might have

something to do with that as well. Or at least I want to think that it does.

Then, I noticed something.

「Roxanne, look. Isn't that another monster, right there in the shadows?」

「It's a Green Caterpillar. It is a monster native to this particular floor. It is a

rule that aside from the new ones, the monsters from the lower floors may

also be present on the higher ones.」

Roxanne imparted another piece of knowledge to me. I see. So the first floor

only had Needlwoods because it was the very first floor. But here on the

second floor, which is a native habitat of the Green Caterpillars (which are

totally gross by the way), there is also a possibility of Needlewood's showing

up, even though they are not this floor's main monster. So when we will go

up t the third floor, we will encounter both Needlewoods and Green

Caterpillars in addition to the third floor's main monster type, huh? I see, I


「Okay, let's take this guy down as well!」

「On it!」

Our next target was the Green Caterpillar Lv.2 in front of us. It was a

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caterpillar in every sense of the word, meaning that is was all bouncy and

slimy, and had those big, creepy segmented eyes, and to add fuel to the fire

this monstrosity was the size of a medium dog. I can't say that I am afraid of

bugs, but I am also not particularily fond of them either, so every time I saw

it crawling forward by constricting the muscles of its entire body I couldn't

stop myself from shivering. Thankfully a short mid-battle observation

showed that it only possessed a few slow, telegraphed attacks, so avoiding it

was much easier than with the Udowood in the Boss Chamber. Now if my

guess is correct it shouldn't be all that mobile with a body like that, so it

won't be able to dodge me when I will flank it from the side and swing

Durandal down at it!

Yes, this one was also downed in a single blow! When the green smoke

disappeared, the Revealed Drop Item was a bundle of threads. I'm guessing

it's the thread that these guys would eventually use to encase themselves in it

to wait until they could morph into butterflies… yeah, right, as if something

so ordinarily cute was to happen in a deadly dungeon filled with bloodthirsty


As we made our way forward and fought more monsters, I started to notice a

pattern of sorts. We are at the Labyrinth's second level, the enemies are all

Lv.2, and so far all of them came in groups of two: either two Needlewoods

Lv.2, two Green Caterpillars Lv.2 or a mixture of a Needlewood Lv.2 and a

Green Caterpillar Lv.2.

「Two monsters ahead of us: one Needlewood and one Green Caterpillar.

Shall we proceed that way, master?」

By the way, is it just me, or is Roxanne able not only to smell the presence of

monsters, but also differentiate between their types as well? Depending on

how I choose to use it, it might become a very powerful ability


「As expected of my ever so reliable Roxanne. I am still not used to fighting

two of them at the same time, but they die in one hit so I guess there's

nothing to be afraid of. Lead the way then.」

「Right. Leave it all to me, master!」

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Roxanne then guided me to the location of the two Green Caterpillars. They

had their backs against us, so by the time they realized we were approaching

them we were able to dispatch them in a swift and sure manner.

「I wonder if we will always fight pairs of enemies here.」

I said after the finished battle.

「Most likely. But we might as well happen upon just one enemy.」

「Huh. So, do you think that when we will go up to the third floor, we will

fight a maximum of three enemies at once?」

「No. Based on what I heard, groups of three enemies start appearing from the


th floor onward, and from 8t floor onward there will be groups of up to four

enemies at a time.」

That's a relief to hear.

「So going with that tendency, there would be five enemies starting from the

16th floor, am I correct?」

「Yes, you understood it perfectly. That is exactly right. You are such a swift


That is nice to hear, but it doesn't change the fact that the further up we will

go, things are only going to get scarier and more difficult. Even if the enemy

numbers won't be increasing by one per each floor, we will have to face

groups of three on the floors 4 through 7, and groups of 4 from 8th floor

upwards. And if the Labyrinth will be big enough, we will probably have to

face groups of 5 different monsters from the 16th floor onward, and six from

the 32nd one…. And that one makes me more than a little worried. Hopefully

this Labyrinth won't be this big.

Well, there is no point worrying our asses off with such a distant future. For

now we only have to deal with a maximum of two monsters at once, so when

the time comes for us to finally take on larger groups, hopefully we are going

to be richer and stronger, and capable of taking on any number of adversaries

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without breaking a sweat.

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Part 3

The next pair of enemies we happened upon was a Needlewood Lv.2/Green

Caterpillar Lv.2 pair.

「Take care of that Green Caterpillar, Roxanne!」


I gave the battle instructions and we charged in together. Since the Green

Caterpillars are just like their normal counterparts except for being really big,

they are not all that mobile, which makes them vulnerable to the attacks from

the back and the sides, since turning around takes them too much time.

Because of that, in my personal opinion they might be even easier to fight

than the Needlewoods, who are dangerous no matter from which side you try

to approach them due to those pesky branches of theirs.

I slashed the Needlewood in half with Durandal, while Roxanne attacked the

Green Caterpillar with her Scimitar. Green Caterpillar tried to retaliate with a

Rush attack, but Roxanne just twisted her body lightly, making it miss the

mark completely and slam into the Labyrinth's wall with a rather squishy,

wet sound. She's just so awesome. Taking advantage of the fact that the

Green Caterpillar must have blacked out a little after its collision with the

wall, I swung Durandal on its back. It screeched loudly and exploded into

smoke. The way I see it, it doesn't matter if we face two, three or six enemies

at once. As long as I have Roxanne with me, I feel like nothing will be able to

stop us.

Morning the next day. When I woke up, I noticed I was hugging Roxanne.

Having her as my personal hugging pillow was the best thing ever, since she

was soft, smooth and warm like no other, and when I pressed my face against

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her chest, I was met with the sweet feeling of bouncy elasticity that

threathened to suck me in at the same time. This is great. This is truly


While still half-asleep, I received my good morning kiss from Roxanne. Her

soft lips and mouth both taste so sweet, making all of my senses melt from

the pleasure. While fully enjoying both the taste and the sensations, I slowly

sticked out my tongue and made it twirl around hers. She welcomed me with

little to no resistance, so I traced mine along its surface, taking my sweet time

as I did so.

