When you’re fighting in your element, you hardly ever lose

It was Saturday, a few days later.

I was walking outside a train station in Tokyo with


"Still, I'd never have guessed this was where you wanted

to take me."

"Ha-ha-ha, caught you off guard, huh?" I asked


She rubbed her temples like she was sick of me.

A few weeks earlier, right after the school festival ended

and I'd told Hinami that Kikuchi-san and I were dating, I'd

also told her there was somewhere I wanted to take her.

Unfortunately, we'd been too busy to go before school

started again, but we were finally there.

"Listen. You can do what you want, but I'm not gonna talk

about myself."

She was still putting up a little resistance, but I ignored

her and nodded confidently.

"That's fine by me."

"…Hufff." She sighed audibly.

"Okay, off we go."


"Yeah, yeah."

Still, the fact that she followed me despite all her whining

made me think she wasn't completely uninterested. After all,

NO NAME would never do something totally pointless.

"…Anyway, I'm pretty nervous about this, too."

I glanced back at her, but she ignored my confession and

cut in front of me.

"Your problem, not mine. If we're going, let's hurry up

and go."

"H-hey, wait for me!"

She walked briskly forward. All that complaining, but

when I show the slightest vulnerability, I get this. She always

has to be in control.

With that, we headed off toward an offline Atafami


* * *

"…This is it?"

We'd been walking from the station for couple of minutes,

using a map I'd pulled up using the address listed on the

More Info page.

We were at the venue.

"I'd hardly call this a venue… More like an ordinary

apartment," I said, peering around.


Hinami nodded. "Yeah, looks that way. I read that some

people who live together just started holding regular events."

"Wow, you did your research."

"Shut up."

All her complaining aside, she seemed like she might

actually be excited…which was a good thing.

We were at a venue called AtaHouse—or more accurately,

a group of adjacent apartments occupied by Atafami players

who held regular offline tournaments. Hence the nickname.

"The room number is…"

I pulled up the More Info page on my phone and checked

the number again and again to make sure I had it right, then

rang the bell on the intercom in the lobby.

A few seconds later, a male voice answered. "Hello?"

"Um, we're here for the tournament."

"Okay, come on up."

The lock on the door to the first floor clicked open, and

the two of us walked into the elevator.

"M-man, I'm nervous…"

"You are?"

I was the one who'd invited her, but she was still way

calmer than me.

"Wh-why are you so unaffected by this?"


"I mean, all we're doing is going into a room with around

ten people we don't know, right? We're in our home field."

"Uh, I beg to differ. I'd call this an away game."

I smiled cynically, but her business-as-usual attitude was

slowly dissolving my anxiety.

"What are you talking about? This is your home field even

more than mine."

"I guess so…," I said vaguely.

Hinami grinned. "I mean—you are the nanashi."


She was right.

The room we were about to enter was one of the few

places in Japan I could call my home field.

We walked up to the door and pressed the intercom.

"Door's open, come on in," the voice said, so I put my hand

on the knob.


"Yup." Hinami nodded.

I gripped the knob. Then held it for a few seconds.

"…We're really going in?"

"Just hurry up and do it." Hinami's grin was gone.

At her urging, I opened the door—and we stepped into the

gaming venue.


* * *

I shuffled in with tiny, embarrassed steps; nearly ten

people were already inside. Hinami was behind me, but she

was brimming with confidence.

Three monitors were lined up on a table, their cords

snaking around, and of course, Atafami was on the screens.

On two of them, one-on-one games were already underway,

with two players and a small audience in front of each one.


At the sound of my voice, a couple of the people watching

glanced toward me, then quickly shifted their gazes to

Hinami with obvious surprise. Predictable, I guess.

Everyone here aside from Hinami was a guy, and even if that

wasn't the case, a girl of Hinami's caliber would cause a stir

anywhere she showed up. I mean, people turned their heads

even when we were walking down the street.

"Welcome, uh…?"

A guy who I guessed was the host walked up to us,

smiling. He appeared to be in his early thirties, the neat and

tidy type you'd see working at an electronics retail store. He

glanced back and forth between me and Hinami like he

didn't know what to say. He was probably wondering which

of the registered participants we were.

"Uh, we're here for the first time…"

"Gotcha, nice to meet you! And your names?"

He opened his phone and started looking through what

must have been the list of participants. I took a nervous



"Uh, my name is—"

Come to think of it, I probably hadn't used that name in

the real world since I'd met Hinami.

"I'm nanashi."

In that instant, every eye in the place turned toward me.

Both the players in the middle of games as well as those

watching. Uh, I think you should focus on your screens,


When I looked back at the host, even he seemed nervous.

What do I do now? I knew my name was fairly well-known,

but to get such an openly shocked reaction made me unsure

what to say.

"Uh…you mean that nanashi…?" the host asked timidly,

peering into my face.

"Uh…yeah, I mean, I'm the nanashi on the leaderboards."

A murmur went through the room again. Right away,

everyone's eyes drifted to Hinami but then were redirected

back toward me. Probably because she was so blindingly

attractive. Nope, you never get used to someone that

beautiful. By the way, she was giving them a friendly smile

as she bowed adorably. So we're in this mode today, huh?

