"William, let's take her up to the room and lay her on the bed!" Amelia said with a panicky voice.
"Yeah!" William responded with a sniff. He raised Olivia from the smooth floor and carried her in his arms.
"She's still out cold!" Monica whispered.
"Come on, come on kids! Let's get you upstairs to your rooms!" Grandpa guided the kids up the stairs.
They followed behind William and Grandpa walked behind the kids.
"There must be some way out of this!" Joe exclaimed with concern in his voice.
"Hey! We'll get through this ok? All of us!" Viola encouraged her family and hugged Joe.
"Why don't we go join them upstairs?" Uncle Millie suggested.
"Yeah let's go!" They agreed.
One by one, two by two they climbed up the stairs and soon the large hall was empty.
They continued their journey through a long passage with dim lights, the passage led to each of their rooms— each room had a red door and Olivia's room was at the end of the passage.