With each passing minute, Roxanne wanted more and more of me, which I

could tell by the obvious movements of her tongue, which only grew in

intensity. As I did my best to satisfy her needs, I felt a familiar firmness

rising between my legs, but I did not care about that. All I cared about for

now, was the union of our intertwined tongues and how they danced with

each other.

When we both decided that we finally had enough, I let go of Roxanne's lips,

although I did so very reluctantly.

「Good morning, master.」

「Good morning, Roxanne. Here's to another successful day.」

「Yes. May it be filled with success once again.」

We got dressed and left the inn, heading straight into the Labyrinth once


Our exploration of the second floor is going well. Surprisingly well, I would

say. Even if we're facing two enemies at once, both the Needlewoods and

Green Caterpillars die with a single strike from Durandal. It can be said that

so far our victories were all an easily achieved ones. In fact, they were so

easy that I asked Roxanne to guide me to a lot of places on this floor without

taking the time to rest, because we weren't even tired, even after a few battles

that happened in quick succession.Also, out of all the groups of enemies we

fought against, only about half of them consisted of the pair of monsters. It

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seems that Roxanne was right: even though this is the second floor, where the

number of enemies per battle increased from one to two, the appearances of

lonesome monsters were still quite frequent.

If we are only facing a single opponent, it can be defeated it with only one

strike from Durandal without possessing any kind of risk to us. When we're

facing off against two, we split them up between us, meaning that Roxanne

takes on one monster while I clean up the other one.

Roxanne uses her tremendous moves to keep her enemy at bay by dodging,

blocking with her Wooden Shield or parrying it with her Scimitar. Each of

her actions is a display of splendid movements that makes me fall for her

even more every time I see them. With her at my side, I cannot feel the

increase in the enemy's levels at all, because the strength of our teamwork

turns them all into an absolute cakewalk. Durandal has its role to play in

making our battles even shorter. Whenever I happen to dispatch my enemy

first and I see that Roxanne did not defeat hers after slashing it with the

Scimitar a few times, I always Rush in to help her. Usually, one Rush attack

to the back of the unsuspecting monster is enough to send it six feet

under.The Green Caterpillars have an attack where they can spit their threads

at you, but it is not a problem if you just move to their sides or behind their

backs, since the threads only travel a little bit to the front in a cone-like

pattern. Just be sure to do that, and you won't be in any kind of danger.

Roxanne does not allow monsters to hit her at all, and I myself am rarely

attacked because I kill all of my opponents with a single strike of my sword

and then help Roxanne deal with the ones that focus on her, leaving them

entirely at my mercy.

The one thing that I am potentially worried about though, are the Trap

Rooms, a.k.a the small rooms filled to the brim with monsters, just like that

one I happened upon on the first floor.

I'm not worried about myself because of Durandal's HP Absorption Skill, but

Roxanne is another story entirely. Even though her reflexes are superior to

mine and she can evade almost every attack that is being thrown her way, I

fear it would amount to nothing when faced with large number of enemies

who could overwhelm us with their numbers alone, and that terrifies me. I

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know she's strong, but if anything happened to her, I would have never

forgiven myself for it. We got ourselves the Monk Jobs exactly for that, to be

able to heal ourselves if we ever ended up in a bad situation, but the question

here is: would we be able to heal ourselves in time if such a situation ever


But you see, the problem here is that if we won't try to clear such a room

with the two of us we won't even know whether we are cut out for it or not,

but knowing the risk that it entails, I just don't want to push our luck more

than we absolutely have to.

Despite my continous concerns, today's hunting went extremely well. I guess

that's the power of being overly cautious to you.

Roxanne took the lead and guided us to another cavern, casually approaching

the wall at its end. When she did that, a part of the wall made a noise and

slowly slid down, reveling a hidden passage leading to a small room. Could it

be? Did we really stumble upon the dreaded Trap Room just now?!

Keeping all of my senses on high alert I re-grasped Durandal and readied

myself for an intense battle… but there was no monsters inside. Is this place

actually safe? I found it somewhat hard to believe.

「Roxanne, we should remain cautious.」

「It's all right, master. We should be fine, because the smell of monsters is

very faint here.」

「I… I see. T-That's… that's good, I guess.」

Roxanne can locate monsters based on her sense of smell, but she also said to

me herself that it is not a perfect method of detecting that might not be able to

locate enemies in certain locations, like rooms behind closed doors or Trap


Am I still being cautious? Or is my cautiousness bordering on cowardice

now? Well, I do have to admit that when that door moved with that pretty

loud noise it made me freak out a little bit, but can you blame me? The last

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time I went into such a room I was in real danger of being gangbanged to

death by Needlewoods, so forgive me for being a little on edge here, will ya?!

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Part 4

If there is any place for us to get in trouble here on the second floor, then

there is no place better for it than the Trap Room. Just imagine it: we're

brimming with confidence, thinking that everything is going to be fine as

long as we can one-shot everything with Durandal and avoid the attacks

coming our way and then BAM and we're getting jumped by so many

enemies that all our advantages can just go fuck themselves. That is also why

I think that being wary of it is not a bad thing to do at all.

[In the first place, stumbling upon the Trap Room is already a pretty rare

occurance. It's that kind of luck that you just don't see everyday.] [Can you

really call that "being lucky" though?] [Well, I guess normally you would

call that unlucky, but since you're here, master, then we will be able to take

care of all the monsters in no time! We might get surrounded if we're not

careful, but isn't that why we worked so hard on obtaining the Monk Job for

ourselves? So that we could use Healing Skills in the hour of need? That way,

we will fight lots of monsters, waste them with one or two attacks and obtain

a lot of their Drop Items. That's why I said we are being lucky.] [Y-Yeah.]

I know what she wa trying to say, but I still find that idea to be rather strange,

but of course I'm not going to say that out loud.

