Fast enough to leave it all behind

Sometimes I look at myself from the outside and think,

Geez, I'm such a stereotypical teenager, worrying about

whether I'm doing the right thing or where the heck my life

is going. But then I go around making plan after plan after

plan because I am a teenager and there's no time like the

present. I, Minami Nanami, am a glorious high school girl

with herself wrapped around her own finger.

But right now, I don't know what to do. I tried to shake

off all those silly worries once and for all, but here they are

again, clinging to my track shirt from behind and dragging

me around. I want to cry foul, but instead I get swallowed up

whole. The only thing I can do is pull off my hairband and

shoot it at the monster. Last time this happened, Aoi and

Tomozaki and Tama and everyone else got really worried

about me, and I don't want to do that to them again.

I think I know why it's happening.

It was the thing between Tama and Erika.

I mean, that was amazing. I've always had a lot of respect

for Tama's strength, but I still can't believe she'd stand up to

Erika like that. What surprised me even more was the way

she changed at the very end.

Tama always used to act all sullen and wouldn't know

tact if it bit her on the nose, and all of a sudden, she learns

how to be playful. When I saw her win the whole class over

with that joke about her name, shocked doesn't even begin

to cover how I felt. It was like if a pitcher who only ever

threw fastballs suddenly threw the twistiest curveball you


ever saw. Probably? I don't actually know anything about


If someone asked me if I've grown at all, I'd probably

have to say I haven't. At least not compared to her. I'm still

throwing so-so fastballs and good-enough curveballs in my

games. People are supposed to never stop growing, but I feel

like they're leaving me behind. It's lonely back here.

Therefore, my emotions are all blargh. This has been a

deduction from the legendary detective Mimimi-chan.

I'm, like, the perfect representative of ordinary people

with just a smidge of talent. Even worrying about this stuff is

nothing special. But it's my life, so it's super important to


I wish I could become strong enough to worry, but

instead, I keep on dragging myself to school day in and day

out. Nothing changes. And so the brave Mimimi-chan

soldiers on.

* * *

I was in the classroom after school. I'd quit track a little

while ago, so I was chatting with Tama and two other girls

from our class. My usual group—Tama, Sakura Kashiwazaki,

and Yuki Seno. Since Aoi got special permission to keep

running track, she went off to do that. She's really incredible.

I was listening to Tama talk to the other two.

"The classroom kinda feels bigger after school, doesn't


"That's because I'm so small!"

"Ah-ha-ha! True!"

The conversation was bouncing along, thanks to Tama's

new jokes.

"Yeah—although honestly, I'm getting a little tired of

that routine," Tama said.

"Aren't you the one doing it, though?"


"Yeah, which means I hear it every single time. If

anyone's gonna get tired of it, it's me."

"Ah-ha-ha, good point."

Not long ago, I would never have imagined Tama having

a conversation like this.

Until the Konno incident, Tama didn't like joking

around, and she had a hard time fitting in without me giving

her a secret boost.

Now she doesn't need my help to have a cheerful and

happy conversation, and everyone is used to the new Tama.

But she doesn't just go with the flow, either. She still

makes blunt comments, like she did just now, and she stays

herself. People accept the whole Tama, including the fact

that she says everything she's thinking.

I honestly think she's incredible.

"What do you guys want to do after this? Karaoke?"

Sakura asked.

Tama instantly tilted her head and said, "Mm, that

doesn't sound fun."

"Ah-ha-ha! Tell us what you really think!"

Everyone thought her lightning-fast opinions were super


Until recently, I would have always jumped in at times

like this and turned whatever she said into a joke. But I

didn't need to do that anymore.

She's always been true to herself in a way that I'm not,

but I got along with everyone in a way she didn't used to be

able to. That's why I thought I had to help her out when we

were in groups. But now she's even mastered the skill of

getting along.

I have no idea how she did it so quickly. I know the usual

suspect had something to do with it, but it can't have been

easy. She must have really worked for it.

Tama made friends and found a place for herself, and

now everyone recognizes what's so great about her.

I'm super happy about that—I mean, she's one of my


favorite people in the world, so it's great that everyone else

likes her now, too. Things don't often turn out so perfectly.

"How about bowling?"

"I don't know, the balls are so heavy… They're bigger

than Tama-chan!"

"You took my joke!"

The three of them laughed out loud. I joined in without

missing a beat.

"But yeah, I think bowling's a good idea!" Tama said, and

we all considered the idea.

Everyone was having a good time, and they didn't need

any help from me.

"There goes Tama-chan again."

For some reason, I felt a little left out.

When I see her laughing along with everyone, I feel like a

mom whose kid just flew from the nest or something. Oh,

she's so grown-up; she doesn't need my jokes anymore, I

think, as a lone tear slides down my face.

But what does that say about me? Nothing very good.

I've gone over that Q and A in my mind like six times

already. Oh, Mimimi, whatever will we do with you?

"Aren't you guys hungry?"

"Now that you mention it…yeah!"

Sakura and Yuki nodded at one another. I hadn't been

talking much this whole time, so I figured I better join in the


"Wanna go get something to eat?"

"Good idea!"


Sakura and Yuki both jumped right on my sudden

suggestion. Such talented ladies. I looked at Tama.

"What about you, Tama?"

"…Um…" She thought for a second, then grinned.

"I'll go!"

Her bright smile and honest reply were free of any

doubt. I couldn't help breaking into a grin, too. After all, this


was my favorite part of all this. Tama didn't feel reluctant to

go out with us anymore.

"Awesome! Let's get going!"


Yes, I do feel a little left behind now that Tama is so


But when I go out with friends, Tama is right there with


And that makes me happier than just about anything

else in the world.

* * *

"Good afternoon. Table for four?"

