Some Spells Don't Use MP Part 2

"Let's celebrate!"


"Definitely! Alucia, what's your favorite thing?"

"That reminds me, I don't know, either!"

"My favorite thing?"


"…Why do you want to know?"

"Don't ask me that! You'll know soon!"

"Ah-ha-ha. I suppose I will."

Despite the cheerful conversation, Alucia's face was

growing gradually gloomier.

"So tell us! What is it?"

"Well, let me think…"

The easygoing mood shifted.

Alucia smiled, but there was a darkness in it directed

toward herself.

"I don't think I have a favorite thing."

Her unexpected and strangely sad answer hit the audience

right between the eyes, including me.

Startled, Kris rushed in to alleviate the tension.


"What? I—I mean, you know so much! You're so good at

making things, and you're even great at magic! I bet you like

lots of things!"

"Not really. I've got royal blood, and one day, I have to be

queen… That's the only reason I work so hard. It's not

because I enjoy it."

You could hear her regret, and she refused to look straight

at Kris's bright and cheerful face.

"You said it's the only reason, but it's an amazing one!

Compared with you, I don't have anything."

"That's not true."

"I want to be like you, Alucia."

Alucia was quiet for a moment.

The silence beat down on us almost aggressively, laying

the groundwork so that her next words would land as

powerfully as they could.

"—Like me?"

Each word was desperately empty and cold—and

obstinate enough to reject any attempt at understanding.

"I think your view of me is mistaken, Kris."

"It is?"

"I'm not the wonderful kind of person you think I am."


"What do you mean?"

Hinami drew in a long, slow breath onstage. Her eyes

were pitch-dark, like a black hole. She had the audience in

the palm of her hand.

"I have everything. But—"

She took in all the silence, a silence as dark as night, and

ripped through it with her next words.

"—that's exactly why…I have nothing."

Those hollow words were a chillingly lonely confession

that laid Alucia's heart bare.

Her performance left my mind blank, lost in the echoes of

those words.

Still, the play went on. Finally, Alucia lowered her head,

rearranged her expression just like she was putting on a

mask, and adopted a fake voice.

"I'd rather you give me something you like yourself, Kris."

"Y-you would…? …All right then!"

"Great! I'm so excited! A present from Kris!"

Alucia painted over the darkness in the air with her

cheerful voice, obliterating it in moments.

"Wait, Alucia. Kris never said she was giving you a



"He's right! Why'd you say that, Alucia?"

"Oh, true! Sorry, sorry."

"Sneaky, sneaky!"

"Ah-ha-ha. But it's a promise, right?"

"…Of course!"

Awash in the gentle mood created by Kris and Libra, the

conversation returned to normal. Once again, Alucia had

hidden her own feelings away.

The story was about to reach its first climax.

The dragon had marked its thirteenth birthday, but it still

could not fly.

It was Libra who discovered the reason.

Watching the dragon as it slept by the water's edge, he

delivered his lines.

"Dragons—can see into the hearts of humans."

He was about to reveal the truth.

A truth that bound the dragon's wings like chains.

"You don't want to fly, do you, Kris?"

I heard whispers ripple through the audience. This was


evidence that the students were invested now, and that

Kikuchi-san's story was reaching them.

Here was the weakness within Kris: Her fear of the

unknown outweighed her desire to fly away from her

enclosed world.

But Libra made her an offer.

"Let's fly together."


"I know you're just scared to go alone. So…"


"…I'll go with you. We'll see the world together!"

Libra was always direct about these things, and that was

enough to move Kris's heart.

The two of them climbed onto the dragon, joined hands,

and made their wish.

Fly for us!

The stage went black.

A few seconds later, the lights came back on—and I was

surprised at what I saw.

In place of the black-and-white backdrop was a brilliantly

colorful painting of the town.


I could hear some delighted gasps from the audience. This

plan must have materialized while I was practicing my skit,

because I didn't know anything about it.

But I was certain it was Kikuchi-san's idea.

I can't imagine a stage effect that could have expressed

her emotions more perfectly.

Kris and Libra talked as they took in the beautiful sights.

"Wow! What is that, a frog?!"

