
[Player Name: Kaga Michio]

[Current Character Levels & Equipment] :

[Jobs] :

Explorer Lv.36

Hero Lv.34

Mage Lv.36

Monk Lv.35

Sex Maniac Lv.19

[Equipment] :


Leather Helmet

Leather Armor

Leather Gloves

Leather shoes

I woke up late at night.

It is not even morning yet. Moreover, my senses were telling me that it has not been

all that long since I actually fell asleep after having so much amber-colored fun with

Roxanne and Sherry wearing their Amber Necklaces, so I will just go to the toilet real

quick and then go back to sleep as soon as possible in order not to disturb Roxanne

and Sherry. After all, I do not want them to be sleep deprived because of something as

simple as me going to the toilet in the middle of the night.

I have to admit that I might have overdo it last night. I mean, Roxanne, Sherry and I are

always hustlin' and bustlin' in the sheets as if there was supposed to be no tomorrow,

but what we did yesterday, or I guess I should say a few hours ago in order to be

accurate, was especially intense, even for my Sex Maniac-enhanced standards.

I moved my lower body so much that even now I was still sweating like a pig, and

because I moved around and "exercised" so much I had to drink a lot more water than

usual in order to keep myself properly hydrated, which in turn caused excess water

that my body did not need to keep functioning the way that it was supposed to

accumulate itself in my bladder, which began to feel as if it was about to explode.

And all of that because of the impact that the sight of Roxanne and Sherry wearing

Amber Necklaces had on me. I did not know that amber could be so powerful and

terrifying at the same time. Maybe I should watch myself from now on in order to not

get consumed by my carnal instincts and urges whenever Roxanne and Sherry are

going to be wearing the necklaces? Or perhaps it would be better to have them only

wear them at home so that they would not end up provoking any other guys just in

case amber worked at other me the same way it worked on me?

"Mmmnnnn… master?"

Oh, it would seem that Roxanne also woke up because I woke up. How cute of her.

Unnecessary, but still cute.

"I am just going to go to the toilet for a bit, so feel free to go back to sleep and do not

mind me."

"No, it is not a problem at all. But if you want to go to the toilet, then you are going to

need a candlestick. Here you go."

Even though Roxanne looks as if she was still sleepy, she prepared a candle and a

candlestick for me to use. I gratefully took them from her and ignited the candle with

with magic.

On a side note: magic of this world is really amazing and immensely useful for the

battle purposes, but when it comes to such simple day-to day things like lightning a

candle, it was surprisingly difficult to utilize properly without accidentally causing a

large scale fire, because as far as I know there exist no spell that would allow me to

create only a little bit of fire ideal for the purpose of lighting up a candle, so I had no

choice but to create a "Fire Wall"in an empty space next to the bed and light the candle

off of that.

Needless to say, the amount of fire created by a "Fire Wall" Spell is way too excess for

my needs, and throughout the entire process I was praying for the fire to remain

relatively calm so that the occasional spark that was flying out of it and into the air did

not end up hitting the bed, bedsheets or anything else that would start burning

brightly in an instant.

It took me a good while due to my cautiousness, but when I finally managed to tight

the candle, it was high time for me to head downstairs to the toilet. But you know


As I was making my way there, I definitely could not help it but to notice how creepy

my own shadow was in the dim swaying light the illuminated the floor, walls and the

ceiling of the corridor and the stars, and the more I looked at it, the better I understood

why in the old days, before they invented electricity and the lightbulbs people would

believe in the existence of ghosts.

If I did not know any better, I would probably believe that the shadow on the walls

was not my own, but that it was actually a demon lurking in the darkness, waiting to

drag me down into the dark abyss together with him...

Yeah, right. It is a good thing that no such thing as ghosts exists and they will not come

to hunt my sorry ass. However, the further I went, the more I could feel this feeling of

uneasiness and dread washing over me, almost to the point of making me feel sick.

Come on, Michio, do not be a scaredy cat now. You have nothing to be afraid of, so just

go to the toilet, do the deed and come back upstairs to where Roxanne and Sherry are

waiting for you in your warm bed.

I reached the kitchen, where the surroundings that were dimly lit by the swaying light

of the flickering candle only increased my feelings of uneasiness and despair, and

somehow, my shadow became even more disturbing, even though there was no reason

for it to be like that. I mean come on, this is my own shadow, so why am I having shivers

and goosebumps as if it really was some kind of monster that seemed to be stalking


No, wait a second.

This... this is really not my shadow.

Something is here. Something is moving around in the kitchen, on the border of the

candle's light and the darkness that the rest of the house is bathed in right now. There

is something there together with me right now! Something pitch black, which

prevented me from seeing exactly what it was. I knew that this is probably going to be

a bad idea, but I could not have taken my eyes off it, and so I have chosen to stare at

the thing. I stared at it.

This whole situation felt so surreal to me that I could not believe that it was happening.

There is a strange black creature in my house wandering around my kitchen in the

dead of the night. Some kinda strange being that moved around so fast that it almost

looked as if it was flying instead of moving along the ground.

I thought that there was no way for the creatures such as ghosts, demons and devils

to exist, but I have forgotten that this was the assumption that I made based on the

fact that these things did not exist in the modern-day Japan of my old world, but this

world is not modern-day Japan.

This is a fantasy world based on medieval Europe, and what is a world in a fantasy

setting without ghosts and demons in it? Not a very interesting world to many people,

I am willing to bet. And because of that, this demonic monster that plunges the hearts

of all people into the depths of horror is now here with me, and I do not know what I

should be doing with it!

What should I do? Should I stay? Should I run? Maybe I should run. But what if it sees

me and starts chasing after me? Am I going to have enough time to take out Durandal

and engage it in combat? But what if this thing is going to have the properties of a

ghost, which is going to render it invulnerable to physical attacks? Should I just fight

it with magic then?

But if I fight it with magic, there is a very likely possibility that the house is going to

get caught in the crossfire and will get badly damaged!

If only such nightmarish creatures did not exist! But unfortunately for me, they exist.

They are one hundred percent real, and I am looking at one of them right now. The

deadliest of creatures that man could ever think of. A messenger from hell. Black


As I was sitting around like an idiot doing nothing to deal with the danger that has

invaded the safety of my home, the black thing moved. Just from it skittering about the

kitchen I was convinced that it has to be quite fast, but what I saw just now absolutely

blew my goddamn mind.


The damn thing was moving at least three times as fast as a normal human! And in an

instant, it disappeared from my sight even though I was trying to not let it out of my

sight for an instant.

However, there is no doubt that it existed. Whatever that thing was, it was definitely

here before my eyes. I am certain of it. It was here, in this home, in this kitchen. But

now it has run away... No, it did not run. I think it was more of a strategic retreat, a

withdrawal to change its position and possibly attack from yet another angle.

I thought that the monsters were showing up mostly in the Labyrinths and

wildernesses so that I would only have to worry about human enemies like Thieves

and Bandits outside of them, but apparently I was mistaken in thinking that.

I thought that human beings infesting the earth and this different world were like

cancer cells in the healthy tissue of the world, but they were definitely not. Now I know

that there are forces far more powerful and evil inhabiting the mortal plain, both in

my old world and in this new one. The enemies of mankind, the strongest, the worst,

most foul and deadly creatures that are more like sentient lethal weapons rather than

anything else.

This different world was not a safe haven for humankind. Eventually, humanity will

lose the survival race and will either be eradicated or forcibly driven out of the lands

that we thought were our home, only to find out in the absolutely worst way possible

that nothing in this world is truly ours, and we are only borrowing it because we are

allowed to do so.

Because in this world, there are the absolute beings who stand at the top of all living

things in the food chain.

"U… ugh… Uwaaaaa…!"

Unable to bear it any longer, I hurried back to my bedroom. I ran away from the kitchen

and buried myself in the sheets of the bed while my entire body continued to shiver

and tremble, so in order to stop it from doing so, I hugged Roxanne as hard as I could

without actually hurting her.

My God, I am so relieved that she is here with me and that I can do this to her to calm

myself down. If she was not here for me like that, then I do not know what I would

have done, but I definitely know that it wouldn't have been anything good, because the

fear would have caused me to revert back to my old self from before I started this new

life in a different world.

But now that Roxanne is here, I know that everything is going to be all right. As long

as I have her bombshell body right next to mine, there is nothing in the world for me

to be afraid of.

"Uhm... what is wrong, master? Did something happen to you?"