"Yes please!"

We were at our usual diner on the way to the station,

following the waiter to a nonsmoking table.

Just then, someone called over to us.

"Hey, guys!"

When I turned around, I saw Takei. He was standing up

at his seat, waving enthusiastically at us. He's always so

loud. Well, his call couldn't go unanswered, and it was up to

Mimimi-chan to deliver!

"Oh, wow! Takei!"

I waved both my hands as I shouted just as loud as he

had. There with him at the table, smiling awkwardly, were

Nakamu, Takahiro…and Tomozaki.

Wow. Tomozaki sure was close with those guys lately. At

first, he seemed like he was forcing himself to fit in, kind of

like the new guy in town, but now he totally belonged there.

Or maybe I just thought so because I'd gone on that trip with

them. I wondered what Sakura and Yuki thought.

The three of them frowned at the racket Takei and I were

making and said hi to us. It annoyed me how normal they

were all acting. I wanted to tease the Brain for the way he


said hi, but his hey was so natural, I thought I might actually

mess up if I tried to tease him about it. Did he just beat me

at something?

"Right this way."

All the seats near Takei's group were taken, so the waiter

led us to a table kind of far from theirs. Oh well.

The four of us sat down.

"I got us a menu!" said Yuki.


Yuki started sharing her menu with Tama, who was

sitting next to her.

Wow. It hit me all over again as I watched them.

I took turns stealing glances at Tama sitting across from

me and Tomozaki sitting across the restaurant.

It wasn't just Tama who had grown. Tomozaki was

changing so much every day that I hardly recognized him.

I knew what that took. Neither of them showed it on the

surface, but they were working super hard for every little

change. And they were getting results.

The other me, Dark Mimimi, poked her face out from a

corner of my heart.

And what about you? What have you been doing?

I felt that little prick to my heart. I know everyone's

different; I know I'm my own person. But I can't help

comparing myself.

It was already the second half of second semester.

Compared to those two, I hadn't grown at all. Was it too late

to start now?

"Mimimi, did you decide yet?" Sakura's question pulled

me out of my pondering.

"Oh, uh-huh. I'll have this." I pointed to the Japanesestyle hamburger.

Sakura shuddered. "Ugh, that looks so heavy…"

"My mom's getting home late! Anyway, I'm a growing


"Why don't you ever gain weight…?"


Sakura glared at me. She looks so adorable when she's

annoyed, like a capybara. I'd like to eat her up along with my

hamburger. But if I said that, she'd tell me to shut up, so let's

keep that one to ourselves.

"Well, I used to run track, right? Although I did just


"Oh, that's true. I could never do track. I hate getting

that tired." Sakura sounded convinced and started studying

the menu again.

Everyone other than me seemed to be having trouble

deciding, which made me look like an idiot. Oh well, may as

well go to the bathroom or something.

"I'm gonna go to the girls' room! Once you've made up

your minds, can you order the drink bar and a Japanese

hamburger and rice set for me?"

"Sure," Sakura said, then sighed. "Isn't there some free

and easy way to lose weight?"

I walked off toward the bathroom, leaving Sakura and

her dreams behind.

* * *

I was washing my hands after using the bathroom. I tried

smiling at myself in the mirror, and my reflection looked the

same as usual. Not a shred of Dark Mimimi had managed to

sneak onto my face. Relieved, I left the bathroom.

…And then…



…I bumped into Tomozaki, who must have gone to the

bathroom at the same time as me. Boy, that was a surprise.

My heart skipped a beat.

"H-hey," Tomozaki stuttered. A second ago he was fitting

in so well with Nakamura and the other guys, but I must

have caught him off guard, because just for a second he


seemed to panic, and I glimpsed the awkward Tomozaki of

the good old days. It relaxed me a little.

As I was trying to think of something to say, that

easygoing expression came back.

"Tama-chan sure is fitting in well, huh?"

Well, well. Look at him, saying stuff before I can even get

started. So saucy these days.

But he doesn't sound timid anymore. He's really

confident now.

What is it about him, exactly? He's gotten a little cooler

—his aura is changing.

Wait, focus!

"Yeah! My little chick has left the nest…"


His smile wasn't hiding any sarcasm or meanness—it

was just pleasant. He's changed a lot in a lot of ways, but

from my perspective, this is the biggest change of all. He

never used to smile like this. I guess changes in your mind

and heart show up in your face.

"Tama-chan changed so much in such a short time," he

said, like it had nothing to do with him. I think she was able

to because you were working with her, I didn't say. I knew

Tomozaki really did work hard, but saying it so directly at

this point would put him in an awkward position.

So instead, I decided to "interview" him from another

angle. Take the bait!

"Come on, now, Brain! Stop acting like you had nothing

to do with it!"


I lowered my voice. "…You were involved with the Tama

incident, now, weren't you?"

"Uh…" He floundered for a minute, his eyes darting

around, then gave in. "I guess."

"I knew it! I mean, you really took a lot from that video I


I was talking about the YouTube comedy video Tomozaki


had asked me to recommend. The one where the guy says,

"That's 'cause my face is so huge!" Tama stole her short

jokes from his routine.

I'm sure the reason she gets so many laughs out of that is

because the original joke was so funny, even if she was

getting tired of it now.

"Yeah. We took all of it, actually," Tomozaki joked.

"I could totally tell."

"Ha-ha, I know, that's why I confessed," he said casually.

He looked relieved. Refreshed, almost, and satisfied with

how things had turned out.

I wasn't surprised. I mean, he'd figured out a strategy to

solve a really hopeless problem, and he'd flipped the whole

situation on its head.

I'd be genuinely relieved, too.

