Dangerous Attraction

"NON-CAPISCO—hmm, how you say—I don't understand you Americans," Catherina said loudly at the dinner table.

It was their annual Sunday night dinner at the Botticelli house where everyone gathered around for some good food and even better bountiful wine, telling stories and basking in the abundance of family. Shiloh often looked forward to these nights, where he could kick back, relax and enjoy the company of the people he loved the most and who treated him like their long-lost sun.

On this particular Sunday, the Botticelli were all seated around the table, indulging in a classic dinner of pasta and meatballs with a large loaf of bread and vinaigrette as a dipping sauce. They ate, talked, and laughed reclining in the homey atmosphere. Of course, the topic of tonight's conversations naturally steered toward the wedding.

"What's not to understand?" Lucian asked. "Americans like things simple and their weddings are pretty much the same as ours only with slight differences."

"Nonna," Niccolò cut in. "It's tradition to have a bachelor's party before the wedding."

"When I was little growing up on a vineyard there was no such thing," Catherina said. "We had a marriage and that was it I didn't even see Luciano until our wedding day."

"Well, Luciana boy does need a night to see all the men he'll be missing out on," Niccolò said winking at them.

"As if I need anyone else," Lucian said threading his fingers through Shiloh's.

"I hope you know what you are getting yourself into Shiloh," Niccolò said.

"Oh, I am well aware," he said placing a tiny kiss on Lucian's cheek.

"Ugh, you guys are sickening."

"Don't be jealous." Lucian smiled. "I'm sure your girl is waiting right around the corner."

"Speaking of girls," Catherine said sharply. "Shouldn't you be settling down too?"

"Ugh, Nonna," Niccolò moaned.

"I know a nice Italian girl who would be—hmm, how you say—magnifico for you," Catherine ranted.

"Nonna," Alberto replied. "I doubt Niccolò needs your expertise in catching women."

Enjoying his food he listened closely to the conversation dancing around him, laughing sporadically at the comments that each family member made. Niccolò was the eldest, playful yet at times immature in his pursuit of being abnormal. Instead of going into the family business with Lucian, he decided to go into acting, which made his father—Anthony frown in disapproval. Although his acting career did not take off he was doing small theater productions. Niccolò still loved his job he instantly had this light—wholesomeness about his character that instantly drew Shiloh to him.

Alberto like Niccolò had also neglected the family business, choosing to get married to his wife Isabella before settling down and buying a restaurant in the heart of New York. They were expecting their third child and were very welcoming toward him.

What the family business was Shiloh isn't exactly too sure.

It was sitting with this family did Shiloh notice subtle things for instance, whenever Anthony spoke, he had the table's full attention and nobody rarely refuted him. It was a strange level of respect; almost fear they had for him. Easily he sat at the head of the table, exuding power and position, he hardly ever uttered a word but even a slight nod seemed to speak volumes. He had the very same striking appearance as Lucian, triangular eyebrows and a straight nose with a strong jaw to match, but where Lucian's eyes lit up occasionally, he was dead and at times cold. To Shiloh, they always seemed to be calculating everyone's next move. Anthony was kind to him, yet he felt uneasy around him.

"Thank you," Niccolò said. "At least one family member has my back."

"Come on," Lucian replied laughing. "Maybe settling down will do you some good,"

Mischievously Niccolò smirked. "I bet you haven't told Shiloh about the time you ran through the streets naked?"

Lucian sputtered indigently.

"Oh yes," Sofia replied. "We have pictures of that you must see them."

"No, I don't think that's necessary."

"You were such a little exhibitionist when you were younger," Niccolò teased. "Lucian just loved to walk around without any clothes on—"

"We should all see his baby photos," Catherina answered. "Such a—bel bambino." She reached over squeezing his cheeks affectionately.

Shiloh chuckled. "I'll bet but I'm pretty sure he hasn't much matured since then."

"Hey!" Lucian cried. "I have."

"Says the guy who still watches Disney movies," Alberto responded.

"They are classics," Lucian defended.

"What are you five?" Isabella asked. "Just last week you were watching movies with Antonia and even she wanted to stop."

"Oh please," Lucian replied. "She was enjoying it just as much as I was."

"That's why she fell asleep," Isabella replied giving him a deadpan look.

"To me, she was just resting her eyes," Lucian replied sticking his tongue out.

"Well, we will all be 'resting our eyes' the next time you pick a movie for movie night," Niccolò snarked.

Lucian was about to respond when the shrill of his phone cut him off, excusing himself from the table he took the call.

"So have you guys decided on what color you guys want to use for the drapes," Sofia asked conversationally.

"Well, I was thinking beige or maybe a light orange but nothing too drastic because I need it to coordinate with the gowns the bridesmaids are wearing," Shiloh replied, when Lucian came back into the room, he had a very dark expression.