Roxanne gently puts her hand on my back and asks me, just like a mother would her

child after it came up crying to her in the middle of the night because it had a


"I saw it. It was there. In the kitchen!"


"Glowing, black formless thing that was running around from one corner of the

kitchen to the next!"

Oh, that was probably..."

Do not do it. Do not say that name, Roxanne. For all that is holy, unholy and anything

else in between, do not finish your sentence that you are about to finish!

Before Roxanne could speak the forbidden name, I covered her mouth with my hand.

If that really is what I think it was, then is it not going to be summoned in here at the

mere mentioning of its name out loud? Even so, is this thing's name known in this

world as well? Because if so, then I have to say that I definitely would have been glad

if that thing stayed in the folklore and urban legends of my old world without coming

to any other worlds where it would scare more people into giving them heart attacks.

But if that thing is in this world, then could it be possible for some viruses or bacteria

from earth to also be here in order to simulate the earthly diseases? No, as much as

this is a very curious topic, that is not something that I should be worrying myself with

right about now.

"A-Anyway, let us just go back to sleep, okay? We would not want to be sleep deprived

in the morning, right?"

Taking my own words to heart, I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but I just could

not do it, because I still felt like that thing was out there somewhere. It is definitely

still here. Maybe it is even in the bedroom, or on the bed?

Gyaaaaaah! No, stop imagining that! Do not think about it and just go to sleep you


...Ugh!!!! I cannot do it! No matter how hard I try, I just cannot sleep! I am just too

curious about this thing! I feel like it is somewhere close! Okay buddy, if that is how

you are going to play, then I will play along and beat you up at your own goddamn

game, by showing you the ultimate proof of us humans being here and living right

here, in this very moment! I will show it to you, and Roxanne is going to help me up

with it!

There, do you see it? That intense physical activity of mine?! If you do, then choke on

it, shove it up your ethereal ass and die!

"Good morning, master."

In the morning, I was woken up by Roxanne, as per usual. After our little late-night

activity, I seemed to have fallen asleep due to the comfortable sexual fatigue. And after

a sweet and intense activity, I have been woken up by a sweet and gentle kiss. I was

about to think that this is such a wonderful way to start my morning after what

happened during the night, but then I noticed that there was something weird about

our surroundings, which caused me to become quite shocked.

That thing. It is that thing again! It is here!

"Good morning Roxanne. Good morning, Sherry."

"Good morning, master. Did… did something happen, by any chance? Because you are

looking quite upset."

My suspicious behavior was noticed by Sherry.

"No, nothing much happened. It is just that I saw it last night."

"And by "it", do you perhaps mean a black thing that seemed to be scurrying around


"Yes, that is right! That was exactly it!"

As expected of an intellectual type like Sherry! She knew that the name of that thing

should not be spoken out loud. I am so proud of her and her intelligence.

"So it finally came out, huh? I was wondering if this would happen sooner or later after

you rented the house, but it would seem that the time has come now, and the battle is

about to begin."

"A battle? Are we really going to fight that thing? And how?"

And more importantly: can we really fight it?

"Purchase the leaves of Shiyurab in the Guild, and then finely chop them. Once that

step is done, you have to boil it down until it becomes a sticky paste out of which you

are going to be making dumplings, and they are going to be your weapon with which

you are going to fight that thing."

Ohhhh. So we are essentially going to be making something like the oxalic acid

dumplings? So there seems to be pesticides in this world as well.

"And if we do that, then we are going to be safe, right?"

"You are going to have a weapon for fighting it, but it is not going to be a perfect one,

not by a long shot. The leaves of Shiyurab are basically tasteless and odorless, so in

order to enhance them properly you are going to have to add flour, sugar, various

vegetables, soup broth and other things to make it as appealing as possible, because

otherwise it might not be lured into eating it. That being said, the enemy is not that

stupid, and once it remembers the taste and the smell of the dumplings it will stop

eating them, which is why we have to change the recipe all the time in order to fight it

off little by little. This battle is going to be a long one, possibly lasting forever in the

worst case scenario."


"So what you are saying is essentially that we should prepare ourselves for a difficult


"Not only difficult, but also the one where we cannot expect a complete victory like we

always did up until this point, but hopefully the result is going to be that we will be

seeing that thing much less often, and that alone should give us some relief."

If there is a way to decrease the rate at which that this is going to be showing in our

house, then we have to take it. It does not matter that I will only be buying myself a

momentarily peace of mind, that is going to be more than enough for me. Of course, it

would be a great thing if we managed to make that thing disappear completely, but if

it is not possible to achieve then I have no choice but to settle for the next best thing

that we can get.

"Seems reliable enough, considering that we do not have any other options on our

plates. You said that we are going to need the leaves of Shiyurab? I obtaining them

going to be difficult?"

"If we are talking about obtaining them ourselves, then yes, it is going to be rather

difficult, because the enemies that drop those leaves only start appearing around the

fiftieth floor of the Labyrinths, so if you do not have access to this floor yet, then your

only option is to buy them from the Adventurer's Guild."

In other words, that item can be harvested from the Labyrinth as a Drop Item from a

monster, but at our current progress rate it is going to be pretty much impossible for

us to obtain it, and that is why the only option left to us is to go and buy the leaves that

we are going to need from the Adventurer's Guild.

Right now, we have barely managed to get to the tenth floor of the Labyrinths, which

means that we are only at one fifth of the floors required in order to obtain that item,

but before we will be able to get it by normal means it might be way too late for us, so

I think that even if these leaves are going to be a little bit on the pricier side, it is still

going to be better for us to get them this way, because at the current point there is no

way that we could brave forty more floors of the Labyrinth in short enough time, not

when the Labyrinth grows more and more expansive with each floor that we are

advancing on and the monsters getting not only progressively stronger as their level

increases, but also growing in numbers, meaning that without a bigger Party we would

quickly get overrun and annihilated by them. After all, the Labyrinths are not passive

buildings, but living creatures that actively seek out new and improved ways to kill the

Adventurers that are delving deep into its hallways in order to continue growing and

expanding even more, so if we go to the higher floors while being outnumbered and

outpowered by the Labyrinth's monsters, the only thing that is going to be waiting for

us is going to be certain death.

However, the one thing that we absolutely cannot allow ourselves to do is to just sit

around and do nothing, simply tolerating that this thing is just keep going to show up

at our house like it owns the goddamn place. Now that I have seen it, there is no way

that I am going to allow it to keep appearing at our house and disturb its peaceful

atmosphere, so we have to create the weapon that is going to allow us to fight it at all

costs, and if we have to expend money I order to do it, then I say that in this particular

case this is going to be well worth it, all the more so if it is going to mean that we will

not have to risk our lives on an endeavor that may or may not end up in our favor.

"Okay, Sherry. I will leave this matter to you."

"Understood! I will make sure to do my best."

Sherry seems to be pretty motivated to do this. As for me, I am perfectly okay with

leaving this matter to her for the time being, because I am going to be very busy from

the early morning, since I am going to have a lot of things to do on my plate.

First, we went to the Labyrinth and stayed there exploring and slaying monsters until

around sunrise while scoring one easy victory after another, and then it was the time

to go to Palmasque in order to sell the amber that we have obtained from the cat-eared

merchant in Bode, so I also had Roxanne and Sherry wear their Amber Necklaces to

ensure that they are going to look their absolute best to make sure that this trip is

going to be as successful as can possibly be.

"All right girls, I am counting on you."

I gave a silver coin to each of them to pay for the City Entrance Tax, and on top of that

Sherry was given sixty silver coins and rough amber gemstones. Also, this time I have

refrained from giving Sherry any gold coins.

"Umm… are you not going with us again, master?"

"Yes, I will have you two go by yourselves once more."

"But we have Amber Necklaces with us this time, and they are worth a small fortune."

Certainly, right now these two combined have more than one hundred thousand Nars

worth of money on them, and since amber can be sold for a very high price in

Palmasque, there is always a risk of misappropriation.

However, they will not be able to do it when they are in custody of such expensive

accessory as Amber Necklace, plus, if they are not going to have any gold coins on

them, then the risk of them being targeted because of the amount of money that they

have on them should be considerably lessened.

"It is going to be alright. I trust you two."

"Thank you very much, master."

With all of the preparations ready, I warped us to the Labyrinth of Zabir and then to

Palmasque from there, where I sent them out to make another round of the purchases.

Because this place is the furthest to the east among all the towns and cities that I have

visited so far, the sun has already risen completely here.