I think this is where Tomozaki really shines. Come up

with a plan, put it into action, create the outcome he wants,

and then bask in the knowledge of a job well done.

"…It's really amazing," I said, and he nodded happily.

"Yeah, I never imagined she'd take it this far."

"No, not that… I mean, she's amazing, too, but I was

talking about you."



"But I just gave her some suggestions…"

Humility was another one of the Brain's sly tricks.

"I still think you were amazing," I said, looking away

from him. He seemed embarrassed, too. Cue awkward


"Y-you do…? Thanks."


What was going on? Wait, why was everything suddenly

weird? Did I mess up? We stared at each other, neither of us

sure what to do, and there was another weird silence.

"…What?" I said.

"No, you're the one…"


After that mystifying exchange, we looked at each other

again and giggled. The awkward silence was gone, but this

was embarrassing, too!

Um, now what do I do? I needed to come up with some

distraction, so I figured I'd ask him about something I'd

been wondering about.

"So how'd you learn to do it?"

"Do what?"

"Um, like, come up with solutions to problems?"

"…Oh, that." He nodded.

"Is that something else you've been working on lately?"

Like I said, Tomozaki has changed a lot. I assumed he

was doing some kind of program to improve his problemsolving skills or something.

"No…I think I knew how to do that from the start."


That was a surprising answer.

Tomozaki sensed I was confused and explained what he

meant. "Like, I've told you I'm really into Atafami and other

video games, right?"


"When I get really into one of those games, it's the same



I didn't really understand what he was saying. Helping

Tama solve her problems was like an intense session of

Atafami? "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, I'm not sure how to explain it. There's a goal, and

you have to think about the different ways you can reach it…

The structure is the same…or something…"


I understood a little better anyway. Just a little. But it

also reminded me of something he'd told me before.

"You were the top player…right?"


He was acting embarrassed, even though that was really


an amazing accomplishment. If you asked me, he ought to

take more pride in that.

But at the same time, that embarrassment reminded me

of how he acted when we first bumped into each other. Not

cool at all, which somehow put me at ease.

"I mean…I still am the top player."

"You are? Really?"

I hadn't intentionally assumed that was all in the past,

but it sure was something to know I was standing in front of

the best player in the country. Number one in all of Japan.

Nope, Tomozaki wasn't exactly your ordinary guy.

Dark Mimimi poked her head out again to laugh at me.

You're not number one in academics or sports or

anything. You'll never be special.

This time, sparkly Light Mimimi came out to protect me.

That's okay. Remember what Tama said? You're the

biggest idiot in the world!

Those words had saved me—but she was right about me

being an idiot. Had a few little jokes here and there really

helped anyone?

The biggest idiot to Tama? I told you so! That doesn't

make you special!

That depends on how you think about it. If you think

you're special, you can be special anytime.

Dark Mimimi and Light Mimimi were in a dead heat.

The biggest idiot in the world to Tama, huh?

I looked over at our table, where she was talking to

everyone and smiling.

She was so good at fitting into the group now that even

when I went to the bathroom, she was over there smiling

and having fun.

Dark Mimimi, Light Mimimi, and I watched her.

Then plain old me had a thought.

I wonder if I'm still the biggest idiot to Tama.




Snapping out of my daze, I saw that Tomozaki was

getting concerned.

"Oh, Brain. We aren't doing anything!"

"Uh, who's 'we'?"

I brought my hands to my chest like I was praying.

"There are many 'mes' inside of Mimimi…"


Tomozaki looked at me like he had no idea what I was

talking about, which I completely understood, because I had

no idea what I was talking about myself.

"Hey, you better wash your hands and get back to your


"Uh, I already washed them?"

"Oh, details, details!"

"Er, what…?"

I forced the conversation along like that to cover up my

negative side, and we both headed back to our seats.

I've definitely been acting weird lately.

* * *

Back at the table, I chatted with everyone for a while.

Tomozaki and the other guys were playing games and

watching videos and stuff the whole time, but we girls

chatted away without help from any outside sources. Watch

and learn, guys, and see how the pros talk through a whole

entire meal. Before I knew it, it was seven.

Suddenly, someone tapped on the outside of the window

next to our table.

"Hey, it's Aoi!" Sakura called. I looked over and saw Aoi

walking to the station after practice with a bunch of younger

kids from the team.

Her hair looked a little messier than the last time I saw


her, but I knew that probably reflected only a tiny fraction of

how hard she'd practiced.

I started to feel uneasy again.

While I wasted the whole afternoon talking, Aoi was

busy improving herself.

That's probably one reason she's so genuinely amazing.

Even if I wanted to copy her, I'm sure I'd never do as well as

her. Which is why I'll never be special. Uh-oh, now I'm

starting to sound like Dark Mimimi.

"Should we get going?" Sakura asked cheerfully.

"Yeah, let's walk to the station with them," said Yuki.

"Good idea!" Tama chirped in agreement. Since Aoi

couldn't hear them through the glass, they started miming

out their plan to her.

Meanwhile, Takei led the four guys over and waved

energetically at her.

"Aoi!!" he yelled so loudly his voice actually made it

through the glass. She doubled over laughing, but the

innocence in that gesture was part of what made her so

lovable. She waved back at him playfully. So cute.

Everyone paid and then joined up with Aoi's group. This

restaurant really is a student's best friend, letting us all pay

separately when they're not busy.

* * *

The four guys, plus us four girls, plus Aoi's group of five

made a pack of fourteen kids walking to the station.

The newest additions to the track team were talking

happily to Takahiro and Shuji. They were adorable; it was

funny how their eyes were sparkling more than usual. They

must idolize the older guys. Heads-up, girls, they're not

really that cool!

