Sticks and Stones

Word Count: 730

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x Reader

Warnings: angst

A/N: Request from tumblr.

Summary: Despite what the old  rhyme said words did hurt. And they hurt the most coming from him.


You stared at your coffee cup in your hand as you cast subtle glances at Lucifer from across the table. His mind seemed to be elsewhere today and although you wanted to ask you couldn't seem to find the right words. Lucifer suddenly stood, and you looked up at him confused.

"Are you leaving?"

"I'm very sorry my dear, I know I said we'd spend the day together, but I'm afraid a more pressing matter has come up."

You stood as well, giving the waiter a small smile as you hurried after him.

"What happened? Is it about your wings?" You inquired as you caught up to him slowing your pace to a walk.

You knew that Lucifer's had been stolen, that he was trying to find them. Yet beyond that you didn't know much else about the situation.

"Nothing that you need concern yourself about." Lucifer assured you.

The tone of his voice made it seem as if he was almost warning you to stop prying. But you were worried about him and you just wanted to help.

"Well it's obviously something to worry about if it's got you so stressed out." You muttered.

He rounded on you so fast you stumbled to stop yourself from running into him.

"Have I not made it clear I don't wish to talk about this?" He snapped.

You frowned.

"I was just trying to help, I'm-"

He let out a bitter laugh and anything else you were going to stay got stuck on your tongue.

"Your repetitive questions aren't helping in the least! If I needed your help don't you think I would have asked!"

Your vision became blurry as you moved away from him.


"I don't have time to waste on answering silly little questions just to satisfy your curiosity!"

You stared at him with dull eyes, he'd never yelled at you before. While you understood he was under a lot of stress right now that didn't lessen the blow of his hurtful words.

"I was worried about , not what was happening." You mumbled.

Lucifer's anger dissolved when he saw you bow your head and a few tears roll down your cheeks.

"You're right, might be best if I just stay out of this one, yeah?" You forced a small smile.

You pushed past him, walking a little faster than you normally would have.


You pulled your arm away from his reach, continuing your brisk walking.


You fell back on your couch, a tired sigh leaving your lips. You stared at the blank TV screen, letting yourself get lost in your thoughts. A heavy silence fell over the room, and it made your shoulders slump.

Various emotions clung to you, sadness, regret and finally anger. However they longer you sat there the emptier you felt, and the more your emotions wore away, replaced only by a crushing feeling of hurt.

"You're either getting worse at breaking in or I'm getting better at noticing." You broke the silence.

You noticed the movement from the corner of your eye but didn't turn to look at the man standing in your living room.

"I'm not sure if an apology would be enough right now, but I am sorry darling. My reaction was... uncalled for."

You wordlessly moved your bag from the spot beside you, silently inviting him to sit down, and he did so.

"Sticks and stones Lucifer, they were just words." You said dismissively.

"Words I said with the foolish intention of hurting you, words that hurt you." He said.

You finally looked at him, studying his distraught expression. You sat up, sighing a little.

"I'm not angry, I know you were frustrated."

Lucifer frowned, sitting forward a little.

"I never said you were angry." He pointed out.

Your forced smile fell away, and you cast your eyes down to look at the floor.

"Can we just agree that next time you're having some supernatural crisis that you'll actually talk to me about it?"

Lucifer smiled faintly and wrapped his arms around you to pull you closer.

"I think that's a fair deal to make. I truly am sorry love."

"You don't need to keep apologizing Luci, I already forgave you, but I am expecting a make up date." You teased.

He chuckled kissing the top of your head.

"Of course, I'll take you anywhere you want." Lucifer promised.