"Well then, we are heading off."

"Yeah, have a safe trip, and I will be looking forward to the results."

Now that Roxanne and Sherry were off to do business, I means that I have some time

to kill before they are going to be back, but what exactly should I do? Maybe I should

go to the Labyrinth of Zabir and hunt some monsters there? Or is this going to be a

bad idea? Nah, as long as I will keep that trip on the shorter side, it should probably

be fine. And just like that, I moved to the Labyrinth of Zabir where I hunted some

monsters for a while and then warped back to Palmasque to come pick the girls back

up. It was a fifty-fifty chance that they were still away doing business, but luckily for

me, they were already back with another two mirrors by the time I have emerged from

the portal on the wall of Palmasque's Adventurer's Guild, so we immediately returned

home and then went to the of Quratar so that I could recover my lost MP.

We have already obtained four mirrors, so that means that we have to go to Palmasque

like that at least four more times.

"We have sold all amber gemstones at forty silver coins apiece."

Sherry reported to me after I finished recovering all of my MP and we took a break.

"Oooh, that is great to hear. I knew that I could count on you two."

It means that they have managed to sell the amber at five times the cost of a singe

stone. It is definitely more than I have initially expected. It is more than the total

amount I paid to the amber merchant, so it means that the cost of the Amber Necklaces

has already been recovered. It is good to hear that Sherry and Roxanne made such a

good business, but now that I learned that it left me feeling more than a little

unsatisfied. After all, if I were to go do business buying mirrors and selling raw amber,

we would have been able to buy the mirrors for thirty percent less and sell amber for

thirty percent more.


But because I am too afraid of my Intelligence Card getting inspected and the Knights

at the checkpoint finding out that I am not an Adventurer but just a lowly Explorer, we

are now missing out on so much money, so maybe I should actually go with them the

next time we will come to Palmasque to buy mirrors…

No Michio, just because you are missing out on money, it does not justify you getting

unnecessarily greedy. And besides, there is no telling if my thirty percent discount

would work during the buying of the mirrors and selling of the raw amber anyway.

"However, the merchant at the place where we were selling the raw amber said that

such a price would be only a one-time thing due to Miss Roxanne's necklace, so I am

afraid that if we come to sell the amber to the same merchant next time, the money

that we are going to get will not be as good as the ones that we negotiated today."

"Is that so?"

So Roxanne was dealing directly with the owner of one of the workshops, huh? Well, I

did instruct them to go directly to the workshops to make sure that they will be able

to buy a simple plain mirror, so it should be obvious that in that case they are going to

be dealing with the owners of such establishments themselves. But in that case, the

owners should possess the Job of a Merchant, which mean that my thirty percent

discount Bonus Skill should still be effective.

But what was that thing about Roxanne's necklace?

"… He should just go and perish on the spot. I am sure that nobody would miss him if

he did that."

Sherry spit out the words that definitely sounded like a curse.

I… I see. I think I get it. Was the owner a man? Yeah, if Sherry reacts in such a way, then

the owner definitely must have been a man. If the owner was a woman, she would not

have used such strong words. Judging from Sherry's reaction, the guy must have been

ogling Roxanne's necklace… But wait, if he was looking at the necklace, then that

definitely means that he was also staring at her...

Damn him! How dare he laid his filthy eyes on my Roxanne? The audacity of this prick!

"Yeah, if it was like that, then the guy should definitely perish."

"Thinking about it now, I should have just sold that necklace to his wife for twenty five

gold coins. That would have been a nice punishment for him."

So the owner of the workshop had a wife? And despite that, he was still looking at my

dear Roxanne with such filthy eyes?!

Such transgression is worthy of the worst kind of punishment indeed!

Oh well, I am sure that the merchant's wife would be easily able to put two and two

together and is going to find out about her husband's indecent intentions as soon as

she notices that he bought amber from Roxanne at such unusually high price.

"Way to go Sherry, you did good once again."

"Thank you for your kind words, master, but I was only doing exactly what you wanted

me to do. Also, we managed to buy the mirrors at a discounted price of twenty silver

coins per mirror, and because of that, we have decided to pay for the next two mirrors

in advance already. Considering the amount paid in advance and the amount already

bought, we will receive a total of fourteen mirrors. After deducting this amount, the

rest is the remaining ten mirrors including the amount to have the stand attached to

the biggest one. So as you can see, the numbers have increased a little."

Since I handed over three gold coins. Or sixty silver coins, as a prepayment, so twenty

silver coins should be an equivalent of fifteen Palmasque Mirrors, but the two I have

already purchased are calculated as thirty silver coins, and the remaining two hundred

and forty silver coins are the equivalent of twelve mirrors. In other words, did they

buy it by calculating the price as twenty silver coins? And although they paid all sixty

silver coins, they still had enough left to pay for two mirrors in advance. In other


The price dropped too much, but I think that it is because they also negotiated various

other things including that, so it was still a great achievement.

"You do not have to worry yourselves with the extra numbers. Even so, that is quite a

drop from the regular price. I wonder if that workshop is going to be all right?"

"It's better if the workshop of such an owner does not make any kind of profit. His wife

did not know much about sales either, so she could not lower it anymore. This was the

lowest and best price we could get."

"I-I see."

It would seem that he was forced to give it up. Well, it was already two thirds anyway,

so it is not like he had any other choice to make. Anyway, this just proves that Sherry

is an especially ruthless and merciless negotiator.

"He was not lowering the price, of course, so we talked to his wife about it instead,

causing the great evil to perish."

So, the owner first incurred loss when he bought amber and was then exposed to his

wife for his scheming as well. Talk about a one-two punch straight to the gut without

holding anything back. But even if they had not exposed him, his wife would have

definitely found out that he bought amber from Roxanne at such a high price, so he

would have gotten his rightful comeuppance anyway.

Oh man, Sherry really is unbelievably ruthless and unforgiving. I would not have

expected that from her just from her appearance alone. I guess that really proves that

you cannot judge a book by its cover.

"The world is a beautiful place, so evil absolutely cannot be allowed to flourish in it. It

needs to be weeded out at all costs before it can contaminate the world with its filth."

"Yes. Also, we have received four gold coins in total. Here you go, master."


Twenty amber gemstones for four gold coins in total. It might have been better, but

overall that is not a bad catch by a long shot.

Sherry nodded reassuringly, opened her Item Box and took the gold coins out. I

opened my Item Box as well, receiving the gold coins from her and putting them away

safely in my own Item Box. As for gold coins, we have a total of twenty-one of them

now, and if we ever needed more money, then in addition to selling the Palmasque

Mirrors to Gozer, we can also sell the Amber Necklaces to that workshop owner's wife.

Overall, I have to say that we are managing to accumulate quite a nice sum of money

again, and once the business with selling the Palmasque Mirrors to Gozer is going to

be concluded, I am definitely going to have enough money on me to go to the Imperial

City and visit the slave merchant to whom Alan-san has written me a letter of

introduction. Also, on a side note: usually, we are making the money for our living

mainly by selling the Drop Items that we obtain from killing monsters in the

Labyrinths to the Adventurer's Guild, but if you think about it carefully, is doing that

really all that profitable? And looking at how much Sherry and Roxanne managed to

earn in a single day, maybe I should consider seriously switching my main way of

getting money from dungeon crawling to trading?

However, I absolutely cannot forget that the only reason why I was able to go to

Palmasque in the first place was because I was going to the Labyrinths and earned so

many levels fighting the monsters there, which in turn allowed me to increase my

overall MP pool to such a degree that traveling from Quratar to Palmasque, even if

needed to be done with a few stops in between. And if I had not started my journey at

Vale's Labyrinth back there, I probably would not have been able warp to Palmasque

in the first place. That, and I also needed the money so that I could buy mirrors and

amber. If I did not earn all the money that I did in the Labyrinth first, then it would not

have been possible for me to buy them at all.

I then recovered my MP in the Labyrinth, and from there, I warped back to the

Adventurer's Guild. On the way home we stopped to pick up ingredients for breakfast.


Leaving the matter of preparing breakfast entirely to Roxanne and Sherry, I warped to

Bode together with the mirror.

"I would like to request an audience with Lord Gozer."

"Of course. Please, come with me."

When I talked to the same Knight as yesterday, I was told to follow after him to the

back of the castle through the labyrinth of corridors along a familiar way. I am being

led to the Duke's office, even though I explicitly told the Knight at the reception that I

wanted to have an audience with Gozer. The Knight that was leading me stood in front

of the door and then knocked on them a few times, until the voice called out to us from

the other side.

