Even fetch quests raise your level Part 2

The next day was Wednesday. When I showed Hinami the

picture at our morning meeting, her reaction was…mixed,

shall we say?

"This is really blurry…"

"…Yeah, I know…"

Of course she would point that out. As I searched for the

right words, she sighed.

"Well, you technically passed the assignment…but I never

guessed I'd be critiquing your photography skills…or lack


"Uh, is it really that bad?"

She nodded. "I mean, I told you yesterday—you're taking

these photos to post on Instagram. Even if people can see

you're with Nakamura and Takei, is this really something

you want to show them?"

"Um, I guess not…"

I'd figured taking the picture was the important part, like

in Pokémon Snap or something, but as Hinami pointed out,

I was going to show these to people. Just taking any old

photo wasn't enough.

"It's fine to have one or two crappy pictures, though, since

only people you know will be able to see it. Just be more

careful from here on out."

"O-okay…," I said dejectedly.

Hinami briskly moved onto the next subject. "Okay, then

why don't we get it started right now?"

"Get what started?"

"Can't you guess?"

She tapped her phone with her fingernail. Oh right. The

photo was supposed to go on Instagram.

"You mean my account?"


Hinami replied by showing me her phone. A note with the

word "Hexactly" was displayed on the screen.

"Wow, you're really dedicated to your catchphrase."

Here at last, a silent Hexactly.

"Just go ahead and create a normal account," she said,

ignoring my joke. What was with her?

"…Um, is there anything I need to be careful of? Like my

username or account name or profile pic?"

Hinami nodded. "Well, you should probably give a little

thought to the profile, but for now, you can just use that

blurry shot of the three of you."

"I-is it okay to use a bad picture?"

"People will still be able to tell who everyone is. The

blurriness might work nicely for a pfp, and it's not like you

have any other photos, right?"

"Um, no…"

Photos of me looking happy basically didn't exist, aside

from maybe a couple that Takei took on the overnight trip.

"Well, if you make that your pfp and use it as your first

post, I'll consider the first assignment of your photo quest


"Okay, I'll do it right now." I downloaded the Instagram

app and created an account.

"While you're doing that, I'm gonna tell you something."

"What's up?"

"I've got a new assignment for you that you can only do

now," she said very casually. "Think you can handle both at



I looked up. She was staring at me with an expression that

said, Isn't it obvious?

"What?" she said.

"N-nothing, I just thought I was supposed to be taking

time to examine my feelings this week."

Instead, I felt like I was about to collapse under the weight


of all these assignments.

She nodded, drawing her eyebrows together. "That's true,

but preparation for the school festival is about to start. It

only happens once a year, and it's your best chance to

deepen your relationships with the other people involved. It

may be challenging, but you can't let this opportunity pass

you by."

"Yeah, I guess you're right…"

After all, school festival had a strong association with

normie. I had no idea how exactly it was going to help me

make friends, but it was such a classic event that I couldn't

help agreeing that it had to be a good opportunity.

I had a feeling I knew what the extra assignment was.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Today, during long homeroom, we'll probably choose the

organizing-committee members. I want you to volunteer."

"That's what I thought…" I smirked before continuing. "I

was planning on doing that anyway."

Hinami blinked. "What do you mean?"

"Um, yesterday, when I was with Nakamura and the guys,

we all decided to run for the committee."

"…Wow." She nodded, looking impressed. "You've grown

a lot if you're already diving in headfirst."

"Uh, thanks."

Her straightforward compliment made me a little bashful.

"Of course, this is you we're talking about. I'm sure you

were just trying to fit in."


Then she followed it up with a direct hit. Alas, Hinamisan, you are correct.

"Well, that's fine. As long as you don't bail."

"Don't worry, I won't."

"From what I can tell of the current class mood, I'm

guessing all the other candidates will be normies. You'll be

able to collect some EXP, and everyone will see you blending


in with these normies. That's important."

"Kind of like the social media thing…"

"Correct." Hinami grinned. "Running for the committee

should make your photo quest easier, too. If you're spending

more time together with the relevant parties, you'll have

more chances to get your shots."

"…So you think Mimimi and Izumi will run, too?"

That would definitely fit with their past behavior…but

Mizusawa had said Konno's group probably weren't

interested in the festival, which made me less sure about

Izumi. Of course, none of that changed the fact that Hinami

was making me volunteer.

"Yes. So your new assignment is to run for the committee

and, once you're on it, to play an active part in the festival,

push your ideas through, and let everyone know you're


"That sure is a vague assignment."

Hinami nodded. "If I got any more specific, you'd end up

with too many miniassignments. Pointing you in the general

right direction is perfect for this."

"Well, thanks for the slack, I guess."

Maybe the lack of detail also had to do with the fact that

I'd already agreed to run for the committee with Nakamura's


Hinami frowned. "Slack? Not exactly. If you slack because

the assignment is abstract, you'll fail. You need to be as

proactive and involved as possible in all kinds of different


"As proactive as possible…?"

She'd suddenly raised the bar way higher. Damn, I

shouldn't have used that word. Should have let sleeping dogs


"Um, okay…," I said dejectedly.

Hinami gave a satisfied smile. Goddammit. I think she

might be increasing the difficulty level of these assignments


until she sees me acting depressed. Better watch out for

that next time.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Make sure you give everyone your

Instagram info."

"I guess if I'm taking the trouble to make it…"

I was nervous people would think I was getting full of

myself, but I guess these days, everyone is on social media,

so it's no big deal. Plus, I'd already mentioned it to

Nakamura's gang.

"All right, keep your nose to the grindstone."

"So even you're admitting it's a grind…"

And so another assignment-packed day began.

* * *

In the morning, I shared my Instagram account with

Nakamura, Mizusawa, and Takei, and then in the afternoon,

we had long homeroom.

"Okay, everyone, like I told you before, we're going to put

together the organizing committee for the school festival


It had begun. The selection of committee members—and

my second assignment.

Kawamura-sensei stood in front of the podium, looking

out at the class. "Ideally, we'll want a few girls and a few

guys. Let's start with the guys. Anyone want to volunteer?"