"Ha-ha-ha. We'd never be able to see a frog from up here.

That's a dragon!"

"No way! It's so small! I mean, aren't giant dragons more

like thiiiiis—?"

"Hey, watch out! Keep your hands on the dragon!"


At first, they were focused on the sprawling landscape

below, but before they knew it, their gazes were directed

forward—far into the distance.

Gradually, their expressions grew peaceful and gentle.

"Is that…?"


"The sea, right?"



The ocean glittered in the sunlight ahead of them. Kris

had never seen it before.

"It's…so beautiful."

"Yeah…I can't believe it."

"What do you mean? I thought you'd seen the ocean

before, Libra?"

"Yes…I have, but…"

"But what?"

Libra smiled kindly.

"…I never realized it was so beautiful."


They shared a view of the world no one else had ever seen

—and then they returned to the garden.

The stage went black again. Not a single student took

advantage of the darkness to chatter, and I could tell the

whole gym was waiting to see what happened next. That was

how I knew the play itself had got them.

But I was also affected by a layer of meaning that no one

else knew about.

When I read the play the first time, I hadn't realized…but

that scene by the ocean?

It was an homage to Kikuchi-san's beloved Poppol.


After that, Kris got Libra to take her outside the castle for

a day.

But what she encountered was not the beautiful scene

she'd seen from the sky—it was a world full of poverty and

unfamiliar rules.

When they went to the market district, the shopkeepers

got mad at her, she was too shy to talk to strangers, and

soon, it was time to go home.

She had been confronted by reality, plain and simple.

"Libra? I think…I've kind of been getting a free ride,

haven't I?"

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't had to work at all to have a good life…and I've

stayed here, cut off from everything. This garden is so big,

but it's so small."

"…I don't think that's true."

"No, I realized something."

Kris spoke haltingly.

"It was easier when it was someone else keeping me in

here…but now that I know I can leave if I want to, staying

here would be so much more unbearable and lonely and


She was trying to put her sense of inferiority into words,

to parse it out for herself.


"When you look at the outside world from far away, it's as

beautiful as magic fireworks…but if you really want to be

part of it, you've got to work hard."


"Libra, I'm going to try."

Starting that very day, she began to work as hard as she


Little by little, she learned the skills that didn't come

easily. She was clearly changing.

But those changes were unsettling to Libra.

He thought there were other paths she could choose.

From that point on, I'd heard about the story—but I

hadn't read the script.

One day, Kris and Libra got in an argument.

"I'm…against it."


"I just think you have other options, Kris."

"What other options?! You think I should stay in this

garden forever?"

Kris hurled her real feelings at Libra more passionately

than she ever had before.


The person she wanted to be, her frustration at not being

able to become that self, the places she wanted to go, and the

things she wanted to see.

All those feelings, those raw, visceral thoughts, had been

honed and woven into the play for us all to see.


Kris turned directly toward the audience before speaking

her next words.

"The world we saw from the sky was full of brilliant color.

But…when I went there myself, everything was the color of


Once again, I felt I'd heard someone else say those things


"I wanted to see that beautiful world for myself." Kikuchisan's true feelings, spoken through Kris, took my breath

away. "Is it so wrong that I want to see what everyone else


Her violent emotions, desires, and inner conflicts had

been transformed into words.

"I felt trapped in here, when the possibilities outside were

endless. But I couldn't survive there. I was just useless and


The revelations pulled me in, sweeping everything away in

a powerful flood.


"Why can't I get along with everyone? Why don't I know

the most obvious things?"

Each shouted line shook me so completely that I felt


This was a scream from her soul, the alienation she could

no longer contain.

"Am I…just too different from everyone else?"

And—the cry of a girl who had lost her way, caught

between ideals and reality.

"Tell me, Libra, am I…?"

This was the worry that gripped Kris, the girl who had

grown up all alone in the garden with reading as her only


She suffered from a fear that she was fundamentally

different from the rest of humanity—a deep and cruel inner


"On the Wings of the Unknown" marched toward its final

climax, the hearts of the audience firmly in its grip.

Some time passed.

Libra entered the garden where Kris lived, carrying a bag.

