Lies and morning glow

They were in an apartment in the Meguro district.

Startled awake by a sudden sensation against his calf, the

man opened his eyes. Rena was lying with her back to him,

looking at her phone. He wrapped his arm around her


"Morning, Rena," he whispered into her ear, lightly

hugging her from behind. He could feel her supple skin

through the thin fabric of her Gelato Pique loungewear. Her

hair smelled faintly of sweat.

"Hmm?" she said in a cutesy voice, then closed the Twitter

app she'd been looking at. Accepting his embrace, she

turned her head and gave him a vulnerable smile.

"…Morning. Did I wake you up?"

"Yeah. I don't mind."

"You don't?"

She wiggled her hips and flipped over so she was facing

him. Then she reached her arms up and laced her fingers

behind his neck. Squeezed between her arms, her cleavage

deepened and brushed the man's body ever so slightly. She

gazed up at him coyly.

"…I was thinking…"

"What?" he asked, revealing his interest as her sultry eyes


focused on him.

"I think you know," she said. She wasn't hiding her


"What are you talking about?" he said, feigning ignorance.

She nuzzled closer to him. Their bodies pressed together,

and he could feel her warmth and softness. Her lips brushed

his ear, her breathy voice tickling his eardrums.

"Let's do it again."

Like a spark fanning into a flame, he pulled her to him,

just a little more roughly this time.

* * *

Five or six hours earlier, Rena had been in a free space in

Shibuya. The year was almost over, and Tokyo was still

blanketed in snow. Twelve men and three women were

gathered in the simple, white room furnished only with

tables, chairs, and a cooking area. They were there for a realworld meetup for players of a well-known FPS game.

It was after ten at night. They'd been there for about two

hours, and by this time, everyone was moving around

talking to whoever they wanted. Rena looked around in a

haze, her thinking blurred from drinking.

"You know the video I put up the other day…?"

"I'll follow you on Twitter…"

As the excited voices ricocheted inside her head, she felt

like she was melting airily into the crowd. The shoulders


peeking out from the cutouts in her oversized black sweater

were flushed pink. It was obvious that she was drunk, but

she didn't mind.

"You been drinking, Rena-chan?"

A man had sat down next to her, set his chin comfortably

in his hand, and started talking; he went by the name

Rambo. That was his gaming handle; Rena didn't know his

real name. He looked like your typical office worker,

probably in his early thirties. He said he edited online

videos. Behind him, Rena saw he'd brought a younger

coworker named Old Man Hippo. Needless to say, this was

also a gaming handle.

"Yes, I have. Haven't you?" she replied playfully to

Rambo, who was probably a decade older than her. They'd

met for the first time that evening and hadn't talked much

yet, but Rena was already addressing him like a friend.

Old Man Hippo watched them from a few steps back.

"Me? Yeah, I'm drinking," Rambo said, going along with

her friendly tone. He seemed to enjoy it, which was good

because it could have been taken as rude.

Rena was almost elated that it had gone over so well.



Yes, she'd won him over. There was a certain type of man

who couldn't resist her catlike friendliness, who instantly

started fawning expectantly over her. She knew that from



"I see your glass is empty. Shall I get you something?" he

asked in a vaguely theatrical tone.

"Yes, what are you going to have?" Old Man Hippo said,

jumping in as if he'd finally found a role for himself in the


Rena smirked a little at his pointless contribution.

"Hmm, let's see…," she said, as if she were carefully

weighing their words.

Rambo was watching her carefully. But when she met his

gaze, he quickly glanced away, as if he couldn't handle it.

From there, his glance flickered to her chest, outlined clearly

by the sweater dress, to her legs below the short hem, before

settling eventually on a wall or his phone. As if she wouldn't


Old Man Hippo was even worse. He was staring

unswervingly at Rambo, like he was trying to avoid Rena,

and hadn't made eye contact with her once. Then, when he

thought she wasn't looking, his eyes would dart over to her.

