A nameless flower


"Nooo! You tricked me, Aoi!"

"I did not!"

Innocent voices called back and forth in a small children's

room. Three elementary-aged girls were sitting in front of a

TV set hooked up to an old game console. On the screen, two

pixel-art pigs wearing sunglasses raced around shooting

each other with laser guns. Aoi and Nagisa were playing

while Haruka, the shortest of the three, watched.

"Hya!" Aoi said as she nimbly moved her fingers on the

controller. Oinko, her pig character, swiftly dodged a bomb

and aimed an energy blast at Nagisa, hitting her target


"Ahhhhh!! Nagisa got hit!" her younger sister Haruka


"Hee-hee, you're easy to beat!" Aoi set her controller

down and gloated at her sister.

"Darn it, I lost…" Nagisa pouted and stared at her

controller for a second, then turned to Aoi and said

cheerfully, "Let's play again!"

"Really? You're just gonna lose again."

"Will not! I'm gonna win this time!" Nagisa announced


confidently, though she had no reason for it. She gripped her

controller and stared straight at the screen.

"Ugh. If I have to," Aoi said, intentionally kindling her

sister's competitiveness. She grabbed her controller with a

relaxed expression as Haruka watched excitedly.

"Get her good, Nagisa! Down with Aoi the Evil Overlord!"

"Leave it to me!"

"Hey, why'm I the Evil Overlord?!" Aoi asked, laughing.

The game started, and her fingers flickered nimbly over

the controller.

"Ooh…she's so good."

The two pigs on the screen clashed, shooting, dodging,

and chipping away at each other. At the same moment as in

the last game, Nagisa threw a bomb. Aoi dodged it and fired

at Nagisa in the lag.

"Heh-heh, that's all you've got?"

This time, Nagisa grinned boldly.

"Nope… Gotcha!"

"Oh no!"

Just before Aoi's blast hit, Nagisa launched a second

bomb. It canceled out Aoi's blast, then barreled straight into



The bomb exploded into Oinko, who instantly vanished. A


moment later, the results screen appeared.

"That's so correct, I think I've been hexed!!" Nagisa's

Oinko—a different color from Aoi's—said, striking a pose.

"Yesss! See that? I won!"

"Wow, you're super good!" Haruka said.

"Thanks for cheering for me, Haruka!"

"Sniff, sniff…"

Aoi scrunched up her eyebrows dramatically, whimpering

like a baby. Nagisa pounced on her, grinning.


"Hey, Nagisa, be careful!" Aoi said, wrapping her arms

around her younger sister and tapping her back with a wry




Nagisa grinned from ear to ear, still in Aoi's arms, and

announced, "This is fun!"

Her words were so honest and direct that Aoi grinned

back and answered, "Yeah, I know!" And even though she'd

just lost, she really, truly meant it.

* * *



The Sekitomo School Festival Celebration and Christmas

Party was over, and Aoi Hinami was on her way home. Her

mind was full of old memories. She was thinking about the

days when Nagisa and Haruka were both still there, when

their little room still felt huge. As the train rocked along

through the night, her thoughts, for once, were stuck in the


Of course, she knew why that was—for one, the play Fuka

Kikuchi had written, and for another, the conversation

they'd had at the party earlier that night. More specifically,

the emotions depicted in the play and the words Fuka had

said to her. Unsettling, long-buried memories were slowly

rising to the surface.

Outside the train windows, snow fell heavily. It was slowly

covering the bare face of the city with a beautiful, pure white

layer, like a mask. Aoi gazed out at the darkened city. Or

perhaps she was searching for her own faint reflection in the


"…It doesn't matter," she muttered to herself, steadying

her breath. She sounded as if she were announcing this fact

to the world. Whichever it was, she tossed her words out

violently, with an unusually steely strength.

Another memory had risen to the surface.

A memory of defeat and determination.

* * *

It was early summer. Aoi was in her third year of junior

high, and her hard work was starting to yield satisfying

results—yet she was unsure how to move forward.


"Well done! First place again," said her homeroom

teacher, a man in his midforties, as he handed Aoi an A4-

size sheet of paper with her grades. He was smiling proudly,

almost as if the achievement were his own.

"Ah-ha-ha. Thank you. I hope I can do as well next time."

Aoi made sure her smile was soft as she took the paper

from him. Her scores in each subject were written in a

column, with "1/154" at the very bottom. She attended a

public junior high on the outskirts of Omiya. The number

meant she'd achieved the highest final exam score in her

grade. It was an objective, straightforward affirmation of her


"You've got plenty of rivals. Don't slack off."

"I know. I'll keep studying hard."