Depressed, Kris looked at the bag curiously.


"…What's that, Libra?"

"Oh, this? Well, you know all those things you gave me the

other day?"

"…You mean the flower garlands?"


Several days earlier, Libra had asked Kris if she would

give him all the garlands she'd made in the past.

"You said you wanted to learn how to make them, right?"

"Right. I'm sorry, but that was a lie."

"A lie…? What do you mean…?"


Libra pulled a piece of paper from the bag.

"What's that?"

"A letter."

"A letter?"

Libra handed it to Kris.

She read it slowly, and surprise came over her face.

It was no wonder.

"'Thank you for the very beautiful garlands. I will treasure



The clumsy but heartfelt words were written in a child's


"That's not all," Libra said, and he began to pull out all

kinds of fruits and vegetables from the bag.

"Wh-what are those…?"


"For what?"

"For the garlands. I traded them at the produce shop."

"You did…?"

The produce shop—the same shop whose owner had

scolded Kris for not knowing the unspoken rules when she

left the castle that day.

Libra explained.

The shopkeeper had been trying to find a present for his

daughter. She'd loved the garlands as soon as she saw them,

and he offered to trade produce for them. On top of that—

the daughter loved them so much that she gave Libra extra.

"When I told the owner that you were the one who made

them, he apologized and said he shouldn't have acted like he


"Oh, Libra… Really?"

"Of course! Look, there's more! This one's from the wife of


the innkeeper. This one's from the son of the armorer. There

was a seven-year-old boy who was all excited because he was

going to propose to a girl he was friends with… I wonder if

she accepted!"


Kris was standing rooted to the ground, stupefied. Her

view of the world had just been pushed wide-open.

"So do you see now? Those flower garlands you make for

fun—there's tons of people who want them."


"That means you're not too different. You have a place in

the outside world, too."



Libra spread both arms wide and gestured for Kris to

follow him.

"…let's fly! This time, with our own wings!"

With those words, even the garden scenery changed from

monochrome to color with a flip of the paper.

The strangely shaped trees, the green leaves that filled

every corner, and the familiar old water's edge… How could

the scenery she knew so well be this beautiful?

Kris looked to be on the verge of tears, but instead, she


smiled and nodded.

You could tell from the brilliance of her smile that her

petrified heart was melting.

The stage went dark and then lit up again as the story

entered its epilogue.

Once Kris decided to leave the garden to pursue her

passion, Alucia used her connections as a member of the

royal family to introduce her to a workshop where many

flower artisans worked, and Kris was offered a position as an


The day of her departure arrived. The three friends

gathered in the garden.

Libra turned to Kris.

"You can always come back if things get too hard out


The garden and the castle would always be Kris's home.

Kris wiped her tears away as she answered him.

"I know… Thank you, Libra."

"I don't plan to coddle you like Libra does," Alucia said. "I

expect you to become the best flower artisan in the world…



It was as if Alucia was unable to keep her next words



"…when you return, don't come to this garden. Come to

the castle, Kris…!"

"Okay…! I will, Alucia…!"

The two girls hugged, sharing their sadness.

Kris said her farewells to the rest of the castle residents

and began her apprenticeship.

She had thought she would never fit in anywhere.

She had thought she was fundamentally different from the

rest of the world.

But in the end, she found her place.

"I'm glad I did it!"

With those words, she expressed her overwhelming

gratitude for her freedom.

Kris stood in the center of the stage, illuminated by a

spotlight and staring straight out at the world.

"On the Wings of the Unknown," this story made for Kris,

was coming to its end—

"I finally learned to fly!"

—or so I thought.


The lights went out again as Kris spoke her last line. That

was the end of the last scene I'd heard about from Kikuchisan, and I was ready to start clapping.

But the story wasn't over.

The lights came back on.

Hinami-slash-Alucia and Mizusawa-slash-Libra were

standing onstage. For a second, I didn't understand what

had happened, and I just sat there with my eyes glued to the


"Look, Libra, look!"

The voice was mellow. It sounded almost like that of child

seeking affection.

"What…? Oh! A letter from Kris!"