"Wow, you're younger than I expected. Oh, I'm Harry, the

host for today."

"Nice to meet you. And this…"


"Nice to meet you! I'm nanashi-kun's friend Aoi."

Just as I glanced over at Hinami to introduce her, she beat

me to it. She'd registered using her real name written in

English letters.

"Pleasure's mine, nanashi-san and Aoi-san. Do you play

Atafami, too?"

"I do! But I'm still nowhere near as good as nanashikun…"

"Ah-ha-ha! You could say the same about basically

everyone in Japan."

"Very true!"

Hinami was smoothly easing into a friendly conversation

with Harry-san, using her skills to full effect.

By the way, Harry-san was an Atafami player as well as a

play-by-play commentator on YouTube. His voice was

famously velvety, attracting a steady audience.

"So about the system we use here…," he began, evidently

about to start a little tour.

"Th-this is nanashi-san…?"

A guy who looked to be in his late twenties had walked up,

addressing his question to Harry-san. He was short with

cropped black hair, glasses, and a muscular build. He kept

making eye contact with me and then looking away,

obviously nervous. Hey, no need to freeze. I'm just a high

schooler who's good at video games, dude.

I tried to make my expression as natural as possible.


"Nice to meet you. I'm nanashi."

I bobbed my head at him. He clammed up for a minute,

seemingly panicked, then dipped his head down and up.

"N-nice to meet you. I'm Max."

"Oh, so you're Max-san."

"Wow, you know who I am?"

I nodded. I didn't know all that much about him, but he

showed up in Harry-san's videos sometimes, covering games

with him. He played the role of question-asker—I guess you

could say he was the Watson to Harry-san's Holmes.

"I've seen you on Harry-san's videos a couple of times.

Now that we're talking, I recognize your voice!"

"Ha-ha… Yup, that's me. I'm honored that you watch us."

"Oh, no, it's great to meet you."

Once we finished introducing ourselves, Max's gaze

flicked back to Hinami.

"Um, is th-this your girlfriend?"

"Oh, no, no way!" I almost burst out laughing as I firmly

shot that question down. "Not at all, she's a friend. Just a


As I waved my hand back and forth, Hinami smiled

impishly. "You're so mean! You really want them to know

I'm not your girlfriend!"

"Come on…"


I knew she planned to hide the fact that she was NO

NAME, but now I realized she was going full throttle into

perfect-heroine mode. Understood.

"Ah-ha-ha, you two seem like very good friends…"

Max-san's slightly probing words sounded a little envious.

So I explained, "Uh, she likes Atafami, too, and that's why

we decided to come together."

"Really!" Max-san exclaimed, his eyes glinting. "Not many

girls like Atafami!"

He looked at her, and she nodded.

"Ah-ha-ha! Is that so?"

She must have guessed that he had accepted her because

she swiftly moved to consolidate her advantage.

"It really is a great game. It's fun to play in a group, but

when you get into it, it's so deep."


"And the balance…"

She went on like that, hitting all the right spots in her

performance of game-talk. Well, she is genuinely a fan.

"…I just love that part of it!"

"I know! Me too!"

Max-san and Harry-san had both lost their initial

nervousness by now and seemed to be enjoying the

conversation, enjoying Hinami's presence. I mean, she was

already incredibly good at communicating, so add in the


common language of Atafami, and they were going into this

battle with Fullheal on their side.

I was joining in here and there, awed by Hinami's skill,

when the other participants started coming over to us. I

guess their games had ended. Their sparkling eyes were

focused fervently on me. Who would've guessed that I'd be

attracting more attention than the one and only Aoi Hinami?

"Um…I played you online once, and you crushed me… I

really wanted to meet you!"

"Uh, thanks?"

"I've learned a lot from watching your games!"

I didn't know how to react to this flood of emotions from

my Atafami fans. Then they started asking me questions,

like "Can I shake your hand?" "When did you start playing?"

"Do you do offline tournaments?" and on and on. Wow, I

really was a celebrity. I knew I was somewhat well-known in

the Atafami world, but I had no clue this would happen.

As I was fighting my way through the wave of people and

words, I suddenly heard something unexpected.

"—And you're so good-looking!"


I couldn't help feeling surprised.

I'd never heard that before in my life.

I started to protest, but then I thought about it and

stopped midsentence.


I mean, I was probably getting compliments because I'd

chosen my outfit carefully based on what Hinami had taught

me, gone to the salon regularly, and practiced doing my hair

every morning. On top of that, I'd dutifully trained and

taught my face how to look cheerful.

Which meant I shouldn't reject the compliment, but I

shouldn't get all full of myself and let my guard down, either.

What I should probably do is simply accept it.

That's why I chose to reply:

"…Thank you."

I stood there confidently, smiling back and meeting the

eyes of the person who complimented me.

I don't know if that was the right response, but after I said

it, I felt refreshed.

Interesting. I'd never done that before.

Maybe accepting compliments felt better than I thought.

But the other participants kept on talking.

"He's also stylish!"

"And he even sounds cool when he talks!"

"It's like nanashi's a top-tier character in real life, too!"

