The melancholy of the pre-perfect heroine

"Yes, getting better…"

It was early summer in Aoi Hinami's second year of

junior high, and she was in her classroom, looking at the

score on her first-semester midterms.

She nodded slightly at her results—the third-highest

score in the class. She'd never gotten first, but she'd moved

up six positions since her third-semester finals the previous


Starting with her first midterm in her first year of junior

high, she hadn't dropped in the class rankings a single time

—instead, she was slowly but surely inching upward.

She'd done the steady, hard work to get here, and that

work was quietly paying off in the results laid out before her.

Suddenly, she realized her classmate Yuki Matsuoka was

talking to her.

"Hi-chan, what rank did you get?" she asked, calling

Hinami by her nickname.

Hinami paused for a second, trying to decide the best

way to answer. Should she be modest, or should she play up

her success to make fun of herself? She'd never done this

well on a test before, so she didn't know what response

would yield the best results.

She considered a few options before settling on


"Ta-daa! Third!" She held up the paper with a pride that

was just shy of arrogance.

"Wow, that's great! Isn't that your best rank ever?"


"Yup! I really did it!"

"Wow, you must have studied hard."

"Or maybe I was just born with it."

"Don't get too full of yourself!"

The conversation bounced along, while Hinami gleaned

everything she could from it.

This might be a good way to act when I get a high

score. I think the key is to not act too embarrassed. She

tucked the new knowledge into the stockpile of conversation

skills she'd gradually accumulated over the past year.

"How about you, Yuki?" she asked.

"As usual, bottom half. Seventieth." She held up her test.

Hinami waffled again. She'd asked the question more or

less on instinct, but finding something to say now was a little


She couldn't be too positive about her friend's rank of

seventieth when she'd just admitted she was third. On the

other hand, the score wasn't quite low enough to joke about,

either. If she boasted about her own high score again, that

would annoy her friend.

She pieced together the information in front of her and

the knowledge she already had, searching for an answer.

And then she found one.

"Yeah, the math was tough this time, wasn't it?"

She'd caught a glimpse of the score breakdown on

Matsuoka's test and noticed that the score for math was way

below all the others.

Matsuoka nodded enthusiastically. "Ugh, tell me about

it! The class average this time was lower than normal, too. I

think it was too hard. It completely shot my rank."

"I know what you mean. It was basically unavoidable."

She nodded sympathetically. Technically, an overall

more difficult test would have no impact on your ranking

among the rest of the class, but she wanted the conversation

to go smoothly.

"Guess I better study harder next time! Can you help me


study for finals?"

"Ah-ha-ha. If I'm still in the mood for studying by that

point, I will!"

"Something tells me you won't be…"

"Ha, yeah."

Hinami was somewhat in control of the conversation and

managing to get a few laughs, too. Her skills were rising day

by day, which left her both satisfied and relieved.

* * *

After school, Hinami sat in the basketball team's club room,

thinking about her next move.

She was making decent progress on studying. She wasn't

satisfied with where she was, but she was confident that if

she kept up the same approach, she'd take the top spot by

the end of the school year.

In PE, she'd been average the year before but had

managed to make the top 20 percent in the first physical test

of her second year. With a little more work, she could bring

that rank even higher.

As for basketball, her physical strength still needed

work, but she was confident she could hold her own against

anyone in her year when it came to skills like shooting,

dribbling, and split-second decisions.

Her friendships and her appearance were much the


In the first semester of her first year, she'd been satisfied

with her middling status and less-polished image, but by

now, in June of her second year, she was starting to take on

a leadership position among the girls in her class. And now

she knew the same methods she had used to gain the

position could help her keep it, too.

Why? Because she'd achieved it all through simple



"So next…"

All her gains so far went toward building a foundation;

she hadn't started with specific skills that produced

immediate results in limited situations. Her single-minded

focus was on mastering the basics.

As a result, she'd been gradually making her way upward

in all aspects of her life, which gave her more self-confidence

and more sway over the people around her.

In which case, it was time for a new goal, a new stage for


Just as she was thinking about what came next—it


* * *

"Would you be my girlfriend?"

