Xie Ning's thanks

This is the end of the matter.

Qin Ji politely leaves someone to eat, but Gu Nanwu Lan is not in that mood.

Ning Gangzhang has 15% of the shares of Xie's Group. There is still something important to do in the afternoon. Do you have time to eat here?

Qin Ji was just polite. He said a few polite words but didn't leave much.

When Ding Sumu left, he left the Xidao. The meaning of threats is obvious.

Zuoli Chuanchuan wants to recruit his Jiamei again. Next time, he will not be recommended to enter the hospital.

Qin Ji and Zheng said that they hurried to the hospital to see off the suspect and the family member.

They were relieved to learn that they had not hurt the key point.

Qin Li Chuanchuan didn't wake up after being pushed from the operating room to the ward, and he felt cramped when he was doing aloes.

two o'clock in the afternoon.

Xie's Jichu shares fell sharply and people's minds were in turmoil.

Xie Ning held the general meeting of shareholders.

The shares of centralized countries are very dispersed.

Xie Junkun has 25%, Shening has 15%, Wen Jin has 5%, and the others are all held by some small shareholders. Except the big ones, the most are not more than 4%.

As the second largest shareholder, he has the right to convene a general meeting of shareholders.

Her goal is simple, to kick Xie Junkun out of the company.

Xie Junkun is now left with the company, and he can't live without it.

In the big conference room, Xie Ningyan made a speech: "Mr. Xie Junkun did not manage the company well. He did not discipline Xu Jiaruo strictly. He taught Xu Jiaruo to do that, which led to the company's failure. His wife cheated, and his son was not his own. His character was dirty, his means were despicable, and his virtue was not worthy of his place, which led to the company's stock vote plummeting and reputation being damaged. I propose that Mr. Xie Junkun be removed from all his positions in the group, and never participate in any decision-making in the western market again."

The shareholders looked at each other.

Xie Junkun is embarrassed if the facts come out recently.

But over the years, his ability has been shared by all.

If he is eliminated at this time, which group will come to enjoy it?

Do you want to shoot a drum mirror of a sister-in-law who just entered the university?

Obviously unrealistic.

Xie Junkun came in a hurry when he learned that Xie Ning had called a shareholders' meeting to dismiss him.

One after another blows made him look like he had lost his forehead.

Deep socket.

His face was dull.

No more half of the past.

Seeing Ning, his eyes were complicated. His first reaction was to play the family card: "Suspicion Ning, do you and my father and daughter have to make trouble like this? The company is my father's work. If Jiaruo is sorry for you, she has already been punished. Xu Shuju is sorry for you, and she is in prison. I'm not right anymore. It's also your father. Do you have to do this to me?

She Ningyu argued with him: "I'm Jiaqi. You respect me an inch and I respect you a foot. I have a very good grudge. I will treat you as you treat me, which is fair. If you don't have any nutritional statement, you can start to set up tickets.

Xie Junkun raised his hand and tried to burn it.

Xie Ning turns around to avoid.

Xie Junkun translated Xi's eyes and squeezed out a few drops of Huan. He looked pitiful and said in a somewhat sincere tone: "Ning Ning, I first met Xu Shuju in Lan Nian, but after I married your mother, I loved her very much and broke off with Xu Shuju completely. Every time your mother had an antenatal examination, I would accompany her personally. I didn't expect that Xu Shuju would bring Ruojia to her."

"Your mother is a cold hearted person. "

She never said she loved me. "

I thought that in her heart, I was just a suitable knot object, and she didn't care about me much. So... so I didn't get it. She would get fetal gas because of Xu Shuju's stimulation, so she would give birth prematurely, or even "

Your grandfather and your man almost killed me in the hospital that day. "

"Even if I did something wrong at the beginning, your mother's death was not my destiny after all. At best, I just didn't take good care of her. I've been in the hospital for half a year, isn't it enough? Ning Ning, after I married your mother, I really haven't seen Xu Shuju again, and I really want to stay with her for the rest of my life. When your mother is gone, I am also very accurate."

"After your mother died, I married Xu Shuju because she gave birth to Jiaruo. "

"Ning Ning, how about your father? I will... I will never see Jia Ruo again. Go home, Ning Ning. I am your father. Do you think you really want to become a lonely man? Ning Ning, my father loves you. You trust my father, and then trust my father for the last time? My father promises that he will treat you well in the future, Ning Ning"

"Shut up! "Xie Ning took a deep breath and tried to make herself look calm:" Xie Junkun, you can grab a man on the street now and ask, the prospective family is not accompanied by Ruo's husband in the prenatal examination? What is worth praising? Even if you didn't kill my mother yourself, you cheated her and hid yourself. The prospective family is not the cause of the tragedy? Now you love her, your face is clear"

"Don't think I don't know. You found the reporters outside the court who forced me to splash dirty water on my mother and me today."

'You don't have to cry here, and I will never be the same as you. "

I came here today to take away your last things. "

If it were not for killing people and breaking the law, I would go even with your life! "

Xie Junkun was breathless and trembling with anger,

He did everything he could.

He said everything Jane said.

In front of his own daughter, he was already here, but he had a heart of stone and insisted on confronting him.

Don't blame him for being rude!

Can Shening be more experienced in company operation and capital operation than him?

Even if she has 15% shares, he is still the head of the company.

Seeing that he didn't speak, she glanced at the meeting room and said, "Let's start setting tickets."

Xie Junkun closed his eyes and began to intimidate the shareholders: "You'd better be clear that if you dismiss me, you will be the leader"

The shareholders hesitated.

What kind of famous camp? What kind of character? They don't value the most.

The most important thing for them is interest.

The benefits of shooting Junkun over the years are shared by all.

At present, the stock of Jichu is indeed falling, but there is no big boot leakage inside. Those messy things in the family will be forgotten by netizens after a long time.

If Xie Junkun is really dismissed, replace him with an executive who doesn't know how to manage the company. Their shares will only become less and less valuable

She Ning dared to stand here today to convene the shareholders' meeting and made full preparations.

She has wet the evidence that Xie Junkun embezzled public funds and evaded taxes.

If the result of ticket arrangement is not ideal, she has to be shameless,

If we don't take it out now, we just can't bring Xie Group down.

Her real purpose is to occupy Xie Group.

This is my mother's dowry, which is managed bit by bit.

She can't limit Quietly if Xie Jichu goes bankrupt.

She wants Xie Jiyun's thanks to become her thanks to Xie Ning from Xie Junkun's thanks, thoroughly and forever.