While Sakura, Yuki, and I teased Takei for being so

obviously jealous of Takahiro and Shuji, Aoi seemed to be


having a fun conversation with Tomozaki.

"Shut up! That's none of your business, Hinami!"

"You're so mean, Tomozaki-kun!"

Tomozaki seemed a little overwhelmed by Aoi, but the

jabs they made at each other made me think they were

actually pretty close. Tomozaki did freeze up a little now and

then—he was talking to Aoi, after all—but he also sounded

more informal with her than he was with other people.

Sometimes, they acted like they'd been friends for years.

I guess since Aoi is so good at getting close to people,

Tomozaki felt comfortable with her. As I was watching them

pensively, my eyes accidentally met Hinami's. Oops!

"…You must be tired from practice!" I said energetically,

hoping to hide what I was thinking, as I ran over and gave

her a hug.

Tomozaki gave me a confused look as I interrupted his

one-on-one time with Hinami, but that was when Takahiro

finished talking with the younger girls and called Tomozaki

over, leaving me and Aoi alone. Heh-heh, time for some fun,


"Hey, stop it! You're getting my sweat on you!" Aoi put

both her hands on my shoulders and pried me off.

"Whew, tough defense… That's kinda hot, actually!"

I'd jumped on her to cover up my own spaciness, but I

was genuinely disappointed she wouldn't let me hug her. Aoi

smells good even after practice.

"Ah-ha-ha. Too bad. Better luck next time!"

She probably worked out harder than anyone else on the

team, but she still managed to be the most playful of any of

them; she was going along with my joking and not letting me

know she was tired at all. Adorably hardworking, adorably

kind… What is she, a reincarnated goddess or something?

That "Better luck next time!" just made me want to mess

around with her more.

"Seriously, though, you deserve some rest. It's amazing

that you're still running after the rest of us quit to study for


high school exams."

"Ah-ha-ha, thanks." She laughed innocently, not at all

like she was bragging about her own hard work. "I really

want nationals. It's my goal."


Did she mean she wanted to go to nationals or take top

place in them? Either interpretation was valid, but I'm

almost certain she meant the latter.

"…That sounds like you."

"Aww…," she said modestly.

"Goals, huh… Wonder what mine is."

"Your goal?"

"Yeah. Thinking about it now, I don't really have one."

I was bringing up one of my problems in a casual way,

but Aoi was giving it serious thought now. It just made me

feel really guilty. She's such a good person.

"I think…you can make a goal out of anything."

"Anything?" I was curious what she meant.

"Yeah. It doesn't matter what you're aiming for. What

matters is that you run toward it. Then when you get there,

you have that feeling of, like, 'Yes!'"

"A sense of accomplishment, you mean?"

"Yeah, exactly." She nodded. "So, like, my goal is

nationals, but it's not like I've loved running since I was a

little kid. I mean, I used to be on the basketball team."

"That is true!"

"But once I started track, I wanted to do the best I could,

so I aimed for the top. And I turned out to have a lot of fun

doing it. That's why I think the goal itself doesn't matter."

What she said made a deep impression on me, especially

because I knew her so well.

"…Thank you, Aoi-sensei, for your excellent


"Ah-ha-ha, I'm glad you liked it!"

In fact, what she said made so much sense that it erased

some of the inferiority complex and vague sense of jealousy I


felt toward her. Yup, she's genuinely amazing. I love her, and

I'll never beat her.

"Teacher, can I ask you another question?"

"Yes, dear, go right ahead."

She looked so pretty with her arms crossed and her nose

in the air that I wanted to stick my fingers right up her

nostrils. Whoops, my hand slipped!

"Now, now, dear, stop that right now."

She caught my hand just in the nick of time to avoid my

attack. Nice reflexes, Aoi. You're way beyond my level.

She smiled, looking exasperated.

"And what was your question?"

"Oh, right! What should I do when I try really hard, but

things don't go as well as I hoped?"

"Ah…good question."

"I know it might never happen to you, but…" I chuckled.

"Oh, it definitely does. Things going wrong, I mean," she

replied matter-of-factly. Didn't see that one coming,


"Wait, really?!"

I was super caught off guard. I mean, she's first place in

everything, and I, for one, have never seen her fail at


"Oh, yes. All the time. Just in secret."

"I'm surprised to hear you say that."

But when I thought about it, it made sense. No one could

get away without failing occasionally. Not even the famous


"Ah-ha-ha. But I know things never go how I want them

to. I take that as a given and make sure to account for it

ahead of time."

"Take it as a given, huh…?"

That was a really thought-provoking idea. Very practical

—I guess that must be why on the surface everything seems

to go perfectly for her.

"Yeah. So for example…if I figure out ways to release the


stress from failing ahead of time, I'm more willing to give

things a try."

"Stress release… Hmm. That could be what I'm missing!"

I was getting one new idea after the next. Aoi, life coach!

"But how do you do it?" I asked her.

She giggled. "One way is running, without wondering

about times or anything. Also video games…and cheese!"

"Ah-ha-ha, cheese!" I laughed, but actually I

remembered something similar. "…Now that you mention it,

running helped me blow off steam sometimes, too."

"Right? It really works!" She nodded energetically. Then

suddenly, she peered into my face. "That reminds me, the

Chase-Off is coming up soon."

"Oh yeah!"

I remembered that event. It was a traditional track team

ceremony where the younger students chased after the

second-years, most of whom quit after the summer newbie

meet, to see them off.

"Are you still in shape? Don't let those first-years beat

you!" Aoi joked.

"Yeah, that would be bad…"

I hadn't quit that long ago, but if I had to run it right

now, I could see myself losing. Of course, I had no doubt

whatsoever I could beat them if I got myself back in shape.