Going beyond the would-be Trap Room, we happened upon another

Needlewood-Green Caterpillar pair. Without even thinking about it, I charged

at the Needlewood and slashed it with Durandal. Now that one nuisance is

taken care of, I can focus on supporting Roxanne by attacking the Green

Caterpillar from the back if the need for that arises. For now though, I can

just stay on the sidelines and watch how it's going to turn out.

As expected, Roxanne was avoiding Green Caterpillar's attempts at harming

her without much difficulty. What's more, she does so by only tilting her

body ever so slightly to the sides, dodging the attacks at the last possible

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moment without making any wasteful or unnecessary movements. After

witnessing so many of her fights, I developed an absolute trust in her ability

to avoid attacks, and I am confident that she can handle every normal attack

thrown her way, probably as much as she must be. When the Green

Caterpillar Roxanne was fighting missed its Rush attack and briefly stopped

moving, that was a cue for me to whack it with Durandal from the side, so I

guess that makes it another time where I have basically defeated all of the

enemies by myself, and that makes me feel kinda bad about myself. But just a

little bit.

The next group Roxanne guided us towards consisted of two Green

Caterpillars. As per the usual routine, I ran up to the nearest enemy and

promptly dispatched it with one strike. But just as I was about to turn around

to how Roxanne was doing…

[Look out, master! Something's coming!]

She shouted a warning towards me.

Looking closely at the second Green Caterpillar, it had an orange magic

circle glowing under its body. I was too far to interrupt it in time, so it had all

the time it needed to finish casting whatever it was that it was trying to cast,

and when the circle disappeared, it opened its ugly mouth wide and spat out


It's a thread.

Much like with that one other attack that we saw earlier, Green Caterpillar

threw webbings from its mouth, only this time, the threads it spat looked a lot

stickier and covered both more distance and had a much bigger radius, flying

widely in all directions. Such a move was definitely more befitting of a spider

rather than a caterpillar, but now is not the time to be worrying about such


Sensing the danger behind it, Roxanne made a hasty retreat to put as much

distance between herself and the flying wave of webbing as possible. I tried

to slash it away with Durandal, but there was too much of it, so I ended up

covered with the sticky stuff. The feeling was every bit as creepy as I

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expected, and to top it off, the web that landed on me seemed to restrict the

movements of my arms and legs, as if a sticky tape was wrapped all around

my body. I writhed and trashed about, but no matter how hard I tried, the web

just didn't want to come off!

Meanwhile, the Green Caterpillar that spat all over me turned its attention

away from Roxanne and started to move towards me. Damn it! Does it

prioritize the targets that it managed to immobilize with its web attack?!

Roxanne hurriedly ran towards me with the aim of drawing its attention away

from me with her Scimitar, but she will not make it in time.

If the Green Caterpillar's intent was to slowly devour me, then I guess it will

try to do so by biting into me, in which case I should be able to endure a few

bites, since with my current levels the damage I would take from a Lv.2

monster should not be all that big, but if at all possible, I would like to avoid

being chowed down on altogether. So how about… if I try to do… THIS?!!

The web bound my legs below the knees, so thankfully I was able to bend

them and move them just enough to kick the Green Caterpillar in its ugly

mug just as it entered my melee range. Following up on that, I threw my

bound hand, which were still gripping Durandal's hilt tightly, into the air,

allowing the gravity to do its thing for me. As a result, Durandal's blade was

driven into the Green Caterpillar's back as if it was made out of jelly,

splitting it almost in half, after which it just rolled onto the floor, green blood

spilling out of the fatal wound I inflicted.

Not gonna lie, that was a closer one than I would have liked. I wonder if the

webby restraints had no negative effect on my attack power, or they did, but

it was so miniscule that I was still able to defeat the Green Caterpillar in a

single blow despite being under their influence?

The Green Caterpillar disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving it's usual Drop

Item, its thread, behind. At the same time, the threads that were restraining

my movements also disappeared.

「Note to self: these assholes have not one, but two web attacks. Avoid at all


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「It really does look that they possess such an ability. I'm sorry, master. Due

to my incompetence you found yourself in a position where the enemy could

easily target you…」

「It's fine, don't beat yourself up over it. There was nothing you could do

about it, and besides, it's also my fault for letting my guard down around

them too much, so it is as much my L as it is yours. One saving grace here is

that as long as you defeat the monster that use the Skill, then the threads

disappear. If it wasn't for that, then I guess you can say that we would have

been in a pretty… sticky situation.」


「… Also, if we just watch the Green caterpillars more closely from now on,

we should be able to easily avoid their attacks and stop them from casting

that Skill.」

But the one who got caught in it was just me. Roxanne managed to avoid it

without any difficulties.

「So from now on, let's defeat the Green Caterpillars every time we happen

upon one, okay?」

「Yes, no objections here!」

Green Caterpillar can use the Skill that makes them spit sticky threads that

seal the movements of whomever it touches. Still, we've been around the

second floor for quite a while now and that was the first time I saw one of

them actually use that Skill, so it has to mean that they do not use it all that

often. If we just focus on dealing with them first. The only potential problem

can happen once they start appearing I large numbers, like, for instance, in…

yes, that's right, you guessed it, the Trap Room like the one on the first floor.

If an entire room's worth of them were to use their sticky threads at all time,

we definitely wouldn't be able to dodge them all or kill each and every one

that used them.

And then there is also the other web attack that will slow you down when it

hits you. My bigger concern with it is that if we get hit with enough of those,

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we might end up becoming so slow that the fight might be grinded into a

complete halt, and we will be opened for more thread attacks that will slow

us down even more, Durandal's HP Absorption included.

That, I'll have you know, would suck some serious scrotum.

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Part 5

What if we fail to annihilate the enemy on time? The answer to that was quite

obvious: injury or certain death. Even Roxanne, who is quite adept at the art

of dodging attacks might not be able to do anything when slowed down and

faced with the omnidirectional attack, even if she tried to jump over the

Green Caterpillar's bodies before they finished casting their Skills, which I

can easily imagine.