"Come in."

That was Gozer's voice. There is no mistaking it. Instead of the Duke, he was the one

who replied to the Knight's knocking on the door.

"Pardon the intrusion, my Lord, but there is a guest who wishes to speak to with you."

The Knight said as he entered the room, and I followed closely after him.

"Ahhh, Mr. Michio."

Inside of the office, both the Duke and Gozer were sitting at their respective desks

doing something that looked like an awful lot of paperwork. It would seem that I am

disturbing them when I really should not yet again.

"Forgive me for intruding upon you when you are in the middle of work, but I have

come to deliver the Palmasque Mirror once again."

"Ooooh! Is that it?"

As soon as the Knight who guided me to the Duke's office leaves the room, the Duke

looked over the mirror that I have brought in with me.

"That is right."

I placed the mirror on the desk.


"Certainly, that is a mirror without any decorations."

"Yes, and even though this office is dimly lit, the quality of the image that it reflects is

still good."

After commenting on that, the Duke took a bell in his hand and rung it. And then, just

as soon as it was yesterday, a person appeared out of the hallway outside of the office,

even though there was no one there when the Knight was leading me here. But in that

case, where were they hiding if it was impossible for me to detect their presence at

all? If it is someone who is serving as the Duke's escort, then is it a part of their job

that they must not allow anyone, not even the Duke himself, to realize that they are


"Your orders, my lord?"

"Call Cassia here."

"As you wish, my lord."

As soon as the servant received the order from the Duke, they left his office


"Since I am not at all knowledgeable about mirrors or any other such items, I am going

to have my wife Cassia look at it for me. I have already talked to her about it before, so

she should come and join us soon."

The Duke explained to me, most likely because he saw all of the question marks

floating above my head when the name "Cassia" was mentioned. It would seem that

women of this world are more knowledgeable and interested in such things than men,

in which case it would mean that this trend is not much different from how thing were

in Japan... and thinking about it, I guess that the same principle applies to me as well,

because technically speaking, I was not the one who obtained the mirrors that we are

now giving to Gozer and the Duke. The ones who obtained them, and at such favorable

prices as well, were Roxanne and Sherry, and therefore they should be the ones who

should take the full credit for it.

"Just as you requested, the mirrors will come in various sizes."

"They are? Great, this is exactly what I wanted."

"However, their exact number is going to increase a little."

I explained to Gozer while we were waiting for the Duke's wife to arrive. His initial

order was about ten undecorated Palmasque Mirrors, but now, that order of about ten

mirrors has grown up to about thirteen mirrors.

"As long as we will be able to get our hands on them, the exact number does not really

matter. Even if it turns out they are not going to be up to standard, there will always

be other uses for them."

I see. Gozer's goal here was to give the mirror to the third imperial prince as a Gift

Item on the occasion of his wedding, but if it turns out that they will not be deemed

something that can be used as a gift for such an important person, then Gozer will be

back to square one here: with nothing to give as a gift and with thirteen mirrors that

he will have to find a use for, but the Duke said that it is going to be okay either way,

so if that is what he claims, then it really has to be like that.

"Also, it turns out that amber can indeed be sold in Palmasque for a profit, so allow me

to extend my deepest gratitude for writing me that letter of introduction."

I thanked the Duke for giving me the possibility of doing business by selling amber.

However, just to be on the safe side I decided to omit how much money I was able to

make by selling the raw amber that I managed to obtain from the cat-eared merchant

in Bode. For the time being, I went to Palmasque this morning before coming to Bode

to be able to report if anything would have happened. Selling local goods to Duke and

Gozer might not be such a bad idea after all, and I was definitely glad that I came to

make my report this early.

"I have arrived, my lord. Did you call for me?"

"Yes, you may enter."

A female voice called out to the Duke from beyond the door. That must be the Duke's

wife. The door opened, and a beautiful woman wearing a dress appeared. Or you know

what? I take back what I said. Just calling her beautiful is like doing her a huge

disservice. She is actually extraordinarily beautiful. But… there are actually three of

them? Does… Does that mean that the Duke of Hartz actually has three wives?! No,

wait, the one who is his wife must be the young woman in the middle, and the other

two must be… Her attendants, I presume?

She is especially beautiful. She is by far the most beautiful woman that I have seen

since coming to this world. All three of the women who came are pretty in their own

right, but as I said, the one in the middle is in a class of her own, and the other two

cannot even measure up to her. Her beauty was so radiant that it was almost making

an illusion as if there were rays of sunshine shining down on her with every step that

she took. She had bright golden hair, skin as white as freshly fallen snow large eyes the

are pale blue in color and cherry-colored lips. If I were to liken her to something, it

would have to be nothing less but the biggest, most beautiful rose in the entire

bouquet. Yes, compared to all the other beautiful elven women that I have seen up to

date, she is like a whole level… No, two levels higher. Just one glance at her would be

enough for everyone to realize that she is a cut above the common rabble, someone

who should not be approached unless you are of the same social position and stature

as her. Since the one in the middle is the Duke's wife, the Duchess of Hartz, then the

other two have to be her maids.

"Allow me to introduce you. This is Cassia, my wife. Cassia, this is Michio, one of the

Adventurers who helped us with the distribution of the relief supplies after the


The Duke introduced me to the beauty in the middle. So, my hunch was right after all?

That person really is…?

"It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Cassia."

The Duke's wife, Cassia, stated her name and gave me a curtsy. That kind of greeting

would have been elegant no matter who performed it, but when she does it, it looks

that much more dignified. And, although it pains me greatly to say this, unlike

Roxanne, there seems to be both perfection and beauty in every move that she makes,

and every step that she takes.


If I were to liken her to something, then it would most likely have to be a combination

of a sculpture of a Greek Goddess, while Roxanne is "just" a bisque doll. So, the pretty

boy who became the Duke of Hartz got himself a beautiful wife to match him, huh? If

I were to be in his shoes, would I be able to do the same thing? Is that the benefit of

being someone who holds a position of power in his hands? Is that really how it is:

that political power and influence can give you not only money and status, but also all

the beautiful women that you could have ever dream of as well?

I hate him for being a pretty boy so much. I hate him, and I am jealous of him. And so

incredibly envious that I might start melting any minute now. This is all the fault of

this world and its social hierarchy system that is rotten to the core! It is exactly that

which causes the difference in social standing to create rifts between people, and

those rifts only serve to deepen the inequality between those at the top of the social

hierarchy and those who are below them, especially the bottom feeders who are

getting shat on by everyone who is above them. This is a straight-up example of

crippling inequality, and yet nobody seems to care and try to do anything about it! Is

this really how it should be? Should such an exploitation really be allowed?! Are we

really going to allow these social atrocities to continue while closing our eyes, ears

and hearts to it, pretending that everything is fine and dandy while we go on about

our daily lives as per the fucking usual?! Are we going to allow such blatant injustice

to go unpunished and continue to spread its absurdity?! No! What we need to do is to

have a revolution! We should make the ruling class tremble and cower in fear of us!

The proletariat has nothing to lose, and the world to win! Members of the working

class, UNITE!!! (From [The Communist Manifesto].)

From today onwards, let us all live as the red warriors! Let us live and dedicate our

lives to the glorious cause of fighting against those who would dare to oppress and

exploit us! Let us deliver the noble scum to justice, and usher in the new era of freedom

and equality for all! And next, we have to dethrone the emperor and give the power to

rule back where it rightfully belongs: in the hands of the people!

"Nice to meet you. My name is Kaga Michio."

However, in front of Cassia, I bow respectfully. After all, you have to act respectfully in

front of a lady.

"The Duke has told me that you are quite an excellent Adventurer, Lord Michio."

Cassia said to me. Oh wow, did the Duke really say something like that to her about

me? I mean, I do feel kinda flattered, but I really would have liked him not to spread

his own misunderstandings to other people who might take him too seriously, thus

spreading the misunderstandings even further. Nevertheless, it makes me happy to

see that the Duke is such a good person who praises those who deserve praise, like

me for everything that I have done for him, so maybe we are not going to be in need of

a revolution after all?

"No, no, no. Whatever your husband told you about me, I assure you that I am nowhere

near as amazing as the Duke was probably making me out to be."

While I was acting humble towards Cassia and the Duke, I used "Identify" on Cassia to

see her exact Stats.