The words sent a slight chill through me. I had no idea

what story Kikuchi-san was about to tell.

"I heard she's been very active since she began her

apprenticeship, and now she's taken over the workshop!"

"Wow, that's amazing! What great news."

I was still anxious.

The words and the way they were delivered suggested

some time had passed.

What was Kikuchi-san going for with this time jump? And

why hadn't she let me know? When she told me how the play

ended, why did she keep this part to herself?


I had no idea.

"Let's read it."


I'm sure I was listening more closely than anyone else in

the gym.

My sense of uneasy premonition was ringing a warning

bell, telling me not to listen.

"Dear Libra and Alucia."

The stage was starting to swim in front of me, and I was

getting light-headed. I couldn't shake off the inexplicable


Finally, a voice reached my ears that seemed to poke a

hole in the flood of thoughts that were dammed up in my


"Congratulations on your marriage!"

Alucia relayed what Kris had said—and those words sliced

through my expectations and hopes as abruptly as a


"I'm sorry I couldn't come to tell you in person. It's the

busiest season for weddings right now, and I just couldn't

get away. Since I have so many students, everything falls

apart when I'm gone."

Kris's words felt exactly like a response to something.


"But when I think about it, I feel like the time I spent with

the two of you made me who I am today. I didn't know

anything, and I wanted to know everything. The time I spent

with you was so important—it taught me the world."

I wanted to press my hands over my ears as the words

struck my eardrums and turned my heart to ice.

"That's why I want you to have a small token of my

thanks! As a much sought-after flower artisan, I offer you

the most beautiful flower garlands in the world. Alucia, do

you remember? I promised I'd give you something I liked,

didn't I?"

I felt an irreplaceable something spilling from the wound

inside me.

"Libra. Alucia. I wish you all the happiness in the world!

Love, Kris."

Libra and Kris didn't end up together.

* * *

The play was over.

It must have been far better than the audience expected,

because the applause was thunderous. There was a curtain

call, the cast gave a simple bow, and then it was time for the

next show. Apparently, the brass band was going to perform.

A lot of people stuck around for that, but I didn't feel like



I mean, that play?

"On the Wings of the Unknown"—that was Kikuchi-san's


My own words and actions were clearly reflected in Libra,

while Kris reflected Kikuchi-san's own path, from the way

she lived to the way she thought.

And then there was what I'd said to Kikuchi-san a few

days earlier.

"After the play ends on the day of the festival—there's

something I want to talk to you about."

Her reaction had convinced me that she'd guessed my

intent, and what else could that invitation at that moment

have meant?

And knowing that—she'd added that ending.

I didn't even need to put it into words. The meaning was


I wobbled out of the gym and through the breezeway to

get outside.

The cold of the late December wind was welcome on my

face, which was so hot that it was pulsing.

"…Huh," I mumbled to myself.

I'd met Hinami six months earlier and gradually

transformed myself. I'd built myself up little by little, not

only on the outside, but also inside, too.


At first, fear and escapism had kept me from choosing


And now, when I'd finally made a clear choice—

—that girl—was rejecting me.

Even my smallest breaths were white in the cold air,

giving vivid form to my shaken emotions.

But strangely enough, one of the emotions I felt at that

moment was satisfaction.

"Well…this is life."


I knew that better than anyone. I mean, this game was so

freaking hard that even I, the supposed best gamer in Japan,

had almost given up on it.

I'd lost at it for sixteen years straight.

Granted, I'd changed over the past half year. You'd hardly

recognize me now.

But this game wasn't easy; a change like that wouldn't

guarantee that everything would go smoothly.

I had to conclude that life—

"It isn't a shitty game after all."

I couldn't leave it behind.

I mean, I knew one thing.


This game was tough, and lots of times, it didn't go well.

Plenty of things seemed nonsensical, and other parts only

got harder the more you tried.

But still…I'd kind of gotten to like who I'd become. The

guy who wanted to get to know others, who managed to

connect with totally different people, who was pursued by

those I'd thought were beyond my reach.

This game was a masterpiece, filled with drama and


"…Guess I'll head home," I muttered and took a step.

The school festival was still going on, lively and happy.