My whole set of internal values was threatening to

crumble under this rush of unfamiliar praise. No one had

ever said this about me before. "Stylish"? "Sounds cool"?

"Top-tier character in real life"??? Everything I thought I


knew was breaking.

"Uh, um, how about we talk about Atafami…?"

Unsure what to do, I made a feeble attempt to stop them,

but the rain of words kept coming. It even intensified.

"Don't be modest! You're so cool!"

"You seem like a real extrovert!"

"Um…she is your girlfriend, right?"

Okay, this is not how I pictured a real-world Atafami

tournament would go. I was imagining more of an epic

battlefield where players stoically won and lost—

"Enough!!" I didn't mean to shout, but I was truly

suffocating. "I'm just nanashi, guys!! I play Atafami.

Nothing more, nothing less. My looks have nothing to do

with it! And this is just my friend, definitely not my

girlfriend!! Okay?!"

My sudden outburst was followed by silence, and then

everyone broke into grins.

"This guy's pretty interesting!"

"Yeah, definitely an extrovert…"

"I bet he's on the leaderboard in his class, too."

I took in their words, my eyes squeezed shut, and then it

dawned on me.

"No matter what I say, it's not gonna make a difference…"


Behind me, Hinami was smiling as I caved. Stop enjoying

my suffering!

That's when it happened.

"Excuse me!"

To my surprise, the voice that came out of the blue from

my right side, by the door, sounded feminine.

And the speaker clearly was not Hinami.

I turned toward the voice—and saw a girl I didn't know

looking back at me with glittering eyes. So there was another

girl here aside from Hinami. She seemed to be around my

age. Her dark-brown hair was cut straight across, and she

was wearing a black beret-like thing over it.

"…I've been wanting to meet you, nanashi-san!"

Her voice was nasal but somehow warm, too.

She was wearing a tight, grown-up-looking gray sweater

with long sleeves—which had a heart cutout over her chest.

Seriously? (Well, I'm fairly sure there was one there anyway.

I didn't look directly, since I've heard girls always notice.)

The neck was high and unobtrusively frilly, and she had on a

gold chain with a white charm on it.

Despite her unusual sweater, she looked more elegant

than eccentric, maybe because of the simple black skirt she

was wearing with it. It was relatively short and tight around

the hips, then flared out above her slim, fair-skinned legs.

Overall, she reminded me of a Korean pop star or

something. I sensed an animal kind of strength in her.


The vertical stripes on her tight sweater made the

contours of her body quite obvious—overly obvious, actually

—and to be honest, I'd never been so lost as to where I could

safely look. It was overwhelming. No matter where I directed

my gaze, I was pretty sure I could be accused of sexual

harassment. So I stood firm and stared her straight in the


"Pleased to meet you. I'm nanashi."

I visualized Mizusawa and grinned. Channeling Mizusawa

at moments like this is crucial. When you have a model,

things tend to go better, and focusing on imitating him

prevented me from being distracted by the parts of her I

shouldn't be looking at. I'd even say that went well.

"I was so surprised when I looked at the list of

participants! It's amazing! It's really you!"

She brought her hands together in front of her face, her

eyes still sparkling. This meant her arms were squeezed

against her sides, which I'm pretty sure were also squeezing

something else at the edge of my field of vision, but I was

Mizusawa. I kept my eyes focused unwaveringly on her eyes

and searched for a conversation topic.

"Ha-ha-ha, thank you. Uh…what's your name?"


"Rena-chan, got it… Ah."

As I fought to keep my gaze upward, I'd channeled

Mizusawa a little too much and accidentally called her

"Rena-chan." That was way too chummy for someone I'd

just met, and I scrambled to correct my mistake.


"I'm sorry. I meant to say Rena-san."

For some reason, her eyes glittered even more brightly

when I said that, and she sidled up to me.

I think she was even closer than Izumi gets. The heavy

scent of flower nectar and shampoo tickled my nose

seductively, and for a second, my thoughts dissolved into a


"Oh, you can call me Rena-chan!" Her voice was high and

sweet, and her eyes were moist.

I felt like that scent was melting down my brain and

eating away my consciousness as it dreamily wafted around

me. Logic was disappearing into a dizzy fog.

"I—I can? Okay, then Rena-chan it is."

Damn, that was fast. The Mizusawa software currently

running my brain might be one reason I was being so

friendly, but I also felt manipulated.

Well, I do use chan with Tama-chan, so maybe it wasn't so


"Yay! Can I call you nanashi-san?"

"Uh, yeah, that's fine."

She was kind of controlling the pace, but I think I was

managing to carry on a fairly smooth conversation without

getting too flustered. I'd already been sucked into an

unusually casual interaction, but I guess that was fine.

"Back off a little, Rena-chan, you're overwhelming him."


I guess Max-san couldn't bear to watch anymore, because

he finally jumped in for the save. Sounds like he knew her.

"What? No, I'm not! Are you overwhelmed, nanashi-san?"


"You are?!" she squealed, before eventually laughing and

turning toward me. It was an intimate gesture, as if she was

wordlessly saying, This is fun, isn't it?