Cassia, Female, 29 years old

Job: Mage Lv41

Equipment: Sacrificial Misanga

She is only twenty nine years old? Oh my God so she is basically still so young that she

can basically be called a sweet, glossy fruit dripping with water that is about to ripen

into its most delicious state! And moreover if I did not have "Identify" on me, and

checked to see that she almost approaching her thirties, then I would have definitely

said that she could not have been more than twenty years of age, and that would check

itself out with the general saying that when it comes to elves, you cannot really

determine their true age by something so simple as looking at them with your naked

eye alone. But you know what? It does not matter if Cassia is twenty or thirty years

old, because in my book she is only one thing: a beautiful woman. I feel like I want to

just stare at her and feast my eyes upon her beauty, but I know that I have to keep

myself in check, because if I do that for too long, it will be entirely possible that the

Duke might start suspecting something. And on top of being exceptionally beautiful,

Cassia is also a high-levelled Mage, which adds a whole another level of amazingness

to her! And by the way, when I checked him with "Identify" earlier, I saw that Gozer

was definitely not a Mage himself, so if Cassia has that Job, and at such a high level at

that, then could this perhaps mean that…?

"And this here is…?"

"This is one of the Palmasque Mirrors that Michio bought for us."

"Oh, is that so? Allow me to see it then."

Cassia said while approaching the desk upon which the mirror that I brought in with

me has been laid out. Her appearance when she was walking was so elegant and

beautiful that I just could not stop myself from admiring her every motion. Is this how

all of the women from the aristocratic class are, or is being so elegant while doing

something so mundane a quality that was unique to her only, because I never saw

anyone else walk so elegantly like that before. As I was already saying, she looked

absolutely beautiful.

Then she leaned down and looked at the mirror, examining it very closely.

Such a wonderful profile. And her eyelashes are so long and beautiful as well.

"Well? How is it?"

"Yes, this is a beautiful mirror, beyond a shadow of a doubt."

After looking at the mirror for a good while, Cassia replied to my inquiry.

She did not say that what was beautiful was her own face in the mirror, nor the

reflection that the mirror was showing. She said that about the mirror itself as a whole,

which means that she must have been wondering whether it was a genuine article or

just a really well-done forgery. But now that she has a closer look at it, there was no

longer any doubt in her mind that what she had in front of her was a Genuine

Palmasque Mirror.

Does that mean that a revolution is still necessary after all?

Well, it is not like I can do anything about it now. I am pretty sure that there are

numerous fake items called Palmasque Mirror available for purchase on the black

market, and if these forgeries are popular enough to be able to be sold in substantial

number for a much lower price than that of the original Palmasque Mirror, then I

cannot blame the members of the aristocracy for running thorough checks to see if

the potential seller is not trying to scam them from their money by selling them a fake

mirror advertised as a genuine article. But since Cassia was able to tell that this mirror

is a real deal after only a short glance at it, then does that mean that she already has

experience in appraising mirrors, or perhaps it is that she also possesses the "Identify"

Skill? Well, it would probably be best not to think about it too much, so let me just

think positively and revel in the thought that the Palmasque Mirror that I bought got

Cassia's endorsement.

"Now then, what about the price?"

Now that it has been confirmed that the mirror that I delivered was a genuine article

and not a fake, Gozer talked to me about the price that they would have to pay for it.

The matter of price, huh? Well, certainly, Gozer himself said that a single Palmasque

Mirror should be between ten thousand Nars and twenty thousand Nars, and even

though Sherry and Roxanne managed to get a discount for themselves, the craftsmen

at the workshop originally wanted to ask for the price of thirty five silver coins. Now,

if we were to buy this mirror at one of the Imperial City luxury goods shops, that price

was essentially going to get tripled, ending up at around fifteen thousand and five

hundred Nars.


So, should this be the price that I should give to them? Is that going to be enough to

guarantee me a good profit out of this sale?

If only the Knights were willing to do so, they could have always gone and buy the

Palmasque Mirrors on their own, using their own hands instead of going for the

middleman Adventurers like myself. Even if going alone is out of the question, they

could have always formed a full Party of six people and take turns in order to reach

Palmasque if they were using "Field Walker", and if everything else have failed, they

could have always opted for staying in Palmasque overnight. Now, assuming that the

cost of one Adventurer staying in Palmasque would be thousand Nars per day and that

it would take around two days for each of the Party members to buy the Palmasque

Mirror and bring it back home with them, then the total cost of such an operation

would be two thousand Nars per Party Member, so by adding the price of the mirror

itself, that means that you could get one mirror for a total of five thousand five

hundred Nars total.

Looking at it like that it might seem like it is hell of a lot expensive because of all of the

accommodation costs, but if it means that they would be able to make a full back and

forth trip within a single day, then it would actually be cheaper, considering that they

cannot allow themselves to spend too much money on such an excursion without

ramping the costs up too high to the point where the entire trip would not be worth it

due to too much money being spend to get the mirror, which might be deemed as not

worthy of its price.

"Then, how about one gold coin per mirror?"

Moreover, I cannot allow myself to be too greedy in front of Cassia. I have to admit, it

was a pretty smart and tactical move on Gozer's part to start talking about businessrelated things only after Cassia came here. Does he know that I will have to stay my

tongue and my demands in regards to money in order not to be seen in an overly bad

light in her eyes?

"I think it might be a little too cheap. You would have gotten a better price even if you

went with it to the Imperial City. But it also costs money to have my men go to the

Imperial City to buy them there."

"If you had a full Party of Adventurers go directly to Palmasque, you might be able to

get them at half the price."

"But hiring people just for something like that might be too bothersome and wasteful

money-wise. After all, Palmasque Mirrors are not something that we need for our own

everyday usage. But since I decided to buy them on the spot like that, it should be a

given that they would end up being a little expensive."

So that is how it is, huh? Instead of looking at this whole endeavor as an individual,

Gozer is looking at if from the perspective of his standpoint as the leader of the Knight

Order of Hartz Duchy. He can't hire just anyone off the street to do it as he has his

reputation to consider; he would be unable to dismiss them at will or without cause.

As the leader of the Knight Order, if he hires someone to do a job for him, he has no

choice but to keep them employed throughout the whole thing even if there is not that

much work to do to begin with. From that perspective, I can definitely see where his

opinion is coming from. Hiring an Adventurer to run errands for you might seem like

a good idea at the beginning, but in the long run it might just not be worth it.

Of course, the most obvious solution to that problem would be to purchase the

product yourself, even if you had to sacrifice your time that could have been saved by

outsourcing, but when doing things yourself, you will at least know that the job has

been done and that no one is trying to scam you.

However, it is a little different in my case, since I had been recruited to obtain the

mirrors by Gozer himself, precisely because I had a certain cachet: I would be traveling

to Palmasque anyway, and did not ask to be compensated for the travel expenses.

"It should be fine, what with the increased number of mirrors and all."

"You really are fine with that? Very well then, I understand, and thank you for your


"As expected of Mr. Michio. He truly is an excellent Adventurer."

The Duke praised me again, but I do not know if I should be happy with his praises or


"I am also grateful to you, Lord Michio. This is a high quality product, and we are lucky

to be able to get them at such an affordable price."

I do not care about the praises from the Duke at all, but Cassia can praise me however

much she wants, and I will accept her praises any day of the week, even though in

reality she should be directing her thanks not towards me, but towards Sherry, since

she was the one who was the architect of the prices for the mirrors being so low, but

since neither of the people here actually met Roxanne and Sherry in person, I will

allow them to think that it is me who they should be thanking, and thanks to this, I will

be able to say to the girls that I managed to sell the mirror to the Duke for a pretty

good price myself.

I received the gold coin from Gozer and left the Duke's office and the castle while

feeling overjoyed that a beauty such as Cassia praised me and felt thankful toward me.

Now, I could have gone straight home, but instead I decided to go and pay a visit to the

cat-eared amber merchant next to Bode's Adventurer's Guild.

"My oh my! Welcome, Mr. Customer!"

A cat-eared merchant welcomed me after I went through the shop's door. I was more

than a little disappointed that it was him and not the cat-eared female clerk who was

here last time, but she was nowhere to be seen, which was quite a shame, because now

that I did not have Roxanne or Sherry with me today, I thought that maybe I could get

the chance to play with her cat-ears for a bit, but unfortunately it does not look like

that is going to be the case.

"I hope that I am not interrupting with anything?"

"No, not at all. Please, right this way!"