She rearranged her expression to signal renewed

commitment. But the truth was, she was almost certain she

would get the top score again. She'd already gotten it three

times in a row. She knew how to do it; as long as she stayed

consistent, she figured she could repeat her success.

"After all, I've set a pattern now."

Until her first year of junior high, her grades had been

average—actually, they'd fluctuated between average and

below average. Over time, she'd gradually pushed them up,

until she finally reached the summit with her first-place

score. Her efforts might not be visible, but they were firmly

rooted in her as something she could reproduce.

"I'll do my best to keep it up."

"Good. I'm expecting you to go far," her teacher said.


Problem was, now that she knew she could keep getting

the same results, she was gradually losing interest in doing


"…Keep it up…," she mumbled.

"What was that, Hinami?"

"Oh, nothing. Thank you so much."

After all, she could prove herself no further in this

particular arena.

* * *

At six thirty that evening, Aoi was on the basketball court

in the gym. She stood confidently in front of two rows of

players, an intense expression on her face.

"All right, that's it for today. The tournament is coming

up, so be careful not to injure yourself, everyone."

She smiled, then swept her gaze over the players one by

one, looking each one in the face. She was captain of the

team. All thirty or so members looked back at her solemnly,

and a slight shudder of tension ran through them as their

eyes met hers. She had created this atmosphere entirely on

her own.

She smiled at them in satisfaction, then relaxed her

expression theatrically.

"…Thanks, ladies, for coming on this journey with me."



Chinami Yokoyama, the assistant captain, was standing in

the middle of the lines of players. She glanced at Aoi in

surprise, thrown off by her sudden swing from cold to warm.

"Yes, well…I know the tournament is still a month away,

but I wanted to say something now."

Aoi looked down, peeked at everyone bashfully, then

raised her head again.

"I know I've been tough on you the past year or two, and

maybe I've been a little selfish. I've worked you hard during

practice, and I've set impossible goals."

"That's not—"

"No," she said, cutting Yokoyama off but in a kind tone.

"I'm truly grateful to you all."

She slowly bent down, picked up the basketball at her feet,

and dribbled it in front of her. The rhythmic sound echoed

across the court to the players. Then she caught the ball

affectionately in her arms, and silence returned to the court.

All eyes were trained on her. She knew that repetitive

movement and sound was a good way of drawing their


"At first, I wasn't sure."

"…You weren't?"

This uncharacteristic display of weakness further drew

out her teammates' emotions.

"To tell the truth…I thought people would say I was crazy

for thinking our team could make it to the nationals, when

we'd only ever gotten to the prefectural finals before."


Aoi was faltering on purpose, so the revelation would feel

less intentional and more real.

"But you know what? You believed in me. You believed I

was serious."

She put on her bashful face again, but this time, she

infused her expression with a tiny bit more emotion and


"I would have given up a long time ago if it wasn't for all

of you."

Her expression looked fragile enough to crumple any

second, and her gestures were warm and affectionate. The

two lines of players caught their breath at her words, and

soon they were stumbling over themselves to reply.

"But…that's only because you worked harder than any of


"Yeah! If it weren't for you, we would never have made it

this far!"

"Exactly! I'm so…happy I'm on the…b-b-basketball team

with you, Hinami!"

The emotions were spilling forth now, and some of the

girls had started to cry. Aoi took in the sight of her team with

a smile on her face as she slowly nodded. She turned away

for a second and wiped at her eyes. When she looked back at

them, all trace of tears was gone.

She made eye contact with Yokoyama and gently tossed

her the ball. Yokoyama grabbed it firmly.

"I said I couldn't have made it this far without you…but


this isn't the end. I'll need you in the future, too."

She met Yokoyama's eyes again and held her arms out at

chest level. Yokoyama tossed her the ball, and she caught it

with both hands. Next, she passed it to a second-year

student named Kagami.

"We can't make it to first place unless everyone works


"…First place?"

She'd said the words casually, but which first place did

she mean? Her teammates knew the words, but they didn't

sense her true meaning yet.

Aoi held her arms out, and Kagami passed the ball back to

her. Their actions were almost ceremonial. After all, Aoi had

planned out every moment of this performance.

"I'm serious." She put her hand in the right pocket of her

sweat suit. "Do you know what this is?"

She pulled out a slip of paper. Everyone leaned forward to

see what it was, then exchanged glances.


When she sensed no one was going to answer, Aoi

continued speaking in a casual tone.

"It's my report card. We got our scores on finals today,

right?" She looked at Yokoyama. "Yoko-chan, I wasn't a very

good student in our first year, was I?"

"Um…no, you weren't," Yokoyama said. She didn't know

the details of Aoi's grades, but her image of Aoi back then


was not as a star student.