To no one's surprise, Takei shot his hand into the air as if

by reflex. The class snickered. He brought peace wherever he

went. He was a maestro, in a way.

But now I had to volunteer, too. Better do it before anyone

else did, if I had to do it either way.

I also thought it would be a little sketchy to raise my hand

after Nakamura and Mizusawa, so I glanced around and


timidly raised my hand. Nakamura and Mizusawa raised

theirs at about the same time. All eyes were on us. I

wondered what everyone was thinking about me right then.

"Okay, so we've got Takei, Tomozaki, Nakamura, and


"Yeah!!" Takei whooped.

Mission successful, I guess?

"Shut up, Takei," Nakamura shot back with withering

annoyance. Everyone snickered again. Amazing how they

got a positive response from such a tiny exchange. Guess

they saw it as a little in-joke between the members of the

top-tier group.

"Is that it for the boys? Anyone else interested?"

No one else raised their hand. It would take quite a bit of

courage to jump into the middle of a group of four who had

obviously decided beforehand to volunteer together.

Although, with a loser like me in the group, they really didn't

have to be intimidated.

"All right, then these four it is," Kawamura-sensei said,

writing our names on the blackboard. "And now the girls.

Any volunte—?"

"Me, me!"

Mimimi, the self-appointed class cheerleader, excitedly

raised her hand before Kawamura-sensei even finished

talking. That was fairly predictable, too. Her shtick is kinda

similar to Takei's. Does that bother her, I wonder…?

"Ha-ha-ha. Nanami is our first candidate. Who else?"

"Tama!! Run the festival with me!!" Mimimi stretched out

her hands toward Tama-chan, who looked back at her as

seriously as ever.

"Nah. I don't want to."

The whole class giggled at her cut-and-dried answer.

"What? Aww, you're so mean, Tama!"

The laughter grew with Mimimi's heartbroken theatrics.

I had huge admiration for Mimimi's ability to make


everything bright and cheerful—but I also noticed that

something about their exchange was very different from


The timing of the laughter.

In the past, when Mimimi and Tama did their routine, it

was always Mimimi who got everyone laughing.

Or to put it more accurately, Mimimi would notice that

Tama-chan's directness was making things awkward, then

step in and rescue her by making it part of a joke. That was

how it worked.

But this time, it was different.

Everyone started giggling as soon as Tama-chan said,

"Nah." They didn't need Mimimi's comeback.

This little exchange was a quiet reminder that Tama-chan

really had found a place in the class, as herself.

"Too bad, Nanami. Anyone else?"

"Aoi!" Mimimi tearfully sought Hinami's help.

Hinami put on a blank face. "Nah. I don't want to, either,"

she said in a near-perfect imitation of Tama-chan.

Everyone lost it.

Classic Hinami. Her joke was so simple, even I could have

guessed it would get a laugh. She was quick.

"Hey! Once was enough to break my heart, geez!"

Now the class was really laughing. Mimimi had set off a

triple-jump routine to get everyone in a good mood. So that

was how good communicators played off each other. They

left me in the dust.

"Ah-ha-ha. But seriously, I have a lot of work as student

council president."

"Yeah, that's fair." Mimimi gave in supportively.

"Very true. She's not allowed to do both jobs at once. So

anyone else?"

As Kawamura-sensei looked around the class, a sporty girl

who was friends with Mimimi raised her hand.

"Okay, I'll do it."


"Thanks, Yuki!"

"Me too!"

With that, two of her friends had volunteered for the

committee. Mimimi was genuinely popular.

"Um…me too!"

Just then, Izumi raised her hand a little bit hesitantly, as

if she'd made up her mind to do something hard. So she did

end up volunteering.

I hadn't expected her to get very involved since Konno

wasn't interested in the festival…but now I wasn't sure.

I looked over at Konno. She was sitting with her cheek in

her hand, letting everyone know she was completely

unmoved by the fact that Izumi had volunteered. Man, was

she scary. As the only member of that clique to have raised

her hand, I was sure Izumi must be thinking something right

now. She said during the sports tournament that she was the

type who really gets into these events, and I guess it was true

this time, too. Or maybe she volunteered because Nakamura

was on the committee?

"Great, so we have four girls. Is that it?"

No one else raised their hand.

"I'm writing these names down, then."

Well, that was quick and painless.

On the guy's side, we had the normie trio of Nakamura,

Mizusawa, and Takei, plus me, a frequent add-on to the

group who was slowly integrating. From the outside, I

probably looked out of place, but I didn't actually feel that


On the girl's side, there was Mimimi and two girls from a

group she was friendly with, plus Izumi. Even though

Mimimi and Izumi belonged to different main groups, they

got along, and the four of them were appropriately normieish.

The overall impression was definitely a bunch of normies

plus me, but I didn't think it would be that difficult to


navigate among the individual members. And if this was my

mindset, my position must have improved somewhat. Well,

the people Hinami had told me to make friends with were all

standout members of the class. Blending in with them meant

I'd look like a pseudonormie myself. And honestly, I was

happy about that.

"Okay, then it's decided. I'm counting on you guys,"

Kawamura-sensei said flatly, turning to us. Mimimi and

Takei looked at each other.

"Leave it…"

"…To us!"

They both punched their fists toward the ceiling. They

were really in tune. With these two involved, I bet we're all

gonna get really into this. Wonder if I'll be able to keep up…

* * *

The eight of us newly selected committee members were

standing in front of the blackboard.

As soon as the committee was decided, we had segued

right into making decisions for the festival, so we were

asking for input from the class.

Meaning I had to stand up there in front of everyone,

actively talking and pushing through my opinions. I'd had an

assignment on that last part before, but doing it in front of

everyone was different.

According to Kawamura-sensei, the festival was basically

going to be the same as last year—class booths, programs by

the organizing committee and by after-school clubs, skits by

volunteers, stuff like that. But since I didn't remember

anything from last year, it was all brand-new to me.