"I need to go," Lucian whispered in his ear.

"Now," he asked, feeling the frustration boil. "We just got here, can't they let you off for one night—"

"You know they can't," Lucian replied hastily. "Look I'll call you later okay, love you."

"Lucian—" Shiloh tried to call after him but he was already kissing Sofia and Catherina goodbye.

For a second, he thought he was seeing things but Anthony who had barely spoken all night nodded slightly at Lucian who in turn nodded back. Then Niccolò's face flashed with worry before he masked it and Alberto gave him a sideways glare and tipped his head to signal affirmation to him. It was a strange exchange, yet he felt like he was missing out on something monumental. At that moment he realized that aside from Niccolò they were all dressed like Lucian, in slick black suits, hair gelled, and matching menacing expressions.

Gripping his fork tightly he watched Lucian leave for what felt like the millionth time that day. It was hard enough planning a wedding with his family but his lover didn't seem even the least bit interested in spending time with him anymore. Burying his exasperation Shiloh smiled until his face hurt and continued to keep up with the facade.

The feeling of anxiety returned this time in full force and he knew in his gut that Lucian was hiding something big and nearly everyone seemed to be in on it.


"DID IT COME in?" Lucian barked as he walked through the halls of the shipping building near the docs. On the outside, it looked like a standard, ordinary skyscraper but those who worked there knew differently. Inside the hallowed walls laid a vast assortment of rich granite, winding halls, and seemingly endless rooms.

It was where Botticelli first built his underground empire.

It's where Lucian promised to continue it.

Ominously he waited patiently to hear the impending news he knew Jaiden was about to deliver. Over the past couple of days, he had been getting an alarming number of his co-works proclaiming that he had a rat in the group, a dirty scumbag who was no doubt reporting back to his rival—The Malfitano's— about his many secrets. Grinding his teeth together he felt the rage curl like liquid acid in his veins as he thought about the fucker who had betrayed him.

To Lucian loyalty was everything.

Without it, they were no different from the beast in the fields.

However, he was cunning and devised a plan to ensnare the bastard.

"Yes, boss, although we've had a little trouble with shipping."

Lucian stared at him, eyes narrowed and vivid. "What kinds of problems?"

"None that would make you too happy, sir," The burnet said.

"Who was in charge of the order?" Lucian demanded, strutting towards his office with the man trailing behind him.


"Where is the little weasel? Fucking bring him to me. I want him on his knees in my office in ten minutes Jaiden."

"Right away sir." Jaiden disappeared when they reach the dual doors to Lucian's massive office. The entire room had a large red rug expanding down the hall, with a detailed engraved table and rich mahogany chairs. Sitting in his black leather chair behind his desk he waited, threading his fingers together for the man who had been feeding his opponents information about his organization. Taking out his silver Walther P99 semi-automatic pistol he placed it on the desk in front of him. Breathing in deeply he braced himself as the screams in the hallway got louder and louder until the doors were bursting open. Flailing his arms wildly it took Kyle, Chris, Jaiden, and Adam to hold down Brandon as he fought against them with everything that he had.

"No, please! I didn't do anythin' you gotta believe me! I ain't did nothin' wrong," The man ranted, uselessly trying to fight back. "Mr. Malfitano, he sent me, okay? Just to look—please—Io vi beggin!" Kyle and Chris forcefully threw the sobbing man on his knees then they jerked his head back roughly.

Condescendingly Lucian glanced down at the man before standing to his feet with the weapon in hand. He gripped it until his knuckles were white as the piece of shit in front of him wailed, pleading pathetically for his life.

"Mr. Malfitano sent you?" he asked calmly, pointing the pistol at the man's temple.

"Yes— sì—but just to observe," Brandon replied hastily. "I wasn't going to steal anything! I swear!"

"I welcome you into my family," Lucian's voice gathered an edge. "Treated you like a brother and this is how you repay me."

"No!" Brandon pleaded, his eyes going wide at the accusations. "They made—"

"How much?" Lucian spat. "How much is Malfitano paying you to be his whore?"

"It isn't like that—"

"You are not a man of honor," Lucian growled, finger tightening around the trigger.

"Please, spare me! I will work for you now I promise."

"You are trying to fuck me and you know what happens when people try to fuck me—pezzo di merda."

The first shot rang out sending Brandon's brains blasting from the confines of his skull. Once the body hit the ground, he continuously plugged bullets into the lifeless body smiling as it jerked periodically and blood splattered everywhere, soaking his face and the carpet. Curling his lips upwards he stopped and Jaiden handed him a silk white handkerchief to clean off his gun. With cold eyes, he stared at the dead body in front of him before he sneered.

"Get this piece of shit out of my office."