"But I worked little by little to improve…and now I'm in

first place."

She was gazing out confidently at her teammates.

Yokoyama already knew she'd gotten first again, so she

wasn't surprised, but she was filled with renewed


"This is your third time in a row to be first, isn't it?"

Their teammates gasped. Aoi nodded, satisfied with their

response, and tucked the paper back into her pocket without

unfolding it.

"I'm not trying to boast… I just want you to believe in me."

She didn't think they actively doubted her, but she did feel

their faith was slightly short of what was needed for them to

bet on her—so she continued speaking slowly, lighting a fire

in their hearts.

"I'm first in our school—but only in our school. I got there

by tackling my weaknesses… And I think this team can do

the same."

Perhaps because they guessed what she was going to say

next, their attention was drawn increasingly to her words

and expression.

"You've always been good players, and you worked hard

for the past two years. We came together as a team to

achieve our shared goal."

All eyes were glued to her.


"That's why I know we can reach any heights we shoot


She made sure her tone was powerful and earnest.

"Let's do this! Let's shoot for the stars!"

In unison, her teammates responded: "Yeah!"

Some of them were crying, and others looked determined.

Each expression was slightly different, but they all believed

in her fully.

Sensing that they were all aligned behind the same goal

now, she nodded once, firmly. Partly, she was satisfied

because everyone was fired up to go to nationals. But more

than that, she was pleased that the speech she had practiced

over and over had had its intended effect on her teammates.

That in itself was gratifying.

She might have been expecting this—expecting that she

would be able to prove herself in this new arena.

* * *

Aoi walked to the station with the rest of the team, then

split off and headed home by herself. In the entryway, she

slipped off her loafers and paused in front of the closed

living room door. She could hear her mother moving around

on the other side. Oil was sizzling in the kitchen; apparently,

she was frying something. Her mother's presence unsettled

her just slightly.

Aoi placed her hand on her chest, then reached into her

pocket and fingered her report card. As she reached for the


doorknob, she visualized her mother's happy reaction and

her own response.

"…I'm home!" she called innocently and turned the knob.

As she'd guessed, her mother was standing in the kitchen

cooking. She smiled brightly at her daughter.

"Hi, Aoi! Good timing."

"For what?"

"Dinner's almost ready. I made cheeseburgers, your


"Yay! Thank you!"

Her demeanor now was intentionally a bit more girlish

than when she was in school. She took her usual spot at the

dining table. Her mother set a lid on the frying pan and sat

down across from Aoi.

"Is dinner okay?" Aoi asked.

"Yes, it's fine. I always put a lid on at the end to let the

burgers finish cooking after I turn off the heat. It's a little

trick to make the meat more tender."

"Wow!" Aoi said, overacting just a bit.

Her mother smiled. "How's school going?" she asked


Aoi stiffened; she was about to affirm her own


"…Well, we got our test scores back today," she replied,

pretending to have just remembered.


"How'd you do?"

It was an ordinary question, but before she answered, Aoi

made sure her expression was slightly playful and her tone


"Can you believe it? I got first again."

"Really? That's wonderful!" her mother cheered. She

nodded with satisfaction, then smiled kindly. "You really are

my little indigo flower, always blooming and reaching for the


Aoi was a bit surprised by her mother's reaction, and for a

second, she didn't know what to say. But she quickly pasted

a smile back on her face.

"…Aren't I?"

"You sure are. I'm always bragging to the other moms

about you."

"Ah-ha-ha. Now you're buttering me up."

Her mother's happiness and unconditional approval

didn't come as a surprise. They talked for a few more

minutes, then her mother stood up to check on their dinner.

Aoi let out a long breath and bit her lip at her own weakness.

Her mother slid the hamburgers onto their plates.

"Can you go tell Haruka dinner is ready?"


Aoi walked upstairs to her sister's room. She was three

years younger, a sixth grader in elementary school.


"Haruka?" she called, knocking on the door.

"Wait a second!" came the excited response. Aoi could

make out the faint sound of video game background music

on the other side of the door.

"Dinner's ready."

"Okay, I'll come down as soon as this game's over!"

"All righty," Aoi said, smiling wryly as she walked back

downstairs and sat at the table again. Her mother was in the

kitchen putting the finishing touches on their three plates.

"Where's your sister?"

"Playing a video game. She said she'll come down when

she's done."

"She's really obsessed with that game," her mother said

with a giggle as she carried their plates to the table.

"I know. I think it's called Attack Families?"


"It's super popular right now. All the boys in my class are

into it."

Aoi's mother sat down across from her to wait for Haruka.