"Okay, everyone, let's start by deciding on our class


Mimimi planted both her hands on the podium and


leaned forward, her eyes sparkling. You could tell from her

expression that she was genuinely looking forward to this

thing. And from how eager she was to take charge. It's nice

how easy she is to read.

So we were starting with the class booth. It was going to

be tough to push through an opinion on this one, but I had

to try. At least I'd been thinking about my strategy ever since

Hinami gave me the assignment in the morning. What kind

of ideas had the highest chance of being accepted? How

should I defend them? Since it wasn't likely anyone else had

given that much serious thought to this, just coming in with

a solid plan should give me a definite advantage. Bring it on.

"Does anyone have an idea?" Mimimi asked.

A smattering of hands went up.

"A haunted house!"

"A takoyaki stall!"

"How about a shooting range or a ring toss?"

"A treasure hunt!"

"I want to do a café!"

"A batting cage!"

One of the girls from Mimimi's group wrote down the list

of typical school-festival-booth ideas on the blackboard.

Every time a student suggested something, Takei let us know

what he thought of it ("Great idea!" or "Huh, really?"). Even

though he had no special right to finalize the decision, the

ones he didn't approve of somehow seemed less likely to

succeed. Behold, the simple power of a loud voice.

Everyone was getting really excited, and kids were pulling

out their phones to look up ideas for booths. Interesting. The

school festival seemed to bring out a normie-ish level of

enthusiasm in everyone.

Now the question was, how should I act in this kind of

mood? What should I do to make sure my idea was chosen?

I weighed what I could and couldn't do, then made up my



I turned to Mimimi, who was pretty much leading the


"We've got a lot of ideas, so now maybe we should ask

everyone to give more details about what they want to do."

"What kind of details?"

Since Mimimi had responded to me, most of the class was

now at least partially listening to our conversation. This was

probably the best way to get my idea across to the maximum

number of people. Ideally, I would have faced the class and

said the same thing in a loud voice, but that was just too

hard for me.

Still, all the attention was more stressful than I'd

expected. I felt my breathing getting shallower and my brain

slowing to a crawl. What was wrong with me?

"Um, I mean, if someone wants to do a haunted house,

what's their concept? If they want to do a café, what kind of

food do they want to serve?"

I tried to ignore the fact that everyone was looking at me

and speak to Mimimi as naturally as possible. But since my

goal was for everyone to hear me, I also had to talk a little

louder than normal.

"Oh, I get it! Those kinds of details!"

"Yeah." The aim of my suggestion was both to make

voting easier and to steer the conversation toward the plan

I'd come up with.

As we were talking, Mizusawa smoothly joined in. "Good

idea; let's do that. Okay, guys, tell us what kind of haunted

house you want to do, or whatever," he asked the class.

He didn't sound stressed-out at all. That mysterious

casualness was his hallmark. He always seemed so at ease. I

think that was the secret to popularity that Hinami had told

me about.

"If we do a haunted house, I want to make it like the one

at Fuji-Q Highland!"

"Uh, is that even possible?"


"That place is supposed to be terrifying."

"Wouldn't we have to use sounds and stuff?"

The discussion was picking up now.

"If we do a takoyaki stall, couldn't we do minicakes, too?"

"We could use pancake mix…"

The ideas were coming into focus, so it was time for me to

add mine to the mix.

"Actually, I have an idea, too…"

"Oh, cool. What is it?" Mizusawa asked.

Once again, since we were semi-authority figures up at the

front, even a tiny exchange drew all eyes. Wow, I am getting

major EXP right now.

Despite my insane levels of anxiety, I decided to go ahead

and suggest the idea I'd been considering since this

morning. I had a lot of faith in it, as I'd given it a fair amount

of thought.

"Um, if we do a café…what if we had a bunch of manga

there that people could read, like a manga café?"

There was a short pause, and then Mizusawa laughed a

little. "…Huh. That's pretty good."

Some of my tension drained away, and I felt relaxed

enough to get a little cocky. "I know, right?"

"So everyone could donate manga they had lying around?"

"Yeah, exactly."

As I talked with Mizusawa, the details started coming into

focus. Everyone could hear us, and since they were already

warmed up from the discussion earlier, some people started

chiming in enthusiastically. "I'll bring Kingdom!" someone


Nice. My idea was striking a chord.

It didn't get a lot of points for originality, but it was

designed to influence a big group.

People would not only be able to bring their own manga,

but they could read whichever other ones they wanted, so a

big portion of the class latched onto the idea. On top of that,


I'd only added a single element to the typical school-festival

café booth, which should make it easier to win over our

teacher. She didn't have any real grounds to veto the idea,

and she wasn't really the type who would, so we didn't

experience any opposition from her.

In other words, I was showing how my idea was the best

for all involved and persuading the most powerful person

present. It was a simplified version of what I'd done when

Mimimi ran for student council president. It's a gaming

basic—figure out your core strategy and re-create it

whenever necessary.

"That's great! Anyone have any other ideas?" Mimimi

asked the class.

A few more people gave their suggestions. Everyone

seemed to be having fun. It was probably like this last year,

too, but I didn't remember. I was completely uninvolved

with any of it.

Once we'd talked through all the ideas, we transitioned

into voting.

"Okay, guys, time to make a decision!" Mimimi

announced enthusiastically. "Who wants the haunted


A few hands went up.

"One, two, three…"

Izumi, who was standing next to Mimimi, earnestly

counted them up. She was so sincere about everything, even

tallying votes—I think you could say it was her defining

characteristic. Her eyebrows were even scrunched together.

"Five votes! Okay, next…"

The class voted for one idea after the other, and the

results were written on the blackboard. So far, the takoyaki

stall had gotten the most, with eleven votes. I think the

popularity was thanks to the normie-ish idea of using

pancake mix to make a sweet version to sell alongside the

savory octopus balls. Either way, that would be my main



"…Okay! Next is the café! The manga café, that is!"

Finally, it was time to vote on my proposal. The response

had been fairly positive, but how would it turn out?