Rena sighed softly to herself, holding off on answering their


This type again…

"…How about I make you a mixed drink?" Rambo asked,

apparently unable to stand the silence. The flirtatious way he

said it—"How about I make you one?" not "How about we go

get something together?"—brought her out of her drunken

haze. She looked at Rambo with his insincere, uptight

expression and at Old Man Hippo, who was still shooting

furtive glances at her, and pasted a happy smile on her face.


"That's okay; I'll go get something myself. Wait for me,


"Are you sure…?"

"Of course!"

What boring men.

Having written them off, she stood up and walked over to

the counter. Her flushed shoulders were bare, while her

sweater hid little of her long legs, and her nude stockings

made them look bare. She glanced back at the two men.

Both of them were staring after her greedily.

I'm the object of their desire.

The thought excited her, and she felt a warm, satisfied

sensation spreading over her lower abdomen.

They want me. But they can't have me.

As she walked, she tilted her empty glass up to her lips,

drinking down the melted ice. The clear liquid chilled her

mouth, but her chest remained warm. She'd told them to

wait for her—but she had no intention of returning.

* * *

Every time Rena came to a meetup like this, multiple guys

approached her. She had regular features that she

highlighted with makeup and a feminine figure that she

accentuated with suggestive clothes and shoes. All of it was

selected with men's desires in mind. She was slightly

annoyed when the guys who hit on her weren't her type, but

the excitement of being desired far outweighed the irritation.


Whenever they expressed their interest, she inevitably

remembered a cardinal truth: Women always lie, and men

are always honest.

"We get along so well, Rena. I can really be myself

around you."

"Stay away from me, you traitor."

"I knew it! I knew we'd get along great!"

"Can you believe she told me I shouldn't worry about it?

That's not how real friends act."


She leaned on the kitchen window and propped her chin

on her palm, scowling. Outside, the snow was beginning to

melt on the streets of Shibuya. Pushed to the edges of the

sidewalk and crushed underfoot into a slushy mess, it

reminded her of a person who had revealed their true self.

She gazed out at it, her mind wandering. The haze of

alcohol had brought forward a memory from three years

earlier that she couldn't care less about.

She had been seventeen then, still in high school.

She'd already nearly perfected her style, and her

classmates—especially the guys—admired her looks. They

didn't want to date her, really—just to mess around with her.

She was casually aware of that fact. Wearing her uniform

skirt short was an intentional choice, but the way her gym

clothes drew attention to her wasn't. She was a typical high


school girl in that she found her feminine body annoying at

times, at least back then.

She belonged to the most popular group, probably

because her looks drew people to her. It wasn't that everyone

in the group got along—more like they used one another as

accessories to strengthen their own position in the

hierarchy. They had an interest in one another, you might


"Ooh, did you redo your nails, Rena?"

"You noticed! Sharp eyes, Shoko! I thought I'd try

something a little bolder."

"The black and pink looks so cute together. It really suits


"Really? Thank you!"

Every time she talked with someone else in the popular

group, they evaluated one another's aesthetic, like they were

keeping a watch on each other. She updated her look

competitively. Sometimes, they competed with each other,

and at other times, they formed a faction to gain the upper

hand over another group. In a sense, they were just passing

time together.

"Rena, you don't keep anything secret from me, do you?"

"Why are you asking me that? Of course I never lie."

"I can trust you that way. I feel like we really get along."

"You do?"


Setting aside the question of how deep the other girl's

trust really was, Rena would have been lying if she claimed

the approval didn't make her happy.

If anything set her aside from the others, it was her

tendency to really get into her hobbies. Aside from belonging

to the popular group, she also belonged to a group of girls

with various obsessions. One was really into visual kei

bands, another was a fan of certain online gamers who

streamed with face cams, and another followed underground

boy bands. Then there was Rena, who liked online gaming. A

handful of these girls, all of whom were attractive and flashy

but had somehow strayed from the norm, had crossed the

boundaries between class cliques to form their own small

core group.