"You're not interested?"

"I'm not sure I have time to play video games."

"Ah-ha-ha. True, you've got homework and basketball

already, so adding in games probably would be a bit much."



Her mother's response made her a little uneasy, but they

kept on talking. A few minutes later, Haruka came

downstairs. "Ooh, hamburgers!"

"With cheese!" their mother said proudly.

"Yum! Your favorite, right, Aoi?"

Aoi smiled at her sister's childish reaction, as if it

reassured her.

"Yup. Hurry up and sit down, okay?"

Once they were all seated, they began their meal. It was an

ordinary, peaceful family scene. But there was something

anxious and unsettled in Aoi's expression, as if she hadn't

yet fully defined herself.

* * *

After dinner, Aoi went to her room and opened the Excel

file she filled in every day on her computer. A graph showing

her quiz and test scores over time was pulled up on the

screen. The line started out nearly flat before curving up at

an increasingly steep angle, eventually zooming to the top.

The shape reflected not only her first-place status but also

her growing ROI on the effort she'd been putting in.

Essentially, she was learning to put in "the right kind of



She took a deep breath, let it out, and gazed at the graph

with something verging on excitement. Was she gazing at


the present, the path she took to get there, or the future?

Whatever the answer, the uncertainty of earlier had

vanished from her face.

"…Let's see."

She opened a Word file and began to edit it. The heading

read "Midterm Goals," with a list of phrases below: "Stay in

first place on finals and midterms," "Become a top

basketball player and lead the team to nationals," "Become

a central member of the most popular group."

Her fingers reached down to the mouse pad below the

keyboard. As she ran her fingers over it, the cursor on the

screen selected the text, turning the background black. Aoi

stared at the screen for a moment, then lightly pressed a key.

Instantly, the three lines of text disappeared. All that

remained was the heading, with an expanse of white below.

Each vision and goal she achieved left emptiness in its wake.

A meaningless column.


She took another deep breath, thinking in order to control

her anxiety. As long as she was running, everything was

easy, but the second she stopped, she was drenched in sweat.

She was already growing accustomed to a state of constant


She had reached first place in her school in several arenas

—in her midterms and finals, the arena of academics; among

her classmates, the arena of communication; and on the

basketball team, the arena of physical ability. So what was

her next goal?

She nodded and began to type, recalling the scene at


practice earlier that day. She wanted those results to be

reproducible. In which case, she needed a new arena.

Something she hadn't achieved yet.

"Win first place in the basketball nationals."

She stared at this new promise to herself, then closed the

Word file, satisfied.

* * *

A month passed.

"We can do this! We've made it this far; we can finish it


Aoi and her team had won the prefectural tournament

without incident and were now at nationals. Their school

hadn't been on anyone's radar, and now here they were

facing off with the nation's best. That should have been more

than enough to satisfy anyone, though it was the inevitable

outcome of the amount and quality of effort they'd put in. At

least in the realm of junior high sports, Aoi had polished her

method to an art.

"For sure! Don't let up now, ladies! Work your magic!"

"Ah-ha-ha. Come on, Yokoyama—that's Aoi's line."

"Hey, let me have this!"

Everyone on the team had worked hard to reach this

moment. They stood next to the court, supporting one

another as they revved themselves up for the game.


"Let's go!"

Their battle for the national title was about to start.

Two days later, Aoi stood on the court crying.

She'd made it to the national tournament, where the best

teams from all over Japan fought it out on the main stage.

But her team came in second.

Needless to say, Aoi was not crying tears of joy. She was

frustrated at being only the second best in the whole


By any other standards, the team's results would have

been too good to be true. Until a year earlier, they'd have

been lucky to make it to the prefectural tournament, and

now suddenly they were the second-best team in Japan.

They hadn't managed to capture the gold medal, but anyone

would have been amazed by their achievement. And Aoi was

the one who got them there. No one would dream of

criticizing her.

But still.

"First place goes to Yatsuyanagi Junior High School."

At the closing ceremony, Aoi gritted her teeth hearing the

words first place paired with the name of a school that was

not her own. Her frustration at her results, as incredible as

they were, was so overwhelming she felt it was ripping her

apart. Perhaps the tears stemmed from all the determination

and effort she'd put in, or perhaps from a sense that she was

under a spell she couldn't escape.



Standing next to her, Yokoyama silently rested a hand on

Aoi's shoulder. But she couldn't bring herself to even

murmur Aoi's name. She had realized something as she

watched her team captain sob. Like the others, Yokoyama

had worked harder in the past year than she ever imagined

she could work. She'd followed Aoi's lead, walking in her

shadow—perhaps to grant Aoi's wish.


