51.Being bullied by the Internet

Media articles are much the same.

It probably means that Ning and Song Xufeng have an improper relationship. Song Xufeng has loved Su Shihan for many years, which is well-known. Ning is described as a green tea costume that seduces other people's boyfriends and forces Song Dong Xufeng and Su Shihan to break up by being pregnant. The reason why they quarreled was that Song Xufeng could not have the child.

It's nonsense) Eight!

It really depends on one mouth.

Song Xufeng's microblog comment area has been occupied, with tens of thousands of abusive messages.

Not long.

Shening's personal microblog was taken to the Internet by people, and the private message was directly exploded.

80% of the new mobile phones took five minutes to get the card because they couldn't respond.

[Not cheap? You and Song Zha Zha's Department are both good and cheap. I wish you guys a long life and don't harm our sisters again. Stinky bitch, you can't lie down easily!]

[At that time, I thought it was pitiful that you were betrayed by your fiance and stepsister. Now it seems that you really deserve it. I must blame Qin Li and Xiao Chuan for wanting Xie Jiaruo to give up your goods, rotten!]

[Do you know how long it took Sister Sihan to get out of the last relationship? She is too young to learn, but she should learn to be a junior. It must be your mother's early death. Your mother was killed by you. Your Ministry will repay your family, and your mother will be cut to death in hell. *, rotten goods, green tea bitch, if you live like a waste of air, you should die quickly!]


The private messages are all 99+

Ninety nine percent are scolding Xie Ning,

In addition to swearing, there are people asking for po!

[It seems that if you are pure, you don't get such a fuss. My brother will give you a room number and come here to play. I promise to wait for you well.]

[Don't get entangled in the appointment, just walk the kidney and don't get distracted!]

[Appointment? I really haven't been pregnant!]


Having studied abroad with my grandfather for many years, Ning thinks that she is more mature than many of her peers,

She has also heard a lot about suicide caused by the Internet.

Every time she thinks, how could she be so unhappy? The days are our own. Even if we are scolded or misunderstood, we will not make meaningless counterattacks at the cost of our lives.

Those who hurt you will not care about your life.

Even if you die, they won't feel guilty.

I just think you are too weak.

Bi Jing didn't force you to die with a knife. Your suicide can't do them any harm.

Even if it turns out that you are wronged, they have always been in the dark side of the network, being a cynical person and standing on the moral high ground. In fact, they have insulted and forced an incurable keyman, who can't remember you at all

You use your life to fight back. It's meaningless.

There are too many people who are violent on the Internet!

There are good words between the lines. In fact, nine out of ten people are unhappy in life. They just take you as an outlet.

I understand everything!

However, when things really fall on their own heads, many of them spit out words of comfort to others, which are just so accurate to comfort themselves.

Xie Ning was just hit by the truth that her mother died in childbirth, and was immediately suspended by the whole network.

Unexplainingly, I was cheated by a mistress! Be pregnant!

No matter how strong her psychology is, it is difficult to ignore her without waves when she is covered by these vicious and heinous remarks.


Gong Nai's material is unstoppable all over.

The chest was stifled and could not vomit out. She doesn't cry, she really doesn't cry.

But today the tears are out of control!

Xu was just crying because his mother and grandpa had not recovered from their tears

Gu Nanxing slams at the steering wheel, angry and trying to hit people.

He is not good at words, but he believes that his daughter is not like that.

There are too many things catching shadows on the Internet. This time, it is obvious that someone intentionally wants to rectify.

Who on earth did it?

What is the purpose?

Ding Nanxing faintly got a clear test, took out his mobile phone and sent WeChat to the special assistant, and arranged for someone to check it immediately

Xie Ning's mobile phone rings.

Her privacy has been light, to strange phone, directly shut down.

She is in a very bad state and can't deal with this matter.

Someone must have some purpose against her.

A hasty bamboo shoot will only fall into the garden. She must be quiet!


She Ning just turned off her phone when Gu Nanxing's cell phone rang.

Seeing the note, Gu Nanxing connects the phone.

Before he could speak, Qin Yu's voice came from the opposite side: "Mr. Ding, are you standing by me... My mother is very disappointed with her."

The second half of the sentence is a little stiff.

This is the first time Gu Nanxing has seen Qin Yu so worried.

The fourth master of the Qin family was calm and self contained, and his voice seemed to quiver at the moment.

But he was upset, and did not investigate the reason: "Yes, Ning Ning is not in a good condition, but I will not enjoy it when I am around her, which made the old lady sweep her heart."

Qin Yu was obviously relieved: "Mr. Ding, I will deal with online issues. Xie Ning is still young, so you should take more care. Don't do anything stupid."

The phone is not hands-free, but they are very close. Xie Ning can hear every word of Yu.

At this time, the unconditional trust and protection of Qin Yu and Old Lady Qin calmed her down a lot.

The irritable anger in the bottom of my heart is like flowing over a clear spring.

In this world, in addition to relatives, there are people who can trust her unconditionally.

That feeling is wonderful.

Male, lend me your mobile phone. "

Ding Nanxing hands her her mobile phone and Xie Ning opens the hands-free phone, His voice was calm: "Fourth Master, I am Shening. I thank you and Grandma Qin for believing me so much. The current situation is not clear, and this matter is clearly against me. I know you can easily smooth out online comments, but at this time, the more you intervene, the more you bite. Since it's me, I will let them put the waiting code on the bright side. I want to see the spring. It's all ugly ghosts."

After leaving Nanxing Group, Qin Yu directly returned to Qianxing Collection, which he had created.

Jiang Huan's work rate is very high.

After Qin Lichuan returned to Jincheng, it is not difficult to find out what happened

Qin Yu was looking through the documents submitted by Jiang Huan, and received Xie Ning's permission to join Song Xufeng and Su Shihan in his mobile clip.

He saw the photos taken online.

The opening pictures are all compiled.

creating something out of nothing

weakness lends wings to rumours.

Red mouth and white teeth wrongly accuse Shening of pregnancy and double belly.

Su Shihan was a man who could not be blessed at all.

Jiang Huan reminded him that the woman who took off her clothes and climbed into his car half a year ago was directly thrown into downtown by him, the so-called first lady in the former capital, the only daughter of the Su family.

Qin Yu did not even remember her appearance and name.

As far as the future mistress is concerned, Jiang Huan said a few words: "Fourth Master, you don't know that Miss Su is insidious. She adores you and cannot help loving you. So she did a lot of harm to many of your admirers. Those girls didn't do anything. Dingdao is twice as important as the family. She talked to you more at some security meetings and tried to get close to you. She turned to Kai and was taken by Miss Su. It won't be long before something happened."