
The attacking voice from the opposite phone: "Hello, the phone you dialed is in conversation"

Zuo Lichuan typed Xing Ji's personal number, and few people knew it.

This is the point. Are you calling?

After waiting for about ten minutes, Zuo Lichuan pulled it out again, and the female voice was still mechanical: "Hello, your taxi has been turned off"

Realizing something, Tulli Chuanchuan repeatedly pulled it out several times.

Either a call is in progress or it is turned off.

Learn it personally. Is that pulling him black?!

Do you want to do so well?

Xie Jiaruo also knows where Song Wenzhe stands.

Song Wenzhe has never had much friendship.

From the very beginning, it was a two-way transaction.

Song Wenzhe helps her to see Suo Lichuan. She helps Song Wenzhe Hui decide on the squeezed goods and board Qin Li's boat.

The root cause of the rejection of the goods lies in the Song family.

Even if the Song family is beaten by the blessing, they will not use this method.

Under Xie Jiaruo's words, Qin Lichuan went to Zhuoyue Fair early the next morning. He went all the way to the office of the Chief Secretary of the Children, met Suoji, and said his purpose simply: "Dad, do you have to be involved in the matter of me and Jiaruo? Song Wenzhe just asked me to have a drink of Yan wine, so it's necessary for you to lead the Song family to a dead end"

Playing season shrinks away from the hole, and the heart is clear.

How could his son be so lucky?

Throwing the documents in hand to the office, Qin Ji raised her eyes to him and said, "Your promise is growing, your wings are hard, and you dare to question your father like this for a woman. Is it true that no matter what that woman wants you to do, you will not hesitate to do it, regardless of the cost?"

"Dad, I'm telling you about the Song family. What are you talking about"

"If you have time to question me here, why don't you go first and ask, how did your shameless woman and your friends cheat you?"

Song Wenzhe and Xie Jiaruo have surrounded Suo Lichuan for a long time. This is what we heard in the performance season: "Dad, you are prejudiced. From childhood to adulthood, no matter whether I am friends with prospective friends, you always say they are fox shaped dog friends. I have always liked such a girl. You must associate her with no three no four. Do I like them, and you don't like them"

Running makes me helpless.

It is he and Zheng Xiaotong who dote on this child too much these years.

He raised his hand and pressed the center of his eyebrows. Qin Ji waved his hand.

The assistant immediately respectfully asked Xing Lichuachuan to go out: "Eldest Young Master, Chief Inspector Ying has something important to deal with. You'd better go back first."

What did Tuoli Chuanchuan say about his skirt? Suoji's Baopiao didn't give him a chance at all.

The system invited him out of the office.

There was nothing he could do but return to the hospital.

Xie Jiaruo could see that he was so disheartened that he didn't succeed: "Don't lose heart, Lichuan. There should be room for change in this matter. Uncle Qin has worked too hard recently to deal with your engagement, and so many things have happened in succession. He can't accept love at one time, so we should give him more time. Maybe he can't help himself."

A few words seemed reassuring, but in fact, all the words were in the next set.

It is no less straightforward to say that Zuoji's attack on the Song family was taken by Gu family.

It's just because a person thanks Qianning

In the last chapter, Qin Yu spoke frankly in the Zhiliu room. Xie Ning has been playing for Ruo ever since.

However, Xie Jiaruo and Xie Ning were so excited that Su Ji could not allow Xie Jiaruo to enter the door?

In a word, whether it is the sudden repentance of Song's customers, the problem of goods squeezing, or whether Qin Lichuan and Xie Jiaruo can repair the problem, the most important problem is Xie Ning.

If she comes out to help, everything will be solved.

Fortunately, Li Chuan is stupid. His IQ is not low.

After all, there is the Qin family's gene, and I didn't work hard to get one. I'm not stupid. I have no talent for understanding people's minds.

A lot of words, you have to almost point out, he can understand.

Just like now.

Xie Jiaruo said it ambiguously, but in fact, she has already opened up more than half of what she wanted to say.

Fortunately, Lichuan understood at that time and gently held Ruo Xie's hand: "Jiaru, you haven't recovered yet, so don't wear so many skirts. I'll book an afternoon ticket back to the capital, and I'll handle these things. You can have a good rest. Don't worry so much"

Xie Jiaruo leaned against him and said, "I know you can handle it well, but you can't suffer and you can't be separated for a minute."

Qin Lichuan smiled sweetly: "When this matter is resolved, I will take you home. You haven't finished your work yet, and you are still early to get married. We can get engaged first, and we will get married as soon as you graduate."

"All right, I'll listen to you."

Qin Lichuan likes her good luck.

Only when he was around her did he feel like a real man.

It can provide shelter for those who care.

It is not that Shiyuan is protected by his parents.

He was doomed not to fall in love with Xie Ningnaxiang's strong and independent girl, but he could do nothing about Xie Jiaruo's soft and weak dodder flower. The capital city.

Xie Ning's life is still very ordinary.

Xie Junkun certainly won't let Jing Yi give her the property that Gu Jingqing left her. Gu Nanwu's lawyer returned to the team and took corresponding measures. He has already filed a case for property trust in Jincheng.

The opening time is ten days later, Xie Ning must attend.

After that, she was about to start school.

Shu Yu will bring Xiaotuanzi here every other day.

So that in the family villa, we can often see the shadow of three people.

Most of the time, they are playing games with small dumplings and gifts. Zuo Yu is like a big parent. He stays by the side and either turns over the door with Ruo Ruo's real name or plays with his mobile phone.

Either show his one-sided love in the group, or take photos of two people and a dog.

The brothers in the group suffered terribly.

He can't eat the dog food alone every day.

Since her divorce, Xie Ning has forgotten Qin Li and Xiao Chuan. I didn't get it. The goods will still be electrified. After Yu Yuan, in the face of Xing's grandpa and grandma Qin, she answered the phone, "What's the matter?"

Her voice was very cold, and Qin Lichuan's voice was also very cold: "Do you have time? See you."

She Ning refused straightforwardly: "It's unnecessary. There's nothing we need to say separately"

"This matter is related to your mother. I mean no harm, just two cups of coffee."

Address? "

'I'll text you. "

OK. "

All of Ning's imagination about her mother comes from Grandpa.

Grandpa is a complete slave girl

After his mother died, he had white hair overnight and took her on a study tour around the world

At that time, I asked Grandpa curiously why he was wandering all over the world and had no fixed place to live?

My grandfather told her in tears, "I promised your mother to take her around the world. She delayed her life for ten years to wait for a man. She woke up with difficulty, but gave it to your father. She and your father look more like family members than husband and wife to me. It's a pity that they are young."

My grandfather didn't say anything later.

She Ning, who was fourteen years old at that time, guessed something,

Traveling around the world is my mother's dream.

Grandpa finished with her.

In this process, she learned a lot.

Of course, she has fantasies about maternal love, but they are just fantasies:

Zuoli Chuanchuan is only four years older than his mother. He was only four years old when his mother died. He asked her to drink coffee to talk about her mother. Somehow, Xie Shao always felt that a kind of yin was enveloping her.

Unexplained uneasiness.