But Aoi always worked much harder.

A thought lurked in the back of Yokoyama's mind—and in

the minds of all the other girls on the team.

If there were five Aois on the team, we would have won.

That's why she and the others remained silent. They'd

followed her, but the dream of being the top team in Japan

was a dream that Aoi gave them, no more. It had never been

something they themselves were determined to achieve.


Yokoyama bit her lip, frustrated at her own dependence

and powerlessness. But realizing that now didn't help the

situation. She couldn't rewind time, and she couldn't reverse

the tournament results.

They'd always depended on Aoi when they were in

trouble, even in basketball games. She became their go-to in

difficult situations. Eventually, they started believing they

wouldn't reach their dream through their own efforts, but

that Aoi would lead them there.

"…I'm fine, Yoko-chan…"

That's why Yokoyama and the other players didn't

comfort her or congratulate one another on their hard work.

In fact, they couldn't even feel genuine regret over the


* * *


A few hours later, the team was in a room at a Japanese

restaurant in Omiya that their coach had rented out for a

party. The tension of the game had dissipated, and all thirty

team members, including the reserve players and first-year

students, were gathered in the large tatami room.

"Thanks for all your hard work, Aoi!"

"You looked awesome out there!"

"It's so amazing we got second place…!"

The words of congratulation and praise that the younger

players offered soothed Aoi slightly, but of course they didn't

reach her core. Not a single person in the room had worked

as hard as her; they couldn't genuinely praise her, and she

couldn't genuinely praise them.

"Ah-ha-ha. Thanks."

The best she could do was nod and smile superficially.

As the party was winding down, the starters each said a

few words to the group before everyone went home. The five

girls stood in front of the others, while the rest of the team

watched attentively.

"I've never worked so hard for anything in my whole

life…! It's all thanks to Aoi…!"

Each speech was full of praise and gratitude for her.

"I'm so happy I was able to be on this team with…Aoi…

and the rest of you!"

Their words were tearful but positive. That honesty

gradually began to have an effect on Aoi, reaching the soft


parts of her that she hadn't yet molded to perfection. She

held back the wave of emotion rising within her, staring

straight ahead. The other four starters finished their short

speeches, and now it was her turn. She had naturally gone

last, and with her speech, the curtain would fall on their

entire basketball team experience. Everyone was waiting

eagerly for her words. She slowly opened her mouth.

"…Ladies, thank you for this year."

She was struggling to make this speech, doing her best to

wear the proper mask of a basketball team captain.

"I was only able to work this hard because all of you came


Writhing beneath her own painful regret, she desperately

searched for the ideal words.

"I don't think I could have done it with any other team.

No one else would have believed enough to make this fairy

tale come true."

She had to complete her role in perfection.

"We fell just a tiny bit short of our goal, but second place

is incredible, right?"

She had to prove her own rightness one more time.

"Being on the team with all of you this year…"

But as she prepared to conclude her speech, a strange,

dark tentacle of emotion slithered over her mind.

"Being on the team…has been…"


The words caught in her throat as the murky feeling

pushed up from deep inside her, threatening to overflow. All

she had to do was say those beautiful, ideal words, just like

everyone else. That was all she had to do to put a neat, tidy

bow on this long, long role she'd poured herself into over the

past year as captain of the Kusunoki Junior High basketball


But she couldn't finish the sentence.

"It's been…"

She was not able to share the same emotion as everybody

else. They'd lost. They hadn't achieved their goal. She could

not honestly say that she enjoyed her time on the team, not

by any definition.

Little by little, she sensed her emotions and thoughts

spinning beyond her control.


She realized something then. Her eye had always been on

something different from everyone else. She knew that she

could not go back to the person she had once been. She was

fundamentally different from everyone else—there was no

one with whom she could share her outlook on the world.

She realized that large tears were rolling down her cheeks.

She herself didn't understand exactly why she was crying. All

she knew was that she felt horribly, terribly alone in the



The younger girls were starting to cry, too. Needless to

say, they had no idea what was going on inside her at all. But


they trusted her so deeply that the mere sight of her crying

was enough to bring them to tears.



The starters felt something slightly different. Aoi was

crying tears of frustration during her speech, but her eyes

held no hint of weakness. She stared straight ahead so

fixedly it was as if she couldn't do anything else. She took

full responsibility for everything she had taken on—and she

existed on an entirely different plane from them.

Her power was understated but also completely


For the first time, the starters were a bit frightened of her.

It was the first time she had exposed herself to them. But the

hidden part of herself that she had exposed, the part beneath

the armor of her performance, was grotesquely strong.

"So, everybody… Thank you!"

