You're lying

They didn't stay much and left with a lot of worries.

After all, they were the ones who took care of Qin Yixuan from the very beginning. Although such things happen, people are caught off guard. It's not surprising that they do. But such a small child was so frightened and sinned. Both of them could not help blaming themselves.

Nobody slept well this night.

Qin Yixuan was frightened and held Xie Ning in his arms.

Qin Yu was not allowed to leave.

In the end, the three had to sleep in a big bed.

The little guy slept in the middle, holding Qin Yu's big palm with his left hand and Xie Ning's hand with his right, staring at the ceiling nervously.

Both of them were distressed.

Night, silent as ink.

Qin Yixuan, who was greatly frightened, stared at the ceiling silently for a long time, and finally fell asleep.

Qin Yu and Xie Ningsheng dared not turn over for fear of waking him.

The police station was occupied all night.

But no matter how the police inquired, the monkey trainer always insisted on the statement at the beginning, saying that he never instigated monkeys to hurt people. It should be that the bike has broken down. He has been training monkeys for many years and can't be mistaken. When the monkey rushed to Qin Yixuan, he squeezed the brake hard, but the bike rushed out. The sudden change of direction should be caused by the monkey finding that the brake fails and the faucet is unstable in a panic. It's definitely a bicycle fault, not a human fault.

The results of the appraisal department also came out. The brake line of the bike was seriously worn, and the fracture marks were not man-made.

Various evidences show that monkey trainers did not lie.

All the private accounts under his name have been checked, and there is no large amount of property of unknown origin.

On the Internet, the police never gave a follow-up report on this matter.

Netizens have different opinions, most of them believe the circus.

After all, only a child was injured. Where did so many conspiracy theories come from?

Most importantly, no one knows the background of this child.

The circus boss is not stupid. What can he do with a child by taking advantage of his future?

The heat of the matter faded little by little.

But those who should have seen did.

Yao Zhixue likes the single family villa in Qiyun Hall. Yan Li bought the largest one here very early, and they usually live here most of the time.

Only Yao Zhixue sticks to the bottom line and refuses to accept premarital behavior.

So although they live in the same villa, they have different rooms.

They didn't attend the bonfire party in the evening.

Yan Li's heart beats wildly when he sees the small video on the Internet.

Nobody dares to report the Qin family.

The people who took the videos on the Internet did not know about the Qin family.

At about ten o'clock, the night was very dark, and only the light and heat from the distant campfire could barely see.

Most of the videos are blurry, but he and Qin Yulin are too familiar.

Even if it is just a back, it can be recognized.

There are eight out of ten children who can be saved by these people. Nine are the youngest son of the third master, Qin Yixuan.

At first, Yan Li's uneasiness was not so strong.

Until he saw the monkey trainer from a video, his face suddenly turned white.

In the afternoon at the villa, Yao Zhixue and Qin Yu were very unhappy. Yan Li had no face to stay, so he thought of taking Yao Zhixue away.

But Yao Zhixue said that he had come all the way. He would like to stay in the hot spring.

He always dotes on her and just goes to a hot spring. Naturally, he will not object.

After soaking in the hot spring, I had dinner there.

Before leaving, Yao Zhixue said that he was going to the bathroom. He waited for a long time before anyone came back. He looked for him and saw Yao Zhixue talking to the monkey trainer from a distance.

When he asked, Yao Zhixue said he asked for directions.

How could it be so coincidental?

Just after a conflict with Qin Yu and them in the daytime, I ran into a monkey trainer who asked for directions in the evening, and something happened at night.

Yan Li never believes in coincidence.

He put down his mobile phone, lifted his foot upstairs and knocked on Yao Zhixue's door.

At this point, Yao Zhixue has already slept.

For many years, in order to protect her face, she must go to sleep before 11 o'clock every night.

Entered the entertainment industry, and did not change this habit.

If you shoot a night show, it must be finished before ten o'clock.

With the escort of Yan Li, the director and the actors in the opposite drama can only match her time.

Wearing a black lace suspender nightdress, she impatiently opened the door and leaned against the door: "What's the noise of not sleeping at night?"

As usual, she has no bottom line to spoil her Yan Li. At the moment, her eyes are cold. Glancing at her eyes, she asks coldly, "Do you have anything to do with what happened in Hot Spring Villa?"

Yao Zhixue's eyes dodged for a moment.

Then he was wronged and said, "What are you talking about? A child, should I attack him?"

Yan Li's heart sank: "I didn't say anything. How did you know that it was Yixuan?"

This made Yao Zhixue's back cool, and his eyes were too confused to cover up. His impatient tone became nervous and nervous: "I... I just saw it on the Internet. You said that there was something wrong at Hot Spring Villa. What else can I do?"

"The earliest video on the Internet was uploaded at 10:30, and you usually go to bed before 11:00. It takes half an hour to take a bath before going to bed, and it takes half an hour to protect your skin. It's impossible to see a 10:30 video. So, you are lying."

He relentlessly debunked, strong and hard.

Yao Zhixue has never seen such strict encouragement.

As Yan Li said, she did not see the online video and went to sleep after taking a bath and skin care.

She never thought that Yan Li would be the first to think about her.

She used to do that to make Xia Xuanxuan offend the Qin family, and to implicate Xie Ning.

She still doesn't know that Xia Xuanxuan went to the bathroom at that time, and Lin Ye became the most guilty person in the whole thing.

In fact, she spent an extra afternoon in Hot Spring Villa just to find an opportunity to deal with Xie Ning.

But Xie Ning always stays with Qin Yu, and she can't help it.

Before leaving for the bathroom, I happened to hear a man calling under the big banyan tree outside the men's toilet.

It's an external toilet, there's no monitoring.

After listening for a while, she recognized that the man's daughter had leukemia. The hospital has matched the right bone marrow and urgently needs a million yuan of operation fee. If he fails to pay within one month, her daughter will miss the best time for treatment.

Yao Zhixue asked for directions, knowing that he came to perform with the circus today.

He grew up in an orphanage. When he was eight or nine years old, the dean took them to the circus to work as a handyman. He knew that all the craftsmen had two brushes, so he had a plan at that time.

In order to prevent the police from finding a large amount of unknown property in the monkey trainer's account, Yao Zhixue promised to help her daughter cure leukemia in an anonymous way.

It not only covers her medical expenses, but also the follow-up care and recuperation.

And Yao Zhixue made it clear that he didn't want Qin Yixuan's life, but just wanted to frighten the child.

Monkey trainers bite their teeth and take risks for their daughters.