「For the time being I think that the best course of action will be to avoid the

Trap Rooms whatsoever, since they still might be too dangerous for us to

tackle with just the two of us. Let's exercise extreme caution if we happen

upon one of them ever again, alright?」

「Understood. As long as master is with me, I feel like I can take on any kind

of challenge, no matter what it is!」

I wonder what is she basing that rather pompous assumption on? And why

did it sound so sexual? Maybe she is going to try and show off by dispatching

the Green Caterpillars in some overly flashy way, like a leaping charge attack

on the poor bastards that won't even know what hit them? I know it sounds

ridiculus, but I also know that Roxanne would be willing to do something

like that, and she is more than capable of pulling such a crazy stunt off,

especially with her Monk Job.

Maybe I should think of a way of pulling us out of the ambushes and other

similar situations? For example, if I could use some powerful AoE magic that

could hit multiple enemies at once, carving out an escape route wouldn't be a

problem at all, even if we were facing off against a small army of monsters.

Something tells me that Meteor Crash would be ideal for it, but regretfully I

am still unable to use it effectively (read: I can't use it at all.) How much

longer will I have to grind to change that? Even though I have been killing

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monsters diligently in order to raise the levels of my Jobs, I have a feeling

that they are starting to get harder to raise now, but there is nothing I can

really do about it, since it is only natural that the amount of EXP points

required foe a Level Up won't be the same for a Job at Lv.1 and the Job at

Lv.99. Now, should I just continue to do exactly what I was doing up until

now until I can finally use Meteor Crash, or should I find some other way in

case that does not work?

Well if this Labyrinth turns out to be more dangerous than it is actually worth

it we could always try moving into another one, but I feel like that would be

nothing more but taking the easy way out, so I don't want to resort to using

such a drastic measure, if at all possible. *Sigh* what should I do here? What

is the right answer here?

Finishing the exploration and leaving the Labyrinth for today, we returned to

Veil and walked around it. The city seemed to be even livelier than usual,

most likely because today should be the day of the bazaar. Yeah, come to

think of it, it has been around five days since I started taking Roxanne to the

Labyrinth with me, so that should be about right. Looking at what the various

stalls had to offer, we went to the Explorers Guild. But before we could even

set our feet inside…

「Master? What are you…?」

I stood in front of Roxanne and covered her with my body, hiding her from


「Roxanne, listen. Try not to make it too obvious that you're looking, but…」

Right now I am facing the Explorers Guild with my back with Roxanne

pinned with her back to the wall, glancing sideways. Normally I would gloat

about performing a splendid kabedon on her, but now was not the time for

such trivialities.

「Ah, y-yes?」

「Can you see that man standing in the shadow of that building over there?」

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「Umm… yes, I see him. He's standing there all alone.」

Roxanne turned her face to me and moved her gaze a little, so that it would

look like we were just talking to each other.

「Does it look to you like he's looking at Alan-san's slave shop?」

「Yes, it doesn't look like that at first glance, but upon closer inspection,

you're right. That is exactly what he is looking at.」

「As I thought.」

So Roxanne thinks so as well.

When we were going through the city earlier and headed to the Explorer's

Guild I saw that Bandit standing across the road. How do I know that he was

a Bandit? Because ever since I hunted Bandits to get the money I needed to

buy Roxanne, I developed a habit of Identifying suspicious-looking people

when I see them, and that guy over there… was the acquaintance of that one

scumbag I killed in their hideout. And now he is just standing here, looking

suss as hell. Could this be fate, or one of its sick jokes? Also, it is incredibly

rare for Bandits to be seen in the good part of the city when the sun is till up.

I never thought I'm going to see them going out of the slums, if I am to be

perfectly honest.

「You think he might be a customer? Because he doesn't look like that to me

at all.」

「I think so to as well. But if he is not a customer, then who is he?」

「Most likely a Bandit. And the one that is not probably not interested in your

usual, legal transactions.」

「But what might he want form the slave shop I was in?」

That I do not know, but there is no doubt that he is eyeing up Alan-san's

shop, the one located just across the road from where the Explorers Guild


234 Goldenagato |

「I don't know that. Maybe there are some pretty important customers inside

right now? For the time being, let's go back inside the Explorer's Guild.」


We went inside and sold all of our items first, and after we got our hands on

the money, we proceeded to check the boards for any useful information.

Since this guild posts all of the information related to the Labyrinth and its

exploration, it might be worth our while to check if there are any information

regarding the Trap Rooms or the quests available at the second floor. If we're

lucky, then maybe we'll find out that the End of Search Declaration has been

posted? Once it is issued, we won't have to worry about stumbling upon any

Trap Rooms, because issuing the End of Search Declaration means that the

entire floor has been thoroughly explored and all the Trap Rooms have been

cleared of the monsters inhabiting them.

「And? Found anything over there?」

「No, no declarations have been posted for the second floor so far.」

Regretfully, we found no such notice on the Explorers Guild's bulletin


「Well? What do you want to do now? Should we at least go and give Alansan and a warning?」

I made sure that no one was listening in on us and asked Roxanne in a voice

that only she could hear.

「I would be grateful lif we could do that. One of the ladies who works there

has always been nice to me, so I would like to keep her safe if at all


Even though she was sold there by her relatives, it looks like not all of her

memories of that place are the bad ones. Yes, giving them a warning is the

least we can do right now, because if we just chose to do nothing, it would

leave a bad aftertaste in my mouth.

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「Let's go then. And when we will be going past that guy, try not to stare at

him or else he might catch that we are onto him.」


And we left the Explorer's Guild, heading towards Alan-san's slave shop

while trying to behave as naturally as possible so that the Bandit didn't start

being suspicious of us.

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Part 6

When we arrived at the slave shop and knocked on the door, the young

servant came to greet us.

「Welcome. What can I do for you?」

「Is Master Alan inside? Could you get him for us?」

「Yes, of course. And please, do come in.」

We came inside, just like the servant told us to. As I was going through the

door I glanced back over my shoulder, but I wasn't able to see the Bandit,

meaning that he must have retreated deeper into the alleyway where it would

be more difficult to spot him.

