TFW the heroine turns out to be stronger than the hero

The next day, my morning meeting and classes went by as

usual, but I was a nervous wreck after school.

"…S-s-so what should we do?"

"Y…yeah, Tomozaki! What would be good?"

I was sitting in the stairwell next to our classroom. It led

away from the main entrance, so it was fairly deserted.

Sitting right next to me—was Mimimi.

"Y-you wanted to do a comedy skit, right?"


The air was cool in the unheated stairwell. Now and then,

some students who were working on festival prep passed by

without paying much attention to us as we had our


"D-do you have any ideas?"

"Um, well…I did think of something."


"But then I thought about it more, and now I'm not




We avoided eye contact as we sputtered out a kind of half

conversation. Weird. The day before at lunch, we'd been

acting fairly normal, but now this was going horribly. I

wonder if this kind of progress gets reset every night.

"Wh-what about you, B-Brain?"

"Umm…I'm just the helper."

"Y-yeah, guess that's true."

The conversation was full of awkward pauses, which we

noticed, which made us more awkward, which sent us into

an infinite spiral of awkwardness. All I could think of was

filling the gaps, so I couldn't keep up my normal energy.

I mean, here we were, a guy and a girl sitting alone in a

nearly deserted stairwell. I'd be nervous no matter who I was

with, but it was Mimimi, the person who was most on my

mind. Of course the words got stuck in my throat.

The classroom was too full of festival decorations and

people working on projects for us to really talk, but going to

the cafeteria just felt…I dunno, like way too much, so we'd

decided on this spot near the classroom. Now that was

creating its own kind of weird, abnormal vibe.

Plus, the festival was only two weeks off. We were cutting

it a bit close if we wanted to put together something to

perform for the whole school.

"Uh, I'd be interested to hear the idea you had…"

"Oh…you want to hear it?"

For some reason, she didn't seem to want to tell me.


"Y-yeah, just to get started. Do you mind?"

It had to be better than starting from zero. I knew zilch

about comedy skits, so I had no idea where to even begin.

Mimimi rubbed her neck awkwardly. "Um, well, we're

always talking about it, so I was thinking of a couple skit…"

That word made me even more aware of our whole

predicament. "C-couple…"

Wait a second. She did casually joke around about that a

lot, but in this context, it took on a different meaning.

She blushed and laughed to cover it up. "B-but then I

changed my mind. Ah-ha-ha…"


Another awkward silence.

What do I say? What's off-limits? What's okay?

An uncomfortable mood descended, like we were trying to

feel each other out.

And then…

"…I was thinking," she mumbled, staring straight ahead

without making eye contact. I think she was trying to fix the


"What?" I answered, tense from the vaguely pensive


"Remember what I said?"

My heart skipped a beat. She must be talking about that.


"You mean…," I asked hesitantly.

Her breath hitched, and then it was like a bubble suddenly


"I said I like you," she whispered, looking away.


My emotions flared up at hearing the words again.

Her voice became gradually more emotional. "How did

you feel?"

"…About what?"

"How did you feel…to hear that?" She scratched at her

knee just below her skirt.


I didn't know what I should say, but I did know I should

be honest. That's all I knew how to do in this kind of


"I was happy… Really happy."

"Uh-huh." She kept staring straight ahead.

"But the truth is…I still don't know what to do… I mean…"

"…Oh, okay."

Mimimi's head drooped. I glimpsed her profile through

the hair hanging in front of her face. It was beautiful but told

me nothing else—I had no way of knowing what was going

through her mind.


"But, Brain, you…" She stopped.


Suddenly, she pivoted her body toward me.

"Are you okay?! I'm so annoying these days!" she teased,

but her eyes were locked on me. Her cheeks were pink, and I

was sure mine were on fire.

What the heck did she mean by "annoying"? I was a total

newbie at this love thing, so I had no idea. Although, it was

easier to handle when she asked me things straight-out like


"Annoying…? Why?" I asked back.

She sagged again, this time in relief. "R-really? …Then

never mind."

"Oh, okay."

Silence again.

Maybe because we were talking about this particular

topic, a new sense of embarrassment hovered around us, on

top of the awkwardness from before.

The people walking past us on the stairs threw us a glance

and then went on like they hadn't noticed anything unusual.