I'm sure all kinds of love stories were playing out in there

without my knowing. Some people say normies should die in

a fire, but the way I felt right then, having taken a step

forward and fallen, I didn't even have the energy to wish for


At the moment, I was just grateful for the cold, dry air

that cooled my racing thoughts.

"I've gotta rest a little… Then I'll be ready."

Ready to get back to the game. That's how much I'd come

to like it.

I took another step and looked ahead of me.

And—I got a shock.

Right there in front of me…was a girl I knew well.



Her long, silky ponytail was blowing in the north wind.

She seemed to have trouble saying my name from her throat

as she gazed at me with sad, subdued eyes.


I wasn't sure why, but I had a feeling that she knew

everything I was thinking and feeling.

That she accepted my sadness from the bottom of her

heart, and she understood it.

That was almost enough to make everything come spilling


"About that play," she forced herself to say, keeping her

eyes locked on mine with some effort. "We know what it

means, don't we?"

So she got it.

"I thought she modeled the characters on everyone…

Libra was you, Alucia was Aoi for sure, and that means Kris

must be Kikuchi-san. I wanted to tell you how amazing I

thought it was. It was so good."

She'd figured it out.

It made sense, I guess. It might not be as clear to her as it

was to me, but those characters and that story—any decently

intelligent person could probably guess what they were

based on.

Mimimi was incredibly sharp at reading people and

seemed to have sensed something even before we parted

ways after our skit—and she liked me on top of that.


Noticing the connection between me and Libra was

probably a piece of cake for her.

Given that she had feelings for me and understood me so

well, I'm sure she watched me more closely than anyone


Which meant that quite probably, she'd realized that I

liked Kikuchi-san—and maybe even that I planned to tell her

I did.

Mimimi's eyes were filled with bigger tears than mine.

"But…then there was that scene at the end. And

afterward, the two of you seemed to almost be running away

from each other. I mean, that was weird. You worked so

hard together on the script, and it was such a huge success.

Why wouldn't the two of you be together now?"


That's how she'd figured it out.

The obvious way Kikuchi-san and I had gotten close all of

a sudden. The amount of time we'd been spending together.

And then—the last scene of the play.

"Yeah, you're right."

I nodded.

"She said no."

I made myself smile so she wouldn't feel too sorry for me.

At the same time, I promised myself something.


Mimimi knew me, worried about me, and came running

to my side.

But I couldn't let myself lean on her kindness.

I couldn't give in to momentary emotions and choose her.

But just then—

—she took a few steps forward and crossed a certain line.

She took my hand in her own and squeezed it hard. Her

fingers were cold.

My thoughts stopped. For a second, I didn't understand

what was happening.

All I knew was that Mimimi was less than half a meter

from me, squeezing my hand.

Her grip was obviously too strong, and she was staring

straight at me and only me.

She was too close; my emotions were turned up full blast.

There was nothing to stop me, and I felt like the electricity

in the air was about to sweep away all my lofty resolutions.

Finally, her eyes welling with tears…


* * *

…she shouted:

"—The library!!"

Her eyes were serious, but they were also filled with the

acceptance of defeat, and tears.

I glimpsed weakness and uncertainty in the depths of the

gaze that pierced me.

"Kikuchi-san is in the library right now!! You can't just get

your answer from the play!! That's a horrible idea!!"

Still, Mimimi bit her lip, trying to survive the moment.

She pulled both my hands with her own, dragging me

toward the main school building.

"You hate losing, don't you, Brain?! And you're an all-star

gamer?! Well then, don't give up until the very end, until

you're knocked out or whatever!"

Her words were a punch to the head, far stronger than the

cold air.

A fat tear spilled from Mimimi's eye, traveled down her

cheek, and splashed onto the ground.

She wound up her right arm and hit me on the shoulder

with an almost desperate kind of strength.


"Walk in there with your head held high!! You're a man,

aren't you?!"

Despite the cold wind, the place on my shoulder that she'd

touched was burning hot.

I took it all in—the pain, the cold, and her words.

One last time—I'd let her rescue my motivation.

"…Thanks. See you later."

She looked out for me more than I looked out for myself.