Roxanne and I were guided to the back room, where Alan-san was meeting

with all his customers. His servant opened the door for us and told us to wait

inside, leaving us with a short 「Please wait here for a moment」.

I entered the room and sat on the sofa. If Alan-san is really meeting with

some customers right now, then it is possible that we will have to wait quite a

bit for him to come down to meet us.

「You can sit down if you want, Roxanne.」

「Thank you, master, but it's fine.」

「So you're just going to stand the entire time?」

「I think that will be for the best. Besides, I am used to it, so it's not a problem

for me.」

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I sat down, but Roxanne continued to stand up, just like she said she would,

but I don't know about that. What does she mean by 「it will be for the best?」

anyway? I want her to be treated as my equal, so maybe I should tell her to sit

down, or stand up myself? Well, Roxanne's judgement in those kinds of

situations is probably way more accurate then mine, since I cannot read the

mood of people's intentions for shit, so I just decided to nod and drop the

matter entirely.

It wasn't long before Alan-san came down to greet us.

「Oh, now what do we have here? Welcome, and thank you for stopping by

my shop once again.」

「Sorry to bother you. Weren't you with another customer just now?」

「No, not at all. I am free at the moment.」

「I see.」

Yup, now I am absolutely sure that this place is 100% targeted.

「So, what did you wanted to discuss today? Because I assume that is the

reason for your visit?」

Alan the Slave Merchant sat on the sofa. After giving Roxanne a brief but

stern look, he joined his hands together and leaned forward in front of the


Ahh, I get it. He thinks that I came here today to discuss a refund for

Roxanne. I can't say I really blame him it that is really what he thinks. After

all, if I was in his shoes and a customer who bought a slave from me returned

after just a few days, I would also assume that it was either to make a

complaint or to try and get his money back. *Sigh* Maybe Roxanne was

right about not sitting down after all?

I remembered that the first time I came to this shop in order to sell the

Villager who has become my slave because he tried to steal the Bandit

Bandana that rightfully belonged to me, instead of being sent to this very

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waiting room he met with us inside of the shop itself. But the fact that we are

sitting here right now seems to be indicating that he is not treating me as a

random customer anymore, but maybe that was because that young aide, or

worker, or servant or whatever you want to call him didn't tell him I came

here to sell Roxanne? Then again, assuming that would have been kinda

dickish of him, when we only asked him to announce to Alan-san that we

wanted to speak to him. Well, I guess there's nothing I can do about it right

now. I just have to go with the flow.

「Allow me to cut right to the chase. This place is being watched.」

「Watched, you say?」

「Yes, that is indeed what I said. We came to warn you about it, because

Roxanne said that she couldn't ignore the shop that helped her out so much

and the people who work here.」

That should make it clear enough that I am not here to sell Roxanne today,

but now everything hinges on how is he going to react once he realizes that I

will probably not be buying any new slaves as well.

「Is that so? Ohohoho, I guess I'm getting so old that even I fail to notice such

things more and more often.」

The corners of Alan-san's mouth rose a little.

「Duly noted. I will be sure to be more careful in the future.」

「That's it? I told you, there is a suspicious-looking man watching your shop

from the outside.」

「I understood that, and I realize full well that things like that might be

happening from time to time, due to the… peculiar nature of my business.

Nevertheless, I thank you for you attention and the time you took to inform

me about this matter.」

He told me with a gentle expression. Looks like he's not taking me seriously.

Again, I can understand why he is acting like that. Everybody would have

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done the same if someone suddenly came to them and told them that their

business is being eyed by some shady individuals.

For him, I am not a regular customer, not a nobleman, a great knight, a bigshot or even someone well-versed in the matters of slavery. To him, I am just

your regular one-time customer same as all the others he probably has to deal

with on a regular basis, no different than a total stranger. Thinking about it

that way, it's not surprising that he dismisses the words of such a nobody as a

mere triffle.

「Anyway, we just wanted to give you this warning, so we will be on our way


「Once again, thank you for going through the trouble of informing me about

this, but running this kind of business often makes us a target of many-adifferent people, many of whom are too indecisive to actually set foot in the

shop, loitering around the entrance.」

「Trust me, the "customer" we saw outside definitely didn't look like that. He

seemed to be one of the more "problematic" kind, the one that is not

interested in simply "buying" slaves.」

「Or perhaps he was a private eye hired by a wife suspecting her husband of


Is he trying to say that this shop being monitored is an occurrence so

common that he stopped paying any mind to it? I guess that's true given the

shady nature of his business, but still…

「Uhm… the person who watches your store right now… is a Bandit.」

Perhaps she was bothered by the fact that we were not being taken seriously

as well, so Roxanne chose to open her mouth with such bold words.

「Hou… a Bandit, you say?」

Alan-san's face tightened visibly.

「Yes, that's right.」

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「What makes you think that?」

When I confirmed Roxanne's words without batting an eye, Alan-san

inquired further. Well, I knew that sooner or later it had to come to this. Even

if someone is really eyeing the shop, that alone does not make them a

criminal just yet, so obviously he wanted to know what I based that

assumption on. But I cannot tell him that I found out about it by using

Identify on that guy, so I have to feed him the best possible lie I have in my


「He's one of the people whom I got to "know" while I was making money to

purchase Roxanne.」

I managed to scramble up the necessary amount of money to buy her only

because I decided to do some Bandit Bounty Hunting, but I imagine that

since he is a Slave Merchant then he must at least have an inkling of how

someone like me managed to get that much money so fast. He might not be

getting the entire picture here, but he can probably guess enough to know that

I wouldn't be lying about something like that.

If you wanted to take on Bounty Hunts related to Bandits, naturally you had

to know where to look for them and how to discern them from ordinary

citizens. And I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but after all the

investigating that I carried out in the slums, I guess you could say that I got to

memorize quite a few suspicious faces rather well.