By the way, the joke I made is like a basic combo that I've

done a million times since I started playing this game, so I'm

able to use it fairly freely now. It's a form of teasing that's

just exaggeratedly agreeing with whatever the other person

says. To put it in Found's terms, it's like a down throw, up


"You're so mean!" she said, looking at me with sleepy eyes

and lightly touching my shoulder. Why was she acting so

vulnerable? I could probably get her into a fully charged

Attack right now, no problem.

She was staring at me, so I looked back at her. Her skin

was so pale, it seemed almost blue, and her dark eyes were

bottomless wells. Her near childlike features were

symmetrical, and her constant smile was mysteriously


I glanced at the bottom of her sleeves, which were as tight

as the rest of her sweater, and noticed she was wearing a

bunch of heavy black bracelets. Their design was so rough

that they struck an interesting contrast with her girly frilled

collar and sexy, tight-fitting clothes, and the wrist beneath

them was worryingly fragile.


She kept staring at me as she spoke.

"So it turns out nanashi-san is a stud!"

There was something inviting in her moist eyes. Earlier,

I'd felt embarrassed when the other participants said I was

good-looking and stuff, but having a girl look me in the eye

and say it hit way harder. And on top of that, Rena-chan's

gaze and voice seemed glued to me. My head was heating up;

this was a major assault on my instincts.

"Ha-ha-ha, um, thanks."

Somehow, I managed not to stutter. I bet Mizusawa

wouldn't even say um, but for me, that's unavoidable. She

smiled, then suddenly glanced away. For a second, I almost

thought she was sad. What was going on?

Once the conversation had passed like a stormy wave, she

blinked exaggeratedly at Hinami.

"…There's another girl here!"

She stepped closer to Hinami, sounding genuinely


"Hello, I'm Rena."

She peered into Hinami's face with observing eyes, her

lips forming a smile. I was struck by the contrast between

Rena's cool gaze and her soft tone.

"Hi, I'm Aoi," Hinami answered cheerfully with a five-star

smile, looking her over from head to toe. "Those are so

cute!" she said, pointing to her clunky black bracelets.

Um, are they? I think a word like cool might be better for


that design.

"Ooh, you get it! They're so clunky!"

"I know! They look good on you!"

But apparently, they were cute. There it was again, that

unique normie take on the word cute. It was the same with

the famous haniwa key chains, and I didn't get it this time,

either. How does clunkiness equal cute? Can cuteness and

clunkiness cohabitate?

"But you're the stylish one, Aoi-san! I love your earrings!"

"Thank you so much! They're my favorites! I think we

have the same taste."

"We do! Wow! And your hair is so soft and your face is so

small and your skin is so nice! Like a pretty doll!"

"But look at your figure, it's amazing!"

I didn't get it, but they seemed locked in a relentless

competition over who could compliment the other one more.

Really. It felt like an actual battle.

"This is your first time here, right?" Rena-chan asked



"If you have any questions, you can ask me!"

"Thank you! Do you come a lot?"

"Yeah, I'm becoming a regular here!" Rena-chan smiled

wanly before continuing. "Did you…come by yourself?"


"Oh, um," Hinami said, glancing around until her gaze

landed on me. "I came with nanashi-kun."

And then.

Rena-chan swiveled her head back and forth, bewildered.

"…You did? …Are you friends?"

"Yes! Atafami friends, I guess you could say."


Rena's face was blank, or maybe I should say frozen.

Then she took one more look at us and grinned. "What a

handsome pair! I hope you come often!"

"Ah-ha-ha. I plan to."

They both smiled. I felt like they'd just completed a round

of hand-to-hand combat. Were girls always this intense

when they first met? I couldn't even keep up.

As I was reeling from this unknown world, Rena-chan slid

over to my side again and tapped me softly two times

between my back and my flank. I think she was just trying to

get my attention, but her touch was oddly ticklish—if my

guard wasn't up, I would have made a noise.

"What's up?" I asked, pretending to be calm.

She brought her face up to my ear. Since she moved her

whole body along with it, our clothes rubbed together,

warming my upper arm like a fever.



Along with her breathy voice, that sweet scent washed

over my consciousness again.

"Y-yeah?" I asked, staring straight ahead.

"…to be totally honest, it seems like you two are dating,"

she said in an even breathier voice.

I turned toward her, intending to correct her—but since

she'd just been whispering in my ear, we ended up facing

each other at close range. And yet she didn't retreat—she

just kept watching me. How was she able to stay so close?

We were centimeters apart, and I couldn't take my eyes off

her pitch-black pupils.

"W-we're really just friends," I said, taking a step away.

She continued to stare me down. "Really?"


"…Well, that's good."

She turned suddenly back toward the rest of the room. I

was finally free from the pair of eyes holding me in place, but

what was "that's good" supposed to mean?


* * *

After the question attack by the other participants and my

conversation with Rena-chan, the group started up versus

mode, which was more what I'd imagined an offline Atafami

meetup would be like. That was a relief. By the way, Harrysan encouraged Hinami to join in, but she said she wasn't

good enough yet. I guess she'd blow her cover if she played

at her real level, and knowing her, she probably couldn't

bring herself to go easy on her opponents. Watching was a

wise option if she didn't want to give herself away.