I made sure to meet her eyes as I spoke, and she grinned


"Sure! Pay me back with dumplings!"

With her words pushing me forward, I jogged off toward

the library.

* * *


The last rays of the sun were filtering in through the



Instead of our usual greeting, our exchange felt out of

sync. The library was empty aside from Kikuchi-san, with

big piles of stuff here and there, probably left over from

festival preparations.


The only light was a faint orange glow sifting through the

closed curtains, but the smell of books was the same as


"…So," I said, sitting down across from her.

My mind was empty, and I was almost unable to think. At

the same time, there was a mountain of things I wanted to

say to her.


I was certain she knew.

She knew I understood what the play's ending meant.

If I'd come here to talk anyway…

"That last scene." Instead of hesitating, I dived right into

the heart of the matter. "That's the ending you chose."

She bit her lip uncomfortably. "…I'm sorry."

Her apology dug into my chest more sharply than any

other words could have.

"No…there's nothing to apologize about."

But she shook her head. Still biting her lip, she turned her

tear-filled eyes toward me. "That was the ending…I chose."

Her voice was tight—pained and earnest.

"Why…?" I started to ask, then stopped.

It was the wrong question. I shouldn't ask why she hadn't

accepted me.

The answer to that—could only be the same reason I


hadn't accepted Mimimi's confession.

She hadn't had enough reasons or feelings to accept me.

That was all.


I bit my lip out of frustration.

But still, even if it was pitiful or pointless…I couldn't give


"Okay…maybe it's not the kind of thing I should ask,


I knew this was incredibly uncool. Embarrassing. And

more than anything, weak.

"But I still want to know…!"

I didn't care what other people thought.

I mean, Kikuchi-san was the first girl I'd ever chosen of

my own free will.

"You want to know…why?" She looked down. Then, for

some reason, she smiled, slowly and a little self-mockingly.

"Well…this is how I feel."

Her words rang hollow, like she was weighing something

in a scale. I saw the same uncertainty she'd had before when

she was trying to choose a path.

"Maybe Kris likes Libra."

I swallowed.


Kris likes Libra.

If the metaphor still held…

"But for Alucia, Libra is the only one."

Her expression was strong, full of determination.

I was sure she'd come to this conclusion after extensive


But I couldn't accept it.

"Wait…why is that true?"

What Kikuchi-san was saying right now…

"Alucia is good at everything, but there's nothing at her

core—she's hollow. And Libra is awkward and clumsy, but

he's curious—there are things he wants to do."

It was wrong.

It was based on everything from before.

"They're polar opposites—and so they make an ideal


Her powerful tone and the firm end to her explanation

made her sound as if she'd discovered perfect clarity.

But what she was saying—was based on the way she used

to think before.

The world's ideals. How things "should" be. What she


"should" do as a result.

It was wrong. I'd told her before—I wanted her to forget

about ideals and try following her own desires.

She'd seemed convinced, stopped forcing herself to fit in,

and tried to find a place for herself on social media as an

"aspiring author."

I thought she'd freed herself from "ideals."

But what she said just now—

"Why…? Didn't you decide to try going after what you


Just like before, she was tied down.

She shook her head slowly. "I thought so for a little while.

I thought that was okay. But…it wasn't." She touched the

script sitting on the table. The pages in the second half

looked slightly wrinkled, like they'd been crumpled up at one


"You convinced me at first. You said I didn't have to look

at life like an author—so I tried to examine my own feelings

and stop trying to create the best possible world." Kikuchisan spoke quietly, but like Kris, her words were full of life,

and they revealed her true feelings. "When I did—everything

looked so alive. It was really like when Kris saw everything

from dragonback and saw the brilliant color in a world she'd

once been indifferent to. I thought you were amazing."

"Well then…"

"But," she interrupted, "it wasn't right for me after all."


Her long, slender fingers trembled with an uncertainty

I'm sure they'd never experienced when she was writing


"To live according to my emotions…is far too selfish in

terms of the story of this world, and of the feelings of those

characters. It's such a self-focused way of living. I can't help

feeling insincere when I live like that."