I'm sure they had no idea what we were talking about, but

every time someone came by, I tensed up and straightened

my back.

But what about her question?

What did I think?


I couldn't keep dithering forever.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.


I'd tried to keep as calm as possible, but she'd paused a

second before answering.

I summoned all my courage and turned toward her.

"Wh-what do you think it means for a guy and a girl to ddate?"

I stuttered a little, which was par for the course for me,

but I managed to get the words out well enough.

My question might count toward my assignment of asking

about her must-haves. But really, I just wanted to know

Mimimi's thoughts.

Partly, it would help me come up with an answer, and

partly, it would help me decide if her answer was compatible

with me.

"O-oh, that's what you wanted to know! D-d-d-dating,


"Y-yeah. What it means, or…"

She sounded as much like a scratchy record as I usually

did, but she was mulling it over. "Hmmm. Th-the meaning,

huh…?" She scratched her nose awkwardly, then glanced at

me for just a second. "Can I be real with you?"



The mood suddenly shifted. I couldn't quite see her eyes

behind her long lashes, but they seemed distant. The smooth

line of her chin was beautiful—that was the only word for it.

"So you know what I said the other day?"


She didn't even say the words, but just moving in that

direction turned me into a quavering mess. At this point, I

wasn't even capable of reading her expressions—all I could

do was listen to her pleasant voice.

"The truth is, I kind of just said it on the spur of the



Her words hit like a kick in the chest. If she'd said it on

the spur of the moment, then maybe she was going to take it

back? I knew I was being weak, but my will wasn't strong

enough to shut those thoughts down.

"But afterward, I thought some more, and…it was like, I

still felt the same. Know what I mean?"

"Uh, um, yeah."

I was incredibly relieved the second she said that, but

there was something pitiful about that emotion. I'd been

telling myself I couldn't give her an answer because I didn't

know how I felt, but subconsciously, I wanted her to feel a

certain way.

Unaware of my internal turmoil, she kept laying out her

heart on the table, little by little.


"And I… Okay, like. I haven't had my big break, right?"

"Um, do you mean…what we talked about that one time?"

"Yeah. Like, if I'm not number one, I'm nothing."


It was back when Mimimi was having issues with Hinami.

She'd talked about that a lot—the feeling that she wasn't

special, that she couldn't be the main character.

That was why she wanted to be the best at something.

She was talking more slowly and carefully than usual, like

she wanted me to understand exactly how she felt.

"I knew I shouldn't think like that, but it's really hard to

change something so deeply ingrained."

She raised her gaze to the ceiling, like she was

remembering something.

"You…were the person who gave me the chance to


"…You mean during the election?"

She nodded. "And also with Tama and Erika… A lot of

times, actually."


I got what she meant about the election, but I hadn't done

anything special when Tama-chan and Konno were fighting.

If anything, it was the opposite—I'd been with Tama-chan all

the time, and we even hid the situation from Mimimi so she

didn't get worried. Of course, she found out about


everything later.

Mimimi giggled at my confusion. "But that's just how I see



Mimimi smiled kindly, almost reflectively. "I felt so

helpless, but you changed the world to solve the problem."


I nodded, thinking about Tama-chan.

True enough, that situation had ended near inconceivably

well, but that was only because Tama-chan was so strong…

and something else.

"I think the reason it all worked out was because you

stood by Tama-chan the whole time."

Mimimi scratched her nose happily.

"Maybe you're right. Thanks," she said, before shaking her

head modestly. "But that was all I could do."

"What was?"

"Y'know, buy her some time, back her up from the

shadows, slow and steady… I can't flip everything on its head

like Tama and the Brain!" She grinned, despite what she was

saying. "That's why I think you guys are amazing."


She nodded. "And…I wanted to be more like you."

Once again, I thought about how many times Mimimi had


said that Tama-chan and I were similar.

"All I want is to be like you two…but I can't."


I wasn't sure I agreed on that, but I understood her point.

My strengths were her weaknesses, and my weaknesses

were her strengths. It would be hard for either of us to

become like the other.

She went on, carefully putting her feelings into words.

"So I did say it on the spur of the moment, but when I

really thought about it…I realized how I felt was the same."

"…It was?"

She nodded and looked straight at me.

"I honestly love both of you."

She smiled a little—not panicking and more just shy.



When I thanked her, she seemed to come back to herself

and raised her head with a flustered expression.

