Truth or dare!

Candy's POV

I got back to the tent and told only Bella what just happened. She was bewildered and started teasing me, calling me a pervert. I rolled my eyes at her and laughed. We joined the others in the big circle they made and ate our dinner.

I lifted my head to look at the marshmallows Bella was pointing at and my eyes met with his. Immediately I choked on my food and turned red as a result. Bella gently patted my back and gave me a cup of water which I gulped down immediately.

I felt a little relieved and embarrassed when the other students sympathized with me. I muttered a gentle thank you and looked down at my food to avoid his gaze. After dinner, we roasted marshmallows and ate them.

At a point, a senior stood up and suggested we played the game 'Truth and Dare' to lighten up the atmosphere. Some students liked the idea but some were apprehensive and most of them who reacted negatively were junior students so the guy who introduced the game asked all junior students to leave the circle and form theirs somewhere else. Some were happy to leave while others grumpily obeyed.

I had no idea what the game was all about but I decided to join in because of how excited everyone was including Bella. We were asked to come together to form a smaller circle around the fire and I stood up to go closer, that was when I noticed Brian's absence but I didn't broad over it.

The guy started talking so I listened "Now guys the rule of the game is simple. Just answer any questions thrown at you truthfully and do your dares. Those that fail to answer truthfully and do their dares, must take a shot of this tequila here" he completed raising a big bottle of tequila for all to see. "Now I'll start. Janet truth or dare?" he asked a blonde haired girl with big cute eyes. "Truth" she said shyly. "If I asked you out, would you accept" he asked with a pretty boy smile on his face.

The girl looked down at her sandals and nodded her head slowly and there was loud noise everywhere with all the boys whistling and making wolf sounds. Another boy screamed "My turn, I'll go next. Tasha truth or dare" Tasha, a dark haired girl who's one of Morgan's minions though very pretty stood and screamed "Dare!".

Haven the boy asking her gave off an evil smirk and said "I dare you to make out with Freddy for three minutes". I was quite confused at the word 'Make out'. "Did he really want them to make out in front of everyone or is there another meaning for the word" I asked myself inwardly but then I was visibly shocked when Tasha walked over to Freddy who looked like a playboy, sat on his legs and started kissing him without abandon.

He grabbed her breasts and she seemed to be enjoying it, moaning and squirming in his hands. Soon, she stood up from his laps and looked at us victoriously. Next thing, another girl pointed at Bella and screamed "Truth or dare". Bella hurriedly said truth and was asked if she was a virgin and she went quiet.

I stared at her to answer, not that I was going to judge her but I just wanted to hear what she had to say. She smirked at the girl and said no. I was not surprised though because I know Bella to be a wild free girl but she'll still remain my friend.

Everyone laughed at her reaction and the game continued for a while but I have not been asked and I wondered why. I was already getting sleepy but everyone seems to be enjoying the game including Bella who has already taken two shots of tequila.

Bella noticed I was getting uneasy and screamed next "Candy truth or dare". I was surprised but then I knew that if I said truth, she would just ask me a random question and knowing her, she wouldn't dare me to do something stupid so I tried to act bold and said "Bring the dare on".

She laughed and smiled evilly at me and at that moment I started having a change of mind because the look in her eyes were mischievous. "Since you're the only person here that can talk to Brian, go over to his tent and call him out. I want him to join us" she suddenly blurted out and my ears tingled at what she said.

Everyone cheered her and urged me to move on. I glared at her but she just looked away laughing. I immediately swore to myself to strangle her in her sleep. I wanted to refuse but I didn't want a shot of the tequila, so I reluctantly stood up and moved towards his tent.

I got to his tent, but it took me almost five minutes before I could call him. "Brian" I said almost whispering due to fear and another feeling I can't fathom. I received no response so I called him again with a louder voice "Brian". I still got no response so I turned around to go back and take the shot of alcohol when his voice stopped me "Why are you looking for me?".

"I..... I...Uhm..... I was...uhm" I stammered helplessly. He smiled and said "Relax, I don't bite okay. What can I do for you?". I breathed in and finally said "We're playing the game 'Truth and dare' and I was dared to come and invite you to join us, so please come and join us".

He had a smirk on his face and I thought he was going to accept until I heard him say "Go and tell them I'm not coming, I'm not interested". I was surprised at his response that I felt like sinking into the ground.

He gave me an emotionless smile and turned to go back into his tent but I grabbed him by the wrist and looked at him with baby eyes "Please, I'm begging you. If you don't join us I'll be made to take alcohol and I hate alcohol".

He had an unbelieving look on his face when he said "Why do you hate it? Have you taken it before?". I kept quiet but spoke up the minute he tried to leave "When I was in junior high, I went to a party with my friends and my trusted male friends got me drunk and tried to rape me but I was saved by my bestie so that's why I don't take it. Please come with me".

He didn't say a word and just went back into his tent. I was shocked "And here I was, thinking he was good to me" I said mocking myself. I sluggishly walked over to the circle and saw that none of them waited for me and continued with the game.

I tried to sneak pass them and go into my tent but Bella saw me in time and yelled "She's back! Where's he?". I looked down slowly and that action alone told them the answer to the question. "Okay then, come take a shot of this" she said raising the glass for me to see.

I glared at her angrily but all I saw was a drunk wild bitch and not Bella my friend. I walked slowly, and was about to take the shot from her when I heard "Don't give that to her, I'm here now".

Dear readers ❤️, hope you're enjoying your time with me and my book. Please comment, review and rate my story 🥰. Purple y'all 💜...