The whole point of the ceremony was to prove that the

team would be just fine without us, so it was okay if a

second-year lost to a first-year, but I'm the type who likes to

win if I'm going to play.

Aoi grinned.

"I'll probably be on the chasing side. May the best

woman win!"

"Then we'll all lose!"

You're kidding me. Aoi's going to be on their team? I

smiled cynically. Talking to Aoi is always so thoughtprovoking.


* * *

Back at home, I sent Tama a LINE message telling her to

check out a picture of her doggy doppelgänger I found

online, only to have her write back, [That looks nothing like

me.] I was still reeling from the shock as I started thinking

over other things.

Things like my goals and the stress-release methods Aoi

had mentioned.

Something occurred to me.

Why not go for a run?

I pulled out my windbreaker and nylon pants, which I'd

stuffed away in a drawer, and put them on for the first time

in ages. Ah, I'd missed that squeaky sound and texture! I

couldn't wait to start running.

My running shoes were still in the shoe cabinet. I liked

the way they fit more snugly than my regular shoes, like they

were becoming an extension of my feet. Once they were on, I

left our apartment, took the elevator downstairs, and walked

through the automatic doors. The dark streets of Kitayono

were spread out before me.

I stretched a lot since I hadn't run recently, and then,

with a weirdly restless feeling, retied my shoes more tightly.

Leaping theatrically down the little staircase leading to

the road, I looked way down the long, straight road and took

my first step.

Little by little, I sped up, overtaking the people walking

on the street.

My heart sped up little by little, too, although I'm pretty

sure it wasn't just the exercise.

I ran down the cold streets in my windbreaker.

The lights rushed past at even intervals, while the wind

passed through my collar, cooling my sweat. I felt my heart

pounding and my body growing warmer from the inside out.


My breath hung white in the air, but I left it behind, running

forward, forward, forward. My thoughts and my sight grew

clearer, and the sound of my pounding feet grew louder. My

feet were so light I felt like I was flying, like gravity itself had


I sprang off my toes, dancing over the pavement. I liked

the way the warm light spilled from the windows of the rows

of houses, and I imagined the lives going on inside. I liked

that the holiday lights had been hung up a little too early,

and I knew whoever put them up was excited for Christmas.

For a second, a fan or something carried the scent of fish

being grilled to me, replaced the next second by the smell of

the cold winter air cooling the tip of my nose. Each one of

my senses was picking up little bits and pieces from all these

lives in my neighborhood.

Yeah, I hadn't been running lately.

Ever since I quit the track team, I hadn't had a reason to.

I'd bid farewell to my spikes, my faithful partners over those

past two years, and gone back to ordinary life. Now I had no

need for water bottles and wristbands and energy gel shots.

I'd switched my deodorant spray from extra-strength to

something more girly, and now that I didn't have to worry

about sweating off my foundation, I'd stopped wearing the

cheap stuff and started using a nicer kind that isn't

moisture-friendly. I used to save it for going out on the

weekends, but now I wear it every day.

And running became a thing of the past.

Apparently, people adapt pretty easily when they stop

doing something they've done for a long time. It only took a

week for me to feel like not going to track practice was


But now that I was doing it again, I realized something.

I'd joined track because Aoi did—but I actually liked it a


I ran all through my neighborhood, and now I was back

in front of my apartment building. I felt fearless. The


streetlights, the cool, dry air, the way I was almost being

pulled forward—all of it felt amazing. I couldn't stop now.

Okay, just one more loop.

I kicked off the pavement in front of the apartment

building and decided that if I was going to do this, I might as

well take a totally different route from before. It was so fun, I

felt like I could run all the way to Korea if I wanted to. I

mean, Korea is the closest country to Japan, so I should be

able to make it there and collapse across the finish line,


* * *

I got lost.

It's totally idiotic, but I got a little carried away.

Honestly, I should have known that someone with my

abysmal sense of direction would get lost running around

randomly. Whoops.

Still, it wasn't that late, and I knew I was somewhere

near the station, so if I wandered around for a while, I

should come to a road I recognized. Or I could go into a

convenience store and ask directions. I looked around for a

familiar building.

Wandering around cooled me down, and before long, I

did see a place I recognized.

Uh, is that what I think it is?

It sure was.

Tomozaki's house.

Now that I thought about it, I remembered it being

somewhere like this. I'd been here once in a group, and plus,

Tomozaki and I both got off at Kitayono Station and walked

partway home together. I knew he lived nearby, but like I

said, I have a lousy sense of direction. I didn't really know

where he lived.

I stared at his house for a while, not thinking about


much of anything…until I caught myself. What am I doing?

Let's step back and actually look at what we're doing here.

You're a girl standing outside the house of a boy in her

class, staring at it. Pretty sketchy.

I remembered we'd stopped at a convenience store

nearby when we came as a group, so I turned around and

started wandering around the neighborhood looking for it.

After all, I couldn't just stand there and stare at his house

like a pervert. The convenience store was like one minute

away, so I should be able to find it by using Tomozaki's

house as the center of my search.

I walked around looking for the colors of a typical

convenience store and pulled the zipper on my windbreaker

halfway down to let off some of the heat. If I opened it all the

way, it would be too cold, but this was just right for my

flushed body.

After walking for a few minutes, I stumbled on a

FamilyMart on the far side of a big parking lot. Yes! Now I

could make it home in one piece!

I walked over to the nearest crosswalk and stared

absently across it while waiting for the light to turn green.

That's when I saw a face I recognized.


There was no mistaking Tomozaki the Brain.

It was a bit of a coincidence, but he probably passed by

here a lot because he lived nearby. He still had his bag, so I

guessed he was just getting back from the diner. He wasn't

crossing toward me, apparently; he was going in the other

direction. I was planning to call out Brain! and wave at him

—when I noticed something odd.