Class was over for the day, and Hinami was behind the


An older boy on the basketball team had just told her he

liked her.

She was more than a little surprised. Of course, this

wasn't the first time someone had asked her out. Guys had

been professing their love to her on a regular basis ever since

the middle of her first year of junior high, once her

academics, athletics, and looks had started to improve

dramatically from her efforts.

But this was the first confession from someone older.

Akira Hattori was a third-year and vice president of the

guys' basketball team.

He was a regular on the court, and the other players

trusted him. The younger girls liked him, too, which put him

at the top of the hierarchy. He and Hinami weren't close

enough to hang out one-on-one, but they talked a lot during

practices; the guys' and girls' teams tended to be together a




Hinami considered the situation.

She was honestly happy he'd asked her out. It was hard

proof of just how much her value had risen, and on a more

personal level, she was flattered, even a little shy.

But the truth was, she wasn't really interested in dating

anyone right now. She had a plan for herself that took all her

energy, and she didn't want to give up any of the time she

put into it.

Just one thing was making her unsure—her new goal.

The stage for her next round of self-improvement.

The fact that an older student had asked her out for the

first time in her life at this precise moment felt like a sign in

answer to the question. She didn't like the idea of

unconsciously reproducing the fatalistic attitudes of her

parents, but it made sense from a logical, rational

perspective as well.

A student's life comprised studying, club activities,

friends—and then, she supposed, romance.

She could already see her path to the top in the first

three categories, which meant giving romance a try was the

natural choice.

In fact, her hard work had really paid off, if her first

relationship was with a popular third-year with a high

position on the social ladder. Not everyone could start the

game of love from such a privileged place.

In which case, she should give it a go and analyze the


By this point, she should have the experience and

knowledge to make a solid judgment.

After thorough consideration, she grinned and gave her


"I'd love to!"


* * *

Later that day, the two of them split off from their usual

group and walked home together.

Hinami had gone back and forth about telling everyone

they were dating, but her new boyfriend had told the other

guys on the team about it as if it was no big deal. By the end

of club, everyone knew.

Hattori believed that's just what guys should do, but

when Hinami considered the changes it would cause in

various relationships, she wasn't sure it was the most

sensible approach. She couldn't decide what to make of it.

After practice, the new relationship had been all her

teammates could talk about in the club room.

"You're dating Hattori?!"

"Um, yeah."

"Why?! How'd it happen?!"

"Uh, he sent me a message asking me to meet him, and

then he told me he liked me…"

"Oh my gosh!"

The girls had been bubbling with excitement, even

though Hinami's relationship was really none of their

business. Now, she had multiple situations that weren't

entirely under her control.

For Hinami, who tried to push forward one inexorable

step at a time, this wasn't exactly ideal. Still, she told herself

there was great value in learning that this was how romantic

relationships inevitably went.

This was definitely a new arena for her—a new world she

hadn't even realized existed. It would probably be a required

class for her future life, so getting her feet wet early on

wasn't a bad idea.

"I'm not surprised; you're so cute!" The comment was

tinged with jealousy.

"N-no, I'm not…," Hinami said modestly, buying a

second to think. "B-but…he's my first boyfriend."


"Really? No way!"

"Yeah. You've had a boyfriend before, right, Mayu?"

"Just for a little while in first year."

"Will you give me advice sometimes?"

"Yeah, sure!"

She deftly rode the wave of conversation. The girlfriends

of popular older boys tended to become objects of envy, so

Hinami had yielded the upper hand in these relationships by

admitting he was her first boyfriend. Not only had she made

herself less of a threat, but she'd emphasized the superior

position of the girl who'd had a boyfriend before. By asking

her for future advice, Hinami fed her pride and sense of


On the other hand, Hinami was still dating a popular

older boy, so she didn't have to worry about her position

within the team falling. The drastic change had shaken her

relationships, but she was able to speak from a secure

enough place to plant a solid new supporting column.

And so Hinami maintained just the right distance,

sidestepping any potential jealousy and destroying any seeds

of hatred.

That was a new lesson for Hinami, too, and an exciting

arena to flex her muscles in.

* * *

Hinami and Hattori were walking home from school.