Then she looked back at me in a joking way and said

reproachfully, "And I bet you'll disappear if I take my eyes

off you!"



She pouted at my confusion. "I mean, you changed so fast!

Your vibe, the way you act, everything!"


That made sense. My clothes, my conversational skills,

and my social life had all changed. I'd even gone to a festival

at a girls' school with Mizusawa. I was like a totally different

person than I'd been six months earlier. I was surprised

about the changes myself, so for Mimimi, who'd known me

this whole time, it probably seemed almost impossible.

"I just didn't want to worry about that! …The end!"

"Oh, um…okay." I didn't know how to react, so I gave an

ambivalent reply. That seemed to make her panic again.

"Oh no! Am I being annoying?!"

"N-no, you're not annoying, but…"

"But?! Don't leave me hanging!"

She really latched on to that word, and her face was bright

red. I was sure it was redder than mine, and I knew I was

blushing again, too.

"It's the opposite of annoying. I'm really grateful you let

me know all this stuff that's been on your mind…"

Her blush deepened. "R-really? Are you sure I didn't just

overshare and shoot myself in the foot?! Are you sure you're


"Um, yeah. I'm good…"

"That wasn't a very confident answer! Say it again! Loud


and proud!"

"Uh…" I was confused by her request, but I went along

anyway. "Okay. Yes. I'm fine. Really."

"Good! I can believe that!"

The whole exchange was mystifying, but going with the

flow was a necessity in conversations with Mimimi.

Suddenly, she bounced to her feet and turned toward me.

"Welp, that was super embarrassing, so please forget

about half of everything I just said!"

"Huh…? Uh, okay."

I nodded confusedly, and she rushed to give me more


"B-but not all of it! I'll be sad if you forget everything!"

"What are you talking about…?"

"You'll never know the woes of a damsel…"

"Yeah, yeah…"

Things were getting silly and fun again, and the tension

was finally, finally melting.

"Well, Brain, make sure you sleep under plenty of

blankets tonight!"

"Ha-ha-ha, what the heck? You too."

"Sure thing!"


With that, she bounded off out of sight, and I was left with

the lingering vestiges of all that energy and excitement.

That seemed like a really honest conversation, but

something still felt unsettled in my chest.

We'd barely made any progress on the comedy skit, and I

had a mountain of things to think over.

I stayed sitting in that cold corner of the stairs.

I felt like I understood a tiny bit better now.

Hinami had said that we had good chemistry.

Before, I couldn't have said why a bright, popular, pretty,

cool girl like Mimimi would fall for someone like me. But…

what she said just now shed a bit of life on that.

She could do everything, but she felt like she wasn't


Tama-chan and I were the opposite. We were clumsy and

bad at everything but saying what we thought, and yet we

had this baseless confidence in who we were.

Maybe some would say she was crying for the moon.

But in her eyes, I'm sure we shone like stars.

And just maybe…if she did have a "special reason" for

choosing me…then this was probably it.

"…Man, this is tough."

Because in that case…


…what was my reason?

* * *

At my morning meeting the next day, when I told Hinami

that I'd sort of asked Mimimi about her "must-haves," she

widened her eyes in surprise.

"Wow. I was sure you'd only work on Fuka-chan."

"Well, it just kinda happened…"

Hinami snorted. "It did, huh?"

She eyed me suspiciously, but I looked straight back at


"I wasn't really thinking about the assignment. I just

asked her because I wanted to," I retorted defensively.

She nodded. "Right. Well, there's nothing wrong with

that, if it helps keep your motivation up." She raised one

eyebrow in a challenging way before continuing. "So?"

"So what?"

"Do I have to ask?" she sighed, pointing to my chest.

"Have you made a choice yet?"

Her gaze seemed soft on the surface, but the strength in it

still made it feel like a push instead of a stab.

"…Not really," I answered vaguely.

She turned up the pressure. "Do you plan to waffle around



"No, but…" The pressure was about to crush me.

"Didn't you say you wanted to decide based on your own


"Yeah, but…" I trailed off. "It's hard to know how I'm


She nodded slowly, with satisfaction. "Hmph. Well, that


"What's that supposed to mean? …Do you have any

brilliant solutions?" I shot back, turning to my senior in the

game of life for advice. She pressed her lips together.