"Nanashi-san, let's play!" Harry-san said, rolling up his


Even though he's better known as an announcer, he's

actually a solid player with a steady upper-middle ranking in

both online and offline games. He uses a little one-head-tall

character called Wigglypoff, who's a fairly unique fighter

thanks to her high number of jumps and fast aerial mobility.

On the upside, her aerials are solid in terms of damage,

active frames, and hitboxes, so she's great at midair

encounters and close-quarters combat. On the downside,

she's super vulnerable to characters with good reach, which

makes her a challenge to play. I don't often come across

people online who use her well, so I'd been wanting to play

Harry-san for a while.

"For sure!"

We headed over to an empty screen and sat down to get

ready to play. I could hear Rena-chan shouting, "Ooh,

exciting!" in the background. I would've recognized her voice


even if Hinami wasn't the only other girl there.

We checked our controller settings and chose characters.

To decide on a stage, we figured we'd go old-school and do

rock-paper-scissors, with the winner picking from a couple

of simple options.

"You good?"


I won at rock-paper-scissors, so I got to choose the stage. I

went with Buono Volcano.

It's a simple stage, a little narrower than average with one

platform each on the right and left.

Since Wigglypoff can move so freely in the air, she

generally does best on stages with multiple platforms. That's

why I ruled out the Arena, where she'd be able to use that

advantage to the max, but since I was curious to see how

Harry-san used platforms, I went with Buono Volcano.

It took a couple of seconds for the game to load. I got

myself psyched up, spinning the stick around with my left

thumb. It made a satisfying sound as it scratched the edge,

firing up my instincts.

The game ended after a couple of minutes…

"Man, you really are good," Harry-san said, smiling


Like before, I thought rejecting his compliment would be

wrong, so I just thanked him.


"That was a surprise for me, too. I didn't know Wigglypoff

could do that much."

I'd watched videos of the character before, but playing

was different. Wigglypoff's playstyle is basically just

throwing out attacks and then striking during an opening; it

isn't such a threat as long as you kept an eye on your

spacing. And managing that spacing is my specialty.

What is a threat is the way she uses her aerial mobility to

edge guard.

"I was getting worried there—you just kept coming after

me," I said.

Harry-san's style was to mercilessly pursue his opponent

when they got knocked off the stage, trying to KO them as

fast as possible. Since Found, my character, has a recovery

move that makes him disappear briefly, he's harder to edge

guard. But the range on that move is short, so it's not the

most versatile. If Wigglypoff uses her aerial mobility to

guard multiple routes, the situation gets a whole lot tougher.

"Ha-ha-ha. Thank you. But you react fast, nanashi-kun."

"Ah-ha-ha. No one's gonna kill me without a fight."

I smiled. At first glance, Harry-san's edge-guard style,

which involved pursuing his opponent dangerously close to

the blast zone, did seem like a threat to Found. But if you

looked a bit closer, you'd see fairly quickly that before he had

a chance to guard multiple routes, he dived into one choice

and threw away the others.

You wouldn't notice it if the edge guarding freaked you

out, but he would always reveal the route he was going to



"With Found, if you up-B early as you're approaching the

stage, you can intercept and use the i-frames to avoid

attacks. Even when the invincibility ends, Found can get

back to the stage faster than Wigglypoff, so he won't get

punished for it."

"That is exactly right. Once you know that, I can't do


Harry-san sounded regretful but also somehow happy.

We each started with four stocks and were playing firstto-three. The final score was 3–0. Harry-san KO'd me first,

but after that, I figured out on the fly how to deal with him,

and in the last game, I won with three stocks left. I think

being able to come up with countermeasures midgame is

one requirement for staying at the top.

"It really was an honor to play the famous nanashi."

"No, it was my pleasure."

With the postmortem finished, I glanced over my

shoulder. An audience was gathered around, avidly listening

to our conversation. Next to them, there was Rena-chan,

with a slightly different kind of glint in her eyes—and behind

her, obviously spoiling for a fight, was Hinami. If she wants

to play that bad, she should just play.

I walked up to Hinami and smiled wryly.

"You sure you don't want to play?" I asked.

"…Oh, no! I mean, I'm not worth playing."



She wasn't budging. She'd be better off dropping the act.

* * *

After that, since this was an offline meetup, a simple

tournament got underway. Of course, I joined in. Everyone

aside from Hinami, including Rena-chan, was competing for

the top spot. Hinami watched, chewing her finger.

First round. The guy I'd just played had his jaw on the


"G-good game, man…! Dang, I couldn't do anything…"

"Good game!" I answered, taking the controller from the


I won the next game easily, too—obviously, I guess I

should add. Anyone who came to a meetup like this would

be a decent player, but that said, I'm still the long-standing

top player in Japan. From what I saw, I was a level or two

above anyone else here, so I didn't think I'd lose to anyone in

the first-to-three system they'd set up.

Second round. My Found was zipping around the screen,

and my opponent was at my mercy. I seized an opening to

deliver the KO.

"Oh my god! He just took advantage of the ending lag

from that dash attack to up tilt out of shield! How does he

keep so calm?"

