Chapter 47

Gift giving is fairly uneventful. With the archangels around, there isn't much to give each other that they couldn't have anyway. The only gift that really means anything is the one from Mary to John.

"I think it's about time you had this back," she tells him, handing him a small box probably meant to be used for clothes.

John looks at her curiously before opening it. Inside is his hunting journal, something that hasn't crossed his mind in years. He takes it out of the box, opening to the first page and moving the paper in the bottom left corner. He runs his hands over the initials engraved there. . It really is his journal.

"I can't believe... You still had this?" he says in surprise.

"The boys kept it," Mary tells him. "They gave it to me when I came back. I figured it's about time you had it back."

"Thank you," John replies. He looks over at Sam and Dean. "All of you."

It's soon after that that giving out gifts is over, and everyone is about to leave — mostly to eat more junk food — when Chuck appears. "Presents aren't over yet. My turn!"

For the most part, it's simple. Bobby gets a new lore book; Ellen gets a mini toy diner complete with a toy Ellen, Jo, Ash, Sam, Dean, and Bobby; John and Mary get all the Supernatural books, published and unpublished, so they can catch up on what they've missed; Charlie and Kevin both get a laptop; Dean and Castiel get a scrapbook of all the times Chuck thought they were finally going to confess their love but didn't — needless to say, it's a very long book; Jess gets an apology for letting her die even though she wasn't even involved in the life; and Sam gets a bunch of snapshots of his entire life in a neat little box.

"I've got two more gifts left," Chuck announces, looking down at Samandriel and Adam on the floor in front of him. Samandriel puts a hand on Adam's shoulder comfortingly, knowing the boy doesn't like attention. "But, first of all, I just want to thank Samandriel for taking care of Adam when no one else would. I'm sure there are other things you would have rather been doing since you got back."

"Not really," Samandriel admits. "Spending time with Adam has possibly been the most fun part of my life."

"That's... That's kinda sad," Chuck replies. "So, this is for both of you." He snaps his fingers...

And nothing happens.

Everyone looks up at Chuck expectantly.

"Well?" Dean says impatiently. "You just going to stand there all day, or are you going to do something?"

"He already did," Adam replies, looking up at Chuck. "I'd thank you, but... Well, you and your angels got me in this mess in the first place. I think that was the least you could do."

"If it's any consolation, it was never supposed to go down like that," Chuck tells him. "It was supposed to be Sam and Dean. You weren't supposed to have anything to do with it at all."

"Yeah, and that worked our great," Adam says sarcastically.

"So, what happened?" Sam asks. "What was the gift?"

"He brought me back to who I used to be," Adam replies. "Before the cage."

Chuck just nods.

"Of course, he could have done that when he brought you to the bunker like he did with Michael," Samandriel adds accusingly.

"Yeah, I... I honestly don't have an excuse for that," Chuck admits. "Nobody's perfect. Anyway, last gift."

"Hasn't everyone already gotten a gift?" Dean asks.

"Not quite," Chuck replies. He looks over at Gabriel. "I didn't just stick you out here to keep you away from Lucifer. I know you're not big enough on Christmas, or, like, Jesus in general —"

"Actually, that's just Michael and Lucifer," Gabriel tells him. "I was never involved in the Michifer v Jesus war. I don't think he could has handled that."

"Yeah, probably not," Chuck agrees. "Anyway, I know Christmas isn't really your holiday, but I figured I wouldn't leave you all alone, so... Merry Christmas."

With that, he disappears, leaving a very confused group of people behind. Everyone looks around, but it isn't until Gabriel glances behind him that he sees what Chuck meant. He turns around immediately, eyes wide with shock.

"Kali," he breathes.

"Loki?" she says in confusion. "Where are we? How did I —"

"Long story," Gabriel interrupts, recovering his composure quickly. "Cliff notes version: the Judeo-Christian God stuck us in the American Men of Letters bunker."

"Right, naturally," she says in a baffled sarcastic way. "Why?"

"Because he's a bag of dicks," Gabriel replies. "Anyway, welcome to Casa la Bunker. I'd give you a tour, but, uh, you probably don't want to meet the other people here."

"I don't particularly want to be here at all," she tells him.

"Yeah, and I don't really want you to be here, either, but that ain't changing anything," he replies.

"Wait, aren't you two, like... a thing?" Dean asks.

Kali looks over at him in her typical I'm-going-to-choke-you-to-death-for-saying-something-that-stupid fashion, Gabriel stops her.

"Kali..." he warns before saying, "A while ago, sure. Funny how things change when you take a blade to the heart."

"But didn't you die to save her?" Dean asks.

"No, I..." Gabriel glances over at Sam before quickly returning his gaze to Dean. "Trust me, Dean. It wasn't about Kali."

"So Lucifer kill you?" she surmises.

"Hell of a showdown, but, yeah, he did," Gabriel tells her. "I guess I forgot that not everyone falls for my tricks."

"Oh, don't tell me you tried to trick the devil," Kali says, low key exasperated with him. "I know you love your tricks, but really, Loki? You're better than that. Not much better, but better."

Gabriel shrugs. "Well, you try things."

"Why do you keep calling him Loki?" Charlie asks. "That's not Loki."

"Hey, Charlie, don't talk to the evil god lady," Dean warns her.

"Actually, I Loki," Gabriel tells her, ignoring Dean completely. "And I'm Gabriel. It's a whole big thing."

"Should I call you Gabriel, then?" Kali asks. "Is that what you're going by here?"

"Mostly, yeah, but I don't care what you call me," Gabriel replies. "I'll probably ignore you either way."