"Sorry," he said. "I didn't know everyone was gonna

make such a big deal about it."

"No, it's fine! I didn't think so, either."

Of course they made a big deal; you went and told

everyone, she was thinking, but she also suspected guys

were less perceptive when it came to relationships. She

wasn't especially annoyed; she was simply experiencing her

first day as "boyfriend and girlfriend."


She wondered if she should change the subject, then

decided to keep it casual, like before they started dating.

"How did the midterms go for you, Hattori-senpai?" she

asked him.

"So-so. I'm more focused on high school entrance exams

right now."

"Ah, that makes sense."

She liked that he was able to keep his eye on more

meaningful long-term goals, not just what was right in front

of him. She wondered if that extra year of life gave him a

different perspective.

"Um, hey."


"Relax a little—you seem kinda stiff. You can drop the



"We are dating, right?"

The two of them were alone together, and they were

close enough to make her squirm.

She might prioritize logic above all, but she was also in

the process of becoming herself, and the word dating got to

her more than she expected.

"…Yes, you're right, senpai."

Hattori raised one eyebrow self-importantly. "Still

nervous, huh?"

"Oh, guess so. Ah-ha-ha."


The mood suddenly relaxed. It was like the thin,

transparent wall between them had crumbled again in an

instant, taking their tension with it. A warm summer breeze

blew past them.

"So I can call you Akira-kun then?"

"That's fine. To start with anyway." There was an

implication in his words.

"What do you mean? Would you prefer that I drop the

kun, too?"


"There you go again. Wound up tight." He smiled

teasingly, but he was also looking straight ahead instead of

at her. She could tell from the shyness in his eyes that he was

only pretending to be so relaxed himself.


She peered up into his face and half forced him to make

eye contact.

"So…no kun, then, Akira?"

She sounded awfully grown-up for a junior high student

—and a little impish. Hattori blushed at her bluntness and

started walking faster.

Hinami mused that this sort of back-and-forth was

definitely going to be an important life skill for her in the


"What are you talking about?!" he said.

"Ooh, look, you're blushing!"

"Am not!"

"Wait for me, Akira!"

"Geez, knock it off."

"Why should I?"

This lovers' banter was another fresh lesson for Hinami.

She silently congratulated herself for taking on the challenge

of this new experience.

* * *

The next day at lunch break, something happened that

Hinami hadn't been expecting.

"Hey, I wanted to know why you're dating Hattori."

"Um, well…"

Some older girls on the basketball team had asked to

meet her behind the school.

Hinami was by herself, facing three third-year girls. So

basically, she was doomed.


There was no way to escape this; she was just a secondyear, still growing, and she didn't have what it took to shift

the mood in her favor.

"Didn't you know Anna likes him?"

"No, I had no idea."

"Hey, Anna, are you okay? Don't cry."

"Here, take a tissue."

Hinami watched closely, analyzing the situation while

Mamiko Sudo and Sayumi Hino comforted their classmate

Anna Mochizuki. They'd set her up as the bad guy here.


"I'm fine… Sorry," Mochizuki said, staring at the ground

as she took the tissue from Hino.

Sudo took a step toward Hinami, obviously upset. "Do

you see the problem here? Anna's liked Hattori for more

than a year. And then a second-year goes and takes him

away from her. That's messed up, don't you think?"


That logic was totally absurd; they must know that. That

was why they were using their numerical advantage instead.

By challenging her three-on-one, they'd crush Hinami's

protests with the power of the majority.

"…I'm sorry," Hinami apologized.

He was the one who asked me out.

I didn't know Anna-senpai liked him.

If you're not actually dating, what's it to me?

She had plenty of counterarguments, and all of them

were right. But it would have been a mistake to say any of

them in this situation. Her only option was to apologize.

"Sorry isn't good enough." Sudo's face was blank, but

there was anger in her tone. "We want to know how you're

gonna make this right. Or can't you see that yourself?"


Make this right? What the heck?

Hinami thought for a moment before realizing what

Sudo meant. What a hopeless, disappointing trio.

She swallowed her nausea and arranged her face into a

docile expression.

These girls were telling her to break up with him.