"You can see why he's number one. He just calmly comes


and takes everything he can when he gets a freebie."

"He was on the edge of the platform, too. If it was me, I'd

want to grab the other guy and do a back throw. He's

watching really carefully."

"Yeah. The basics are so key."

The audience was vigorously analyzing my play. Just stop,

okay? It's kinda embarrassing. And terrifying, because

everything they said was spot-on.

But I also realized something.

Up till then, I'd never openly admitted just how obsessive

a gamer I was, but in this setting, everyone understood

technical stuff about Atafami as if it was totally natural.

After racking up another win, I looked around the room


Everyone here loved Atafami, and each of them took their

game seriously.

That was enough to make them feel like old friends, even

though we'd just met. I felt strangely at home.

"Good game!"

Everyone I was playing loved this game. We were all

different ages, and we had no idea what one another's real

names or occupations were.

And yet I was able to be my real self around them, noholds-barred.

"How come he was able to charge an Attack there?"


"He saw right through that tomahawk grab. Was the

reason he shielded so hard to prepare for that…?"

"You're right that he could KO with an up throw at that

percentage, so a grab would make more sense than an


"So that's how nanashi thinks…!"

…But still, having my thought process analyzed this

closely made it a little hard to play.


That's when it happened.

Cheers erupted from the next table over.

Thinking someone must have done something cool, I

glanced over during the pause before my next game—and

burst out laughing at what I saw.

Who was in front of the monitor but…?

"You killed me! Aoi-san, you're so good!"

"I am? Thank you for the compliment!"

A male player was grinning in defeat as he complimented

the girl who'd just won.

Yes, it was NO NAME, the second-best player in Japan,

wearing the guise of the perfect heroine. What the hell was

she doing?

"Uh…she's in the tournament, too?" I asked.


Max-san, who was standing behind me to observe my

games, nodded.

"She is! She said she wanted to play after all, so I added

her in a match against a seeded player."

"Ah-ha-ha…got it."

I thought she'd been watching enviously this whole time,

but as it turned out, she couldn't stand the temptation. Well,

she did get super emotional when it came to Atafami.

Normally, you had to bring your own controller to places like

this, so I guess she'd brought hers? Which meant she'd been

raring to go all along.

But would she be okay? Her playstyle was so precise that

it was almost otherworldly. I don't think many people use

that style with Found. Some of the people watching might

recognize her.

Well, better focus on my own game first.

I turned back to my third match and took a deep breath to

regain my concentration, when Max-san burst out excitedly.

"Wow, her Foxy sure is strong!"


I glanced back at Hinami. I was fairly sure her main

wasn't Foxy—it was Found, like me.

I wonder if she'd gritted her teeth and chosen a different

character because she wanted to play without getting caught.

If that was true, she must really, really like Atafami,

although I'm not one to talk. If she was going that far, why

not just admit who she was? I smiled cynically to myself,


then refocused on my own game.

"…Here we go, game number three."

"I-I'm ready."

With that, I kicked his ass again.

* * *

Having safely won the second round, I headed over to

Hinami's table. A game was just starting. According to the

people watching, this was the third, and Hinami had won

the first two.

"She's…really, really good, isn't she?" Harry-san asked


I wasn't sure what to say, so I just nodded and made a

noncommittal noise. Rena-chan, who was standing next to

us, jumped in.

"Did you train her?"

"Train her? Uh, not exactly, but…"

Rena-chan stared at me as I groped for words. Come on,

Hinami, you want to hide that you're NO NAME, but what

story do you plan to use? You went and started playing

without telling me, and now I'm stuck. I don't want to

blabber on inanely to these people, so you're really on your

own here.

"We play here and there…and she's gotten a lot better,

partly by copying me," I said, avoiding any specifics. She

genuinely had improved by copying me, so I wasn't lying.


Thanks to all the time I'd spent with Hinami's mask, I was

getting a lot better myself at lying without really lying.

Harry-san nodded, impressed.

"Wow! I haven't seen many girls that good."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"

Rena-chan seemed to enjoy poking fun at Harry-san's

offhand comment. But her face quickly grew serious again as

she turned back to the screen.

"But you're right… I was totally defenseless against her."

"You played her?"

That was a surprise.

"Yeah, I played her in the second round, and she beat me

three times in a row," she said casually.

"Ha-ha, sorry to hear it."

I smiled weakly. Her tone was lax, but ever so slightly

empty. It probably was bothering her.

But wow, three victories in a row with Foxy. I didn't know

how good Rena-chan was, but if they'd faced off in the

second round, she'd beaten someone in the first. Which

meant Hinami had done more than beat a beginner three

times in a row.

"Get her back for me, okay, nanashi-san?"

"Wait, am I on your team now?"

"Oh? Were you on Aoi-san's team, then?"


She stared at me with a challenging expression. Her gaze

was direct, but not open like Tama-chan's. It was more like

Hinami's—impossible to read beyond the surface.

"I'm not on anyone's team… I mean, I'm on nanashi's


"That's so mean. I hate you."

"Wait, why?!" I said in my well-practiced style of cheerful

comeback-slash-reaction. She smiled happily, then thumped

my shoulder. I'm not sure how to describe how I felt every

time she touched me—ticklish, or maybe fidgety. Anyway, I

have zero resistance against that, so please stop.