"How can I know my emotions clearly? Is there some

efficient way of examining them?" I asked more specifically.

She pouted, hesitating.

That's what I needed—an efficient way of getting at my

own emotions. This girl was a professional at treating

matters of the heart from a logical perspective, which was

why I thought asking for her help on the subject would be

the fastest route to success.

"You're saying you don't know what your own feelings

are?" she mused, like she was trying to get her mind around

the problem.


She rested her finger softly on her chin. "Right…but

that's…" She sighed and turned her gaze down with a more

sober expression, thinking silently for a moment.


"…That's what?" I prompted. Finally, she looked up at me


What was that emotion in her eyes? It almost seemed


"That's—something I don't know."

Her voice wasn't so much impassive as empty. The hollow

force of her words, too cavernous for me to see the bottom,

took any reply right out of my mouth.


She always spoke forcefully, but this force felt different.

Normally, it was intimidating, like an enormous rock, but

now it was more like an enormous hole trying to suck me in.

If I slipped and fell in, I might never come out again.

But the next instant, her usual forge-ahead spirit was


"Yes. So I need you to keep moving toward those

goalposts we've set up."

"Oh right. I guess that's what you've gotta do…"

I still wasn't sure about what just happened, but she'd

managed to keep me in line. And so began another day.

* * *

That day after school, Kikuchi-san came to me with an

unexpected request.

"You want to know…about Hinami?"


We were sitting across from each other in the library.

"Yes… I want to know what kind of person she is, and how

she thinks." There was an intensity in Kikuchi-san's eyes, the

same kind she always got when we talked about writing.

"You mean, for the play?"

Yes, that was her reason.

In terms of rehearsal, she believed we needed to have a

script we could show to the class fairly soon. But she also felt

she didn't have enough to write the ending yet—and that was

why she wanted more details about Hinami, who was

playing Alucia.

"I want to bring out her humanity a bit more."

"That's true. As it stands now, she does seem to be more

in the background than Libra and Kris."

"Yes, exactly."

She was Libra's childhood best friend and Kris's tutor—

definitely a main character. She played a big role after they

were discovered sneaking into the garden. If Libra's

impurity had turned out to be the reason the dragon couldn't

fly, she would have been in the middle of the drama, pushing

forward the story.

But somehow, she felt more like a role than a character.

"I'm having a hard time coming up with something

similar to Libra's growth and mixture of honesty and

awkwardness, or Kris's fear of the outside world. But I know

I'll need that for the conclusion."


She touched her slender finger to her lips. Her eyes were

cast down but sharp, like she was searching for something.

"Hmm. She's too strong right now, isn't she?"


She was born in the castle and educated as a gifted child.

Blessed not only with an ideal environment but also with

considerable talent, she absorbed everything she was

exposed to. Her sharp mind was evident to everyone, and

she sometimes outdid even her own parents, as when she

cleverly persuaded her father not to execute Libra.

"Libra is clumsy, and Kris is a coward…but Alucia has no


"I know what you mean," I agreed.

"At first, I emphasized her strength because I wanted her

to be that kind of character, but…"

"What kind of character?"

"Strong. It was on purpose."

"…Oh, okay."

I remembered something. "When you revised the play,

Alucia was the only one who actually got stronger."

The first time she revised the script, Libra and Kris had

been redrawn with more human weaknesses—but Alucia's

strength had been taken to an extreme.

It sounded like she'd intended for that strength to be a

theme in the play.


"But as I was writing, I started to have more and more


"How so?"

When Kikuchi-san answered, it was like she was seeing

into the future, warping the very air around us.

"I wondered how Alucia even could be that strong."

Her clear voice filled the room like a bell exorcising evil.

Her words had the power to drag out whatever was hidden

at the root of the matter.

But I was certain the answer was a black box; no one

could see into it.

"And that's why you wanted to know about Hinami?" I


She nodded, her face troubled. "Yes. I wanted to know

how strong people think… And Hinami-san is the strongest

person I know."


I agreed so completely that it was almost funny. Out of all

the people I'd ever met, I thought Hinami was the closest to

Alucia in her strength.

"That's why I wanted to find out more about her. As a


"I see… But you know…"

I understood why she'd asked me about Hinami, and I


agreed it was necessary. But there was one problem.

"To tell you the truth, there's a lot I don't know about

Hinami myself…"

And there it was.