Huh? Was someone next to him?

My heart skipped a beat. My arm had only reached

shoulder height, and it quietly lowered back down. For

reasons I can't explain, I hid behind the traffic signal pole.

Uh, um, what? Wasn't it around nine by now? This

obviously wasn't coming-home-from-school time. So why


was Tomozaki walking with a girl?

Wh-what was going on? Sure, he'd gotten cooler lately—

and more cheerful and made some friends—but what the

heck? Did he have a girlfriend or something, too? What a

surprise that would be! He could have at least mentioned it!

Or maybe it's not really any of my business…

Still, she looked familiar. For a second, I thought it must

be Aoi or Kikuchi-san, but it wasn't either of them. I did

vaguely recognize her, though, and I thought she was from

our school. An image of her wearing the uniform popped

into my mind. She was petite and pretty cute, too.

But, but, but… Maybe it's just my horrible sense of

direction, but it looked like they were heading toward

Tomozaki's house. Which meant the two of them were going

there alone. No way, seriously? She was carrying two big

plastic bags that looked like they were filled with two-liter

bottles. What was that for? Was she staying over? I've never

heard of anyone doing that!

My stomach sank, and without really thinking about it, I

opened my phone and pulled up a chat window on LINE

with Tomozaki. We usually only chatted a little bit when we

were hanging out, but I was so shocked by this I wanted to

ask him what was going on.

I typed in a few different things and erased them all. [did

you just go to the convenience store by your house lmao]

Ugh, no. [Brain! i saw you!!] Nope. [you cad… did we mean

nothing to you?] No, not that, either. Why was I so upset?

Honestly, though, what was going on? If she was coming

home with him this late, did he plan on introducing her to

his family? That would really surprise me, but…huh? Wait a

second—family? Family…


Then I remembered.

Urgh, I got all upset over nothing. Yeah, this makes

sense now.

The girl was his sister.


So that's what was going on. Obviously. No way

Tomozaki would be walking around at this time of night with

a girl who wasn't related to him. Yeah, that was impossible.

…Wasn't it?

Yes, it was, I decided. Wow, that was a shock. But yeah. I

just had a weird little revelation. Tomozaki was changing so

fast these days, it wouldn't be weird if he was hanging

around with someone new.

I let out a sigh of relief that it was only his sister, erased

the chat message reading [star player tomozaki! got time

for an interview?] and waited for the light. Again, since it

had turned red during all that overthinking.

But what was I so relieved about? If Tomozaki did have

someone like that, it would be a good thing. It wasn't my

place to say otherwise. I think it's just I haven't changed at

all, while gloomy Tomozaki was changing right in front of

my eyes. It was making me uneasy…or lonely…or something.

Yeah, that's probably what was going on.

Dammit! I'd just cleared my mind with a nice night run,

and here I was all muddled again.

* * *


After all that, I made it to the convenience store, asked for

directions, and safely got back home. As I walked along

fiddling with my phone, I realized I could have just used the

map app, but I do have a tendency to look at the map and

walk in the opposite direction. I'll just say I wanted the

warmth of real human contact and leave it at that.

Now! Time for a nice bath to rinse off all that sweat.

Since I'm such a capable young woman, I preset the bath

before I left so it would be nice and warm when I got back.

I stopped by my room to grab my white loungewear,

then headed straight for the bathroom. As I passed by the

living room, my mom called out to me.

"Mi-chan, you taking a bath?"

I turned around. She was sprawled on the sofa looking

tired from her day at work. Her grown-up perfume wafted

toward me. She sells makeup at a department store, so her

makeup and hair are very mature and stylish. Her suit

always looks perfect, too.

She's never been able to come to many parent

observation days at school because she's so busy, but I'm so

proud of my mom. I wish I could show her off to my friends.

"Yeah, do you want to take yours first?"

She waved her hand without turning around, and the big

black stone in the ring on her pointer finger glittered


"No, you go ahead. I want to rest a little first."

"Okay. Don't fall asleep on the sofa again."

She turned her head toward me and smiled sleepily. "…

I'll try."

"Ah-ha-ha. I've gotta keep a close eye on you."


When my mom smiles, she looks a little like a handsome,

stylish man. She works so hard every day. Feeling all warm

and fuzzy, I headed for the bathroom.

Dropping my sweaty shirt and underwear in the laundry


basket, I walked over to the bath and noticed that the mat

was a little dirty. I tossed it in the laundry, too, and put

down a fresh one. The fluffy new mat felt so good under my

feet. I pulled off my hairband and slipped it onto my wrist

before stepping into the shower.

I'd turned on the water before undressing, and I tested

the temperature with my fingertips. Perfect. I let out a happy

sigh as it poured over my head. The heavy fatigue clinging to

my body flowed away, and I was all clean and fresh again. I

love showers after a good run.

I tossed some bathwater onto the clouded-over mirror,

and it suddenly cleared enough to see myself.


I turned to the side and gave myself a hard look up and

down, then turned around and looked over my shoulder.

The tan I'd had until recently was gone now, and the

curves of my pale, slightly muscular body were clearer. I

rubbed my left arm with my right hand, scattering water

droplets onto the bathroom floor.

"Not too bad if you ask me…," I mumbled.

But…what is it, exactly?

When I take away all the "natural" makeup, the bras that

shape my figure, and the secret weapon of a school uniform

—when I'm completely naked, when all I'm facing is just me

—sometimes the thought strikes.

I don't think I like myself very much.

It's not an illness or masochism or something. Just a

hazy feeling I have sometimes.

I try hard at sports and do well on tests, and in front of

everyone else, I act like I'm always having fun. Everyone

says it's great. I get more praise than most people, I think.