Rena didn't feel that she was more her real self in one

group versus the other. If she had to put it into words, she

might have said that she needed both groups in order to fit

both sides of herself—the side that was pretty and the side

that easily became obsessed with hobbies—into the school

community. However, her unique position ended up getting

her into some minor trouble.

One day, Rena was walking home after school with her

classmate Karen, a member of the core group. She often

watched videos on the streaming site TwitCasting and was a

fan of several streamers.

"So does that day work for you?" Karen asked her. "I was

thinking we could do it at my house."

"Yeah, that's good for me," Rena answered.

They were talking about a video game that several


members of their group liked. It was an FPS game you could

play on a phone either online or locally, and they were

planning a get-together to play.

"Awesome. So it'll be you, me, Kaoru, Chiri, and…"

"Wait, you invited other people?"

Karen had already named the four core members of their

group, and Rena had assumed that would be it.

"Yeah…Keisuke-kun, Makoto-kun, Yosuke-kun, and

'Yamaken'-san from the grade ahead of us."

"Wow, nice! How'd you get them to say yes?"

"Apparently, they're really into this game."


All four boys had gone to the same school as Rena and

Karen but now were in university or working. They'd all

been very popular, and lots of the younger kids had envied

them. Rena hadn't been especially close with any of them,

but their names alone were enough to make her excited.

A private party with the four of them. And on top of that,

they'd be playing the game Rena loved. She was at a stage in

life where that idea was enough to unleash happy butterflies

in her chest.

"Okay, so I'll leave that day open," she said in a laid-back

tone. She was looking forward to it.

On the day of the party, she went to Karen's house. But

the scene that unfolded in Karen's room wasn't quite what

she had imagined.


A mixed group of eight was in the small room. They'd

played a few games at the beginning, but after that, it had

devolved into a kind of singles party. Some of the girls and

guys had their arms around each other's waists or shoulders.

You'd never have guessed they were meeting for the first

time that day.

"Come over here, Rena-chan."

"What do you want, Yosuke-kun? Oh well, I guess it's


The situation had gone a bit beyond what she expected,

but for some reason, she felt comfortable there. Of course,

common sense told her this wasn't pure, innocent fun, and

she knew the boys didn't really respect her. But she felt like

she'd been let in early to the adult world. That feeling of

superiority made her let her guard down.

But a few days later, a problem came up.

"Hey, Rena, I heard you went to Karen's party."

"What, you mean with Keisuke and those guys?"


She was in the classroom after school when Shoko, a

member of the popular group, approached her sullenly.

"Yosuke-kun was there, too, right?"


Shoko frowned. "You knew I was dating him, didn't you?"

"Yes, but…I thought you broke up."


She still didn't understand what Shoko was after.

"That's not the issue."

"…What's the issue?" Rena asked.

Shoko looked obviously angry now. "It hasn't even been

two weeks since we split up. Don't you think it's a little

insensitive to go after someone's ex that fast?"

"…Is it?" she asked. She didn't see the problem.

Yosuke was Shoko's ex, and he had put his arm around

Rena's shoulder and gotten kind of friendly with her. But

what was wrong with that? She genuinely thought it was

fine, but maybe she'd been feeling even more casual about it

because she'd been part of such a grown-up party. If

anything, it was immature of Shoko to get hung up about

something so minor.

"If you're not together anymore, I don't think it matters

how long it's been."

"Are you serious?"


"Fine. I don't know what else to say," Shoko said, then

spun on her heels and walked off.

"Such a baby," Rena said, loud enough for Shoko to hear,

and Shoko shot her a nasty look.

Starting the next day, Shoko and her friends acted

differently toward Rena.




In the morning, when Rena tried to say hello to another

member of the popular group, the other girl acted

uncomfortable, like she didn't know what to say. Rena didn't

know exactly what was going on, but she was a free spirit.

Figuring the girl must be sleepy or something, she turned to

another girl without making a big deal of it. The problem

was, everyone acted the same way. Whoever she tried to talk

to in the popular group, they looked awkwardly away from

her. By the time Shoko and every other member had reacted

the same way, Rena understood fully.