Hinami hated people like this more than anything else.

Everything flowed as a natural consequence of what

came before. If something didn't turn out how you wanted,

there was always a reason why.

Why did some people deny reality instead? Why did they


blame everyone except themselves?

Naturally, fate and chance play a role in the outcomes.

Sometimes you just can't change things, and not everything

is necessarily your own responsibility.

But there's one thing you can always change on your own


And here they were, giving up completely on their own

power, instead using their numbers against a younger

student because logic wasn't on their side.

Getting what you wanted that way was dirty. Shameful.

Hinami hated that she was about to get kicked down by

these sorts of people—but she kept her mouth shut.

She knew that even this predicament, this situation that

was beneath her, originated with her own actions. She

wasn't a tragic heroine, and she didn't want to blame

everything on their failure to see reason.

Instead, she needed to pull together all her internal

resources, all her experience and skills, and make her


"…You want me to take responsibility for my actions."


Sudo nodded. Hinami's acknowledgment of their point

seemed to put them at ease, just a tiny bit.

Hinami took advantage of that opening to mentally

review their positions on the basketball team.

Mamiko Sudo, Sayumi Hino, and Anna Mochizuki.

Among the third-years on the girls' basketball team, the

three of them were somewhere between the middle and top

level in terms of the school hierarchy. They weren't quite

high enough to be leaders in their class, but they were

cheerful enough not to be condemned to the bottom levels.

At least, that was Hinami's impression.

In terms of their skill on the court, they were probably

slightly above average. Hinami hadn't played one-on-one

with any of them lately, so she wasn't sure, but her guess was

they were all a step or two behind her.


Soon the new-player games would be taking place, and

after that, the regular lineup would be chosen, and then the

real games would start. By that time, Hinami figured, she'd

be way better than them. And all three of them probably

knew it, too.

When that happened, they'd become the third-years who

lost their starter positions to a second-year.

Add to that the way they'd called her to the back of the

school where no one could see them, and their position in

the club. Hinami's past experience told her that people like

this were very sensitive about being demoted in the school

hierarchy. Unlike the more secure members of the upper

echelons, they tended to care a lot about how others saw


Meaning Hinami knew just how to respond.

She controlled the fearful quivering in her lips and

quietly said, "…I'll stop saying I want to play in games this

year." Then she observed their reactions.

This probably wasn't the proposition they'd been hoping

for, but it wasn't a bad deal for them.

How would they take her offer?

"…Hmm." Sudo gave Hino a questioning look.

Hino wavered for a few seconds, then nodded. "I think

that would make up for it."

Sudo nodded, too. "…Yeah."

The two of them pressed their lips in a line, like they

were ready to bury the hatchet, letting most of the harshness

fade from their faces. Of course, they couldn't show too

much relief, because that would be the same as admitting

Hinami had been a threat, so they left just a hint of hostility

in their expressions for the sake of appearances.

"Okay. I'm so sorry about everything." Relieved, Hinami

apologized again to hopefully end the conversation.

Although the apology sounded clumsy, Hinami was actually

in control. Of course, no one besides her realized that, and

the tension was steadily easing.


"Wait a second. What does that have to do with it?"

asked Anna Mochizuki, the one who had supposedly

suffered the original slight.

"Yes?" Hinami asked, trying to sound as sincere as

possible. She didn't want any more trouble when everything

was almost settled.

Mochizuki glared at her sullenly. "You think you'd get to

play? You're only a second-year."


Mochizuki was the best player of the three and the most

likely to remain on the lineup even if Hinami became a


Sudo and Hino had little chance of being starters

anyway, so they wanted to at least protect their pride from a

younger student's pushing them off the lineup. They jumped

on Hinami's proposal.

But for Mochizuki, it didn't really matter if Hinami

became a starter, so she'd caught the arrogance beneath

Hinami's assumption that she'd be a starter in her second

year at all.


Hinami changed tacks.

The situation demanded that she visibly atone for her

actions in some way. But if she changed her offer too much,

she'd appear to be throwing things out at random.

Which meant she needed to give her premise a more

attractive coat of paint.

"No…it's just that if I'm dating an older guy, they might

let me play as a favor or something."