「I see now.So that's how it is.」

Alan-san sank deeper into the sofa. He then closed his eyes and let out a big

sigh. Was he finally going to seriously listen to what we had to say?

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Part 7

「I am afraid that I cannot say much more, for the sake of one of your workers

who was especially good to Roxanne whom she wishes to protect.」

「Yes, I am very grateful to her for all that she did for me when I was still in

your care, so I would like you to pass our warning onto her as well. If nothing

else, I don't want her or any of this store's employees to be caught in

something disastrous.」

She bowed deeply to him.

「I see, I see. Certainly, I can't say I don't see where you're coming from, or

what you are talking about.」

Alan-san acknowledged. So at the very least he has some inkling of what is

going on here? Then why didn't he do something about it from the start.

「Do you, really?」

「When you run a slave-trading business for long enough, you naturally give

many people more than enough reasons to target you, and before you will

realize it, you will have a full plate of things to worry about….」

「That's how it is, huh?」

Sounds like a cheap excuse if you ask me, and frankly, I'm not buying it.

「… especially since we are getting more acquainted with our slaves and

those who buy them than you might be thinking. For example, the man you

came here to sell, the one that tried to rob you.」

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「What about him?」

The man who tried to steal the equipment from the Bandits I had defeated

back at the Somara village. He was caught stealing by his fellow villagers,

which resulted in him being stripped of his Villager status and becoming my

slave, whom we had taken to Veil in order to sell him at this very Slave shop.

Thinking about it now, I guess I should be grateful to the guy. Because he did

what he did, I had a reason to come here, and thanks to coming here, I was

able to have my fated meeting with Roxanne. So yeah, thank you, random

Villager. You have my undying gratitude, but you were quite a messed up

matchmaker, I will give you that.

「He was sold just yesterday. The person who bought him has filled all the

necessary paperwork that was required of him and finished all of the

necessary preparations, after which he announced that he will come back to

pick him up in two days time so that he could finish the preparations for

accommodating him on his end.」

「Do you often have to deal with the cases that some slaves are unable to be


「I wouldn't say that such things never happen… however, now that I think

about it there is something strange about that man's case. He was practically

a fresh arrival, being in this shop for only a few days, and he wasn't even

able to speak Brahim at all. As far as slaves go, he had next to no value, but

despite that he was bought astonishingly fast. Moreover, the client who

bought him seemed to have been decided on buying him in particular right

from the very beginning.」

Once you've been made a slave as a punishment for theft, I can't imagine

anyone would be willing to teach you Brahim, because that would be straight

up too charitable. If you can't speak Brahim, I imagine your value as a slave

would plummet down considerably.

「And that client of yours really decided to buy somebody like that?」

「Yes. Also, he seemed to be even more interested in him when he learned

that the item he tried to steal was a Bandit Bandana.」

243 Goldenagato |

Yes, Bandit Bandana was the item that guy seemed to be the most adamant

on getting from all of the items left by the raiding party that attacked Somara

village. Supposedly that thing can only be worn by Bandits, and when done

so, it increases their physical capabilities, most likely giving them boosts to

all their stats. According to both Picker-san from Somara and the Armor shop

merchant we initially tried to sell it to, it could be sold on the black market

for a small fortune. If he wanted to steal that, then it most likely means that

he must have had a buyer willing to buy it off of him.

「His current owner will be here to pick him up… tomorrow, am I right?」

「That's right.」

「Have you noticed anything suspicious about him? Anything at all?」

「There were two guests in total. One of them was asking me all sorts of

question related to purchasing slaves, while the other talked with the slave in

question. Perhaps he was passing some kind of instructions onto him? I tried

to listen in on what they were talking about, but they were doing so in

especially hushed whispers, so I am afraid I wasn't able to learn anything of


Maybe it's just my bias towards Bandits speaking through me, but that

seemed suspicious as fuck.

「If you asked me, those guys give me all kinds of bad vibes just from hearing

about them from you.」

「Whatever the case may be, once the payment has been made and all the

necessary paperwork has been delivered I'm afraid that I cannot interfere in

the affairs of my clients and their newly-bought slaves. We wanted to keep

that slave in a locked room separated from all the rest, but the buyer

requested that we did just the opposite: he specifically requested for his

purchase to be kept in an unlocked room until the day he would come to pick

him up. For the time being, we are keeping him in a separate room on this

floor of the building. He's been on his best behavior for now, but there is no

telling if he won't try to leave in the middle of the night, going as far as to

meet the Bandits who bought him at the front door.」

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Alan-san told us all of that with a calm face. He didn't look worried or scared

at all, which was quite bald of him.

「Is… is that really okay with you?!」

Roxanne raised her voice worriedly.

「Of course. We are in the middle of a city after all. Even if they do appear, a

large number of uninvited guests will not go unnoticed.」

「B-But if something happens to that nice lady…」

「Do not worry. No matter what happens, we will probably be fine.」

Alan-san said that they will be okay, as if he had absolute confidence in his

own words.

Well, whatever. We have warned him about the potential danger to his shop,

so I say that our job here is done. Whatever ends up happening next, it will be

Alan-san's problem, not ours.

「We're going home, Roxanne.」

I said, standing up from the sofa.

「Ah, uhm…」

Roxanne mumbled as if she was having trouble with finding the right words

to say.

「Still worried after all?」

「... Y-Yes.」

*Sigh* What to do Michio? What to do?

I mean I have dealt with Bandits already, so it's not like I feel any kind of

aversion towards killing them simply because they are human beings just like

me. And as long as I have Durandal, I am pretty sure that none of them could

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pose an actual threat to me. So, with that in mind…

「How about this, Alan-san? Why don't you hire me as a bodyguard? What do

you say to that?」

I presented Alan-san with my proposal.

