These People Are Strange

Joe, by now had become used to the way the Johnson's door freely flung open, all he had to do was walk into the house; after all, he was a freeman in the house now, so he thought. Now and then he recalled his first day in the Mansion, all he could was chuckle at the memory.

He swung himself on to the bed and decided to watch some TV. An hour later, a soft knock came at the door, Joe quickly went to the door and brought it to his command, he found two little kids staring at him with large innocent eyes and a large cup of smoothie with one of them.

"Hey Karen, hey George! What you guys doing here?"

"We brought this for you!".

"Thanks! It's been all while since I had a smoothie. Uh– would you like to come in?" The kids entered the room excitedly and sat on the large sofa.

"When did you guys return?"

"Few minutes ago!", Christian answered.

"So, how was school?"

"Good!" They chorused.