"…Oh." Mochizuki nodded slightly.

"So for the sake of fairness, I'm agreeing not to play

while we're dating. To make up for any potential advantage,

I mean."

She was presenting the same offer but from a different

angle. Surface appearances were the key here.

It didn't really matter whether that kind of favor was


likely to happen or not. She just had to find a way to cover

up any apparent presumption.

"…I guess that's true." Mochizuki seemed partly satisfied

but still stuck on something.

She hadn't gotten what she really wanted. Hinami was

promising to make amends, but Mochizuki wouldn't get

much out of it.

Hinami made a move to break that remaining hesitation.

"I'm really sorry I didn't talk to everyone before saying I'd

date him," she said clearly, lowering her head even more in


Simple performances of this sort were effective when

fighting an unequal number of opponents for control of the

mood. Hinami was learning that from this experience.

Sudo and Hino looked at each other and nodded.

"Well…I think that's good enough, don't you?"


For them, the matter was resolved.

Hinami's proposal had big benefits for these two.

Hinami was sure they were keeping an eye on her—and

not just because she was a candidate for the regular lineup.

If they accepted her offer, they'd be able to keep her in check

until they graduated, at least on the court. Her penance was

more than satisfactory for the two of them. Now, the game

was still three-on-one, but the majority was in her favor.

"You're okay with that, right, Anna?"

"…I guess."

At the nudge from her former ally, Mochizuki gave a

disgruntled nod. She hadn't gotten what she wanted, but if

she asked Hinami outright to break up with Hattori, she

would look bad now. That path was blocked.

Sudo gave Hinami another glare for the sake of

appearances. "You can leave now."

"…Thank you. I'm sorry."

With that final apology, Hinami turned her back on the

three of them and walked away.


She went into the school from the front entrance, took

out her slippers, and started toward her classroom.

She was seething.

I didn't do anything wrong.

All I did was work as hard as I could, and I got more

than they did in return. These are the rewards of the time

and effort I devoted in the past. That's all.

But then these lazy, jealous people come along and try

to drag me down.

They want to make me give them something they think

is theirs.

This is stupid. It's so stupid.

All it does is hold other people back. It doesn't add

anything to their own value.

Hinami made up her mind once again.

She would never act like that.

If someone was better than her, she would accept it and

emulate them, or else she would ask them to teach her.

If someone had something she wanted, she would make

herself better than them and steal it from them legitimately.

After all, what mattered to her wasn't pulling other

people down.

It was clawing her way to the top with her own strength,

with single-minded, even idiotic determination.

"Yes…hexactly," she muttered to herself in the empty

hallway. For once, her expression was a little childish.

* * *


"Hey, Aoi?"


Several hours had passed.

Hinami had regained her equilibrium and was moving

ahead smoothly with her studies, her sports—and her


That same day, on the way home from school Hattori

asked her, "Wanna come to my house?"


She was caught off guard for a second. She tried to

perform her usual mental calculation of the pros and cons,

but really she was hesitant.

"My parents are getting home late today."

"…They are?"

Once again, her heart skipped a beat.

They were still in junior high. Just because he was asking

her over didn't mean they would cross any major lines, but

she had a strong feeling that something would happen. She

wasn't completely confident she had the capacity to handle

that yet.

"I'm not sure…"

"I wanted to talk about some stuff."

Hattori was persisting; she still wasn't sure. On the other

hand, if she went, she might get some experience to help her


She took a deep breath before answering.


The two of them were in his room—a drab place with just a

desk, a bed, and a couple of shelves. But there was a

basketball lying on the floor, which was fitting for the vice

president of the team.

The two of them were sitting next to each other on

cushions, leaning against the edge of the bed. Hattori didn't

seem to have the courage to actually sit on the bed, which


was slightly reassuring to Hinami.



Hattori was slightly apprehensive, but Hinami's reply

was as cool as a cucumber. In truth, though, she was just

better at hiding her nerves.

"They posted the starter lineup today, right?"


He was referring to the lineup for the summer games,

which would be the last ones the third-year students played.

And Hinami's name wasn't on it.

"I was so sure you'd be picked."