Some hands went up. From a quick glance, my idea

seemed to be giving the takoyaki stall a run for its money.

"Um…" Izumi carefully counted the hands. "Fourteen!"

she announced, holding up four fingers.

"Okay! And since the takoyaki stall got eleven votes…"

Mimimi drew a big circle around the words Manga Café

written on the blackboard. "That means the manga café


A soft round of applause spread through the class.

"Hear that, Fumiya?"


Mizusawa congratulated me casually on my victory. He

was so good at that kind of thing.

But wow, that happened quickly. My main assignment

was still the after-school photo quest, which made this more

of a subquest, but that didn't change the fact that I had

pulled this one off easily. I guess my overall level really was

going up, even when it came to little things like this. I mean,

when you're the type of guy who skips out on the culture

festival to play Atafami at home, people don't usually choose

your idea for the class booth.

As I stood there quietly reflecting on my own growth, I

saw Kawamura-sensei stand up out of the corner of my eye.

"…Well, this booth is definitely in the gray zone. If you're

going to do it, I want you to be careful it doesn't become a

problem. You especially, Tomozaki, since you're the one who

suggested it."

"Uh, um, of course!"

I guess this was my payback for being slightly devious in

how I got the teacher's approval. Yeah, grown-ups aren't

that dumb. Mizusawa cackled at me.


"Hey, don't laugh at me!" I joked.

"What? I'm not laughing at you."

"Uh, I think you are."

Mizusawa wasn't a normie to me anymore—he was just

Mizusawa, which was why I felt comfortable joking around

with him.

After that, the class got noisy, and everyone started

chatting about the festival with the people sitting near them.

That's when something unexpected happened.

"I'm sorry, Tomozaki-kun," said one of Mimimi's friends.

I think her name was Kashiwazaki-san?

She had straight brown hair and an animated personality.

She wore makeup and stuff, too, so I got major normie vibes.

What was going on? Why was she talking to me all of a


I was surprised, but I held on to my training as I

scrambled for the right reply. Her apology didn't really make

sense, since we'd decided by majority vote…

"Um…if you're apologizing, then everyone who raised

their hand is guilty of the same crime…"

"Ah-ha-ha, good point."

Kashiwazaki-san giggled and lightly pressed her fingers

over her mouth. I wasn't sure if my response had hit right, or

if I just sounded like a typical nerd who was talking too fast

about a bunch of stuff all at once. But she'd laughed a little,

so I couldn't have messed up too bad, right?

"Look at you, Fumiya, talking like a pro," Mizusawa said.

"Th-thanks to you."

"Oh, your first name is Fumiya?"

Kashiwazaki-san peered into my face. There it was—the

mysterious normie disregard for personal space. But I was

fine. She wasn't half as bad as Mimimi and Izumi. Those two

were special cases.

"Uh, yeah, I guess."

"Ah-ha-ha. You guess?"


Yeah, that was a weird thing to say, and I deserved to be

laughed at. But I made sure not to collapse like a wet noodle,

standing up straight and sticking my chest out instead. I'd

learned over the past six months that when my body was

standing at attention, my mind was, too, and I had to take

advantage of that when I was in trouble. It was like

intentionally starting with a Kabuff in boss fights.

"The only person who ever calls me that is Mizusawa."

"Ha-ha-ha. Yeah, I might be the only one," Mizusawa said.


"Yeah, and he started talking to me out of the blue, too."

So there I was, suddenly having a conversation with

Kashiwazaki-san and Mizusawa. I'm still not exactly sure

why it happened, but I guess it's not that unusual for

normies to chat with classmates they didn't already know

well. Actually, I'm the weird one for hardly ever doing that in

the past.


Kashiwazaki-san was looking at me and Mizusawa with a

curious expression.

"You two have been hanging out a lot lately, haven't you?"

"You mean me and Mizusawa?"

I summoned all my confidence and made an intentional

effort to take part in the conversation. If I got scared,

Mizusawa would take over everything from saying yes or no

to introducing new topics. My strategy was to join in a little

more than I was comfortable with, which would actually end

up as just the right amount. It was a new situation for me,

and I wanted to take advantage of it by trying out some new

things. Plus, everyone else was distracted by their own

conversations, so we weren't exactly the center of attention.

"Yeah! I thought it was a little strange!"

"Oh yeah, I guess," I said, looking at Mizusawa. "When

did we start hanging out? Right before summer vacation or


"Sounds about right. I like weirdos, so you know…"

"Are you calling me a weirdo?"

"Ha-ha-ha." Kashiwazaki-san listened to our

conversation, smiling brightly. "I think this is the first time

I've ever talked to you! Looking forward to working on the

committee together!"

"Oh, uh-huh. Me too."

Then Mizusawa just had to butt in. "Hey, by the way,

Fumiya just got an Insta. You have one, too, right, Sakura?"

"Yeah!" said Kashiwazaki-san, whose first name was

apparently Sakura. "What's your username?" she asked me.

"Uh, um…"

I didn't want to lose my footing, so I made an effort to

turn my reply into a real sentence and exchanged account

info with Kashiwazaki-san. Uh, aren't we still in class? Are

we gonna get in trouble for doing social media stuff?

"Wow, this photo sure is blurry!" Kashiwazaki-san peered

at my profile photo, smiling.


"I wanted to start an account, but I suck at

photography…," I confessed.

She laughed. "Aww, no! You better practice."

"Y-yeah, I will."

With that, our conversation ended. Huh. I didn't

understand why, but I had a new follower on Instagram.

Mostly thanks to Mizusawa. But why had she started talking

to me all of a sudden? Nothing like that had ever happened

to me before.

Kawamura-sensei coughed over the noisy chatter. "Okay,

guys, it's not break time. We need to talk about the program

in the gym…"

Suddenly, everyone was focused on her. When you think

about it, teachers are constantly the center of attention. My

legs turn to jelly when people look at me for one second;

adults live in an alternate universe. They're amazing.