She had been ostracized.

They had never been super close friends anyway. In this

group, whose members used one another like accessories,

even the faintest crack could easily break the cohesion. Still,

Rena remembered what Shoko had once said to her. "We get

along so well. I can really be myself around you." Those

words had made Rena happy, and in a way, she'd felt she'd

found her place.


For a little while at least, she would be isolated in her

class. She laughed at the ridiculousness of it.

"…It really is childish," she snapped, but no one was


After that, Rena was constantly alone at school. She'd

always been strong-willed and upfront about her likes and

dislikes, so being rejected by Shoko and her group was

enough to make her lose her place in the school overall.

What she hadn't expected was that the members of her core


group would gradually begin to avoid her as well. But their

interests had never been entirely aligned anyway. Visual kei

bands, underground rock, streamers, online gaming—they'd

come together to ease their isolation, because no one else

accepted their obsessions. They attracted attention, but they

didn't have a strong position. They didn't have the leeway to

retain a member who had been rejected by the popular

group. Meaning that single incident caused Rena to lose

both groups she'd felt at home in.

Of course, Shoko probably hadn't intended to keep

shunning Rena until they graduated. She'd only meant to

make an example of her because Rena had hit her where she

was weakest. They should have found a chance to make up

after a few weeks.

But a few days after Rena became an outcast, she began to

skip class and soon stopped attending class altogether. The

isolation itself hadn't gotten to her exactly, but being

alienated at school was much more unpleasant than she'd

expected. When she was in the popular group, classmates

had moved aside obsequiously when she passed. Now those

girls who Rena saw as plain and unattractive frowned and

avoided her if she came near. They talked about her loud

enough for her to overhear.

"Ugh, she's coming over here."

"I sure am," she would say back, refusing to give in to

them. But at school, unless you had multiple people on your

side, turning the tide wasn't possible.

"It's her fault for coming."

"I wish she wouldn't."


"Same here."


She could defend herself all she wanted, but she may as

well have said nothing. And she was cuter than them, and

her figure was better! She was far ahead of them.

She frowned and pouted, but no one came to her side.

Now that she didn't belong to any group, she was suddenly

dropped to the rock bottom of the hierarchy. Anybody

watching would have felt sorry for her. She decided she'd be

better off disappearing altogether before she started feeling

it, too.

Once she wasn't at school, the hierarchy was gone. She

had no reason to meet with her classmates or group

members, so they could no longer force their lies on her with

the violence of numbers. Instead, she began to meet

regularly with the guys who had been at Karen's party.

"Sorry I'm late, Rena-chan."

"Should we go?"

Keisuke, Makoto, Yosuke, and Yamaken. Before long, she

was close with several of them, including Shoko's ex, Yosuke.

Eventually, she started dating Keisuke, their leader.

"Rena, I heard you quit school."

"Yeah, I did."

"Huh… Well, you'll figure something out. You're hot."

"Ah-ha-ha," she laughed, slipping her arm through

Keisuke's. "…Yes, I think I will."


She didn't feel guilty at that moment, much less pitiful.

No—she felt superior. She'd lost her place at school, but she

was second to no one. All these cool university guys wanted

her. She had multiple strongholds. These guys had been

popular since high school, idols of the younger students.

They were far more valuable to her than some random rules

that changed with the whims of the majority, far more

valuable than friendships that only went skin deep.

At school, her place among the girls had been stolen from

her. Mood and words were everything in that realm, and

she'd been dragged through the dirt. But instincts didn't lie.

Guys were forced to show their true colors when she

confronted them with her womanliness. That's why she

didn't believe in words—she believed in feelings. Not logic,

only instinct.

Chin in hand, Rena gazed at the dirty snow outside the

window. It was gray and slushy with footprints, but if you

cut away the top layer, fresh white snow appeared again.

Liars were the same way—the first time they met a guy, they

showed that innocent, unspoiled side. Rena stood in front of

the kitchen counter, looking around the meetup. How many

of these people were really innocent? As for herself, she at

least wanted to be like honest, dirty snow from the start.