I knew what she was like as NO NAME, and I knew about

her hyper-calculating, ambitious, stoic side beneath her

perfect-heroine act.

But I suspected that was only another mask underneath

the mask. I had no idea what was beneath that—the reason

for her strength.

"Hinami is probably one of my closer friends, and I might

know some things about her that other people don't know,



"But when it comes to why she works that hard or where

her motivation comes from…I don't have a clue."

"…So you don't know, either," she said, staring ahead as if

an endless abyss was in front of her. And the deepest depths

of Hinami's heart really were an abyss. No one has ever

shone a light into that.

"Nope. There's not much I can tell you."

"I see…"

For a second, she seemed ready to drop the matter, but

then the spark returned to her eyes.

It was the brilliant light her eyes got whenever she talked


about writing.



Her gaze was overwhelming, but at the same time, it was

like her passion was gradually spreading to me. This quiet

fire and the power of her story were what had gotten me this


"If we don't know…"

An excited, intrepid smile spread over her lips, which was

unusual for her.

Her next words felt like a challenge.

"…why don't we just ask her?"

* * *

Kikuchi-san and I were standing in the hallway outside

the classroom, facing Hinami.

"Am I in trouble?!" Hinami joked, taking an exaggeratedly

cautious stance.

"No, no, we want to interview you!"

"Oh! Am I a candidate for Ms. Sekitomo High School?"

"Wrong again. Wait, you entered the contest?"

Everything she said was a joke, but I could tell she was

trying to grab control of the conversation.


"Ah-ha-ha. If I didn't, it would be an insult to the winner."

"W-wow, I can't believe you said that."

Apparently, she was insinuating that the winner might not

consider it a legitimate win if they didn't beat Hinami.

Honestly, this girl was terrifying. Especially since the

roundabout, smooth way she said it kept the comment from

sounding too insulting.

"That's me! Anyway, what is this about?" she said,

keeping the conversation rolling.

"Um, well…"

For a second, her question threw me off, and I stumbled

over my words.

It was exhausting to interact with Hinami's public

persona, because she always stole the initiative.

"We just…wanted to interview you so we could get some

insight for the class-play script… Is that okay?" I asked.

Kikuchi-san was watching Hinami, too, but Hinami didn't

seem at all uncomfortable.

"Yes, is it okay…?" Kikuchi-san asked timidly.

Hinami giggled. "Oh, that's what this is about. No

problem! I've got some student council work to do after this,

but I should be okay for half an hour or so!" she answered,

cheerfully accepting the idea but placing a time limit on it.

"Th-thank you so much!"

With that, Kikuchi-san began her interview with Hinami.



"Well, first, I'd like to ask…"


Basically, the interview did not go in the direction I'd been

hoping for.

"What gives you the ability to work so hard?"

"Well, lately, I'd have to say a big part of it is that

everyone expects so much of me. At first, I was like, If I'm

gonna do something, then I want to be the best at it. So I

worked hard. Once everyone got used to me being that way,

I didn't want to let them down, you know?!"

Another example.

"What does effort mean to you?"

"Let me think. I'd have to say it's like a habit now. People

say it's important to set up the right environment and

routines if you want to get a lot done, right? So I'd, like,

decide on a set time when I'd work hard, or put myself in

situations where people would get mad at me if I didn't push

myself, and after a while, that just felt normal. When I really

think about it, I might not actually like putting in effort. Am

I being too honest? I mean, I'd love to take it easy if I could!

That's about it. Ha-ha-ha."

Or this.

"What is your ultimate goal?"


"My goal? I have so many. Some are more concrete, like I

want to get a good score on the next test! And some are

more nebulous, like I want to be happy! I'd have a hard time

pinning down exactly what my one goal is, but I think the

reason I work so hard is to give myself more choices. You

know? It's like, even if I don't know what my goal is right

now, when I do figure it out, I don't want to be like Oh no, I

can never get there now! So that's another reason I think

the smartest thing to do is try my best right now. Wait a

second, I sound like a monk or something!"

Everything she said was along those lines.

In other words—

—snake oil, snake oil, and more snake oil.

She gave us some nice-sounding words, then added in just

a dash of believable darkness so it would really sound good.

