58.Destroy everything you care about

After the marriage, Wan is as effective as water to Xie Junkun.

He is more like a guest than a husband.

Xie Junkun got a dowry from Jing Qing and was supported by family friendly contacts,

Ding Bohong always felt that this uncle was very hypocritical, so he kept those letters for a rainy day.

The top family Bao lived in Nanxing. They didn't expect that they didn't know the relationship between Xie Junkun and Xu Shuju. But when they knew, Gu Wan and Xie Junkun had been married for a year and were pregnant with Xie Ning.

Gu Wanqing was thirty-two years old at that time.

In the last five years, she was an elderly woman.

She was very uneasy with her.

The father and son did not dare to tell Gu Jingqing about Xu Shuju's pavilion, for fear of scaring her.

Premature delivery and dystocia of Pre Pea Qing. She gave birth to Ejecting Bowel and then gave up a feast.

Ding Bohong and Gu Nanxing rushed to the hospital and nearly killed Xie Junkun.

Ding Bohong suffered from excessive pain, and his hair turned white overnight.

After Xie Ning raised her to the full moon at Ding Nanxing, Gu Bohong took her to the world.

Xie Junkun has been in the hospital for half a year.

Gu Bohong never told Ning or let Gu Nanxing tell Shao about the truth of the year.

Xie Ning was too young at that time. What's the use of telling her?

Her father's rotten peach blossoms outside indirectly killed her mother.

How different is this from her father's killing her mother?

How can you stand a little shooting condensation?

When Ding Bohong was dying, Gu Nanxing was nearby. He dismissed everyone and talked to Xiang Nanxing alone. Let Ding Nanxing bear down like what happened in the past, and how did Spring Xie Junkun treat Xie Ning.

If he cherishes Ning and does what a father should do, he will never mention the broken things.

If he is not good to Xie Ning, don't be polite to him.

He was not killed in those years. Xie Ning's parents died when she was born

If he is not a match maker, why not kill him?

Even if killing people violates the law and cannot kill him, it can never make him feel better.

He who cares for his family is never easy to bully.

The end of today is that Xie Junkun dug the pit step by step. After entering, he did not die fast enough. He dug the mosquito tomb and filled the earth himself. I doubt he would be polite to him.

She Ning asked the bodyguard to open the letters one by one and take photos of all the media present.

Then, step by step towards Ruo Shuju.

Her face is as deep as water, and her beautiful phoenix eyes bear the ice for thousands of years. Although she is only an eighteen year old girl, the aura of her whole body is more frightening than that of the superior who has been pampered for years. He glared at Xu Shuju, who was dressed in jewels. The cold feeling in his eyes seemed like a sharp blade. Even if she didn't say a word, it was enough to cut her into a thousand pieces.

Xu Shuju saw from the bottom of her eyes that there was a strong sense of killing.

How can an eighteen year old girl have such a powerful aura?

It was freezing cold all over the body from the soles of the feet.

A hospital full of sterilized water 18 years ago suddenly flashed in my mind. The pea was like a big belly. Xie Junkun ran around with the birth control sheet, and they looked like they were in love.

It's so beautiful that people want to tear it up.

And then, to cover her blood

A lot of fashion.

The scene was chaotic.

His ears were muffled by the busy and anxious voice of the famous species.

As the condensation approached step by step, the cold sweat on Xu Shuju's back gradually wet her clothes. His feet were soft, he lost his mind and fell heavily on the ground. Recommend your hands back, and shrink back with fear.

Her face, inch by inch, coincides with Gu Wan's

Before Xie Jiaruo got out of the shock of 180 letters, she found her mother fell to the ground,

Ben Lichuan's head is full of mush, and only the rest of the book leaves Xie Jiaruo.

Ding Wanhuai is a junior.

Pre pea is the biggest victim.

Then did he protect Xie Jiaruo by helping the tree?

Xie Jiaruo, who was thrown away by Qin Li and Chuanchuan, could not get entangled. He wanted to help Xu Shuju on the ground.

Before her hands got close, Xu Shuju suddenly went mad and slapped the air, shouting, "Don't come, don't come!"

The sudden change made everyone in the garden.

This is

What's going on?

Xie Jiaruo takes back her hand in a daze, and she is terrified.

She Ning looked down at Xu Shuju, who was on the ground. The voice of cold ice and water ice seemed to come from the hell of Jiuyou: "Are you afraid now? I thought that even if your hands were full of blood, you would not know to be afraid. So you were also afraid? Eighteen years ago, you should always see my mother when you dream back at midnight, right? These years, you are not as bright as wheat noodles."

Her voice brings Xu Shuju back to reality.

The strong blessing will stand up from the ground, and the double retreat is too soft to support.

She shot at her waist and grabbed her neck with her long white fingers. Her strength made her crazy. A face was so red and full of veins that it almost walked on the edge of death.

Xie Jiaruo threw on her skirt to open the fire.

He was hit hard on his waist and fell two meters away.

It exploded in the sliding room.

[Crouching slot! What do you mean? I have a fierce relationship with her husband, wife and wife. Is it straight slot killing?]

[What did Xie Ning mean just now? Xu Shuju killed Xiang Qianqing?]

If I were the one who killed my mother, I would dare to fight with her.]


It's against the law to kill someone. Of course, Ning won't kill Xu Shuju himself.

It is estimated that she will soon have a rest and throw away her neck.

She Ning stood up and looked at Xu Shuju like garbage: "You provoked my mother to give birth prematurely and died in childbirth. Today, I want you to see it with your own eyes. I will destroy everything you care about. How about starting tomorrow? How about taking your baby daughter for surgery?"

Her voice was cold and deep, with some morbid madness.

It's inexplicable.

The media, reporters and the onlookers stepped back one after another.

The aura around her, strangers are not allowed to enter,

Shoning's cold eyes fell on Heili Chuanchuan, who was not far away and had not regained consciousness: "Do you think it's really your drunken promiscuity that makes you want to have sex with Yinxu Jiaruo? I have said for a long time that you are not stupid and sweet, but a pack of goods. The bag is around your neck, mostly just for the sake of counting. You don't need to think about your water soaked furniture. If a person is really drunk, that's why he has strength. Even if someone kills you, you won't have any consciousness."

Suddenly, Suolikawa, who was called by name, saw something indistinctly: "What do you mean"

Xie Ning didn't answer his question directly, but she said to Xie Junkun: "Maybe Mr. Xie knows this question better than I do. The man you bumped into carrying the medicine was the accountant of Mr. Xie's company that day when you came downstairs from Xu Jiaruo. Besides, I have a piece of evidence that Mr. Xie bought the forbidden medicine. Coincidentally, the medicine can make men lose control."

"As a relative, I bought medicine in person, abetted my daughter, and gave it to a man to sleep in vain by using the third abuse method. "

"This auspicious kiss is disgusting!"