"You're funny, nanashi-san."


While I was chatting with Rena-chan and Harry-san,

Hinami's game started. Since her usual character was

Found, I didn't know how good she was as Foxy.

When the game started, Hinami's Foxy used his blaster to

poke and pressure the opponent and kept him moving with

some minor punishes while doing fast-fall nairs. (A nair is a

neutral aerial attack, which you do by leaving the stick in a

neutral position while pressing the attack button.) While it's

not that powerful on its own, it sends them up at a good

angle and has good landing lag, so as long as you're able to

land the blow, it's a really convenient way to start all kinds of

combos. Hinami got the hit and skillfully segued into a


"Very steady…," Harry-san said, nodding softly.

Even if your opponent shields, neutral air doesn't have


many vulnerability frames, so you won't get punished much.

Actually, depending on the character, there might be no

punishment at all even if they shield. To be blunt, it's one of

those moves you can just kind of do and get good results. In

addition to using it to segue into a combo and deal damage,

if you land it when their percentage is high, it can be

powerful in itself while also leading into an attack. It can

even be used to KO. It's pretty scary.

"Aoi-san sure is good at those nair combos."


Hinami unleashed her short hops, fast falls, and

preemptive forward airs and back airs, at the same time

predicting what her opponent would do and taking the

initiative. Then she suddenly landed a beautiful fast-fall

neutral air, flowing into a high-firepower combo. Her

opponent fled out of her reach, but she came after them with

a blaster attack, determined to up the damage by even 1


"Damn…," I couldn't help saying as I watched.

The precise way she moved around was so completely

Hinami. She repeatedly chose low-risk, mid-return moves,

waiting for her opponent to make themselves vulnerable.

When they did, she went to a spot where she could unleash

her firepower, then used precise movements to initiate a

combo and inflict more damage. When she couldn't do that,

she blocked her opponent's combo starters to limit the

damage she took to single hits. The result was that she was

landing combos while her opponents were only getting

single hits. It wasn't a showy way of playing, but before you

knew it, she was way ahead.


But when had she found the time to practice using Foxy?

The character has good specs to start with, so you can be a

bit sloppy and still get okay results, but combos that good

had to require some practice. If you want to main Foxy,

you've gotta put in some serious work, and even Hinami

would have a hard time getting to that level without

investing the time.

"That tomahawk was very accurate," Harry-san suddenly

commented next to me. I nodded.

"Someone uses that many nairs on you, you're gonna

freeze up even if you don't want to."

The tomahawk throw. It's a mind game you use against a

shield, where you don't attack with an aerial but instead land

right in front of your opponent and grab them.

There's a chance you could get hit when you land, but

Hinami used it so precisely and smoothly that it was a

pleasure to watch.

At first, it seemed mysterious, but the trick was simple.

"She's baiting those shields."

Hinami's neutral airs were always accompanied by fast

falls after a jump. Unlike the normal version, which started

up quickly and suddenly from the ground, she was always in

the air before she did it, so in a sense, as long as her

opponent always shielded when Foxy was in the air, he

wouldn't take damage from neutral airs.

And she was clearly using a lot of them, so her opponent

knew that if one of them made contact, he'd take a lot of

damage from the combo. At a high percentage, he might


even get KO'd then and there.

That image would be seared into her opponent's mind

whether they liked it or not.

I can't let myself get hit by that attack. That's dangerous.

And those thoughts invited hasty shields.

He wasn't just shielding to protect himself from neutral

airs; it was almost like he was being conditioned to shield

now that he had been taught to fear.

And when her opponent saw Foxy in the air and shielded

to protect himself from an illusory neutral air, that's when

she made her move.

Without attacking, she landed right in front of him and

grabbed him.

As I watched her play, I was steadily coming to

understand her overall strategy.

"…Actually, she chooses that option essentially every


"Really?" asked Rena-chan, who had come over to listen.

I nodded.

Hinami was doing this well with Foxy, who wasn't her

main. I wondered when in the world she'd found time to

practice, but the answer was simple.

She'd done it during the tournament.

Or more likely, during all the games she watched earlier.


Pokes and the bare essentials aside, she was basically only

using combos from neutral airs and tomahawks.

Of course, she used the blaster while she was moving

around and throwing out back airs. There were also the

various aerials she pulled out during combos, the dash

attack for when she got attacked or whiff-punished

unexpectedly, and the jabs she used when her neutral airs

were shielded.

But basically, it was just those two moves—nairs and

throws—that she used to rack up damage. All the rest was

just window dressing, thrown in to make her maneuvers

look better.

In other words—I'd been wondering when she managed to

practice so much with Foxy, but I wasn't coming at it the

right way. She wasn't using all of Foxy's abilities; she'd just

practiced neutral-air combos in a couple of ways until she

could do it flawlessly, and she was using that to lay waste to

her opponent.

Her moves were all performed perfectly, so if you looked

just at that, you'd think she was a seasoned Foxy user. But in

truth, the only moves she used were the handful she'd

practiced. Everything you could see had been baptized, you

might say. That was about it.