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Part 8

By proposing to be Alan-san's bodyguard, I should be able to quell

Roxanne's worries, even if just for a little bit, and avoid having a guilty

conscience myself. Because you know, I might not give two shits about the

guy I sold here, but if anything happened to innocent people because of him,

I have no doubt that it would have left an incredibly bad aftertaste in my


「Are you sure about that? For an owner of the shop to hire one of his

customers as a bodyguard, this is rather unheard of.」

「Yeah. Besides, I don't want anything bad to happen to the slave I sold, so

you can say that I have a bit of a personal interest in this matter as well.」

That was only half of the truth, but he doesn't need to know that. Also, if I

get the chance, there is a little something that I would like to try.

「Thank you very much, master!」

Roxanne bowed to me in gratitude. She really looks relieved now. So she was

that concerned about the wellbeing of the lady who was nice to her, huh?

「Very well then, I accept your humble proposal.」

Nice. Should things get too hairy for us to handle, the is always an option of

getting the hell away from this place by using my Warp. I couldn't use

Dungeon Walker while fighting against the monsters in the Labyrinth, but I

think it should be good as long as our enemies will be just your regular

Bandits and the battle won't suddenly move to the Labyrinth itself, since I am

able to Warp between the Labyrinth and the Adventurer's Guild without any

issues. Also, a mental note for the future: next time we happen upon one of

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those monster-filled empty Trap Rooms, I should try fleeing from them using

Warp to see what will happen.

「Great. Looking forward to working with you.」

「Likewise. Now, whether I hired you or not I do not think the problem is

going to be as big as you are making it out to be, but let me be absolutely

clear about one thing: above all else, I don't want for anything to happen to

my customers and slaves, therefore I would like you to remain in the

backline, and only step forward when it is going to be absolutely necessary.」


「Do exactly that, and your payment will be 1000 Nar. If you manage to

defeat the Bandit that threatens the shop, feel free to take any of his dropped

items and goods as a bonus to your reward.」


I thought he was going to be more wary or restrained towards the idea, but

Alan-san accepted my proposal much easier than I thought he would. That

aside, getting my hands on that extra reward would be pretty sweet, so maybe

I should make it my priority to take that one particular Bandit down? Yes, in

order to maximize the profits from this job, we absolutely cannot let that guy

sneak out and rejoin with his companions. Still, even if we don't have the full

picture of what is going on here, this looks kinda strange. Why would my

former slave cooperate with those guys, if the possibility of them betraying

him at literally any point in time was quite high? No matter how hard I tried

thinking about it, all I could see was no merits to it at all, only the everincreasing odds of getting backstabbed.

Combat wise, I don't think any of the Bandits in the city or in its vicinity

were on the level of a guru, since none of the ones I fought with so far

displayed any remarkable skills with their weapons, but there has to be

something more to it than that. If that was the case, then even the guys who

attacked Somara village and were slaughtered by me when I was still a

complete noob were guru's, which was not the case. Even Roxanne wasn't a

guru, even though her combat prowess and the way she was able to avoid

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even the more complex attacks of monsters seemed to be indicating


Be that as it may, what I am getting at is that even if the chances of anything

happening today are low, Alan-san still would lose nothing if he chose to hire

us as an insurance against Bandits.

「The one watching the shop definitely saw me going inside, so for now we

will go back to our inn and come back here when the night falls. That way we

won't make him unnecessarily vigilant.」

「If that is the case, then I think it would be best for you to come back here

around dawn. If my shop really is being targeted by Bandits, I think that will

be the most probable time for them to arrive.」

「You think so?」

Generally, I have to agree with him. The dawn seems like the most probable

time for the Bandits to attack, since normally people would assume they

would have made their strike in the middle of the night.

「Some of my slaves are also capable of fighting. Three of them are here in

the shop at all times, while the best five of them always venture out into the

Labyrinth around daybreak. If we were being watched for the past few days,

then it would be wise to assume that our observer has also taken notice of that

fact. I'll also have you know that I am somewhat strong myself, since I did

some adventuring together with my reliable Party before I started studying

the ways of the merchant in order to become a Slave Merchant.」

「That makes sense.」

When Roxanne was explaining to me how Parties and adventuring worked,

she mentioned that oftentimes the aristocracy and the noblemen would send

their children to the Labyrinths accompanied by strong Parties so that the

children themselves could gain experience and raise levels quickly and

effortlessly since the EXP gained from slaying monsters is being shared

across all the Party members. And based on what Alan-san just told me, it

looks like that if you want to become a Slave Merchant, you have to raise the

249 Goldenagato |

level of the ordinary Merchant Job first. Alan-san's Job is Slave Merchant

Lv.44. His age is quite advanced, but even taking that into account, his level

is still abnormally high. Now I really wonder if he was frequenting the

Labyrinths in his youth.

「The peak in the adventuring activities in the Labyrinths is usually early

afternoon to an early evening, so my Parties always go there right before

dawn to avoid running into an unnecessary traffic. But, as I mentioned

before, the Bandits should be well aware of that routine of ours if they were

keeping a close eye on us. If we assume that this is indeed the case, then the

most probable time for them to make their move would be when the Party of

combat-capable slaves leaves the shop for the Labyrinth, meaning from dawn

until the afternoon. Of course, I won't be having them going there. They will

remain here on standby, and those of them who cannot fight will serve as a


Was that why Alan-san sounded so confident and seemed like that entire

matter wasn't such a big deal? Not that I am complaining, mind you. If

anything, I quite like this new development, since instead of waiting

cluelessly or getting dragged in the Bandit's trap, now it feels more we are

the ones setting the trap for them.

「Hearing that is certainly reassuring.」

「I have to admit that it has been quite some time since I retired from the

adventurer's lifestyle and passed the place in my most reliable Party to my

son, but I should still have enough steam left in me not to let some petty

Bandits get the better of me.」

He said proudly. Maybe he actually is more amazing than I gave him credit


250 Goldenagato |

Part 9

「Does this place have a back exit?」

「Of course it does. Why do you ask?」

「Because we should probably leave through there to avoid being seen.」

「Very well then. Allow me to show you the way. It's just over here.」

Alan-san showed us the way.