What a stupid memory. The alcohol had brought back

Shoko's spiteful face, but Rena chased it from her mind,

laughing it off. She didn't know what had become of Shoko

since then, but such a boring, stupid person had to be having

a boring, stupid twentieth year. Rena set her glass down on

the counter and opened the built-in fridge. She poured some

Campari and grapefruit juice over the ice in her glass,

stirring the cubes with her glittering nails, which faded from

black to purple. She watched happily as the pretty red and


yellow liquids blended together among the clinking ice.

It was an unusual color. She could see logic melting slowly

into instinct. She took a sip and, satisfied with the flavor,

lightly licked the traces of alcohol off her nails.

"I'm having another, too."

Rena slowly turned toward the male voice on her right,

arranging her face into a smile. It was Jimmy, another of the

participants. In his late twenties, he wore his dyed-brown

hair in a soft, contemporary style. Each time he moved, a

faint scent of vanilla wafted toward her.

"Oh, Jimmy-san," she said sweetly, scooting over to make

room for him at the counter. The gesture was partly habit,

partly a sign of her acceptance of his overture. At any rate,

Jimmy was a popular YouTube commentator. He was

probably the most famous person at the meetup. She gloated

silently over the fact that he'd approached her, not the other

way around.

"What're you drinking? Looks girly," he said smoothly in

that same voice Rena knew from his videos. She threw him a

vulnerable look.

"This? Campari and grapefruit."

"I see."

"Want a sip?" she asked casually, as if they were old

friends. She held out the glass she'd already taken a few sips

from. He reached for it, smiling at her willingness.

"Sure, why not?"

"Here you go."


He took the glass from her with an equally familiar

gesture and gulped down a mouthful. Rena gazed at him

with satisfaction.

"Like it?" she asked flirtatiously. She detected a glint of

curiosity in Jimmy's eyes. She had a physical sense for what

she needed to do in order to pique men's interest.

He held the glass up, clinking the ice cubes, and smoothly

replied, "Not very strong."

"Wow, heavy drinker?" she said, taking a step into his

personal life while at the same time brushing his back with

her hand, as if to whisper to an even more personal side of

him. He smiled casually, then took a few more sips of her

drink, like it was his own. The glass was already half empty.

"This is good. Tastes like juice."

"That's my drink, you know."

"Oh right, I forgot."

He's acting friendly because he thinks my face is pretty,

and he wants to touch my body, and I smell good, and he

thinks he can pull this off. He knew nothing about who she

was as a person, but she much preferred his attitude to false

compliments. He followed his instincts straight toward her

body. Plus, he was the most famous person in the room. She

looked at his profile, a teasing smile on his lips, and thought,

I'd like to make him mine tonight.

"Hey!" she said, caressing his shoulder lightly. He

flinched, a jolt of electricity running through him at the

ticklish sensation. The sight of it turned her on.

"Now, now," he said soothingly, setting his hand on her


bare shoulder. Skin met skin, and warmth passed between


"You're burning up!"

"I am? It's because I'm drunk," she said, giggling teasingly

and letting out a sexy sigh. She directed a melting gaze

straight at him.


Suddenly, another woman appeared next to him. It was

Vanilla, another female participant, with an empty glass in

her hand. Rena and Jimmy removed their hands from each

other and looked at her.

Her hair was cut in a heavy bob, and she was wearing

fluffy, girly clothes. Rena knew she was participating in the

meetup as a musician who performed in videos. A few

minutes earlier, while Rena and Jimmy were talking, she'd

been watching them from a far table with distaste. Inumaru,

the other female participant, was standing next to Vanilla,

also giving Jimmy unhappy looks. Inumaru had dyed-blond

hair and was dressed in a somewhat gaudy ensemble of

primary colors.

"What's with you two?" Jimmy asked a bit grumpily.

"Jimmy-san, should you really be doing that? Your

girlfriend will be mad," Inumaru whispered at him.