That was the very same abstract sensation that always

bothered me. When I didn't understand the logic, but I felt

something was wrong—it was always that nebulous but

deeply rooted and inalterable sensation.

Little by little, Kikuchi-san's voice took on a mixture of

hesitation and passion.

"But on the other hand…when I try to respect everyone's

feelings, and align my emotions and actions accordingly, I

can like and respect myself, too… I feel sincere. It's a

beautiful thing to me." She placed her hand on her chest and

clenched her ribbon. "When I do that, I'm being true and

kind not only to my own feelings, but to the world, too, and

the feelings of everyone else in it."

Gradually, her words were falling into place and becoming

more peaceful.

"So I decided to keep my author's perspective. To rein

myself in and to live in a way I can feel is sincere. That was

my conclusion."

With that, she very clearly communicated her verdict to



"That's…how I want to live my life."

She had finished speaking.

There was nothing else I could say. Unlike me, Kikuchisan felt that being true to ideals instead of emotions was a

better fit for her.

She was able to be more sincere as an author than as a


"—But still!"

Her voice, more emotional than I'd ever heard it before,

burst from her throat and seemed to shake every book in the


"…I can't forget it."

Tears spilled from her eyes. The white hands I loved

formed small fists on top of the script that I also loved.

"That beautiful scene…that brilliant world… I can't forget

the other ending."

A tear rolled down her cheek, fell onto the first page of the

script, and blurred the title.

"I know it's wrong, but…I want it both ways…!"

The tears wouldn't stop falling from her eyes now.

"Even though it's completely selfish!"


Her overflowing emotions hit me like a waterfall.

She was divided—truly divided in her core—and it was

tearing her apart.

To live with sincerity, she had to abandon her self and

obey the world's ideals.

But when she tried turning her back on those ideals and

living selfishly…she glimpsed something magical and


And now she was satisfied with neither selfless sincerity

nor pure selfishness.

She was in an impossible situation, incredibly complex

and inflamed.

The two roots of her heart were entangled, and the more

she struggled, the more of herself was torn away until she

had lost so much, she could hardly stand.

This fundamental contradiction in values was hollowing

out her heart and keeping her in chains.


At the same time.

Like pure spring water seeping into cracked earth…I

found myself understanding with surprising ease all the

contradictions she faced.

And right away, I knew the reason, too.


After all—it was the same.


That time during summer break came back to me. Back at

the café. The time she taught me something that had become

more important to me than anything else.

I thought about that day as I slowly told her my thoughts.

"Do you remember?"

She looked at me without wiping her eyes.

"Until…until about six months ago, I ignored everything

outside of myself. I had no interest in ideals. I put what I

wanted before everything else and lived in total freedom."

Kikuchi-san was still crying as she waited for me to go on.

"But—then I met a certain magician. The magician told

me I had it wrong and taught me how to get closer to the


"…You…did say something like that."

I'd talked to her about my experience before.

She wiped her tears and sniffled a few times.

"After that, I fought toward that ideal as hard as I could. I

was getting good results, and I felt my work was paying off…

But in the middle of it, something still felt wrong."

That's why I did what I did that day. Without dressing up

at all, without putting anything in my hair, I went to meet



I thought that was the real me, unburdened by "skills" and


"For me, getting by on the skills I'd learned was insincere.

Being true to my feelings was being true to myself."

I spoke my next words slowly—and I told Kikuchi-san the

answer, the meaning, the reason.

"Doesn't that remind you of something?"

She stopped breathing, her eyes round.

I nodded before continuing:

"I'm the opposite of you."


"I started with pure emotions and learned to aim for an

ideal. You started in the world of ideals and learned to be

true to your feelings."

It was almost funny how similar the logic was, and how

opposite the route.

"But I started thinking ideals were insincere, and you

started thinking emotions were insincere."

In which case…there was something only I could tell her

in this situation.

"Kikuchi-san. Do you know what I did then?"


This girl in front of me, who I cared so much about—she

wasn't a fairy or an angel or an elf.

Those were only cloaks I used to hide my own feelings.

She was just a girl sincere enough to struggle this deeply

over how she wanted to live. I wanted to tell her about the

choice I'd made. I wanted to tell her what was in the very

center of my heart.