"…Really? Well, there's not much I can do about it."

Of course she hadn't been chosen—she'd privately told

the coach that she wasn't interested in playing in games this


"Shit. I was hoping we could be starters as a couple."

"Ah-ha-ha, nice dream."

"I mean, how cool would that be, if the vice president

was dating a second-year starter."

"Yeah, I know," she said with a somewhat dark smile.

"Aoi…I want to ask you something."


He picked up the basketball and lowered his voice a

little. "You didn't turn it down, did you?"

"…What?" She was more than a little surprised.

"I heard some of the girls were kind of jealous," he said

casually, tossing the ball up and catching it.

Her sense of satisfaction then had nothing to do with any

cost-benefit ratios. He knew even without her saying that

she'd been overpowered by the majority for a nonexistent


"Yeah, a little," she agreed vaguely.

Hattori sighed and dropped the ball back on the floor.

"Thought so…"

"Ah-ha-ha. It's not a big deal," she replied with cheer in


her voice.

She figured he was referring to the girls who were

jealous of her for her basketball skills—not because she was

dating him.

Still, she was a little happy that she could share part of

the truth with someone.

"Hey, Aoi?" He was looking straight at her.

"Huh? What, Akira?" She turned toward him.

Their eyes met. The air was tense, and she was very

conscious of how alone they were.

Hattori's hand brushed her soft cheek as he lightly rested

it on her shoulder. "Can I kiss you?"

For a third-year in junior high, that question took

tremendous willpower to ask directly, without any games.

For Hinami, who was even younger, the question was

enough to completely destroy her composure.


Unsure what to say, she looked to her own standards for

an answer.

The truth was, she didn't see much value in having a

boyfriend or kissing or anything like that. The issue was

whether or not it would be a good thing to do in terms of her

future prospects—that, and her current emotional, illogical


Ignoring your emotions for pure head logic was illogical

in itself. Feelings were a part of being a human, so if you

wanted the best calculations, you had to incorporate them

into your rationale.

As for the current situation…

She'd never felt as confused or unsettled as she did at

that moment—and she couldn't afford to ignore that and

focus solely on the meaninglessness of kissing him. So why

then? Why was she sitting here now, so unsure about

whether to take the plunge?

As she was searching for an answer, Hattori started

leaning in.


His lips were getting close; there wasn't enough time left

for her to think this through.

An instant later…

…something Hattori had said earlier flashed through her


"…No, stop."

She pressed a finger to Hattori's lips with a grown-up


Hattori's pounding heart, nerves, and anticipation were

at an all-time high, so he didn't know what to do with his

emotions after the rejection.



Hinami was buying time so she could explain it to him—

or rather, so she could explain it to herself.

The words that had raced through her mind a second

earlier were:

"I mean, how cool would that be, if the vice president

was dating a second-year starter."

When she'd heard Hattori say that, she felt the utmost

contempt for him.

Could he not find enough self-worth in his own status as

a starter and the vice president of the team? Did he have to

compensate by adding his girlfriend's value to his own?

What a weak way of thinking. That was borderline


Of course, he probably hadn't put that much thought

into his words. Hinami recognized that he had some degree

of independence; he'd exerted quite a bit of successful effort

to improve himself on his own.

But she would never dare imply she'd given up on

improving herself purely through her own efforts.

Hattori was still young. It was a bit much to expect him


to have her strength and scrupulous correctness, but a part

of her did want that from him.

Maybe he would find the strength eventually, but for

now, he seemed weak to her.

She met his eyes and smiled seductively.

"Let's take this one step at a time."

* * *

"And then you know what Koki did?"

"No way! That's so shady!"

The two of them were still alone in his room. But the

shimmering, tantalizing atmosphere of earlier had faded to

something more normal, and they were having a casual, fun

conversation like they always did in the club room or on the

way home.

"You're way too good!" he complained after Hinami

completely trounced him in a game. Nothing unusual there.

"No, I think I need to practice more," she replied.

Before she knew it, it was eight at night, and a LINE

message put an end to their time together.

"Oh, my parents said they'll be back soon."

"Really? I better go then."