In the end, she finished her speech without saying the

words she had set out to say.

* * *

Late that night, Aoi sat gazing vacantly at her computer

screen. Beneath the heading "Midterm Goals" was the line of

text reading "Win first place in the basketball nationals."

She had selected the text, and her finger was hovering above

the DELETE button.



She was so used to setting and renewing her goals that it

had almost become a routine. Still, in that moment,

something within her resisted pushing the button. Pushing it

was the most humiliating thing she could imagine. It was her

first decisive defeat.

How could she possibly be erasing a goal because she

hadn't achieved it?

Aoi bit her lip and managed to prevent the central pillar in

her heart from collapsing—and tapped the button. The

sound seemed to echo through the room like an explosion.

The joint of the finger she'd used to press the button

throbbed slightly. The words were finally gone, leaving a

white space. Her own emptiness materialized before her

eyes. What would she fill it with?


Suddenly, she heard a voice calling from outside her door.

She took a breath and answered.

"Haruka, is that you?"

"I was wondering…"


Haruka's answer was something Aoi could never have

imagined. "…Do you wanna play a video game?"


She was surprised. Haruka hadn't asked her to do

something like that in a long time. Until a few years earlier,

the three of them had often played together, but ever since


that day, the sisters had almost never played video games.

Aoi figured it was because she had begun to focus with such

maniacal intensity on her goals. Or maybe it was because

retracing similar memories would lead her to remember the

brilliance of that day, and so she instinctively shrank from it.

Anyway, it was unusual for Haruka to invite her like this.

"Come on, play Atafami with me!"

* * *

"N-no way…"

"Crushed you!"

The game's real name was Attack Families, but everyone

called it Atafami. It was the most popular PvP action game

in Japan.

Aoi and Haruka were sitting in front of the TV in the

living room, each holding a controller. Aoi wasn't sure why

Haruka had suddenly invited her to play, but she guessed it

might have been an attempt to cheer her up. That didn't

mean she was going easy on Aoi, of course—really, she was

as intent on winning as she always had been when the three

of them played.


Aoi stared at the results screen in a daze. Back when the

three of them were all crazy about games for no particular

reason, Aoi had been the best player. Even though she'd only

played Atafami once or twice before, she never expected

Haruka to beat her with three out of four stocks left.


"I can't believe I lost so badly to a sixth grader!"

"You haven't practiced enough."

"L-let's go again!"


But the results weren't any different from their first game.

Her relative lack of experience with Atafami was entirely to

blame, but still, Aoi couldn't help feeling disgruntled.

"Argh, damn it!"

"You had that coming!"

"What!! Why couldn't I hit you?"

"It's called a spot dodge."

"I-I've never heard of that…"

The battle was lopsided but heated. The third-year junior

high student getting trounced by the sixth-year elementary

student seemed somehow younger than she was and fully

invested in the game.

"I l-lost again…"

"That was easy! I think you studied too much and now

you're bad at games."


Aoi glared at her little sister. Of course, both of them were

still children. But Aoi had always hated to lose. Being

crushed this badly was incredibly frustrating for her.


Maybe because they were so excited and wrapped up in

the game, they didn't notice their mother standing behind

them. A soapy sponge in one hand, she was watching them

in a trance.

"Oh, Mom!" Aoi said when she finally noticed her there.

She felt oddly embarrassed, as if her mother had caught her

doing something bad. But her mother smiled, her eyes

sparkling, and said something Aoi hadn't expected.

"…You look like you're really having fun, Aoi."


Aoi was genuinely surprised by her mother's words. She

was losing game after game to her younger sister—but she

was having fun? For Aoi, who had spent the past several

years constantly pursuing victory and eventually found

herself unable to even utter the word fun, her mother's

comment felt very unnatural.

But her mother wasn't the only one with that impression.

Haruka was smiling innocently at her, too.

"You really do!"

Aoi loved that smile of Haruka's—and it made her a little

shy. She started to feel unsure. How did she really feel,

inside the mask, in her innermost heart? What expression

was her real self making? Was she genuinely enjoying her

recent loss? She looked down at the controller in her hands,

feeling oddly unsettled.

"…Do I?"

The uncharacteristically uncertain question was directed


at herself.

* * *

After that, Aoi started playing Atafami with Haruka on a

regular basis. Was she simply trying to get better at the

game? Or was she drawn to that emotion she'd felt for a

fleeting moment? Whichever the answer, she got more and

more obsessed.

"Hmm…so you figured out that I always jump here…"

She had a habit of sorts. Whenever she was faced with

something that had rules and results, she unconsciously

began to analyze its structure. She did it with schoolwork

and club activities and even with the structure of

relationships in her class. In the process of aiming for the

top, she'd become better than anyone else at analyzing these

systems. Of course, she quickly surpassed Haruka at


"Eek! Aoi, you really are the Evil Overlord!"