"Welcome, Mr. Customer."

When I greeted the cat-eared merchant, he eagerly welcomed me to the back of the

shop, to the same room where I was sitting with Roxanne and Sherry the last time

when I was here, and there, much to my joy, a cat-eared female clerk welcomed me as


So she was here after all, just not in the front of the shop! Of thank the heavens for

that! Looks like I am going to get to enjoy my fair share of of cat-eared goodness after

all! Cassia was definitely a beautiful woman who is in a class of her own when it comes

to looks and the aura that she emanates around her, but this cat-eared girl undeniably

has a unique charm of her own that cannot be denied. There is just something about

cat ears that hits you differently, you know? In a pretty unique way that neither Elven

ears nor anything else can possibly hope to replicate.

As I sat on the sofa, the female cat-eared clerk served me herbal tea, just like she did

the last time when I was here.

"Mr. Customer, I think you will be pleased to know that I have managed to order

another batch of raw amber from the amber processing plant, and that we should be

able to get you another ten pieces of it if you would like them."

Unfortunately, the one with whom I have to do amber-related business is not the cateared female clerk, but the cat-eared merchant.


"Yes. If it is not a problem, then I would like you to get all of them for me."

"Thank you very much for your business, but unfortunately I have no way of knowing

when they will next become available."

The cat-eared merchant apologized. It would seem large quantities of amber are hard

to arrange. I wonder why? Maybe it is just his own excuse to gatekeep his business,

because if he sells too much amber to someone at any given time, that would mean a

risk of his accidentally creating a competitor within the amber selling market?

In addition, if you could obtain amber as if it were gravel on the side of the road, it

wouldn't be as expensive as it is. Amber can be sold for a premium price because it is

so rare and hard to come by. If it were any other way, then amber merchants would

just start popping up like hallucinogenic mushrooms after an acid rain, resulting in a

dramatic drop in amber's market value, meaning that it would be worth nothing more

than ordinary pebbles, and that is not a situation that any merchant worth his salt

would desire.

I always thought that the amber merchant would employ Adventurers in order to sell

amber in distant places to make an even bigger profit, but if he is not doing so already

then likely there is not much amber available at the present time. And continuing that

line of thought, if he suddenly started selling amber in places where there is little

available its price would drop, destabilizing the local economy.

"I see. Well, if it is like that, then as unfortunate as it is, I guess there is nothing that we

can do about it, is there?"

"Yes, it is exactly as you say, Mr. Customer. Unfortunately for us, amber is washed

ashore where it can be safely collected only after there is a storm at sea, so more might

become available the next time there has been a storm, and for the sake of my business

I hope that this happens sooner rather than later."

"Yeah, I guess we can only hope for that, huh? By the way, is it available in Talem or

Tamel or whatever the name of that town is?"

"It is Talem. It is a town famous for its woodworks. Many kinds of wood that are

typically used for decorative purposes can be found there, but it is for that reason we

do not cater to that area with our services."

It is the same place where the Duke is planning to get the mirrors decorated. So, it is a

place renowned for its woodworks, huh?

If that place is so renowned, then I bet there are trees such as Japanese Cypress, Teak

or Mahogany growing in that area.

"Could you please have wooden cases for the necklaces prepared from this Talem

place for me?"

Right now, the necklaces that I bought here earlier were being kept in a cloth bag,

while in Japan the necklaces have these special cases in which they can be stored.

Apparently, as I should have expected, there is no such practice in this world, which

means that if I want Roxanne and Sherry's Amber Necklaces to be stored in a way that

is not going to damage them, I need to have them custom made.

"Wooden cases?"

"Yes. Amber Necklaces such as I bought from you are, without a doubt, a very special

kind of a high-class luxury item, so a case made out of wood found only in Talem would

add to its appeal."

"I see. You are certainly correct about that, but why are you asking me about it?"

The amber merchant has become quite restless. It is just as I thought. This guy does

not understand that holding a luxurious item such as an Amber Necklace in a custom

case will increase the sense of luxury surrounding the item, because you are going to

make it seem that it is so valuable that it has to be kept separately from all of the other

items in your possession, but if the word gets out that I am the only one selling

necklaces in special wooden cases, then I will definitely gain quite a reputation to my

name, and that is something that I would like to avoid for now.

"Well, if I will be the only one who sells necklaces in such cases, I will swiftly gain a

reputation and it will be only a matter of time before others start to copy me. And

besides, I am not from this region, but a faraway place, so I would rather have someone

who is a resident of Hartz Duchy deal with the matters in Talem."

"You… you are planning to sell amber necklaces in wooden cases?"

"Yes, because according to the market research that I have conducted, there definitely

are people who would be willing to buy such a product, and it looks like it is going to

have a pretty good chance of being a hit especially in Palmasque. Oh, but if you are

getting worried about it, then be at ease, I can assure you that I am only going to be

selling them around Palmasque, and not anywhere near the vicinity of Bode or Hartz


After all, this guy and the company that he runs are focused on selling amber and

amber-related items exclusively in Hartz Duchy and the Imperial City, and he made it

very clear last time that he does not wish to see his business disturbed, but as long as

I promise to keep my own amber-selling business away from those two regions, he

told me that he will not mind selling me his amber, and that is what I should stick to.

"So, in other words, what you are saying is that you would not mind if my company

started selling Amber Necklaces in wooden cases?"

"Yes, that is exactly what I said. I would not mind that at all."

"Understood. In that case, I will consider ordering these wooden cases for you

immediately. Wooden cases from the Talem wood, was it? I will get to it right away, so

you can definitely expect good news the next time we meet!"

After asking the cat-eared merchant to obtain for me a pair of wooden cases, which he

seemed to be oddly enthusiastic about in the end, I left his store. Now that I requested

him to get these items for me, we will not have to keep Roxanne's and Sherry's Amber

Necklaces in a cloth bag anymore, because if I am to be honest with you, it did not look

good to be keeping such an expensive pair of items in something so poor-looking, and

the poor necklaces must be feeling all depressed about it, so putting them in proper

cases is surely going to make them feel better on the spot.

Just like every man should have his own place to stay, every piece of jewelry should

have its own case from which it could be displayed to others. That is definitely going

to be something that the wife of the craftsmen who Roxanne and Sherry sold raw

amber to will not be able to boast about, because just like this cat-eared merchant

right here, in this world, no one is even thinking about the decorative functions of

things, focusing too much on their practical aspects and applications instead. Well, if

the plan with the wooden cases ends up being a bust, selling the Necklaces back to the

craftsman's wife once they start to get a little bit too worn for my liking will always be

a valid option.

For the remainder of the day I did not go anywhere else in particular, and just stayed

in the Labyrinth exploring and killing monsters for their Drop Items. When it was

evening and time to go home, I went to the Adventurer's Guild and bought the Shyuraf

leaves and a small pot to go with it, and finally went home.


I do not feel that pesticides are something that should be prepared in our cooking pot,

but what choice do I have, this is the only option available for me if I want to get rid of

that thing that appeared in our house.

Now, I remember that back when I first acquired the Alchemist's Job it was as a result

of me creating some simple soap by boiling it in a cooking pot, but I wonder if the

process is going to look similar this time around as well? I mean, Sherry said that we

should use the leaves to ultimately create a paste out of them, but who says that we

cannot make a soap that is going to be shaped like a dumpling?

That would have been quite a combination: a dumpling-shaped soap containing

disinfectants and insecticides. But if we actually did that, I have a feeling that there

would be a pretty solid chance that that thing would not touch something like that

with a ten-foot pole, and honestly, I wouldn't blame it. I have never tasted soap in my

life, not even as a kid by accident, but I am fairly certain that the taste would be so

revolting that it would have left me traumatized for the rest of my life and the

aftertaste would have stayed in my mouth for weeks to come, so going through

something similar is a fate that I would not wish upon the worst of my enemies…

Unless they were a bunch of total assholes and douchebags of course, in which case,

serves them right! Anyway, what I am trying to say here is: if it is for the purpose of

bringing peace and harmony back into our house and ridding it of that goddamn thing,

then I will gladly use those leaves to commit the biggest and most foul of crimes

against food, just as long as it is going to be enough to get the job done properly.

"Okay master, I am going to start giving you the instructions now, so make sure to

listen and follow them closely. Now that we have the Shyuraf leaves, you have to chop

them into really small pieces, after which you have to simmer them until they become

thick and sticky. When the mixture become sticky enough, you remove the leaves that

did not become part of the paste, and then simmer it some more. After boiling

everything until it becomes completely white, you just have to remove it from the heat

and leave it out to dry."