"Any class that wants to can perform something on the

stage. Some classes do, and some don't. What do you guys


I thought back to last year. Now that she mentioned it, I

vaguely remembered a bunch of classes did dances, comedy

routines, plays, and stuff like that. Given it existed in my

memory, the show must have taken place right after the

opening ceremony or something. If it had been optional to

watch, I wouldn't have even known it existed.

"Hmm, a performance…," Mimimi said thoughtfully and

looked at us.

So apparently, we got to choose whether or not to do it.

But not me. Since my assignment was to actively participate

and push through my opinions, I probably was supposed to

nudge everyone toward doing a performance. Man, I was

acting like one of those people who just couldn't get enough

of the school festival.

I thought for a second and came up with the most efficient



"What do you think, Takei? Should we just do this thing?

After all, it's our last shot at it."

"Of course we should do it!!" he shouted.

A tiny spark of enthusiasm on my part was enough to light

his fire. Ah, Takei the human megaphone. He took my words

and repeated them at full volume to the whole class.

Everyone probably assumed it was his idea now, but I'd still

said it first, so I figured I was safe in terms of my


"We might as well!"


Kashiwazaki-san and Mimimi's other friend added their

approval. Izumi was nodding, too. Being invested in the

festival was quickly becoming the norm for what was "right."

Hinami gave me a nod as well. O-okay, bring it on.

"Everyone, are you okay with doing a performance?

Anyone against it?" Mimimi asked the class.

No one spoke up. I mean, it would be really hard to raise

your hand and say no by this point. Mimimi probably didn't

realize that, but it was practically decided already.

"Yeah, why not?" Nakamura said. He seemed to be on

board, if not really following the conversation.


Mizusawa was in, too, and the general mood was coming

together in favor of making the most of our last school

festival. The top-tier Nakamura had given the final push,

and the decision seemed set in stone. I wasn't sure why

Nakamura was excited about it, but in some ways, he tended

to ride the wave, too.

Mimimi looked around the class and nodded to make it

official. "That's that, then! Kawamura-sensei! We'll do it!"

Kawamura-sensei thought for a moment before

answering. "In that case, I'd like you to decide what you're

doing…but since long homeroom is almost over, let's tackle

that part next time."


"Okay! So we'll do something, but we're not sure what

yet!" Mimimi said.

No one else said anything, so that concluded the meeting.

Kawamura-sensei nodded. "All right, I think that's it for

today's discussion. I'll go over the schedule now…"

The members of the committee went back to our seats to

listen to her explanation.

There were a few twists and turns along the way, but I

think I completed the general assignment. Doing stuff tends

to create new situations, like that mysterious conversation

with Kashiwazaki-san. All seemed good for the moment. The

photo quest was turning out to be the harder of my two


* * *

After school that day, the committee members all met up in

the small auditorium.

Apparently, four representatives from each class were

going to gather in a big group to discuss the festival, and our

team included Izumi, Mimimi, Takei, and me. We'd all

volunteered for the role. Aside from me, they were all super

into it and seemed right for the job. I volunteered because of

my assignment. It's not that I wasn't excited, but let's face it:

I'm not cut out for this.

A tall, skinny teacher from another class made an


"Okay, let's choose the committee chair. Any volunteers?"

Everyone looked at one another.

The chair, huh. Maybe the ideal would have been for me

to volunteer, since my job was to be proactive, but that also

seemed like a bridge too far. I didn't have the skills to bring

everyone together, and in the long term, it seemed like a bad

idea to take on the name of chair without really doing the



I decided to lie low. Not even Hinami could give me grief

for it.

For a few moments, everyone seemed to be waiting to see

what would happen.

Then a hand shot into the air, and the teacher looked to

see who it was.

"Izumi-san from second-year Class Two, right?"

"Uh, mm-hmm!"

The teacher smiled. "Thanks for volunteering. As long as

no one else is interested, we'll go with Izumi-san. Anyone?"

No one stepped forward, so Izumi was named chair.

She nodded as if to confirm the direction she was heading

in. I was sure she had her own reasons for taking on the role.

I watched her take that small step forward as the

committee meeting moved ahead.

* * *

After the meeting ended, Mimimi, Izumi, Takei, and I were

walking down a big hill on the way to the station. When I

thought about it, this was an unusual group. We all had

individual relationships with one another, but normally, the

four of us would never have hung out.

Anyway, we were heading home, but I still hadn't

completed my photo quest for the day. I mean, right after

school was pretty much the only time I could work on it,

which meant I somehow had to accomplish one of the

assignments before we split up.

I opened up the message from Hinami that listed the

items in the quest. Given the group I was walking home

with, there were…two possibilities.

• Yuzu Izumi eating ice cream


• Minami Nanami eating ramen

Neither one would be easy. This was way too specific. I'd

have to intentionally set up the situation for the picture,

which in this case meant I had to take the initiative in

inviting either Izumi or Mimimi for ice cream or ramen.

Damn it, Hinami, what's "easy" about this assignment?

What was I supposed to do now? It didn't really matter

which one I attempted, but considering I'd have a chance

with Mimimi after we got to Kitayono Station, I figured I

should try to do the Izumi assignment right then.

"Good luck with your new job, Chairwoman Yuzu!"

Mimimi said cheerfully.


"You've been doing a lot lately, huh, Yuzucchi?!" Takei


"I guess so," she answered, scratching her neck.

Mimimi turned to Takei. "I've been thinking the same

thing! She took over as captain in the sports tournament,


"Oh, um…yeah, maybe." Sounding embarrassed, Izumi

gave Mimimi a troubled smile.

They were talking about the changes they'd seen in her

since the sports tournament and the Nakamura situation. I'd

been close to her through the whole thing, but the

transformation was so dramatic that even Mimimi and Takei

had noticed. Mimimi aside, anything big enough for Takei to

notice had to be significant.

"You definitely have! They say people change when they

get a boyfriend—do you think that's you?" I was really

impressed by how Mimimi was able to subtly balance the

teasing with an affectionate tone as she playfully elbowed

Izumi. "Huh? Huh?"

"No way!" Izumi said, squirming around.