Jimmy frowned and glanced at Rena. Rena had heard

what Inumaru said and was staring at her, expression


"Did you come over here just to say that?"


"Well, she's my friend, too…"

Jimmy and Inumaru started arguing in hushed voices.

"I haven't even done anything yet!"

"Yet! See, I knew it!"

Rena sighed at the cold water being thrown on her

evening, picked up her glass from the counter, and walked

toward the middle of the room. She wasn't interested in

getting pulled into whatever mess was brewing.

"Excuse me, Rena-san?" Vanilla said in an obviously

hostile tone.

"Hmm? …What is it?" Rena answered, not hiding her

irritation. Vanilla walked over to her.

"Are you after Jimmy-san?" she asked quietly so Jimmy

and Inumaru couldn't hear.


"It's disgusting the way you're trying to seduce him when

there are so many fans who'd like to spend time with him."

Rena frowned in exasperation. The criticism was so

childish, it reminded her of the spat with Shoko. Jealous

women were all the same.

"What's that supposed to mean? Are you one of his fans?"


"This is a meetup for gamers. I didn't think fans were



People like Vanilla always blamed someone else when

they thought the thing they wanted was going to be stolen.

They took no responsibility whatsoever for their own lack of

desirability. Rena thought people like that, especially

women, were pitiful.

"…Ugh," she sighed.

"What's with your attitude? How old are you anyway?"

"I'm twenty."

"I'm twenty-five. Don't you find it strange that you're

ignoring a warning from an older woman? No one wants to

see this."

Rena was thoroughly bored by Vanilla's increasingly

heated words.

"So are you a fan or what? It's fine—you don't have to hide

it. There are lots of people like you out there."

"…I am not…"

Rena figured she'd probably been nursing a wound ever

since Jimmy approached Rena. She detested jealous liars

like her.

"If you want him, all you have to do is the same thing I'm

doing," she said venomously.

"You're disgusting…and anyway, he has a girlfriend."

Rena snickered, hoping her disdain would carve Vanilla's

heart right out of her chest.

"You can't do it, can you?" Rena said, taking a step toward


her and reaching out to pinch her stomach through her airy


"What are you…?"

"You let yourself go and try to cover it up with fluffy

clothes. Of course you can't!"

"…You bitch!"

Rena ignored her furious response, but the other

participants seemed to have finally noticed the storm clouds

developing in the corner.

"What's wrong, you two?" one of them said, stepping in to


"Come on, let's have a drink and make up," another said.

The men were gathering around them in a panic.

"Whatever," Rena said flatly and walked off.

* * *

Fifteen minutes or so later, Jimmy was sitting at a table

with another participant, apparently having finished his

argument with Inumaru. Rena noticed him, but she didn't

approach him, partly because her little fight with Vanilla had

been so annoying. More than that, though, she knew he'd

come back eventually.

"Rena-san, mind if I sit here?"

"Go right ahead."

So she killed time aimlessly talking to the insignificant


men, who approached her completely unprovoked, and filled

herself with alcohol. Really, she wasn't so much killing time

as putting on a performance.

If you don't take me, someone else will.

While you're looking away, I might vanish.

Another fifteen minutes or so passed. Whether from

irritation or impatience she didn't know, but Jimmy finally

walked over to her with a glass in his hand.

"Sorry about earlier."

"Oh, that? It's fine."

He sat down next to her and tapped his glass lightly

against hers. They shared the quiet clink.

"I didn't mean for you to have to listen to that."

"I know." Rena brought her face close to his. "So you have

a girlfriend?"

Her voice was colder than it had been before.

"Oh…well, we're not public about it."


She placed her hand softly over his where it rested on the

chair. Little by little, their warmth began to spread into each

other again.


She smiled seductively and whispered breathily into his



"But you came over to me again?"

She wrapped her fingers around his like tentacles, her

gesture as suggestive as her words. Her caress lit a match to

his instincts. Their entwined fingers were more honest than

anything else, and both were equally hot.