While Roxanne and I were busy cooking dinner for the three of us, Sherry was taking

care of creating our makeshift insecticide while giving me a step-by-step explanation

of how to do it, "just in case I ever had to prepare it myself", as she had put it.

"And for how long it would be best to do it?"

"Ideally you should leave it to dry for a couple of days. Two or three at best.

Supposedly, the longer you are going to leave it to dry, the stronger the effects of the

final, finished product will be. By the way, master, did you know that the creature that

we are going to be using it against is a lowly and vulgar one, so when it is offered food,

it is simply going to follow its basic instincts and eat everything that has been offered

to it, regardless of what it is and how it might taste?"

"Is that so?"

"Yes. And since the leaves of Shyuraf, much like other naturally poisonous substances,

are tasteless and odorless, the animals and monsters that have eaten the food made

from it are going to have their flesh and blood permeated with the poison's effects,

which is going to work against others of their ilk who will later come to devour the

body of their fallen brethren, because as master is probably aware, in nature, nothing

is allowed to go to waste, not even the corpses of animals big and small that still have

flesh on them that can be eaten by others who are going to use it as their own

sustenance. And that is why we are going to aim for the medicine to be as strong as

possible so that it would cause as much damage as possible not only to the thing but

also to its brethren when it goes back to its home after eating the food offered to it by

us. If we are lucky, the secondary damage of that poisoned thing is going to spread to

any potential others that will come to take its place after its death, meaning that it is

going to be all over for them, and we will be able to celebrate our complete victory

over them without ever having to worry about them coming back to haunt us ever


Amazing. That is a truly amazing, if only just a little bit morbid, plan.

"Cпасибо, Sherry."

"I am sorry master, but what was that? Because I totally did not understand what you

just said."

And there is no way you could have, Sherry, because that was spasiba in the Russian

language from my old world.

"I said spasiba."

I said matter-of-factly.


"Spicy… Ba?"

"It means thank you. Changing the subject, what are we gonna do with the finished

mixture when it has dried enough? We will just make balls out of it and leave them

somewhere in the house, hoping that the damn thing is going to eat the bait?"

"Essentially, but before we use it to set our trap, we will apply some finishing touches

to it, mostly by battering the balls of poison in sugar and flour that are going to add

some much-needed allure, because if they stay odorless and tasteless there is a risk

that it might not eat enough of it to get poisoned right away."

"In other words, you are saying that if we prepare it properly, we can expect to see

some effects as soon as tonight, right?"

My chest is getting hot with anticipation, even though I know that it should not be

doing that, because when it comes to stuff like this it is always better to temper our

expectations then to hold them unreasonably high like I am doing right now. But if

everything goes down smoothly, just the way it should, then I am finally going to be

able to sleep with peace of mind without having to keep one eye open all the time and

being constantly on edge.

It was probably because I managed to get an uninterrupted good night's sleep, but

when we went to the Labyrinth the next day our exploration proceeded rather well.

After we went to Palmasque and delivered yet another mirror to the Duke of Hartz in

the morning, we stayed in the Labyrinth for the entire day and arrived at the Boss

Room on the tenth floor of Vale's Labyrinth to challenge its Floor Boss. Since the main

enemies on the tenth floor were NT Ants, it meant that the Floor Boss of this floor was

going to a bigger, meaner version of them, and it really was.

When we walked through the door and the green smoke began to accumulate in the

middle of the room, what emerged out of it after a moment was the figure of the Floor

Boss, but even though it looked more imposing than the regular NT Ants and its

attacks had a much higher chance of getting us poisoned, it was no match for our tried

and true strategy that has been honed throughout all of our previous Floor Boss

battles on lower floors and other Labyrinths: Roxanne simply got in front of it and

focused its attention on herself as she continued to dodge every single attack while

Sherry and I attacked from its rear until it dropped dead and disappeared in an

explosion of green smoke. Overall, it was not that hard of a Floor Boss to deal with.

"All right, what should we do for now? Should we withdraw or proceed onward to the

eleventh floor to get a feel for how it is up there?"


"I think we can go there for a bit."

"Yes, I think so too."

It was nearing time for us to finish today's explorations, but first we unanimously

decided to go to the eleventh floor to take a quick sneak peek at what was awaiting us


"What are the monsters native to the Vale Labyrinth's eleventh floor?"

I asked Sherry when we arrived at the eleventh floor from the tenth floor's Boss Room.

"The monsters native to the eleventh floor of Vale's Labyrinth are Spi Spiders. We have

already faced them in Qutartar's Labyrinth, but this is going to be our first time dealing

with them here in Vale's Labyrinth."

As usual, Sherry was more than eager to share the information that she learned about

the monsters on the eleventh floor of Vale's Labyrinth.

Monsters that appear from 1st floor to 11th are the same for every Labyrinth no

matter its location, except that their placement is different in each one. That is why it

is exactly like Sherry said: even though we have already fought against Spi Spiders in

the Labyrinth of Quratar, this is actually going to be our first official bout against Spi

Spiders in the Labyrinth of Vale, because the eleventh floor is the first floor in Vale

where they are appearing, whereas in the Labyrinth of Quratar they appeared as early

as the third floor, so they were not that much of a threat there.

And much in the same vein as the Spi Spiders here on the eleventh floor, the enemies

that we have not yet encountered in Quratar's Labyrinth, Green Caterpillars, should

be the enemies that we are going to be encountering next on the eleventh floor of the

Quratar's Labyrinth.

"Spi Spiders are another type of enemy that has poison on their list of Skills, right?"

"Yes, but the chances of actually getting poisoned by Spi Spider's attacks is much lower

compared to the chances of suffering from poisoning when battling against an NT Ant.

We have already fought against them in Quratar's Labyrinth countless times before,

so we should not have any problem at all dealing with them."

"So the chances of getting poisoned do not increase along with the enemy's Level?"

"I have not heard anything about the chances of getting poisoned increasing with the

enemy's level, so no, they do not increase, at least when it comes to normal attacks.

When it comes to Skills, it might be possible to be an increase, but even if it is, then it

is probably going to be a pretty negligible one."

"Is that so?"

Yes, we have already fought against Spi Spiders in Quratar's Labyrinth, so we should

have their patterns of attack well memorized by now. This is the advantage of

exploring more than one Labyrinth at a time, and it is a pretty great one indeed.

I would not go as far as to call it a cheat, but it is definitely a nice quality of life

improvement that allows us to always be ready for whatever might be waiting for us

on the next floor, as long as we are going to know what kind of enemy is going to be

native to that floor and if we fought against them before or not.

And so, we proceeded with the exploration of the eleventh floor of Vale's Labyrinth,

fighting the monsters along the way. As expected, the patterns of attacks of the Spi

Spiders did not change, but because their Level is considerably higher than that of the

ones on the third floor of Quratar's Labyrinth, they were considerably tougher and

trickier to defeat, partly because unlike NT Ants, Spi Spiders did not seem to have any

kind of elemental weaknesses to them.

On that front, NT Ants, who are weak against Water Magic, are considerably easier to

fight, because at the very least I know that they do possess a weakness that I can

exploit against them.

Spi Spider Lv.11 collapsed in seven magic attacks, so it means that the number of

attacks required to defeat them has increased by one. With Durandal, however, it takes

just two swings of it or one "Rush" attack, same as with the enemies on the tenth floor

of the Labyrinths. NT Ant Lv.11 took four water type magic attacks in order to defeat

it. Having faced so many NT Ants, I have reached the point where I can take them out

without the risk of getting poisoned at all.

This proves that we can fight against the monsters on the eleventh floor of the

Labyrinths without any major issues.

Next morning, we also cleared the tenth floor of Quratar's labyrinth as well. We had

already beaten Pan, the Floor Boss of the floor where the Escape Goats were the major

enemy, more than twice in Vale's Labyrinth, and the knowledge that we gained from

those battles certainly did not go to waste.

"The eleventh floor of Quratar's Labyrinth is considered to be quite a difficult one to


After passing through the now empty Boss Room and advancing to the next floor,

Sherry shares the information about the eleventh floor of Quratar's Labyrinth with us.

"Really? Why is that?"

I thought that since the monster native to Quratar Labyrinth's eleventh floor was

supposed to be Green Caterpillars then it was going to be one of the easier floors to

deal with.