"Huh? Huh? Huh?" Mimimi escalated her attack, poking

Izumi's side over and over. So it was beginning.


"Hee-hee-hee." Mimimi grinned fearlessly; she was in full

silly mode now.

She tickled Izumi faster and faster.

"Come on!"

Izumi's flexible shoulders and hips writhed, revealing the

contours of her body. Her skirt briefly slipped up, the

shadow flickering over her thighs, and I caught the scent of

vanilla as her hair swung in front of my face. I had to look

away from her flushed cheeks and slightly parted lips.

Still having a great time, Mimimi agilely snuck up behind



And then she grabbed Izumi's huge boobs.


Mimimi sank her fingers into Izumi's button-down shirt,

bunching it up. The sight of her slim white fingers pressing

into their victim was kinda hot, both in a sexy way and an

embarrassing way.



But Izumi was the sporty type, too, and she looked over

her shoulder, spun out of Mimimi's grasp, and slapped her

on the forehead.

"Ooh, you're fast! "

That concluded Mimimi's bizarre little girl-on-girl

escapade, and peace returned to the street. What the hell

was that about anyway? I was still reeling, and I was only on

the sidelines.

It occurred to me to wonder what Takei was doing…and I

caught him staring at the two of them with googly eyes. You

follow your heart, dude. I'll give you that.

Wait a second, I had an assignment to do. I was trying to

get a shot of Izumi eating ice cream. So first, I had to…

"Mind if I stop by the convenience store?"

"Sure! What's the Brain want to buy?" Mimimi asked

casually, having returned from her alternate universe.

"I could use a snack."

"Yeah, we're going home a little later today than usual."

If we didn't go to the convenience store, the quest was

dead in the water. I had no idea how I was going to get Izumi

to buy ice cream, but at least this was the first step. But what

to do? If I randomly said something like, Izumi, you should

have some ice cream, she'd get confused and probably tell

me to just eat some myself. Hmm.

The four of us went into the store and started wandering

around to explore.

I had to create some kind of opening.

"Ooh, this looks good," I said, pointing to a cup of creamcheese-flavored ice cream. I didn't really care which flavor I

chose—and no, the fact that I happened to point to Hinami's

favorite kind meant nothing.

Now if Izumi would say something like, Ooh, ice cream,

that sounds good! and buy one, I could ride the wave of

excitement and get a chance to snap a photo, and my

assignment would be complete. But would she do that?


Mimimi looked at the ice cream. "Ooh, that does look

good! But it's so cold outside…," she said sadly.

She had a point. It was November, after all. Maybe

Hinami made ice cream part of the assignment specifically

to make this harder. She does like to make my training hell

in every way imaginable; that's something she would do.

"No way, Mimimi, ice cream tastes the best when it's cold

out!" Surprisingly, Takei sent out a rescue boat.

"Yeah! You wouldn't think so, but it's true!"

That's the kind of thing normies say, right? I was fighting

hard to get everyone to eat ice cream, but Takei was

inexplicably all-in on my idea, so the battle actually didn't

look that tough.

Unfortunately, Izumi was looking at Takei and me like we

were a couple of children she had to take care of.

"You two have nerves of steel." Those were the words of

someone who did not intend to eat any ice cream.

"Uh, you don't want any?"

"Nope. Too cold out."

"Oh, okay…"

This was bad. Maybe even checkmate. Now that she'd so

clearly said she didn't want any, I couldn't say, Come on, just

try it! Plus, she was very unlikely to change her mind on her

own. Hmm, it was looking like I'd have to put this quest off

to another day. I still had another one I could work on, after


"Hey, Farm Boy! I'm gonna have some!" I wasn't sure

why, but Takei was super excited about this ice cream. Now

the mission was truly compromised. "You're getting some,

too, right?"

"Uh, yeah…"

Takei and I both bought the cream-cheese flavor.

Then we went outside, and the two of us stood there in the

cold eating our ice cream. What the hell am I doing?

Now extremely happy, Takei took a picture of us with his


phone camera. Uh, right. As long as someone's having fun.

"Capture the moment! This is going on Twitter!"

Izumi and Mimimi watched us, smiling. Damn it, I

wanted Izumi to eat the ice cream, not Takei, and I wanted

the photo on Instagram, not Twitter… This was not going


* * *

Having failed at the Izumi ice-cream photo, I attempted my

next challenge.

The setting was Kitayono Station, where both Mimimi and

I got off the train to go home.

From this point on, it was just the two of us. I needed to

get a picture of Mimimi eating ramen…but why did it have to

be ramen? I didn't exactly see Mimimi as a ramen kind of

person. Hinami's sadism really shone in her efforts to make

everything as difficult as possible.

Actually, like the Izumi ice-cream assignment, she

probably intended it as practice for "pushing my opinion

through" at the school-festival meetings. She wanted me to

push for ramen if I wanted ramen, and ice cream if I wanted

ice cream.

"The manga café is gonna be so fun!" Mimimi said

excitedly as soon as we were through the ticket gates.

"Yeah," I answered, still ruminating on my assignment. "I

wonder what we'll end up doing for the performance…"

"Ah-ha-ha! Yeah, that's the question! We kinda just

decided to do it because everyone was feelin' it!"

"What do people usually do? Skits and comedy routines?"

"Yeah. Or, like, dances or songs!"

"Oh, I didn't realize those were okay, too."

I'd ad-libbed a conversation starter, and it was working.

Very good, very good.


Dances or songs, huh? If we ended up doing that, I bet

Hinami would tell me I had to perform. That was not going

to happen. In fact, I wouldn't be able to handle a role in a

skit, either.

"I can't wait to see you dance!" Mimimi said jokingly.

"Hey, that reminds me, you cracked people up that one


During the election, I'd tried to copy Mimimi's pose, but

everyone had laughed at me. My talent level for dancing is


"Uh, no, I don't dance…"

"Well then, how about a comedy routine? You can be the

straight man!"

"No, I don't think so. I'm not cut out for the stage," I

replied, casually giving up on the whole thing.