The strange thing was, no matter how many times she

played Atafami with Haruka, that was the only time that

excitement welled up inside her.

"Heh-heh! I won!"

"You're too good! How'd you get so good?"

"I'm just a natural, I guess."

True, she'd beaten Haruka. But that alive, warm feeling

didn't come from winning.


"Haruka?! No fair…"

"Is too fair!"

"Ooh, if I run this way, you'll fall off the edge and I won't."

"Hey! Now you're being unfair!"

"Ah-ha-ha. Am not."

The mood was a lot like it had been when the three sisters

had played together years ago.



The rowdy game over, Haruka gently set down her


"We used to play games like this a lot…before."

"…I know."

The expression on Haruka's face was a mixture of sadness

and loneliness. Aoi didn't need to ask to know what she

meant. She ruffled her sister's hair affectionately. If she

hadn't, she felt sure the loneliness would have overtaken

her, too.

"…Okay, Haruka! Let's play one more time!"

"What, really? You haven't had enough yet?"

Maybe the two of them were running from the loneliness,

or maybe they were indulging in the nostalgia. They played

again and again and again. Three controllers were plugged

into the console. But the sister who used to hold the third


one was no longer there.

* * *

Before she knew it, Aoi was more obsessed with Atafami

than Haruka was. When Haruka was home, she played with

her sister, and when she wasn't, she played online. It was as

if she'd found her place. Any game might have served the

same purpose, as long as she and Haruka could laugh

together as they played. As long as it uncovered their buried

memories and feelings from that other time, anything would

have done—maybe it didn't even have to be a video game.

But by chance, Atafami also happened to fit Hinami's

criteria for the best games. The correct type of effort yielded

the correct results, without unfair flukes or inequalities.

Simple rules entwined in a complex way to form a deeply

engaging game. In other words, a god-tier game.

Each time she dove into it, she felt more convinced that it

was as interesting as real life. Plus, it had the most players of

any PvP game in Japan, so anytime she went online, she

could play against other high-level players from all over the

country. She could even tell how good they were from their

winrates. Aoi believed only in numbers and results, and

attaining them was everything to her. There could hardly be

a more perfect way to fill the emptiness in her heart.

Within several months of getting into Atafami, her

winrate had rocketed to the top 0.5 percent, making her

inarguably one of the best players in the country. That was

when she realized something.

Ever since the day she decided to do things right, ever


since the moment she realized she needed to win more than

anyone else, she thought she had taken the best course of

action. But she had lost the basketball tournament. Now she

knew why.


No, she had probably known it since the moment she lost.

Maybe she had begun to sense it even earlier, when she was

practicing with the team. She knew why she hadn't won.

Because she hadn't been pursuing a personal goal.

Of course, managing other people's motivations could be

inherent to winning, in a sense. But ultimately, other people

were other people. Controlling them completely was

impossible. She suspected that her teammates had sensed

the same thing. They pushed themselves to the limit for her,

but they still couldn't be like her. They lacked the same

driving force, the same emptiness.

She couldn't blame them for it. She was simply a different

kind of person than they were.

Aoi stayed in her room playing Atafami like a girl

possessed. Her handle was Aoi. She didn't have a good

reason for making that her name, beyond the fact that it was

the name she'd registered her console under. She hadn't felt

the need to choose a special name, and a common name like

Aoi seemed just right for diving single-mindedly into


The most important thing was playing Atafami constantly

helped her relieve her regrets slightly. The way that her

effort was instantly reflected in her winrate suited her


personality perfectly. It was a way to prove her impeccable


"…Whoa, seriously?"

One day, she was paired with a new opponent and felt a

jolt of surprise. She knew that name. At first, she thought

her opponent must be an impostor, but when she saw the

number written next to the name, she knew it really was


nanashi Winrate: 2,569

That number was incredible. Of course she knew the

name. She was going up against the best player in Japan, the

one who had consistently held onto the top winrate.



A quiet joy bubbled up inside her. She'd been wanting to

play him forever. Gender and age didn't matter in this

simple, fair, incredible game. This was the top Atafami

player in Japan, who had built up an incredible record. In

the world of gaming, he was a monster who did everything


Even though they were playing online, this was still an

opportunity to face off against someone truly worthy of

respect. How much of a fight could she put up?

What did the world look like through his eyes?