I wanted to say it exactly as the thoughts came to me.


It was a simple word.

"All I had to do was work to have both at the same time.

Desires and skills. Ideals and emotions."

Maybe those things sound like contradictions in reality.

But if they're both important to you?

Then they can coexist, even if it does take a little work.

And the person who taught me that—

"You're the same."

Little by little, I could tell she was searching for

something, holding on to something.

"I am…?"

I looked straight into her black eyes and nodded.


"I decided to think about which skills I could use to

achieve the things I wanted. So—"

I gave her back the exact same lesson she'd given me.

"—you can think about how to get what you want without

abandoning your ideals. That's all you need to do."

I confidently affirmed every part of her, just as she'd done

for me.

"You don't have to choose one or the other. You can put

your all into having both."

I smiled. "Simple, right?"

But Kikuchi-san's eyes darted around; she seemed lost

between her feelings and words.

Her eyes, with their fragile, unsteady gaze, were still wet

and shining.

"But…I don't know how to do that," she said, rejecting

herself again. "Libra should be with Alucia. That's how the

story should go. I can't twist that plot for the sake of my own

emotions… Isn't that selfish? Isn't it egotistical?"


Essentially, she was worried about the world's ideals. The

consistency of the story. The feelings of other people.

According to the world's ideals as she saw them, Libra…

No. No more smoke and mirrors.


According to the world's ideals as she saw them—she and

I shouldn't be together.

I'd already decided to stop pretending I couldn't see it

when other people liked me.

So there was one other thing in this current conversation I

was determined not to ignore.

Kikuchi-san liked me.

In which case—

—I had to take these two completely contradictory things

—the ideal that said we shouldn't be together, and the

personal feelings that said she liked me—and make them


Nothing more than that.

"Okay, I understand."

Maybe she was right that in the fictional story of "On the

Wings of the Unknown," where Kris, Libra, and Alucia lived,

doing that would be slightly difficult.

But here in the real world—it was easy.

"Kikuchi-san. There's one failproof way to do it."

I wanted to reassure her, to satisfy her, and to get what I



"…What's that?"

I used one of my "skills"—a tone full of confidence.

And I answered her.

"I like you. I'd like to go out with you."

She widened her eyes.

I gave her a broad smile, full of strength.

It was that simple.

This idea she had of how things should be? This ideal that

Libra and Alucia should be together? If it was wrong for

Kikuchi-san to subvert that based solely on her own


Well then, Kris shouldn't do it, and Kikuchi-san shouldn't

do it.

Fumiya Tomozaki should choose Kikuchi-san.

Just to be doubly sure—just to add a "special reason" to

our "story"—I said one more thing.

"And I told you before, right?"


I ran my hand over the tearstained script. "Well, you said

Libra and Alucia each have what the other one is missing, so

they have to be together."


This time, I wasn't just taking her hand.

This time, I was joining her heart and my heart together.

I took the fair, delicate hand of this great author who had

spun the story I loved so much, and I gently squeezed it.

"Don't you think the same is true for Libra and Kris, too?"

Caught between desires and skills.

Lost between emotions and ideals.

These two things might be described in different words—

but the core was the same.

"I mean, the end point is the same, but the path to get

there is opposite… They're inverses."

It was a very peculiar relationship.

"You and I, we've been struggling in exactly the opposite


It was like a story that was too good to be true.

"But we helped each other solve our problems. We gave

each other the words we needed to find our way forward."

We'd started in completely different places, with

specialties that only existed where we were.

But by giving each other the crucial thing we lacked—we'd

learned to use both in balance.


No matter how you thought about it…

"Even from an author's perspective on the story of life,

don't you think this relationship is pretty ideal, too?"

The air of her garden carried the words to her—or maybe

it was the warmth of our hands that transmitted them.

Either way, I could tell they'd reached the door of her


After a long time, tears spilled once more from her eyes—

though I was sure that this time, they meant something


She nodded, broke into a huge smile, and answered:

"I always knew Libra was good at opening locks."

She was right. After all, Poppol had said it, too.

Words are magic.