But as someone familiar with her real character, I can tell

you there wasn't a drop of honesty in any of it. To be

completely precise, she did drop a couple hints of truth here

and there, but that was only because a few of her real

feelings happened to work as good sound bites. Her

intentions had nothing to do with it.

Of course, what she said did make sense for "the perfect

heroine of the school who worked extraordinarily hard," and

no contradiction existed between the principles and

processes she claimed to hold and the actual results she

produced. I wouldn't be surprised if some people heard her

answers and innocently thought, Huh, so that's why she's

able to work so hard. I mean, that would probably be the

normal reaction.


"That's all the questions I have. Thank you so much!"

"No, thank you so much for asking!"

That's why I felt almost sorry afterward.

If Kikuchi-san used Hinami's made-up answers to develop

the inner world of Alucia, the personification of strength—if

she used those lies to change her depiction of Alucia—the

play would be weaker for it.

The picture Hinami painted was all a fairy tale, a hollow

story with the edges rounded off to please the masses and

just a pinch of imperfection for extra flavor. I'd even say it

totally lacked the sort of menace necessary to explain

Hinami's monstrous level of motivation and effort.

Sure, Hinami's answers were convincing in their way. But.

In terms of the elements that Kikuchi-san's story needed

—they weren't quite right.

But I couldn't exactly signal that to her during the

interview, so I had no choice but to sit and grit my teeth.

* * *

Afterward, we went to our usual spot in the library.

"Wow, I never thought you'd actually go ask her straightout," I remarked.

As the only person who knew the truth, I was trying to

steer the conversation away from it and fill the space with

something entirely unrelated. I mean, how could I explain it

to her?


Kikuchi-san set the script on the table and stared at it

with a solemn expression.

"…I know," she replied, writing something down as she

spoke. Maybe she was taking notes on the interview.

"H-how do you think it went? Did you learn anything


I tried to sound normal, despite the guilt nagging at me.

Kikuchi-san kept writing for a moment—then crossed

everything out with two lines before looking straight at me.

"I think Hinami-san was lying to us."

Her eyes were as sharp as her words.

Her expression was so confident, strong, and weighty,

there was no misinterpreting what she'd meant.

"…What?" I was a little taken aback.

The truth had revealed only the tiniest glimpse of its tail

on the far side of the darkness, but Kikuchi-san nevertheless

grasped it with total ease. She studied the script with

focused intensity.

"…What do you mean, lying?" I asked, somewhat


How had she realized? What parts did she think were lies?

Based on what?

I was dying to know. I mean, Hinami's answers had been

practically perfect. I was sure there weren't any cracks


someone could discover through logic.

Kikuchi-san wrote a few words in one corner of the script,

circled them, and connected the circle to another one. Then

she nodded slightly and looked up at me.

"She didn't give us the tiniest glimpse of the core."

"What's do you mean?"

"I wanted to see her deepest root motivation."

"The motivation…"

Kikuchi-san had mentioned that before once. She wanted

to know what motivated Hinami to go that far.

"She kept talking and talking, but I never saw what was at

the heart of it…which makes me certain she's either hiding

something or lying. But she was so nonchalant the whole

time…so I think she must have been lying about some of it."

She was going mostly on intuition.

Logically, if someone talked in that much detail, you'd be

able to get a sense of their core, but she hadn't.

Which meant that person was either lying or hiding

something. At a glance, the logic seemed sound.

It was a powerful theory built on Kikuchi-san's belief in

her intuition, and it cut close to the truth.

"But…I still feel like I'm understanding Alucia better."

"What? Really?"

She nodded. "Yes. Alucia is simply being shaped by her


circumstances. She's not working hard because she has some

sense of mission or anything like that…"

She set her pen down and returned her attention to me.

"It's not normal. I'm certain of it."

Kikuchi-san's voice was filled with confidence.

I realized that my mind was swapping the name Alucia

with another name, but I was deeply impressed by Kikuchisan's keen insight.

"I agree… You could be right."

I had a hunch. This ability of Kikuchi-san to guess

everything based on one short conversation, this fairy-like

skill of hers—this writer's gift?

Maybe it could help me answer the questions I'd started

to have during the Tama-chan incident—and find out what I

wanted to know.


That's why I said her name.

When she looked over at me, I screwed up my courage

and met her gaze with newfound purpose.

"How about we do a little more poking around? Into

Hinami's background, I mean."