"The monsters native to eleventh floor of Quratar's labyrinth are Green Caterpillars.

They are considered to be the most difficult and dangerous of all the monsters that

appear on the first eleven floors of the Labyrinths. And as if that was not enough, the

NT Ants from the ninth floor also frequent the eleventh floor."

One of the most difficult and dangerous enemies on the first eleven floors? Are Green

Caterpillars really that dangerous of an enemy? Because to me, that sound like a gross

exaggeration. I mean, Green Caterpillars do not use poison as part of their attacks, so

what could be so dangerous to earn the ones from the eleventh floor of Quratar's

Labyrinth such a sinister reputation? Is it about their threads and the "Thread Spit"

Skill that they are using? Is that it? Because if so, then I could say that I agree with that,

because that Skill of theirs is pretty nasty indeed.

And I do agree that having more NT Ants to deal with means an especially bad time

since the chance of getting myself poisoned while fighting against them is very real.

Poison is bad. I do not like poison, not at all, not even a single bit. If only I could, I

would have removed that status ailment from the game entirely. I still have the trauma

from that one time when I got myself poisoned due to my own lack of awareness of

my surroundings, and I absolutely do not ever want to go through that experience


"Because Green Caterpillars spit their sticky threads."

I see, so it is about the threads after all, huh?

Green Caterpillars have a "Thread Spit" Skill with a short casting time. The threads are

so sticky that once they hit you, you will have your ability to move sealed and you will

be pinned to the floor where the Green Caterpillars will surround you and spit their

digestive fluids on you in order to dissolve you into a puddle of soup that they will

then slurp up.

Just from that description alone, I cannot possibly imagine that this would be a

particularly good way to go. Also, the higher the levels of the monsters in the

Labyrinths, the higher the chance that they are going to be using their Skills more

often, so if the Green Caterpillars Lv.11 are going to be resorting to using their "Thread

Spit" Skill much more frequently than their counterparts from the lower floors, then I

can certainly see how that would be especially troublesome to deal with.

And that is if we are talking about Green Caterpillars on their own, so now imagine, if

you will, the following combo: Green Caterpillars Lv.11 use their "Thread Spit" Skill in

order to slow me down and pin me to the floor, and then NT Ants Lv.11 swoop in to

inflict poison on me. Normally, even though I do not possess Roxanne's godly dodging

abilities, I am pretty confident that I would have been able to either block or jump

away from their poisonous fangs or their "Poison Spit" Skill, but if my movements

were greatly impeded due to the impact of the Green Caterpillar's sticky threads? In

that case I wouldn't be so sure about it.


The last time I was hit by the Green Caterpillar's spit attack, I was only able to get

myself free after I burned the threads binding me with fire magic, but before I thought

about using that method, I was trying to free myself with regular means, slashing at

the threads with Durandal, and it ended up going… poorly. If it wasn't for Roxanne's

help, I would have been done for, so as you can see by the picture that I am painting, if

I were to be hit by such a combination the result would be deadly for me, and the same

thing can be said concerning Sherry. The only member of our Party who doesn't need

to worry about the Skills the the enemies are using is Roxanne, because no matter

what happens to her or what kind of Skills are fired against her, she can brush it off

like nothing and either dodge to the sides or backstep.

"So it is about such a thing, huh?"

"The threads of the Green Caterpillars can certainly prove troublesome, but thankfully

they can be avoided fairly easily!"

"Yes, it is certainly possible to avoid getting hit by the Green Caterpillar's sticky

threads, but the fundamental problem with such a maneuver? It can only be done by

a certain member of the Wolfkin tribe who possesses unnaturally high dodging

abilities. Regrettably, something that you can do effortlessly remains impossible for

me and Sherry. Is that not right, Sherry?"


When Roxanne turned her back towards us, I gave Sherry a suggestive glance, and

once she saw it, she nodded back at me, expressing that she agrees with what I have


Once the fighting on the eleventh floor started, it was exactly like we expected: it was

not very easy on us. I know that we fought all of the enemies that can be encountered

here before, but it does not change the fact that on the eleventh floor where the

enemies are tougher we have to put some effort into doing it, and whenever there are

Green Caterpillars mixed in with other enemies, we have to do our very best to either

kill all of them before they can activate their Skills or do our very best to dodge them

if they do manage to unleash them.

That being said, we have no other choice but to advance and keep fighting if we wish

to proceed with our exploration. And thus, we move on little by little, fighting against

the groups of enemies from time to time, and although we are encountering Green

Caterpillars unusually often, so far neither Sherry or I were caught in any of their

threads. Escape Goats Lv.11 tend to run away from the battle after being hit with four

magic attacks, so I always made sure to hit them with three magic attacks and then

switch to Durandal in order to deliver the last strike that would defeat them.

Yes, it is slowly but surely, but I can understand why people would say that the

eleventh floor of Quratar's Labyrinth is the most difficult to explore out of all the initial

floors. The combination of various types of enemies plus their high levels makes it so

that progressing through the eleventh floor is maybe not difficult, but most definitely

a much slower endeavor than on the lower floors.

Eventually, we found a group of three Green Caterpillars Lv.11, and that was the first

time where they actually managed to properly use their "Thread Spit" Skill.

"Here they come, master, Sherry!"

Roxanne shouted that loudly, after which she jumped forward to avoid the incoming

threads, which ended up falling and covering the ground where she was standing a

moment before, but now, the white threads hit nothing but empty air.

Threads scattered where Roxanne was supposed to be standing. What the white

thread hit was but empty space. Surprising nobody, Roxanne managed to dodge them

all effortlessly, so to be honest, I do not know why am I still getting worried about her.

I have known Roxanne for some time now, and throughout the entirety of our life

together, there was not a single enemy and not a single attack that she would not be

able to dodge with perfect accuracy.

Thankfully, due to my position in the backline as magic casting support for Roxanne

and Sherry's vanguard, neither of the threads ever came close enough hitting me. Ever

since we first encountered the magic-using Needlewoods that scored a hit on me with

their "Water Balls", I had learned my lesson and made a habit to keep a safe distance

from the main battlefield: far enough not to get myself aggroed by any of the enemy's

long distance Skills, but at the same time close enough to be able to aim my magic

accurately and still act as reliable help for Roxanne and Sherry.

It was a good general strategy, but unfortunately it had one major weakness: if I stayed

too far away from Roxanne and Sherry, there was an increasingly large risk of me

getting attacked from behind by a monster that would have made its way behind me

without my noticing it, just like that one NT Ant that poisoned me had, and also there

was the risk that if I stray too far and did end up getting attacked, Roxanne or Sherry

would not be able to react in time to come to my rescue.

Second barrage of the threads has been shot by the Green Caterpillars, and just like

before, Roxanne was able to gracefully dodge them all.

Their third attempt at using their Skills was interrupted with my help as I switched to

Durandal and proceeded to engage them in melee range. But unfortunately, the fourth

wave of the threads managed to catch Sherry, since she was just a second too late with

her side roll.

In a matter of seconds, Sherry had been encased in sticky white threads, and it was all

because Sherry lost sight of the Green Caterpillar for a moment when the Escape Goat

that I was currently fighting began running away before I could give it the last smack

with Durandal to finish it off. It was a near perfect attack to Sherry's blind spot, so she

had no way of avoiding it. If I was in her place I don't think that I would have been able

to dodge the attack, because all of it happened so fast and in such a hectic manner that

even I had problems following all of it when staying at a distance.

Tens of… no, hundreds of small white threads were now all over her, just like it once

was for me. And now that Sherry's movements were brought to a halt, one of the Green

Caterpillars used that opportunity to ram its body into her. It was unfortunate that she

got herself caught like that, but the saving grace here was that she did not fall victim

to Green Caterpillars concentrated attacks one after the other. Should I start healing

her now? Or maybe cast "Plating" on her and capitalize on my attack magic while it is

still active to finish the enemies off and give her first aid once that was done? I chose

to do the latter.

Because I had already used my Attack Magic six times, I have to wait out the cooldown

until shooting the seventh one. Since the Green Caterpillar could not move right after

it attacked Sherry, the "Fire Storm" that I fired in its direction ended up hitting it

without fail, and because I chose to use the AoE Spell, it caught not only the one Green

Caterpillar that was attacking Sherry, but also the other two and an Escape Goat that

was about to flee inside of the blast, after which they all disappeared, turning into

puffs of green smoke one after another.

"Are you alright, Sherry?"