Hattori was staring at Hinami, vaguely dissatisfied. He

was a third-year junior high boy, after all, and puberty was

just starting to really set in.


"Nothing," he deflected. She'd rejected him once already.

He didn't have the guts or the energy to try again. But he still

wanted to know something. "Have you…?"


Her answer wouldn't change anything; he was just

insanely curious.


"Have you ever kissed someone before?"

There was a silence.

Hinami batted her eyelashes and stared at him as she


Then she smiled a little flirtatiously and slowly replied.

"Yes. And I've done more than that."

* * *

A few weeks later, Hinami broke up with him.

There wasn't any one big reason for doing it.

If she had to say, she just felt like the time she spent with

him wasn't really helping her grow as a person or progress

toward a goal. If she needed a boyfriend at all, he would

have to be more like a war buddy with similar goals so they

could push each other to do better. She had no need for a

guy who was just using her to feel better about himself.

The few months she spent with him had taught her some

things about romance.

Of course, she didn't think she knew everything, but she

was a quick study.

By observing the fluctuations in their emotions and the

changes is their relationship, she mastered the basic

structure of the thing. Anything she encountered in the

future would probably be a variation on that basic structure.

And based on some experiences she'd had before dating

him, she'd concluded that Hattori wasn't necessary for her.

It wasn't anyone's fault. They were just different people

with different needs. That was all.


A few days after they broke up, Hinami was looking at a


piece of paper and quietly pumping her fist.

She had the results of her first-semester finals: first


For the first time, she'd worked her way up to the top


"I'm on the right track."

This was proof that her efforts were worthwhile, that her

actions were correct. That work you put in bit by bit yields

positive results—that was the inalienable truth.

I'll be okay. I can prove myself without help from

anyone else.

The sweet nectar of being right poured into the empty

place inside her. But if her heart were a measuring cup, that

nectar didn't even fill it to the first mark.


She wouldn't stop there.

She sprang off her first goal to make her way onward and


She wasn't flying.

She was walking with her own legs, with almost

laughable ease, and with enough grinding determination to

boggle the mind.

That was when she became famous not only among kids

in her own grade but throughout the whole school.

She was the girl who dumped Hattori, then climbed to

first place in the academic ranking, then became beautiful

practically overnight.

There was no end to the list of her other minor


She was stunningly good at communicating. Most people

liked and respected her.

She charged up the road to the top using the skills she'd


polished, and those around her helped. It was like her path

was paved by the common people. She became terrifyingly

popular as a result of those strengths she'd built.

Once the fire was lit, everything else happened in an

instant. People who were jealous of her flaming success tried

desperately to make her fail, but that was only more proof of

her perfection. If anyone could stop her, it wouldn't be a

mere junior high student.

She kept her top position in the academic rankings, and

by her third year, she'd nabbed first place in the physical

tests, too.

Lots of boys asked her out, but she sank their hopes one

after the next.

In her eyes, they were weaklings who wanted to boost

their stock by depending on another person—by being "Aoi

Hinami's boyfriend."

When she turned down the president of the boys'

basketball team, she practically became a legend.

Her critics gradually faded away as they saw just how

extreme her rejection of suitors was.

The nail that sticks out gets hammered down, but not if

it sticks out far enough. She was living out the saying as she

tightened her grip on her position as perfect heroine.

Eventually, she started to have fans and followers among

the younger students, and one day, one of them asked her a


"Hinami-senpai, what kind of guy would you date?!"

The younger girls looked at her with adoring gazes. It

was a simple question, typical for a teenager.


As the perfect heroine, Hinami searched for the right

words to get them excited. But before she knew it, she was

seriously considering the answer.

What kind of guy would she date?

She wasn't sure herself.

But she did know what kind of person she didn't want to

date: the kind who got their self-worth from someone else.

That was the key.

Well then, what about the reverse? What kind of person

did she want to date?

She was silent for a moment—and the general shape of

an answer came to her.

It wasn't the only possible answer, but it was simple

enough to satisfy her for the time being.

When she answered the girls, she kept it light and jokey.

"If he can't beat me at something, no dice."

A year later, she would have her fateful encounter with a

certain famous video game.