But there's always this underlying sense that I'm

nothing. It never goes away, so I've kinda stopped fighting.

I'm like a hollow wire figure covered with decorations to

get approval. And people are praising the decorations, not

the real me. But the compliments still make me happy, so I


just ignorantly go along adding more. And now I'm suddenly

feeling shallow for putting so much effort into my veneer.

Ten years ago, liking myself came so naturally to me. It's

weird; it's like I used up all my stores of self-love, and now in

my second year of high school, I've got nothing left. I just go

on decorating out of habit.

I looked at my naked body in the mirror. My breasts

were pretty big for my age. I grabbed them from underneath,

but so what? I put my hands down again. It's not that I lack

confidence about my appearance. I'm probably more

confident than most girls, actually. But if all that makes me

worth anything are nice skin and firm muscles, then that

worth will just go down, down, down over the next ten or

twenty years. I felt like I was suffocating. How could I fill up

the hollow frame? I didn't know. But I could easily imagine

spending the rest of my life using meaningless decorations

to paper over that fear of rotting away.


The strong people didn't need any of that to be

confident. How could I become like that?

Tama's and Tomozaki's faces appeared in my mind's eye.

My chest grew tight, and a chill passed through me.

Er, wait a second.


That wasn't a metaphor. Something literally cold was

falling on my head. The hot water in the shower had

suddenly run out and shocked me out of my daze.

This had been happening a lot lately. That's why I'd

made sure to check the temperature at the start.

It was like the cold water was scolding me to snap out of

the negative spiral. Rude. I wasn't sure if I should be angry

or grateful.

Despite the complex feelings toward my shower, I was

still in a simpler state of mind as I washed my face and hair

and body. Still grumbling a little, I climbed into the tub and

had a good soak like a normal person.

* * *

As I predicted, when I got out of the bath, my mom was

passed out on the sofa.

Oh geez. Was she cool or not cool? Ergh.

"Hey, wake up!"


My mom rubbed her eyes sleepily. Uh-oh, she was

smearing her mascara all over. When my mom switched off,

she really let it all hang loose. It was cool—but also not a

good habit to have.

"Hey, you can take your bath now!"

"Mmm…okay." She stared at me solemnly with her

panda face, then tilted her head to the side. "Mi-chan, did

something happen?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"


"Am I imagining it, or do you look a little sad?"

I jumped a little. My mom doesn't usually say stuff like

that. But her timing was perfect, since I'd just been thinking

about everything. My mom is amazing.

"Um…kind of."

"Hmm, hmm."

She stared at me. She didn't interrogate me, just waited

patiently. I thought about whining to her, then decided I'd

stick it out a little longer on my own.

"But, um, I'm going to give it another try."

"…Oh, okay."

She stood up and took her nightgown out of the dresser.

Then she tottered over toward the bathroom. Partway there,

she stopped, scratched her head, and turned back toward


"Mi-chan, I want you to remember something."


"Being strong and just dealing with stuff is really hard at

times." She looked a little embarrassed, but she kept her

eyes on me. "…But sometimes, putting up with things you

don't like helps everything go more smoothly, right?"

"Um…I think so."

Like when the mood is about to get awkward, so you

compromise a little and play the part of entertainer. When

you're tired, but you sacrifice yourself to keep something bad

from happening.

I think I do that more than most people.

"What I mean is…" She paused, like she was struggling

to find the right words for it. "You do it because things aren't

going well."

That fit in with my own experience, so it made sense.

"That's my advice as a sales manager." She winked at me

playfully, just like I would do. I'm glad I take after her.

"You're so amazing, Mom," I said candidly.

She smiled proudly. "You bet your boots!"

"So much for modesty!" I smirked at her, but I couldn't


help feeling happy. "All you had to do was look at my face

and you knew everything."

For the first time, she looked away. "Oh, th-that?"

Huh? Why's she acting weird?

"…Are you hiding something?" I asked.

Her expression changed, like she'd been caught redhanded. For a grown-up, she sure is easy to read.


"Um, well…"


"Well, I knew something was up because you were

talking to yourself in the bathtub."

"Oh, you could hear me?"

"That's why I thought something happened. But, you

know, I get more Cool Mom Points if I guess from your


How could I dislike her when she said things like that? "I

take it back…"

"What are you talking about? Bluffing is crucial in sales,


"Now I can't tell if you're being serious or not…"

Still, I couldn't complain, since she'd made me feel


She giggled like a little girl. "Anyway, if you're worrying

about something, take your mind off it and do something

you love for a little while! I'm taking my bath, okay? Man,

I'm about ready to pass out."

She slipped into the bathroom. A few minutes later, I

heard her humming really loudly. These walls are like paper.

Do something I love…

I think it must be—

* * *

After that, I went running every day when I got home from


school. That's what I love, at least right now.

I found a goal, like Hinami suggested.

I wanted to break my own record in the Chase-Off.

Since my event was high jump, I didn't care about speed,

and I never ran more than I needed to. If I focused on shortdistance runs now, I should be able to beat my previous

record. After all, even though I was more field than track, I

was one of the faster girls on the team. Not as fast as Aoi, of


Plus, I'd discovered something.

When I went out running by myself the other day, it felt

like I was being pulled forward. It was wonderful. When I

thought back on it, I realized I was keeping a good pace. My

brain was focused on running, all my senses were

sharpened, and my form was probably close to perfect and

carrying me forward faster than usual. It was kind of like a

trance. The improvement might have been tiny, but if I

could do that every time, I figured I'd be able to beat my

record in the Chase-Off.

"…Here we go!"

I ran hard today, too.

I used to be jealous of Aoi, and I even thought of quitting

the team.

But I still liked track—I still liked running.

