70.Grandpa, I really miss you

From Nanshan Haoyuan in Jincheng to the small cemetery in a remote mountain village in Lishui.

The Seller always follows Ruosheng far away.

The food is on the same flight

Lishui is rainy.

When Xie Ning arrived at the cemetery, it was raining.

She didn't have an umbrella.

He put the chrysanthemum in his arms in front of the tombstone, brown wiped the tombstone and said to himself, "Grandpa, did my mother tell you that I just came from her? Jincheng is very hot today. When I got off the plane, it didn't rain in Lishui. It started to rain when I just came in. It's not raining any more today. I sent Xu Shuju to prison. She will be sentenced to death if nothing happens."

"She killed my mother like that, and she deserved it"

'You know from Quanxia that you should comfort yourself. "

What's more, your granddaughter is now the chief clerk of Xie's Jiguan, isn't she very powerful? In the future, it will be expensive to open a TCM clinic. "

"The year you left, I didn't go to Beijing University to report. You can rest assured that we will be enrolled in a few days"

"You've given me a free hand. Fortunately, I don't like Li Xiaochuan. We are not suitable for it. I remember when I was young, he was quite responsible. When I was in trouble, he would sweep me. I don't know why he grew up and became crooked. Maybe it's no luck, but I'm not happy to have some fun now. I'm only eighteen years old, so don't worry, and you can't be angry."

"Grandpa, I miss you"

When this sentence falls, the rain on the face is sprayed with tears.

The original witty voice was full of tears: if it was not for reading, to fulfill your wish and carry forward traditional Chinese medicine, I would... I would not leave Lishui. I have to come back to take care of your small yard. "

"In fact, I don't want anything like children's affairs, group flash and traditional Chinese medicine."

"For so many years, you have taken me to travel all over the world to study. When I recall it, I really had the best time to live in that small yard with you. Apricot flowers drizzle in spring, the platform is full of trees in summer, Puwei is in full bloom in autumn, and the sea is full of green flowers in winter. You can't catch big fish every time you go fishing, and I can only drink fish soup and eat nothing. But when I was a child, I liked to eat most."

"I'm afraid of pain and suffering. It's not good for me to get an injection when I'm sick, and it's not good for me to drink traditional Chinese medicine. You always buy milk jurisdiction to coax me."

I don't know why. The milk is very sweet, soft and delicious. "

"After you left, no one bought it for me anymore"

"Grandpa, I miss you so much..."

She shoots light materials from her weak body, and warm tears roll down the stream at a high speed.

If it rains more and more heavily, the shore will not be able to wipe it.

Eyesockets and nose are stained red

The tear mole at the end of the eye, accompanied by Ruohai's once oily cry, was a pitiful leap.

The Su Yu in the car in the distance is only vaguely spring to her back,

If I lift my arm thin, I will cry at the shore.

Did his Ning Er cry?

I must have cried.

My heart hurts!

Why does it hurt so much?

He wanted to go over and soothe her softly.

But what qualifications does he have?

What's your position?

What's your identity?

Even here, I dare not let her know.

I can only stand by and see if she is in the rain for a long time

Cry alone.

In fact, Xing Yu also knew her depression.

Before all Hengqing was solved, she tried to hold back the pig and try to deal with some enjoyment. Sing up grievances for her mother, correct her name, and let some people get the punishment they deserve.

When the dust settled, she finally couldn't hold it.

People's willpower is often like this. No matter how big the accuracy is, it can sustain under pressure.

That day, outside the court, she must have repeatedly grabbed the clothes at her heart, and her eyes were bloodshot. But in front of her enemies, in the straight skating room facing the whole country, she was so strong that she didn't shed a tear.

Now she has done what she should do first, and all the frailties in her heart burst out.

It's all right to cry.

It's always better to keep it in my heart for a long time.

I cried for so long.

People can't stand it

Every second passed, Qin Yu was sure to look at his face.

If it goes on like this, Ning'er's body will not be in trouble.

It's raining harder and harder.

How long will she be sad?

Xie Ning also doesn't remember how long she stayed in Shiyuan, how many repeated words she said, or how many tears she shed with her eyes. It was noon when we arrived in Lishui from Jincheng.

Take a taxi to the high-speed railway station.

After getting off the high-speed railway station, I rented a car and drove more than two times on the country road

When we get here, it's three twenty-five.

A twinkling of an eye, and I do not know how many hours have passed.

The gray fragrance in the distant sky is bright.

On the gray journey home, Xie drove very slowly.

She was soaked to the skin.

Because of crying too long, my nose is not smooth, so I just turn my mouth open and breathe.

The eyes are bright and the head is snowy.

Love slowly opened more than half a point on the public flattery of the countryside.

The wiper Hualahua works in front of you.

The courtyard with bricks and green tiles stands quietly in the rain.

Getting closer

Through the front window glass, you can find Bawei coming out of the hospital.

The pink flowers move gently in the rain,

Fragments of memory, crazy from the brain into the eye.

In a faint moment, she could see her loving and elegant grandfather. He was wearing his own woven Italian clothes, carrying a bamboo fish concubine, wearing black plastic water shoes, and yelled at her as she entered the door: "I'm still crazy in the yard when it rains, but I'm not willing to take medicine or injections. I should go into the room and change my clothes."

Park the car outside the hospital and open the door.

After the age of five, she went on a study tour with her grandfather.

Until three years ago, her grandfather's health was getting worse and worse, and she persuaded him to return home.

Lishui has a straight climate and is suitable for recuperation.

But Grandpa didn't survive that boring summer.

Xie Ning stayed here for three years to take care of Grandpa's future generations.

I have to go to Shiyuan to accompany my grandfather every day.

I played chess in front of his tombstone, copied medical books, sang two Beijing operas, and played some ancient tunes

The word lock on the wooden door of the courtyard was changed by Shening when she left more than half a month ago. She always carried the key with her.

All the furnishings in the courtyard were still the same as Grandpa.

No water heater, no air conditioner, simple and elegant.

In the mahogany wardrobe, there were clothes she had worn before.

Fortunately, I had to come back to take care of them, but I didn't take them all away.

I burned some hot water and washed my face. I didn't have much appetite. My head became heavier and heavier, so I went to bed early.

Xing Yu's car didn't follow too closely.

It was getting darker and darker. Jiang Huan whispered: "Fourth master, spring is like this. I will probably stay here tonight. There is no Chengdian in this small mountain village. It's getting late. Should I go back to town, or"

"Go back to town"

Jiang Huan answered, and without further words, the car started with the sound of a valve.

Qin Yu only took Jiang Huan with him on this trip. He liked Jiang Huan's calm nature.

The conditions of shops in the town are naturally inferior to those in the city and even worse than those in the capital, but fortunately, they are clean and refreshing enough.

Qin Yu washed mulberry on the bed

All night long, I slept in a light sleep.

My heart is always covered with a thick layer of anxiety.