Suddenly, Mimimi clapped like inspiration had just

struck. "Very true! You're the Brain, after all, and brains

gotta brain!"

"…You mean I should do the thinking for the


I managed to interpret Mimimi's use of brain. I swear, it

never crosses her mind whether what she says will make

sense to anyone else but her.

"Yes, you knew exactly what I meant!"

"Well…by now, I'm used to the random stuff you say when

you're excited."

"I think we're totally in tune!"

She grabbed me by the shoulders and leaned her weight

on me.


Her super-normie surprise attack almost knocked me offbalance, but she was unexpectedly light.

"Oof." I managed to stand up straight again.

"Oh, Brain, you're stronger than I thought!"

"No, it's just that you're so light…"


She really was slender, although she still had curves.

Once I cleared my head, I realized this wasn't a problem

of physical balance but of distance. Since she was hanging

off my shoulders, her perfect, evenly featured face was right

next to my shoulder—right next to my face. I'd regained my

physical balance, but my emotional balance was done for.

Our eyes met at close range for a second.



A strange silence followed, and you could tell from our

wide-eyed expressions that both our brains had stopped

working. The depths of Mimimi's eyes were so clear; I was

magnetically drawn in by how beautiful they were, and I

normally hate looking people in the eye.


The line of her nose was a perfect downward sweep above

her evenly drawn lips. From this new angle, I was reminded

once again how incredibly beautiful she was. Okay, wait. My

face was weirdly hot all of a sudden.

Finally, Mimimi was the first to speak and end those

awkward seconds of silence. "…Uh, welp, thanks for not

saying I'm heavy! Let's get going!"

Without looking me in the eye, she took a few steps

forward, waving at me to follow.

"Oh, okay."

I lagged behind her for fifteen or twenty seconds to let my

face cool down. I didn't want her to see me blushing.

Eventually, the cold winter wind calmed me down, and I

stepped up to her side. Now I had to ask her to go get ramen

with me.

But in Kitayono, instead of going to a ramen shop…

"Uh, Mimimi?"


"Wanna go to Manshu Pot-Sticker Palace?"

It wasn't exactly the kind of place to take such a beautiful

high-school girl to, but I had no other choice. It was the only

place I knew of around here that served ramen. And it

definitely met the one and only standard for nonnormie

restaurant reviews: Would I feel okay going there by myself?

"Right now?"

"Yeah. I'm still a little hungry."

For some reason, Mimimi smirked. "Well, I'm a little

hungry, too, but…"


"Are you going through a growth spurt or something?"

"A growth spurt?"

Mimimi nodded. "I mean, you just had ice cream, and

now you want ramen."


She had a point. I must be coming off like a real glutton.


I anxiously searched for an excuse. "No, it's just…

sometimes, when I start eating, it makes me want to eat


"Oh, I definitely get that!"

She seemed convinced by my excuse. And I really did feel

hungrier after eating that ice cream. Saved by my stomach.

"Okay, I'm in!"

She waved her hands excitedly at me and started

marching forward.

"Wait a second," I said, cutting her off. "Mimimi. Wrong



Yeah, she really does everything by feel.

* * *

As soon as we got to Manshu Pot-Sticker Palace, I ran into a


After I ordered ramen, Mimimi turned to the waiter.

"I'll have the pot-sticker set!"

Yeah. I took her to a place that serves all kinds of Chinese

food, so of course she ordered the pot stickers. Not her fault,

obviously—I'm the idiot here. I mean, the restaurant is

literally called Pot-Sticker Palace.

Now what should I do? All that courage I expended

inviting her here would go to waste if I didn't do something


Mimimi gulped down some water. Who drinks water that

enthusiastically? "Well, this is unusual, you inviting me

somewhere!" she teased, grinning at me.

"Um, well…yeah."

I'd never have the courage to do it if it wasn't for an

assignment. I mean, yeah, we were just stopping by on the

way home, but was it normal for a guy and a girl to go


somewhere together like this? Was she going to read too

much into it? Or maybe not. She didn't waffle that much

before saying yes, so maybe it wasn't a big deal. I had no


"I think this might have been my first time. Inviting

someone to get a bite to eat on the way home from school, I


"…No way!" Her response came just a little too late. Huh?

Did I say something weird?

She tipped her empty glass to the side, clanking the ice


"So…why'd you decide to do it now?"

"Huh? Uh…"

I scrambled for an answer as she watched me intently.

Why did I invite her? If I told her the truth, I'd have to say,

Well, I wanted to take a picture of you eating ramen so I

could post it on my Instagram account, which was so awful,

I'd have to be exiled from Japan for admitting it. That was


And I was bad at lying on the fly, so I had to find a way to

just smooth it over.

"Uh, well…ramen," I mumbled.

Mimimi burst out laughing. "You wanted to eat ramen

that badly?!"

All I'd done was murmur one word, and her super-normie

special skill, Auto-Conversation Completion, had kicked into

action, completing my alibi. Okay, Mimimi, let's go with


I contented myself with her explanation. "…Yeah. I was

just dying for ramen."

"Uh-oh, think just one bowl will be enough?"

"Of course, I couldn't finish two!"

She was kind enough to laugh at my dumb response. That

was Mimimi. She let you know making other people happy

made her happy, so talking to her was super low stress.


Anyway, back to my assignment. Since she'd ordered the

pot-sticker set, I wouldn't be able to get the photo if our

meal went along as normal.

What to do…? Well, I knew what to do. There was only

one option left.

After we chatted for a while, the waiter brought our orders

to the table at just about the same time.

My one remaining option. This was it.

"Oh, wow, this is amazing!" I began by letting her know

how good my ramen was as soon as we started eating.

"For real?!" She latched right on.

"For real! Um, want a bite?"

Okay, so it was a really simple strategy. The plan was to

get her to take a bite of my ramen and then snap her picture.

Honestly speaking, the "indirect kiss" thing or whatever was

kind of touchy for a bottom-tier character like me, but

Hinami had called me immature in the past for worrying

about it. Maybe it wasn't a big deal after all. I might struggle

internally, but I could handle that.