「Here we are. I suggest that you use this entrance to get into the shop when

you will come back here at dawn. The alleyway is connected to that street

over there, so even if the front door will be constantly monitored, no one

should notice you when you arrive. Just be sure to remember which building

is ours to avoid any needless complications.」

「Thanks, but I think we will manage somehow.」

All we have to do is to Warp over here, so that takes care of that problem.

He opened the door and let us out. There really was a narrow alley between

the buildings. In such a tight space no one would really see us, and getting

here would only require a small detour from us, so using this back entrance

might really be a good decision. After we confirmed everything we wanted to

know, Alan-san walked us all the way back to the front door.

「Well then, thank you for your patronage today.」

「Yeah, you've really been a huge help.」

I said that in an especially loud voice to be sure that the Bandit watching over

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the shop could hear us.

「I look forward to your next visit here.」

And like that we have left the Slave shop. We went straight ahead, without

any needless wandering around, but when we were passing the alley adjucent

to the shop, I couldn't see the Bandit's figure anymore.

「Is he there?」

「I can't really see him, but I can definitely smell him from behind the



I had a quiet conversation with Roxanne once we went past the Explorer's

Guild. As expected of Roxanne, even in the crowded city filled with all kinds

of smells, she was still able to track down that particular one like it was


「Uhm… I'm sorry for being so selfish during the meeting.」

「You don't have to be. I was the one who made him the offer, and he

accepted it out of his own volition.」

「But I was the one who blurted out that that man was a Bandit because I

allowed my emotions to get the better of me.」

So she realizes how risky that was. True, things could have gone very bad if I

didn't come up with an excuse, but since I did then I guess it's all fine. I

managed to keep my secrets, so there's no use mulling over it now.

「It's all fine with me. Just try to be more careful in the future, okay? And

remember: any trouble of yours is a trouble of mine as well.」

「Yes! Thank you so very much!」

With Roxanne thanking me once again, we have returned to the Veil

Pavilion. Initially I just wanted to eat dinner and go to bed, but with our

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current arrangement I guess that won't be happening. For the time being,

Roxanne performed both the usual maintenance of our equipment and the

laundry of our underwear by using the hot water delivered to our room after

we finished eating. She had to do it, because, to be frank, I sweat a lot. Not

because the Labyrinth is a particularly hot place, but because of all the

fighting I was doing, which should be an obvious thing, right? Fighting

requires you to move your body around a lot, and moving around a lot causes

you to sweat, all the more if the equipment and armor you are carrying

around with you weights a hefty amount. And since sleeping in sweaty,

smelly underwear would be a straight-up unpleasant experience, I was

grateful to have someone ready and willing to do my laundry for me.

Unfortunately, there are no normal baths or showers available for everyone is

this world, so we have to get by with the closest equivalent available, which

is wiping our bodies with towel dowsed in hot water. It cannot hold a candle

to a long, refreshing soak in the bathtub, but it was definitely better than not

washing ourselves at all. Given the circumstances, it was actually quite

comfortable. And since Roxanne was wiping herself without voicing any

complaints, then she must be thinking that as well. And now it is my job to

carefully wash every part of that work-of art body of hers.

A fresh and clean-looking skin. A bust so magnificently big and well

proportioned that it almost seemed like a miracle. Once again I have felt

something slowly accumulating inside of me, but it shouldn't be a problem

for now, because if it will be close to bursting, I have someone who will

readily take care of it for me.

「Mmm… ngh….」

A few hours later, after Roxanne made me spit out all of my accumulated

lust, she once again woke me up with a passionate kiss. Since I managed to

catch a good amount of z's, I was in a refreshingly good mood even though I

have just woken up.

Since we had a job to do very early in the morning, I asked her to wake me

up a little bit earlier than usual. I gotta say, having my tongue massaged by

Roxanne's own soft tongue is the best way to wake up ever. Never in my

wildest dreams could I ever imagine that there will come a time in my life

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where I will be able to be woken up in such a wonderful way.

After fighting off my initial drowsiness, I hugged Roxanne strongly, having

the bulges of her chest bounce and press against my own torso. Enjoying that

unearthly elasticity, I slowly extended my own tongue to give her tongue a

friendly greeting, and our wet tongues started playing with one another,

slowly returning the pleasurable favors, occasionally stretching deeper into

our oral cavities and deeply entwining around each other.

「Good morning, master.」

「Yeah… good morning, Roxanne.」

After tasting Roxanne's sweet tongue for a good while, I finally let go of it so

we could exchange our usual morning greetings. As usual, I needed a

moment to properly catch my breath after such an intense exercise first thing

in the morning.

「It is about time for us to leave.」

Prompted by Roxanne, we proceeded to put on our clothes and armor,

finishing our preparations. I just hope that we didn't kiss for long enough to

actually be late to the meeting with the Slave Merchant.

「Ready? Then let us be on our way.」

「Yes, let's go.」

「Actually, I was thinking if it wouldn't be better if you sat this one out,


「I. Am. Going. As. Well.」

Roxanne said, putting emphasis on every word.

「Fine. You can come with me, but I want you to stay behind me as much as

possible. Putting you in unnecessary danger is the last thing I need.」

If things get too dangerous for her, I can always order her to escape. I

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understand that she wants to protect those who helped her during what was

probably the most difficult time in her life, but that does not mean that it is

okay for her to be putting herself in danger.

「Yes, of course!」

After leaving the room, we left the key at the front desk and walked out of the

inn. I took Roxanne's hand and proceeded to go along the inn's outer wall,

entering the labyrinth of the back alleys so that we would avoid being

detected. Like that, we made our way to the alley behind the Slave shop

which we were shown just few hours earlier. As expected, there was no one

there and no one bothered us on the way. Shifting myself so that Roxanne

was being placed between myself and the building's wall, I confirmed the

door's exact location with my hand and knocked on it, doing so very lightly

in order not to make too much noise. The door was opened not even a few

seconds later. The one to greet us was Alan-san himself.

「I have been expecting you. Please, come inside.」

We nodded at his invitation and went inside the Slave shop, ready for

whatever might have been awaiting us.