I'd run and run until I outran my muddled thoughts. I'd

leave 'em in the dust.

And then I'd run off into the sunset.

* * *

A few days passed, and the day of the Chase-Off arrived.

"Go, go, go!"

"Nishimura sure got fast!"

Groups of two second-years and two first-years were

running the hundred meter. A bunch of groups had already


gone, with some wins and some losses for us second-years.

"Nice job!"

"Ah-ha-ha, that was close."

"I knew you'd win…"

The races finished one after the next in groups of four.

When the second-years made it to the end of the track, they

left their title of "team member" there and returned as high

schoolers focused on university entrance exams. Once you

ran down there, you couldn't come back as a track team


"Okay, last group!"

I realized something. There were twenty-six girls on the


If we ran in groups of four, that would leave two people

at the end.

What pair would the coach and younger students


Our coach, Ms. Yasuoka, called the name of the last two


"Hinami and Nanami!"


"Oh, this is gonna be close!" I joked, but inside my

nervousness was welling up.

I was being pitted directly against Aoi.

Our records have been compared in the past, and we've

had different results at meets. In that sense, we've competed

indirectly lots of times. But now that we'd started doing

different events, it had been ages since we actually competed

one-on-one on the same track.

This would be our very last race against each other.

"No way I'm losing this!" I joked to psyche myself up.

Aoi pumped her fist. "Make my day!"

She grinned competitively and bumped fists with me.

Normally, Aoi is nice, but when it comes to competitions, I

know she's not the type to let the other person win.

I felt more nervous than excited—but this was a chance.


The rest of the team was bubbling with excitement. The

indisputable ace of the track team was about to face off

against me, who probably had the best record aside from

her. Maybe I shouldn't say this, but I couldn't imagine a

better opportunity to finish off my track career with a bang.

"Mimimi! Get her back for the election!" someone called


Those words gripped my heart. I'd lost to Aoi at so many

things. Academics, sports, even relationships with certain

people—I felt a little inferior in so many ways.

And that's exactly why I was on fire.

Aoi and I walked to the start line.

"On your marks!"

After all…


…I hate to lose.


We burst forward, neither of us holding anything back.

We were about even at the start, or maybe I was a tiny

bit faster. I'm confident in my muscle power and reflexes, so

I knew I couldn't let down my guard just because I was doing

well at the start. After all, I was racing Aoi.

I sensed her right behind me. Her feet were pounding

the ground sharply in an even rhythm, and they sounded

like they were searching for a chance to overtake me.


Even though I was obsessed with her presence, I tried to

focus on my own running and find the zone. The world

where I could feel myself being pulled powerfully forward.

I still wasn't there.

I started to panic.

My rhythm was going to break, and Aoi would fly past

me as soon as it did.

If I couldn't get in my zone, that feeling of failure clawing

up my back would drag me down until I lost my stride.

I thought about how I felt when I was running in my

neighborhood. I wasn't thinking about wins and losses. I was

loving how good it felt to run. I was striving to beat my own


If only I could find that feeling now…

I switched mental channels.

Your goal right now isn't to escape Aoi.

It's to enjoy the moment and run as fast as you can.

Don't listen to Aoi's footsteps.

Focus on your own.

My emotional orientation shifted. Gradually, my

sensations became clearer and sharper.

I was just starting to feel that tug forward.

I remembered what Tomozaki had told me when I was

upset about the situation with Aoi.

Isn't it enough to forget about being number one and

fight because you want to grow?

Isn't it enough to win against yourself, instead of

worrying about other people?

I think at the time I said it wasn't enough, but…hmm.


Now I was starting to understand his point.

I could definitely run faster this way!

The finish line was only a dozen or so meters away. No

one was ahead of me.

My body grew lighter. My feet were bouncing over the


I ran so fast I could feel the wind against my skin and the

cheering around me.

Forward, forward—leaving my worries behind. My

problems didn't stand a chance.

I reveled in the run itself, in this world made for me and

me alone.

Before I realized it, my own body was breaking through

the tape.

I'd beat Aoi.

I ran a couple of strides past the finish line, then turned

around. Aoi was bent over with her hands on her knees,

looking frustrated and surprised.

I waited for a minute, but she still didn't say anything, so

I decided to break the silence.

"Huff…puff… Heh-heh, I won…!"

Aoi pouted, still breathing hard. Then she said, in a

cutely jealous tone—

"I want a rematch!"

I burst out laughing. She frowned and gave me a pitiful



Huh. This is a different Aoi but still cute!

"Mimimi, you were so fast! I'm jealous! Let's go again!"

She sounded meeker than usual, but I didn't give in.

"No way! Next time I'll lose for sure, so I'm quitting

while I'm ahead!"

"N-no fair."

I waved victoriously at the crowd and walked toward the

start line. The rest of the team was buzzing over the surprise

outcome, and I was an instant celebrity.

I glanced back and felt a wave of affection for the

frustrated Aoi, so I followed my instincts.


She was completely unguarded right then, so this time,

my attempt to wrap my arms around her succeeded. She was

so soft, and she smelled so nice—I was in heaven.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

"This is my reward for winning!"

"Hmph. I just lost one race. If we count first year, the

record's still four to one in my favor. Too bad for you!"

"That doesn't matter!" I protested, like an idiot. And I

definitely am one.

I mean, this was all it took for me to feel so lighthearted

and proud.

The sky was a brilliant blue. The sunbeams shining

through the cold winter air felt amazing.

I'm certain what I left at the finish line wasn't just my

title of "track team member" but all the worries and

uncertainty simmering in my heart for so long.

Yeah. I love running.

The wind blew, and I glanced back at the finish line.

The crumpled remains of the broken tape fluttered on

the ground.