"Didn't you want me to come over?" Jimmy asked,

holding back his excitement even as his fingers continued to

move against hers, devouring the sensation. She knew his

mind must be full of what came next. So was hers.

"Maybe I did."

"I thought so."

Jimmy let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around

her waist. She could feel his muscular, masculine build

through her sweater. It was an indescribably pleasant

sensation, knowing she'd made a place for herself in this

valuable realm that the liars with their lily-white masks

would never reach. She was enjoying her flirtation with

Jimmy to the full.

"Yes, this is what I wanted to do," she said, touching his

leg underneath the table, as close to the hip as she could get

away with. His expression didn't change, but she sensed his

body tense.

"Hmm? What's the matter?" she asked.


He was still pretending to be unmoved, but his excitement

was obvious to Rena. His grip on her waist grew tighter, and

both of them had broken out in a light sweat.


"Really? I thought I felt you twitch," she said, sliding her

hand inward. His grip grew even tighter as he pulled her


"Mmm…," she said, much more coquettishly than before,

leaning her upper body against him slightly. "Jimmy-san,

you feel hot."

Instead of answering, he slid his hand up to her side,

pressing in slightly for a better sense of the softness and

curve of her waist.

"So do you."

"But in my case, it's because I'm drunk."

"Well, so am I."

Simply by moving in a tiny bit closer, she was able to

break down the pretense of having everything under control

and brush up against his more primal instincts. Using her

femininity as a weapon, she grabbed hold of the part of him

that could not resist and held his interest.

And he was the most famous person in the room.

He was a powerful branch to land on.

"…Are you now?"

She gazed at him with her sultry eyes; it felt like they were

melting into a single unit.

"So then…we're both drunk?" she said, pouring the rest of

her cocktail down her throat. A pleasant warmth spread

through her brain, the alcohol washing away her logical self.


"That we are."

She could hear loud, happy voices in the background. She

gave herself over to the tingly feeling in her hips, and the

intoxication in her head, and the quiet, calm voice in her ear.

She could feel her instincts slipping beyond her control.

Finally, with a sense that they were both falling, she said it.

"Let's go to your place."

* * *

"See you later," Rena said, drying off her hair and leaving

his house. The sun was already rising, and the thought of

getting caught in the morning rush depressed her slightly.

Some of the muddy snow was still lingering along the side of

the road leading to the station. Rena glanced at it, tried

stomping on it once, and was immediately bored.

When she got to the station, she sat down and checked

her Twitter account. Opening up the message folder in her

private account for mutuals, she found ten or eleven follow

requests from guys she'd met at the meetup the previous


"Ah-ha-ha. That's a lot!" she said happily to herself as she

accepted them one after another. Honestly, she didn't know

who was who. But the fact that so many guys were interested

enough in her to go to the trouble of sending a request

pleased her.

But even better than that…

She looked at Jimmy's name in her list of followers. He

only followed two hundred or so accounts, even though


thirty or forty thousand people followed him. When she

thought about the fact that she was among the less than 1

percent who got to be mutuals, she began to shake with

excitement. She wondered how many of those two hundred

were women he'd had a relationship with. She felt as if her

identity as a woman had been affirmed by the numbers.

Rena slowly recrossed her legs below her sweater dress.

That alone was enough to make men aware of her. Just then,

her phone buzzed with a Twitter message notification.


She was surprised to see it was a follow request—from the

very same Vanilla she'd bickered with the night before. She

thought about it for a moment, then figured it out.

"…She couldn't let it go."

She must have been unable to ignore the fact that Rena

and Jimmy had left together. After all, she'd been quite stuck

on him. Rena scrolled through Vanilla's account and found a

bunch of tweets praising Jimmy's work as a commentator.

"Aha…I knew she was a fan. Liar."

She giggled. If another girl lied, all she had to do in return

was tell the truth. So at eight o'clock that morning, half

playfully and half provocatively, she sent the following


Heading home now.

Ten minutes or so later, Jimmy liked the tweet. Only then

did Rena accept Vanilla's follow request.