But again, Mimimi's response to my casual question came

a beat too late. "Uh, um, really?"

For some reason, she looked unsure. Huh? What just

happened to the mood?

"Uh, yeah, just a bite," I repeated.

Very quietly, I heard her mumble, "Huh?"


"Am I worrying too much?"

"A-about what?"

"…Nothing, never mind! Okay, I'll have a bite!"

She grabbed my bowl with both hands, pulled it toward

her, and started to slurp it down. Why is she so fast? Crap,

photo, photo!

I grabbed my phone, which I'd set on the table to be ready

for moments like this, speedily opened the camera, and

snapped a photo of Mimimi.


But I was in such a panic, I left my finger on the button

too long, and it started taking a bunch of consecutive shots.


"Hey! Why are you taking so many pictures of me?!"

"Agh, I screwed this up!"

"Screwed what up?!"

"Nothing, just…!"

Suddenly, everything was chaos, but my assignment was

complete. Now the only question was how well I could

explain myself to Mimimi, which was a very real problem.

"I—I mean, you looked like you were gonna eat a ton!"

"So you took my picture?!"

"Y-yeah, as evidence!"

"Come on, how obsessed are you?!"

"It's, y'know, my growth spurt!"

I was making my reputation as a glutton a lot worse, but I

think I escaped by the skin of my teeth. Actually, since

suddenly taking a picture of someone eating ramen was

already kinda sketchy, I'd come up with an excuse in

advance. Taking twenty photos instead of one didn't really

change my approach. I was screwed from the beginning, so it

all worked out. Impressive, right?

"Oh man…" Mimimi smiled and rolled her eyes, pushing

my bowl of ramen back toward me. "Here you go," she said.


I peered into the bowl. To tell the truth, it did get to me. If

I ate another bite, I was pretty sure it'd be the indirect


But I'd acted like I didn't care a minute ago, so now I had

no choice but to casually dig in.

Mimimi seemed unimpressed. "I still have questions…"

"Wh-what do you mean?"

She pouted for a second, looked down at her pot stickers,

and smiled deviously. "Okay, Tomozaki."



I looked up at her. There was a pot sticker in front of my


"I'll give you a bite of mine, too."


She suddenly thrust the pot sticker that was held between

her chopsticks toward me.

No, no, no, no way!

"What? What's the matter?"

She was obviously feigning innocence. What was going

on? What was she trying to do? This was going way beyond

the indirect kiss; this was like…that thing couples do!

As I was trying to figure out what to do, Mimimi said,

"Hmm?" and wiggled her food in front of my face. She was

staring at me with a peculiarly determined expression. Why

the display of iron will? What kind of battle were we in? Why

was I feeling so much pressure?

Still, I couldn't think of a logical reason for refusing her

offer, so I tried to suppress my pounding heart and put the

whole thing in my mouth. I was fighting to stay calm. But I

definitely was not succeeding.

Mimimi kept staring at me. I was staring back at her,

because I had no idea what this meant. This was the second

time today, too.

It was a really, really weird moment.

Then, a few seconds later, Mimimi looked away before I

did and pouted. Why did she seem upset? She shifted her

gaze around and blinked a few times, then glared at me

again. Seriously, what is going on?

"Something's fishy here!" She threw her napkin at me.

"…Huh? What?"

I was completely confused. Then she started wolfing down

her pot stickers like nothing had happened. Now I

understood even less. What was this, an eating competition?

At that speed, I'd better hurry up myself, or she'd have to

wait around for me after she finished. And as a bottom-tier


character, that would be rude.

So I started slurping down my ramen as fast as I could.

Which then led her to ask, "…Why are you eating so fast,


"Huh? …I mean, it's just…"

"…What?" She sighed, as if she was pleased to see me

struggling for an answer. Then, apparently reassured, she

smiled kindly. "…You're such a weirdo."

For whatever reason, she was satisfied now.


If you wanted to talk about weird, then what the heck had

Mimimi been doing for the past few minutes?! Yeah, I had

no idea what was going on.

* * *

"See you tomorrow!"

"Okay, see you later."

Mimimi and I parted ways at the usual corner, and I

headed home by myself. Man, today was one hell of a roller


When I got home, I went up to my room, opened my

phone, and checked my LINE messages from Hinami.

Now that I'd managed to get the shot of Mimimi eating

ramen, I had five assignments left. What would I need to do

and with who to finish them? Where should I ask them to

go? What excuses should I use to get them to do what I

wanted? I was plotting my strategy as well as my F-tier skills

would allow.

After all, even a guy at the bottom can get stuff done as

long as he has a strategy. I'd learned that lesson plenty of

times on past assignments.

For instance, the old me was totally incapable of jumpstarting a conversation and tailoring it to who I was with,


but when I gave it some thought ahead of time, I was now

able to do it in real life. By memorizing conversation topics

over and over, I learned how to come up with the topics

themselves, and by this point, I was decent at creating them

on the fly.

Right now, I couldn't invite people out and get them to do

what I wanted to do. Like, at all. But if I practiced coming up

with strategies ahead of time and implementing them, I was

fairly sure I'd eventually be able to do it naturally on the


After all, that's what you do in games—practice your

moves in training mode so you can use them in a real match.

Glancing back and forth between my phone and a

notebook, I worked out a strategy for each assignment.

Oh right…

We were already connected on LINE, so if I sent today's

picture right now, the next morning meeting should go more


I chose one of my many shots of Mimimi eating ramen

and sent it to Hinami. Right away, the icon popped up

showing she'd read it. She was always on top of her


A minute later, a message arrived from her.

[Are you only capable of taking blurry photos?]

I realized then that I'd gotten into continuous shooting

mode because I was panicked, which had freaked me out

even more, which had probably made my hand shaky. When

I looked at the photos again, I discovered a dozen or so shots

that were just as blurry as the previous day's.

Um, Hinami-san. I suspect this particular assignment is

challenging me for reasons that have nothing to do with

normie-ness. Photography is hard, don't you think?