Aoi's own winrate was just over 2,000. She figured there

was still probably a gulf between their ability levels. But


based on her experiences analyzing, attempting, and

"conquering" everything from schoolwork to basketball to

relationships, she thought she might be able to do a little

damage. Maybe she could give the famous nanashi a


In the realm of academics, she'd proved herself in various

fights using the methodology she'd cultivated, refining it


In the realm of sports, she'd mastered precision moves

through repeated trial and error, improving her firepower to

the limit.

In the realm of relationships, she'd won repeatedly at

mind games by using the tactics she'd developed.

This was her pet theory: Anything with rules and results

was a game, life and Atafami included.

And she intended to attack nanashi with everything she'd

learned in the game of life.

Aoi calmed her pounding heart and pressed the button to


She knew she wasn't likely to win, but she wasn't about to

let him beat her for free, either.

She let out a slow breath and concentrated her attention

in the tips of her fingers.

When the game ended, Aoi sat in a daze, the controller

still in her hands, staring at the screen.


"…That was amazing."

She'd been no match for him. He crushed her. She hadn't

expected to win; she'd assumed a loss was inevitable. But

she hadn't expected to completely fail to defend herself at


When it came to mastery of fighting techniques, precision

of combos, and reads, which she'd considered her specialty—

he'd dominated her completely.

"…How'd he do it?"

She had been completely outsmarted, made to dance like

a marionette in his palm. He predicted her moves almost as

if he were leading her into them, and the instant before she

chose a given move, he unleashed the perfect counter.

She had never experienced this before, but it was by no

means unpleasant. She was able to realize something as she

played—if someone worked really hard at it, they could get

this good.

"So that was nanashi…"

She was so excited she almost sent him a chat message—

but quickly changed her mind. After all, she was no one in

this world. She didn't have the right to talk to him on equal

footing yet. Instead of sending a message, she sent a request

for another game.



A second later, nanashi left the room. Yeah, she was

insignificant to him at this stage.


"…So that's where I stand."

Nevertheless, she was elated. Memories of the party after

the basketball nationals, and of her speech, came flooding

back. The loneliness and isolation she'd felt at that moment

had left wounds that still ached. Everyone had been saying

how fun it was, except for her. For her, winning first place

had been a genuine goal, the only thing she wanted. Fun had

nothing to do with it. The only things she'd been pursuing

were victory, correctness, and something to fill the void.

Maybe she really was a monster; maybe understanding and

being understood was impossible for her.

But this moment felt completely different.

She thought no one else could put in as much effort as

her, or analyze the structure of things so well, or deal with

other people so shrewdly. But to him, everything she

considered "life" was a speck of dust. To her, that was

unimaginable—and that was why her heart felt ready to

explode with joy. It was the polar opposite of her experience

during her speech after the nationals experience.

This time, she was the one watching the show.

A new sort of hope sprouted in her heart. Maybe the

heights she was climbing toward weren't so dark and

desolate after all. Maybe someone was waiting up there—

someone who had put in even more effort than her.

Yes. Maybe this person had the potential.


Maybe the champion of the most popular PvP game in

Japan could share this loneliness with her.

She knew nothing.

She looked forward to everything.

Maybe if she took off running toward this goal, she'd be

able to reach it this time.

"…Nanashi," she muttered as she turned off the console

and opened YouTube on her phone. She was able to find a

number of videos of games against him. Whoever posted

them probably hadn't gotten his permission, but she didn't

care. She added them all to her playlist.

After that, she opened up the Word document she'd been

editing. The void within her popped up on-screen—the blank

canvas of her "Midterm Goals."

Slowly, she typed in a new line of text.

"Be better than nanashi."

She closed the document, and burning with this fierce

new determination, she began to analyze nanashi's play


I'll start by copying him. It's okay to pretend at first—as

long as I eventually start doing everything right.

After all, the real me died on that day, and the real me is

no one.


Which means—

If I'm not here anymore, this name means nothing.

I don't need to borrow strength from the sun. I'm strong

enough on my own.


Giving herself over to this feeling of elation, she opened

the settings screen on the console and went to the "name"

field. She typed in the characters one at a time, as if she were

carving them into her soul. She knew she was empty, but

that was exactly the point. She would fill that void with

victories she grabbed for herself. She would discard anything

she had received from anyone else and prove through her

own strength that meaning could be given to a void.

She erased the word Aoi and typed in six English letters

and one space.

She was intent on covering her first loss. Her movements

were imbued with much more passion than when she'd

deleted the goal she failed to achieve.

She banged the ENTER key hard with her middle finger, as

if she were planting a flag of decision in her life.

At that moment, NO NAME had no idea that a year and a

half later, she—as Aoi Hinami—would meet the bottom-tier

character nanashi face-to-face.