"She's probably trying to hide that she's only using that

one pattern…but the fact is, almost every time she deals

damage, that's how she does it."

Foxy moved fast on the ground and vertically through the

air, so even if her attacks all followed the same pattern, it

was hard to notice because you naturally focused on the

speed. On top of that, after the neutral air, she used a wide


range of combos depending on percentage, so at first glance,

her attacks looked varied.

But even though she was trouncing her opponent through

her underlying mastery of spatial management and

maneuvering—when it came to her core attacks, she was

relying solely on two options. What the hell kind of

playstyle was that?

"…Now that you've pointed it out, you're right."

"You sure picked up on that fast, nanashi-san."

After watching her play a little longer, Harry-san and

Rena-chan both seemed to notice it, too. It was simple once

you knew what to look for.

"Doesn't mean it's easy to deal with, though…"

Foxy attacked fast, and once Hinami'd created an

advantage for herself, she would bring on the pain. It was

less like her opponent was rationally making choices and

more like he was being guided into certain actions while his

brain was floundering to keep up with the angry tsunami of

her attack—which was exactly what she wanted. If this was a

game of rock-paper-scissors, she wasn't predicting which

one he would make; she was whipping him into a panic so

he'd clench his hand into a rock, then make paper herself.

And if that was the arena you were playing in, the crucial

thing—even more crucial than noticing her trick or being

good with the controller—was to not panic. That wasn't

something you could learn overnight.

"Oh…it's over."

The game ended with two stocks remaining for Hinami.


That made the final score of the first-to-three 3–0. She'd


"Thank you so much!"

Hinami smiled happily and gave her opponent a shallow

bow. Her attractiveness and innocence apparently affected

him, because he didn't seem to mind the loss. I'm afraid to

imagine her when she's all grown-up.

As I was gazing at her with a wry smile, she suddenly

noticed our group of three. She stuck her finger in the air

and smiled at us.

"Nanashi-kun, Harry-san, Rena-chan! I won!"

"Yeah, congrats."

"Ah-ha-ha. Congratulations. I love that cheerful attitude."


Hinami was stacking up one win after the next while

easily putting everyone present under her spell. She was

staging such a good performance, in fact, that I was almost

starting to worry if she'd be okay with everyone liking her

this much. Her technique is unrivaled, both in Atafami and

life. She uses the combos she's practiced at just the right


"Uh, guess I'm up next…," I said, looking at the

leaderboard. That's when it dawned on me. "Which


"You noticed?" Hinami said, grinning boldly.

Yup, you guessed it. Well, of course you did.


If I won my next game, Hinami and I would be facing off

in the final round.

* * *

"There we go."

Yeah, I knew this would happen.

"Oh my gosh! There's no way I can beat you, nanashikun!"


The final round. Predictably, we'd both won our earlier

games, and predictably, we were now colliding head-on.

That's what you get when the players with the best and

second-best winrates in Japan show up at a tournament.

Hinami might be using a different character than usual, but

her basic level was still on a different plane from her average


But what was her plan now? She was fairly good at using

Foxy, but now that I knew her only highly polished weapon

was nair combos, it wasn't going to work against me. She

probably knew I'd been watching her last few games, and

she must have guessed that I saw through her trick.

On the other hand, if she used Found, she risked revealing

her true identity, so she couldn't do that. All the more so if

she was playing nanashi. I mean, there's only a handful of

people in Japan who can go toe to toe with me using Found.

With those questions on my mind, I sat down at the table,

connected my controller, and let it rest lightly in my hands.


"Hey, nanashi-kun?"

I turned around at the sound of her voice.

From the way she was grinning, I just knew she had some

plan up her sleeve.


It was enough to get me excited, strange as that sounds.

Her next words were like a single drop of water on the

surface of a smooth pond.

"Since I could never beat you on regular terms…"

She proposed this:

"…can we play with special rules?"

I didn't know exactly what she had in mind, but an alarm

bell was blaring instinctively in my brain.

"'Special rules'… You're not asking me for a handicap, are


"Of course not."

Maintaining the bare minimum of cuteness, she gave me

another bold grin.

"It's simple. We ban both of our mains. So neither of us

can use Found or Foxy."

"…Okay, I get you."

This would be a showdown of pure Atafami skill, played

with characters we weren't used to. Found would blow her

cover, so she wanted to use someone different.

"Fine. A contest of skill, then?"

I grinned, and she looked back at me like she was really

having fun. This plan would let her keep her identity hidden

but still enjoy facing off with nanashi. I was starting to relax,

now that I saw her strategy, but then she added another


"And let's make it a ditto."

A murmur ran through the crowd of people watching us.

Once again, a jolt of excitement shot through me at her

hawkish suggestion.

A ditto match.

So this depended completely on our skill and ability to

read each other as players, regardless of our characters'

abilities or compatibility.

"Ha-ha… So a contest of skill and nothing else, no excuses


Instead of nodding, Hinami just grinned at me again.

"That's right. What do you say?"

The challenge was from NO NAME, hidden behind the

perfect heroine's mask.

And I was nanashi, without any mask at all.

Of course, I couldn't turn down a proposition that good.